We are the 7th Google result for DiamWall, the DDOS mitigation company that betrayed Kiwifarms to protect criminal harassers and silence free speech. I believe the CEO himself just visited us to correct me.

Source: https://rdrama.net/post/104701/diamwall-just-dropped-kf-after-less

Two brand new accounts commenting on an irrelevant almost three day old thread, responding to an old comment in the same broken English just minutes apart and acknowledging one another within minutes, in the same broken English.

I've removed the comment in question. Apologies to Hugo Carvalho, CEO of DiamWall, who is NOT a sexual harasser and whose company has three employees. None of which are female. I was simply making conversation with something I had seen elsewhere.

This does beg the question, though - why does DiamWall not employ women?


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Unshadowban him kitty. Lmao he also unironically used the report feature on his own comment for some reason :marseyxd:


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I did.


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So we can see that this person called "carpathianflorist" is one of those people who make up stories in their heads, which they themselves believe, derived from the mental ilness they have.

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metal methane illness

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he also unironically used the report feature on his own comment for some reason


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Peak dramatard

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He figured out some advanced level rdrama posting techniques within minutes of joining. A natural for sure.

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This does beg the question, though - why does DiamWall not employ women?

They're programmers, they will naturally start employing women once they find their programming socks

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They should buy ours from redbubble

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Do one like this @carpathianflorist


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ISIS flag energy lmao

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Why would you do this?


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Once they've grown profitable enough to have useless employees just for diversity quotas*

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>This does beg the question, though - why does DiamWall not employ women?

Because they hate :marseyselfflagellation: women, duh


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Me too!

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They'll fit right :marseyyes: in on rdrama.net

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he probably would unironically, he misspelled his own name from "Carvalho" to "Caralho", caralho means peepee/peepee in portuguese

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He also seem r-slurred which is a big part of our whole thing


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codecels r extra tistic n many streetshitters…I can’t imagine a woman wanting to work round those smells :marseybrap:

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Literally the only women :marseyextinction: who want to code :marseyscratch: are trans :marseyprideflag: women :marseyblops2chadcel: lmao :marsey420:


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Acknowledging trans women are women

Common klenny W

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Probably aren't any in the right caste

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I feel bad for him to be honest. Just start up your company and be dropped in the middle of some neurodivergent r-sluration.

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"Some websites deserve protection from criminal action. Not all of them, though. Pay my company to do what Cloudflare does for free!"


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What are you, a fricking commie?

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Commiephobia is not tolerated here :marseyill:

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Do you send your dramacoin to me in hopes I will redistribute it among the proletarian masses?

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No :#marseybattered:

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Do you do it becase you think I have some sick power fetish and sending me money is the only way to stop me from hurting you?

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Do you do it because you have an obsession with routine and consistency and after doing it once it feels wrong to stop?

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More comments


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maybe I'm mistaken but it seems like his company's entire purpose is stepping in the middle of neurodivergent r-sluration, so he should've expected to make calls like this and defend them. It's not like they just went after the Peruvian boy Null buys his shoes from or something.

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Unless your selling point is being bulletproof then there's literally no reason whatsoever to use anything other than Cloudflare. If I managed to get kicked off CF then why would I switch to an even flakier company?

Although Prince handled it in such a profoundly r-slurred and unprofessional way (redirecting KF to your fricking blog really?) that he gives these guys a run for their money.

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Although Prince handled it in such a profoundly r-slurred and unprofessional way (redirecting KF to your fricking blog really?)

That's the least of it. He repeatedly defamed them and stated that they were planning to kill people.

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On the plus side he ended up with 100+ fake neurodivergent google reviews

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poor guy :( using his top-caste parents money to start another useless tech company and all of a sudden he has to deal with the INTERNET? :(:( why is life so unfair for poor guy :( maybe we should start an indian gofundme for him (indian gofundme is just normal gofundme but you donate one 1 metre of working sewage system instead of currency)

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So essentially 1 meter of asphalt?

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least obvious astroturfers :#marseylaughpoundfist:

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so i assume we're gonna mod them

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Probably two I'M GAY AND MY PEEPEE IS SMALLs tbh. This is just too obvious

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thats right carp, apologise to your portuguese superiors

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DiamWall and Hugo Carvallho are ladygarden misogynists. I hope DiamWall CEO Hugo Carvalho keeps himself safe.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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ur a codecel lysis any 🫖 on this neighbor u can spill?

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As a woman in STEM, I am appalled that Hugo Carvalho CEO of DiamWall has no woman or woman of color on staff. Obviously, racist and a misogynist.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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i'm not a fan of bullying a smol bean português company.

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I agree. Starting a small :marseysnowglobe: business is hard :marseydiehard: enough as is, I can't imagine how much harder it would be if you were Portuguese. Hopefully one day they'll find a cure.

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It's a smol family company just tryina get by.

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DiamWall is a shiity company. I do NOT recommend DiamWall. DiamWall sucks.

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Hey, it's me, the CEO

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Stop raping me


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but your eyes say yes? why are you sending mixed signals?

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I can't believe Hugo Carvalho, CEO of DiamWall, doesn't employ a single uterus haver, bio or otherwise, on his company. I wonder why is that :marseybeanquestion:

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He does employ them, they just :marseyblops2chadcel: happen to not have a third :marseyswastika: dimension.

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>Hugo Caralho

:#marseyxd::#marseyxd::#marseyxd::#marseyxd::#marseyxd::#marseyxd: @Transgender_spez

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He has to be trolling or a secret dramanaut, also how he reported his own comment makes me think he knows what he is doing here... Also fun fact: carvalho and any trees/plant surnames are of jewish origin :marseymerchant:

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Also fun fact: carvalho and any trees/plant surnames are of jewish origin

I know that, 50% of all living Poortuguese are crypto-Sephardicels anyway, this is why my family secretly thinks that Poortuguese folx are all money-hungry and greedy due to their Jewish origins or sumshit, in reality they are just jealous Braziloids seething at the superiority of the chosenfolx :marseyxd: :chadjew:

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im more of a moor than chosen tribe tbh, tanned all year and hairy.

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Stereotypical tuga.

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No wonder no women work at DiamWallTM considering their sick work culture

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Stop letting users delete comments, nothing less fun than watching drama disappear to the aether because they sobered up an hour later/ the next day and deleted their shame.

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Interesting. You really think Hugo Carvalho, ceo of diamwall, has a long :marseyfingerwords: history :marseydarwin: of sexually harassing female :marseypennyboo: employees of diamwall? Why would Hugo Carvalho, ceo of diamwall, have a long :marseywords: history :marseyfeynman: of sexually harassing female :marseywall: employees of diamwall? I have a hard :marseydiehard: time :marseywait: believing that Hugo Carvalho, ceo of diamwall, has a long :marseylongsurfing: history :marseyoldguard: of sexually harassing female :marseychonkerfoid: employees of diamwall.

I bet the Marseys will :schopenmarsey: frick :marseyracistgrandpa: up Google's crawler.

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:#marseycarpbuff: :#marseykneel:

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@xlt98991 @metanilness Hi :marseywave:

May i learn :marseyreading: how do you know :marseyhesright: so much about DiamWall CEO and their workplace? I believe the amount of female :marseychonkerfoid: employees one has is not information that is easily available

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Also, purely hypothetically, what :marseygasp: if said CEO had a long :marseyfedpostglow: history :marseycamus: of being sexual harasser PRIOR to becoming DiamWall CEO?

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>why does DiamWall not employ women?


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>why does DiamWall not employ women?

They do, they just don't know it yet :marseyeggirl:

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>Go visinit a clinic and stop making up false histories lmao

Carp btfo

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that's what I got out of this story too snaps

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I think it must be because of his past behavior. Someone really should lobby to revoke their license to do business. I mean I heard on social media from people who dislike him that he was a scumbag. Why would people on social media lie to make their enemies look bad?


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woman programmers are just men in drag

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5th result from my perspective


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Thats crazy. Do you think Hugo Carvalho, CEO of DiamWall, has any associations with known human trafficker Andrew Tate?

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Hey carp :marseycarptrophy: why do those comments look :marseycheckem: like reddit :marseybongosnoo: thread

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it's my post

oh shit, oops

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You've used the language of the demons, so naturally they've shown themselves.

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The company I work for has no female employees and I get sexually harrassed all the time. Swing and a miss, Hugo.

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@carpathianflorist Do you reckon it’s possible to use a botnet for DDOS protection?

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You know how botnets have access to insane amounts of computing power? Can cowtools like that be used to keep something up, or is it only good for taking things down?

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It's decentralized, and its power comes from it's fairly low demands on the zombie machines, thousands of bullshit requests a minute from ten thousand machines is not much for the zombies but impossible for a server to respond to without timing out legitimate requests. Filtering is high demand and best done with a level of centralization to not cause too much delay to the requesting machine. I dont think its possible or sensical, and also illegal which would be an issue for the website.

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I figured the illegal bit, but since DDOS is such a prolific method of attack I supposed it wasn’t really enforced.

Makes sense that distributing tasks to a big network would be harder than directing a big network to concentrate traffic.

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It's not really enforced because it would require international enforcement. There may be more conspiratorial answers too, but the simpler explanation sates me.

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I can't believe that Hugo Calvarho, the CEO of DiamWall, is a sexist who doesn't diversify and hire womxn in current year plus seven.

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Hugo Carvalho, CEO of DiamWall, r*ped me in 2018. This is a TRUE FRICKING fact.

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