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This college girl :marseygeisha: pays you to teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis:marscientist: What do you do?

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We are going in circles now but i genuinely cant parse this so im just going to ask what you mean:

>realize how violence  hatred is literally always wrong,


Also muh sheeple is an argument most frequently utilized by 13 year olds. If youre 13 (including mentally, as is apparent) then I retract my accusation that you are a libertarian

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i genuinely cant parse this so im just going to ask what you mean:

cause ur opinion is informed by unrationalized gut reaction that has no bearing on why people started forcing the childhood virgin narrative down everyone's throats, in manner that is so religiously dogmatic they won't even allow alternative experiments to exist.

Also muh sheeple is an argument most frequently utilized by 13 year olds.

so? i find myself on a planet of people operating mostly on gut reaction without ever putting much unbiased thought into things. the amount of utter sin/insanity we are normalized to is both ungodly and unsustainable.

if you really gave a shit about solving single motherhood ... removing all exposure to sexuality as child probably isn't the right fricking way to do it. making people more ignorant of sexuality isn't going to then allow them to produce better decisions over it in the future ... i mean, literally no other form of knowledge is expected to work like this except carnal, apparently. like most of foid thought ... whatever r-slurred ad hoc rationalization pathetically attempting justify this emotion sourced hysteria, will form nothing more than a baseless house of cards.

ur too much a sheeple to even respond coherently, so just give up already.

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>cause ur opinion is informed by unrationalized gut reaction  that has no bearing on why people started forcing the childhood virgin  narrative down everyone's throats, in manner that is so religious  dogmatic they won't even allow alternative experiments to exist.

If your complaint is "no fair stop being mean to the poor libertarians, use your words" then why are you calling me the foid? violence is a good thing and dissenters should be crushed. Thinking otherwise is feminine

>the amount of utter sin we are normalized due to literally subconscious behavior to is both  ungodly and unsustainable.

Ah yes protecting children is a sin and raping 12 year olds is godly. Thanks Mr. Moore, I will keep that in mind

Gut reactions serve an evolutionary purpose too, you know

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use your words

you mean actually justify ur violent tantrums? :marseysipping:

tell me you're a noncognizant sheeple without saying it more directly, pulleeeez. those last attempts at appearing logical were beyond pathetic. you couldn't logic properly even if a dog shat bertrand russell directly into ur mouth. these conversations always go the way with people who never bothered to be anything more than highly controlled npcs :marsheepnpc:

Gut reactions serve an evolutionary purpose too, you know

lol, typical foid "logic". keep hamster wheeling there, i'm sure you'll get no where in two weeks.

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