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  • F0555hill : Someone remove my chud status please

:ben10: Required Reading The guy that played Shang-Chi claimed that Tarantino's movies aren't diverse which is hilarious because his filmography is objectively more diverse than Marvel's


He basically implied that if Tarantino was in charge of the film industry, minority actors wouldn't ever be cast. My immediate reaction was "What the frick are you talking about?". Tarantino unironically probably has more diversity in his movies than any other white male director. Even if Simu Liu was talking about Asian actors specifically, did he forget that Lucy Liu was one of the main characters in Kill Bill? It's probably her most iconic role.

Out of the nine films Tarantino has directed, only two of them had exclusively white male leads (Reservoir Dogs and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood). Basterds was mainly white and male too but Shosanna was also one of the lead characters which is why I didn't count it. Marvel has made four movies with non-white leads (Eternals, Black Panther 1 & 2, Shang-Chi), Tarantino has made five (Jackie Brown, Hateful Eight, Django, Pulp Fiction, and Death Proof). And this is despite the fact that Marvel has made more than three times as many movies as he has.

Marvel was run by a guy that actually was blatantly racist until 2015 (Ike Perlmutter). I really have no idea how Disney has convinced people that they're some champion of progressive values. They literally never have been. They didn't have any non-white leads in their animated films until the 90's and they're just now starting to slowly acknowledge that gay people exist.

Their PR department must be really good at their jobs. The Mouse has somehow managed to appeal to right-wingers by basically never being controversial or pushing the envelope but they've also somehow gotten zoomers to believe that they're leading the charge for social justice. It genuinely is kind of fascinating to me how Disney can somehow play both sides successfully.

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I really have no idea how Disney has convinced people that they're some champion of progressive values.

What do you mean, @MasterLawlz? :marseyconfused:

They're run by libertarians.

Isn't it weird how Disney had so many libertarianphilic symbols in their films? :marseydetective:

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I wonder if someone added the focus on the symbols to try and make anyone who calls out the diddlers they keep hiring look like a crazy conspiracy theorist.

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No we would never manipulate people like that!

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Finding anything about this guy is near impossible

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No booba

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Basterds was mainly white and male

It takes place in nazi Germany during WW2 so every character should have been black.

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>Inglorious Bastards but it's Black Israelites hunting Hassidim in Manhattan

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Please Spike Lee :marseybegging:

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What about the Bear Jew?

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A black character burned a theater full of nazi leadership

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Everyone knows the man who killed hitler was black but the westerners of the 1940's whitewashed the hero due to their own inherent racism of those times.

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Ava brown and hitler committed suicide together, society doesn’t talk enough about the mental health dangers of being the wife to the leaders of genocide. Her suicide could have been prevented

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She really did have it rough. Could transitioning have saved Hitler?

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Would nazi Germany benefited from black female voices in leadership

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1 black character in a white washed movie does not correct the wrongs

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Lawlz talks, I listen

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Vox masterlawls, vox dei

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I really have no idea how Disney has convinced people that they're some champion of progressive values.

virtue signalling works if you do it right

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Usually it was always like a three second gay kiss that they could quickly edit out for the MENA and Chinese audiences too lol.

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It's funny to remember that there was a 5 year period from like 2009-2014 where the only thing tumblr foids and clickbait mills wanted to talk about is how pRoBleMaTic old Disney movies are. All Disney had to do was declare war on the chuds and suddenly every she/they acab blm hufflepuff was on their side again.

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the only thing that matters

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It's not that hard to manipulate d-list actors who would be in Netflix slop otherwise

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You must be really stupid if you think it's hard to manipulate d-list actors. They're just a bunch of washed up has-beens who would be lucky to get a role in a Netflix movie.

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Tarantino is just a dude from the 90's that got comfortable around ethnics and probably had a lot of black and brown friends. He wasn't trying to fill a quota. The shit me and my black/brown/gay coworkers did in the 90's and early 2000's would get my family thrown into a meat grinder these days.

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There's a class of Asian male (Simu Liu, Eugene Yang) where their whole identity is the insecure, aggrieved, oppressed, woe is me while simultaneously benefiting from heaps of success and privilege despite their alleged short-comings. You get used to their predictable bleating based on projection of their internal issues.

In Simu's case, he's in an industry that prizes looks, and while fit, he is not a very attractive man by any standard.

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He posted on aznidentity as well, my small peepee radar is going off the charts :marseychartscatter:

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It's still so crazy to me that some aznidentity poster is actually having some mainstream success in the world. He's still a ricecel at his core though, as can be seen with his severe insecurities. I wonder if he's still active there under an alt.

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Asian foids play the racial griftmaxxing game as an extension of their relentless corporate ladder climbing, but the Asian moids who try and pull it off just look so pathetic I feel a deep primal urge to stuff them in a locker.

>people asked me if I knew kung fu growing up!!

:marseyunamused#: Wow, tragic :violin:

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Asian racial grievances are hilarious. "When I was a kid, white people said my food was smelly. Now white people love asian food! That's basically genocide!"

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That's every racial grifter, chinks finally learned something from the blacks.

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The funniest thing is I remember the backlash about Simu being ugly coming from mainland Chinese, except it was more about how he looks like a typical Western view of what a Chinese man is. Like facially he represents only one kind of Chinese and Hollywood keeps promoting those guys and there's tons of different looking Chinese that never get any rep or something like that. That's what I got from the actual Chinese response and not the "China is racist against their own" bullshit.

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Nah, it didn't have to do with American anything. They legitimately didn't think he looked good. They thought he looked like some homly butt common northern Chinese guy, average at best. Narrow eyes and a flat face aren’t considered very attractive to mainstream Chinese media. They're all about flower boys at the moment.

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Flower boys?

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Essentially the K-Pop aesthetic, but with Chinese twinks.

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Apparently this is okay but being gay isnt

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Okay that sounds clearer. I was trying to dance around it because I didn't remember the info clearly. Turns out nobody wants to watch a pancake talk.

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hehe asians are short

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Yeah, but Tarantino is wh*te so he automatically has prejudice against minority actors. Simple as.

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He also said the g*mer-word so that means he is bad

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Has he ever acted in one of his own movies where he didn't say it?

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There's a scene in one film where he has an actresses' feet all over him lol

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In Resevoir Dogs he makes Steve Buscemi say instead iirc

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tbh thought he was latinix

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He was born in Tennessee and is named Quentin. The chances of being latinx are next-to-none for him.

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Doom 2 custom school shooter map goofy ahh name

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Quintino del Tarantino

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he’s italianx

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Imagine starring in a weird mass produced American movie about a faux Asian super hero whose name might as well be "ching chong the mystical kickboxing chinaman" and thinking you can criticize representation in big budget burger movies. I didn't watch this particular capeshit and I don't really like Quentin Tarantino but Simu Liu is a whore.

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ching chong the mystical kickboxing chinaman"

Sounds like a better movie than this trite. Specially if its Starring Kurt Russel


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He also posted on aznidentity and said that being a libertarian is not much different than being gay.


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In addition to making casually sexist remarks about women being inferior athletes to men, and inelegantly expressing disdain for extremism in a way that carried Islamophobic overtones.


>terrorists good!


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being a libertarian is not much different than being gay

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: And to think, other actors get fired for being kind of r-slurred about vaccines, holy shit

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Listen up chuds, libertarianism is in and antivaxxing is OUT, if you don't like it, you can leave!

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Well black panther lady didnt lol

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I was thinking of that Star Wars woman who said vaccines aren't safe

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Yea but shes white so they could fire her

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gays win mcu loses


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How does gay reproduce again?

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tarantino has also been awarded a BIPOC pass (yes, with the hard r) by samuel leroy jenkins jackson himself while this chud has complained about Black males rightfully reclaiming their power from the old asians invading their historic Black spaces. he should learn asians have no place in diversity except to lose to based afro samurai and decidedly unbased but sometimes sexy white women

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Point: these movies and characters aren't so great and here's why

Counterpoint: you're white

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lol Tarantino was so diplomatic and restrained with his comments about Marvel too. He basically refused to shit on the quality of the movies themselves. My man should have gone way harder.

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Funny enough I think he was slightly off because Marvel does hinge on the actors sometimes. The whole thing kicked off with RDJ making a comeback when everyone was tired of superheroes the first time, and nobody, NOBODY, is gonna see an Ant-Man film. They went to see Paul Rudd and maybe Hank Pym. But it's still feels more and more than half true nowadays. Anthony Mackie is one thing, but knowing Florence Pugh is doing capeshit and nobody cares is weird.

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>They went to see Paul Rudd and maybe Hank Pym.

Nah, they went the see the new MCU film, they couldn't give a shit about what it's about. It's like the Star Wars stans, they bought into the franchise wholesale and now they're ride or die.

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Is this the same guy who was unmasked libertarianposting on reddit? :marseythonk:

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Lawlz would never! :marseypearlclutch:

Trans lives matter


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BTW Hateful Eight is terribly under noticed it’s an incredibly film.


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I wonder if his long standing editor died of cancer before Hateful Eight? I heard she was a major reason his movies were watchable. She apparently trimmed all the wordswordswords his scripts tend to bury themselves in.

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I really enjoyed it. Get build up of tension right to the end.


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Mid frfr no cap

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At most

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The hollywood one is my fav

Pure kino:marseyvibing:

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was good but was kind of a Hollywood fantasy circle jerk…. “If the Manson family hadn’t had their killing spree Roman Polanski wouldn’t have r*ped kids.”

I did really like Brad Pitts character tho.


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I didn’t even care about the backstory tbh. It just had a nice vibe to it and wasn’t wordswordswords

Pulp fiction is fun too

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Hateful Eight is easily his best

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neighbors acting like Jackie Brown don't exist.

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IDK why the criticism of Tarantino always boils down to some kind of racism, misogyny or too much violence shit when the dude is making actors act out his fetishes on screen and probably has hours of FOOTage :marsey57: of actresses stashed away somewhere.

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Four Rooms be like.

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mfw kinoids debate which shitty mass-produced 90 minute slideshow is worst


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I don't want to put you off posting here Lawlz, but I do prefer your insights into Ben 10.

Marvel is circling the drain at this point: nobody cares anymore.

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trans lives matter


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I’m friends with an Asian tiktok-famous Hollywood c-lister who knows that guy pretty well through Asian Hollywood stuff and she says he’s an obnoxious little b-word, like the prototypical kid who grew up as a loser and had a break and still has a massive chip on his shoulder because of it.

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George knew.


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>The Mouse has somehow managed to appeal to right-wingers by basically never being controversial or pushing the envelope

Did you miss the part where they pissed off republicans so hard that DeSantis took away their private Florida fiefdom?

Trans lives matter


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The shitlib reaction to that was funny as frick, all screeching defending a megacorp because it panders to them :marsey57:

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Who cares about

  • Racial quotas

  • Capeshit

  • The actor who played shang chi what the frick is shang chi?

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Marvel name for Ching Chong

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Lawlz, you're longposts are excellent bathroom reading material

trans lives matter


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Wow, a good Lawlzpost for once!

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He got caught on Reddit being an /r/Asianmasculinity incel and is trying to get back on the right side of history :marseyagree:

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Yoooo link?

Nevermind its in the thread.

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Shang-man's take is so pantpoopingly stupid it got me into commenting on a Lawlz thread. DisMarvel are still passive progressive and their "diversity films" are still comical exaggerations of racial cultures. Wakanda is some "Africa is a nation" nonsense that still has people chucking spears with bones in their lips, but it's cool cause it's :marseysoylentgrin: futuristic spears :marseysoylentgrin:. Shang-Chi literally went into magical Asian land that's all the Asian cultures smushed together. Was it supposed to be Chinese? Korean? Filipino? Technically India is Asia too.

>I really have no idea how Disney has convinced people that they're some champion of progressive values

Maybe I'm just following and am friends with The Good Libs but nobody I see does believe that. I saw a bunch of rehashed 56th New Gay Disney Character memes when they pulled that shit again with a new movie. Then again, I mentioned how I stay away from shitholes like /r/politics in another thread and places like that where the worst, dumbest libs congregate.

9/10 Lawlzpost didnt get cancer.

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When the first black panther came out I was really amazed that it didnt get called out as racist caricature. I guess as long as it still has enough bipocs in it libtards dont care.

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Even black people dont care. Theyre so distanced from their homelands they believe in the same stereotypes as whitey without knowing it.

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that's all the Asian cultures smushed together. Was it supposed to be Chinese? Korean? Filipino?

This is actually the quintessential asian american experience. Where basic vietnamese girls drink bubble tea, watch kpop and anime, and complain about their parents, calling all of it "their culture" as they post on Subtle Asian Traits

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According to marvel/disney whatever, there are simply no African or Asian countries that could possibly be interesting enough, so blacks(americans) and asians(americans) gotta have their own larp versions.

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Drag him king

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How can you say this about a man who uttered the line DEAD BIPOC STORAGE in his own movie?

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Doesn't that actor post on asian incel subs in his free time :bitchplease:

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At this point I think Simu is just saying r-slurred shit to try and keep his name in the news. If doesn't land any other role soon his career is over.

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Tarantino enjoys saying the g*mer word. That means he is o to logically evil

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“Man with solid grift defends it.”

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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Literally who fricking cares about what Marveltards say or do? Who the frick cares that they even exist? Stop wasting your time on them

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tarantino puts in a lot of diversity so he can say the bipoc word in movies

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Are there any potentially dramatic reddit threads covering this?

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“ I really have no idea how Disney has convinced people that they're some champion of progressive values. ” Libs are good at it

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This neighbor was rejected by fricking Deloitte ffs

I suspect you have to be a bit mentally challenged to be able to flunk an interview with those guys considered how chronically understaffed they are

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Why do 90% of buff/in-shape Asian dudes talk like scrawny whiny white liberal numales?

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Bruh, tarantino hasn't made a single good movie.

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