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This college girl :marseygeisha: pays you to teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis:marscientist: What do you do?

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part of a wider trend but ymmv

wider trend? lol. bro humans spent most of their existence marrying and having babies :marseykiwimom: as soon :marseysoonretarded: as physically possible cause we lost a ton of people during infancy/childhood, and that was required just :marseyblops2chadcel2: to maintain population, let alone grow it. not sure :marseyagreefast: what :marseywtf2: evolutionary pressures people think caused use to evolve sudden permanent lifelong brain :marseybigbrain: damage upon exposure to our primary biological mo, after we gain biologically capablility ... this is mostly foid :marseygeisha: derived social :marseyblm: hysteria that you can't rationalize.

Dramaphobic, please :marseyinshallah: do better


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its just foid hysteria

Pedos always use this excuse but my hatred for child molestors is more significant than my hatred for women so it doesnt work

Humans spent most of our existence murdering eachother but thats illegal too, "dude raping 8 year olds is natural" is a garbage argument

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"dude raping 8 year :marseychiobulove: olds is natural" is a garbage argument

and butt :marseydumptruck: s*x is? strags are as unnatural as pedos.

Humans spent most of our existence murdering eachother


child :marseyzoomer: molestors is more significant than my hatred for women :marseysuffragette: so it doesnt work

lol, foid :marseypenny: logic. might as well :marseyclapping: chop :marseysrdine2: ur peepee :marseydicklet: off cause you have no balls.

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>and buttΒ Β s*x is? strags are as unnatural as pedos

My point was that the naturalistic fallacy is a named fallacy for a reason. "Its natural to do X/its not natural to do Y" is not a coherent argument



>lol, foidΒ Β logic. might as wellΒ Β chopΒ Β ur peepeeΒ Β off cause you have no balls.

Im sorry to say but you dont seem to understand the word "logic" very well based on the above, but thats okay. You can just say "i want to frick 12 year olds and thats my reason", that would be a better argument

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"Its natural to do X/its not natural to do Y" is not a coherent argument

there is something to be said about evolutionarily successful paradigms. evolution :marseyumbreon2: barred pregnancy until 13ish, so there :marseycheerup: was some advantage there. but social :marseysjw: hysteria still hasn't explain why i should give :marseysigh: a frick :marseyfuckyou: about raising the bar past that.

my point :marseydicklet: was there :marseycheerup: is no "wider" trend towards attraction to youth, that was always the trend.

and you haven't made any coherent arguments against it. pointing :marseynouautism: out perceived fallacies does prove anything cause fallacies aren't inherently incorrect, named the fallacy :marseystrawman: fallacy :marseystrawman: chud.



Im sorry to say but you dont seem to understand the word :marseyclippy: "logic"

literally just :marseyblops2chadcel: chop :marseysrdine2: ur peepee :marseydicklet: off already, this sheeplefried foid :marseytrad: logic :marseyshapiro: is boring :marseyyawn: as frick. :marseyyawn:

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>there is something to be said about evolutionarily successful paradigms.

And also about socially successful political paradigms like the concept of informed consent which underlies many western laws. Anyway "evolutionarily successful paradigms" include genghis khan murdering half a continent so just because it worked once does not mean it should be encouraged.

>my pointΒ Β was thereΒ Β is no "wider" trend towards attraction to youth, that wasΒ alwaysΒ the trend.

Wrong, liberal democracy is the only truly successful period in human history and has recognized for over 100 years that allowing pedos to frick 12 year olds leads to harm on the societal and individual levels. When underage marriage was common, divorce was not. If you want to frick a 12 year old you should be stuck with her until you die. Otherwise you just have a bunch of mentally damaged single mother foids running around ruining literally everything

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And also about socially successful political paradigms like the concept of informed consent which underlies many :marseymanysuchcases: western :marseycowboy: laws.

errrr, no, society :marseyevilgrin: can and does pull off braindead paradigms that frick :marseyfuckyou: it over :marseyitsover: in the long :marseyfingerwords: run ... and do it lot quicker than evolution :marseyumbreon2: can pull off.

Anyway "evolutionarily successful paradigms" include genghis khan murdering half a continen

more cope :marseymalding: cause that didn't last now did it? can you be less r-slurred :marseyautismchonker: please?

Wrong, liberal :marseyleftoidschizo: democracy is the only truly successful period in human history :marseynapoleon: and has recognized for over :marseygiveup: 100 years that allowing pedos to frick :marseyracistgrandpa: 12 year :marseychiobulove: olds leads to harm :marseycarp2: on the societal and individual levels

total cope, literally no one made this argument :marseystrawman: when actually :marseyakshually: making laws. the laws were made entirely baed on gut reactions to the concept without any unbiased consideration. doesn't explain the hysteria over :marseygiveup: males either.

and the political paradigm isn't based :marseygivecrown: on "informed consent", any more than drug :marseystims: laws are based :marseyking: on "protecting people". both :marseyyesandno: problems are heavily steeped in underlying social :marseyblm: causes we aren't addressing ...

cause most people are barely thinking :marseyhmmm: sheeple :marseynpc: too subconscious to realize how violence :marseybardfinn: hatred is literally always wrong, including you.

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We are going in circles now but i genuinely cant parse this so im just going to ask what you mean:

>realize how violenceΒ Β hatred is literally always wrong,


Also muh sheeple is an argument most frequently utilized by 13 year olds. If youre 13 (including mentally, as is apparent) then I retract my accusation that you are a p-dophile

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i genuinely cant parse this so im just going to ask what you mean:

cause ur opinion is informed by unrationalized gut reaction that has no bearing on why people started forcing the childhood virgin narrative down everyone's throats, in manner that is so religiously dogmatic they won't even allow alternative experiments to exist.

Also muh sheeple is an argument most frequently utilized by 13 year olds.

so? i find myself on a planet of people operating mostly on gut reaction without ever putting much unbiased thought into things. the amount of utter sin/insanity we are normalized to is both ungodly and unsustainable.

if you really gave a shit about solving single motherhood ... removing all exposure to sexuality as child probably isn't the right fricking way to do it. making people more ignorant of sexuality isn't going to then allow them to produce better decisions over it in the future ... i mean, literally no other form of knowledge is expected to work like this except carnal, apparently. like most of foid thought ... whatever r-slurred ad hoc rationalization pathetically attempting justify this emotion sourced hysteria, will form nothing more than a baseless house of cards.

ur too much a sheeple to even respond coherently, so just give up already.

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