Several years ago, did a little oopsy by calling the cops on 2 black men who refused to buy coffee or leave the store. This is completely legal, but it made them look bad, and so corporate did some typical damage control and got ratio'd on :marseybluecheck::
will close its more than 8,000 company-owned U.S. stores on the afternoon of May 29 to provide to its nearly 175,000 U.S. employees “racial-bias education geared toward preventing discrimination.” Both Starbucks founder Howard Schultz and CEO Kevin Johnson have apologized on behalf of the Seattle coffeehouse giant.
In recent days, also officially declared a “Use of the Third Place Policy,” making it clear that anyone is a customer and is welcome to use its store space, including bathrooms, regardless of whether one makes a purchase.
“We are committed to creating a culture of warmth and belonging where everyone is welcome,” the statement said. “We want our stores to be the third place.”
The Third Place Policy whose URL now results in a server error, meant that would no longer be able to kick out customers who failed to make a purchase. The obvious then happened:
But as I have sat at different locations in New York lately and overheard conversations around me, I witnessed firsthand a new scene that I hadn't quite observed before: At times, stores were mostly occupied by non-paying customers with their own drinks and food while some paying customers looked puzzled and left frustrated without finding a seat. I have also seen customers inside a store being openly solicited for money. source
The same writer did another followup piece a year and a half later which sources the least surprising study ever:
Monthly visits to dropped 6.8% compared with other nearby coffee shops after the open-bathroom policy was put in place in May 2018
With the free bathroom access, the researchers looked at the proximity of a given store to a homeless shelter and found that customer traffic declined at almost double the rate at stores closest to homeless shelters versus those farthest away.
Customer traffic wasn’t the only thing that was hurt. The average income of Starbucks’ customers has dropped compared with the average income of other nearby coffee shops, thanks to fewer visits from “its wealthier clientele.”
The full report is 43 pages, and everyone involved could have saved a lot of time by submitting the sentence "homeless people are stinky" to peer review instead.
Shortly after, closed its (bathroom) doors
Now, the coffee chain is effectively saying it can’t be America’s public potty any longer.
And, because an rdrama post wouldn't be complete without , here's a couple posts from baristas whining about the homeless:
Every single post is bowing and scraping in subservience to the unhousedchads stinking up the place. Good thing for Redditors the stench doesn't travel over computer monitors or it might break their bubble of moral authority.
i try to have sympathy for them but at this point its very hard. i feel bad for being bothered by them, but i need to rant for a minute.
they usually order a venti or trenta water but get quite angry if we dont give it to them the second after they ordered it.
they also walk through our drive thru and ask customers for money.
sometimes they just come and stare at us through the windows or do drugs in our parking lot and our male shifts have to go scare them off.
not so much now, but earlier in the pandemic they would come up without maks and cough on us. or they would come up with a mask on but take it off just to cough on us before putting it back on.
they used to steal our tip jars
The homeless are people. Talk to them and explain the rules you have to enforce. Learn their names. Just like anyone else if they are treated with dignity they may treat you with respect as well.
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If that’s bait, and it’s yours, I owe you a beer for making me laugh so hard that I sneeded.
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That’s got too be the worst advice I’ve ever heard. They’ll manipulate you too their advantage every time if they can, it’s how homeless chads survive. If you’re working a retail job with a homeless problem , treating them like subhumans is the only proper way too do you're job. Talking too homeless chads on the street or in a place where you’re not an employee is based though
Trans lives matter
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i unironically had a homeless guy give me a whole pack of cigs once after i talked to him for like 15 minutes outside a gas station, its possible for them to be chill but only if they havent been homeless for too long
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A bum that can afford to just give away a pack of cigs isn't homeless
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He doesn't smoke cigs, only meth, and he stole them by mistake
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What world does this bum live in
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Bummer of a world that’s for sure.
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Meth is neurotoxic, meth users have trouble with volition.
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Thanks team 👍
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they were senecas and im pretty sure he stole a carton somehow
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I had a homeless guy at the store I buy booze at. I was drunk enough to strike up a conversation and had a blast and we became smoking buddies.sadly the rest tend to just spit or threaten some form of violence.
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Yup, they’re people, people who are in a very bad spot and will cheat and lie for anything.
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It gets into
"you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug"
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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I bet you this is not bait and was said completely unironically.
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I'd rather pretend there's pro homeless astroturfing than believe human beings think like this
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Oh is that what they'll do? This is like the poe's law of drama bait, i can't even tell anymore.
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I don't think it's bait because it's /r/starbucks but yikes on bikes.
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This is way too realistically redditor to be bait... I almost gasped when I read it
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Anyone who says houseless instead of homeless should be shoved in a locker
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what are they even trying to convey, a tent under an overpass counts as a home?
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Yeah, that's the explanation I've heard. That "homeless" is disrespectful to their tent and their way of life.
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Tax the houseless then. Theyre homeowners, they should be contributing to local schools and roads
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this here is prime real estate, right alongside a major freeway
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It makes 0 sense to me, and I've been homeless twice thankfully it seems to be a mostly online thing ()
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Online and in 🤢 Oregon 🤢
Seriously though my buddy moved there for work and got chastised for calling them bums. His slampig is the only person I’ve ever met who has used houseless unironically.
Home is where the heart is, chuds.
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It's really just an antiquated term from the 1700-1800s and also happens to be the unironic realization of an old george carlin bit due to smug r-slurs trying to be PC/moral faagaggging
skip to 3:24
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Watched this standup routine a while back, this dude isn’t very funny. I’m not sure why he was considered so great, it was mostly a lecture you’d get from a community college professor sprinkled with fbombs
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Rare fartbinn
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wym rare lmao
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Most tempered judgement dramatard
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BARD BOT ALERT! Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 01 hours 09 minutes and 26 seconds
Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet
longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Tonberry which was 0 days 13 hours 38 minutes and 02 seconds
Best friend is aminobastard with 26 mentions
rdrama is currently running at 207.030 µBardyhertz with 1325 total mentions since 2022-09-24
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Share your story?
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Sure, it's not that exciting though and I wasn't smoking crack in a tent or anything
First time was as a teenager, I was raised really religious and had a pretty big rebellion, and was given an ultimatum of listen or leave. So I left, and ended up staying in a group home for like 8 months (we even had a sign that said "this is not my home, it's my temporary house" lmao)
Then I made a series of bad decisions, and was in a v shitty relationship, and ended up having to leave quickly. But this time I was only homeless for a little over a month before I found an apartment
But still, in between and after those periods I spent a lot of time at food banks and soup kitchens and stuff like that, so had a lot of interactions with more stereotypical homeless people
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And you still post here, the bad decisions keep coming
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It's much safer to keep the r-slurred behaviour online
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Thanks! The only homeless people I've had encounters with have generally been the shitty kind, so I wanted to hear a different perspective.
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The long term homeless are almost invariably shitty but temporarily homeless can be fine. I used to volunteer with a Christoid homeless assistance organization and there were a few general kinds of clients
Usually based, unanimously appreciative of help, often policed the homeless. They self select to only be the good ones because r-slurred ones dont try to get help
Basically just normal people, totally fine, especially the ones actively looking for work.
Almost always shit but can sometimes can be trusted. If they have a "job" (odd jobs guy, day worker, can collector, etc) they more often than not are fine. Basically degree of having their shit together = degree you should trust them
Absolute shit, the ones trying to get clean can be okay but the ones who want to keep using have literally zero redeemable qualities. Do not try to help them, theyre too r-slurred to understand "do not bite the hand that feeds". They will say or do literally anything to get drugs. Smeagol acting motherlovers
Crust punks etc. Generally fricking r-slurred. Too dumb to interact with, avoid.
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This attitude is exactly what is wrong in this world
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Just ride the bus and chat up people at stops
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I hope you learned your lessons about moids
Glad you got out of it though, hope you are doing better
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I actually continued to have a positive opinion of moids until I started browsing /r/drama
But I am thanks lol
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/r/drama contributing to more radicalization!
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My guess is
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This would make apartmentcels belong to the category replacing "homelessness," but I'm not sure if that's intentional
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It probably is, can extend the gibs to renthogs (and therefore landlords) if they're ever get codified
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A cute twink on the orange site said it was because they often have “strong social bonds in their community” meaning the whole town is their “home” but they lack shelter - a “house”.
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bums are known for treating each other well
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The classic: "I'm friends with the guy who lives on the street, but he'll def rob me if I let him in, so instead of inviting him inside I'll just live on the street with him"
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It's not even "houseless." It's "unhoused."
It's just so douchey
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Wait, is "unhoused" okay? I thought it's "experiencing houselessness" now because you're not supposed to use an adjective.
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Man these neighbors just make up the grammar based pseudo-explanations for their language policing to begin with, you're never actually going to get a consistent answer about when some identity trait should be an adjective or a noun, or if it is an adjective whether it should be before the noun or after, or w/e else they want to b-word about today. They will change it the moment it helps them gain moral authority over people.
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'Unhoused' is the preferred shitlib phrase because the way it's phrased takes the responsibility for lacking housing away from the person and onto society, as if no one should have to pay for a roof over their heads.
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Its all that "person first language" BS
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I believe the proper term is "unhoused."
Remember, when your political party can't solve a problem, it's important to change the verbiage every few years so that it seems like you're doing something.
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So true differently abled kun
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Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by eactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . The process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there's no reason or excuse for commiting thought-crime. It's merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won't be any need even for that. . . . Has it ever occcured to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?
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People of Street
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Progressives like “unhoused” because it sneaks in the subtle implication that something hasn’t been done that ought to be (that is, that they’re housed, that is, by your taxes). Homeless just implies they lack something, and that’s not ideologically loaded enough.
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I love that story about the 2 black guys.
Uh-huh. Then just buy a coffee while you wait.
Ohhhh, so systemic racism is when you're a cheap butthole that wants shit for free but won't leave if you don't get it.
Deadweight cost.
lol, all they had to do was buy a darn cookie.
Anyway, grab that bag, kangz. Be proud, stay entitled. White liberals will bail you out whenever you act r-slurred in public.
Yeah, not surprising to see the have zero experience dealing with homeless people and junkies. They're cancer.
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Imagine going to a coffee store just to frick around a bit and unintentionally setting off an entire scandal for the company. Black people are so powerful it’s almost beyond comprehension
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Cause untold millions in lost revenue across the entire country because you want to plop a fat shit the company would have to clean up FOR FREE
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Literally selling a bridge
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it is absolutely insane that anyone can say with a straight face that black people are disadvantaged when they are treated like divine priests who must be given endless respect and praise
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It's funny how they turned the problem from racial profiling into Starbucks should have public restrooms. They could have just done some diversity training and handed out a couple rules on kicking out loiterers to avoid incidents like this, maybe along the lines of "let black people stay longer, just in case." But darn, just write the rules so the homeless can set up shop undisturbed.
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"H-hey... Skags and Shorty G...can you try not to leave used needles by the pastry shelf?"
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Offer them cigs to vandalize your competitor like a true capitalist
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Starbucks hiring bums to smash up one of the myriad coffee house hipster co-ops in the neighborhood would be a king corporatist moment
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Would unironically shop there after that, "u hang out there for the day I'll give u a pack of cigs, get someone to call the cops and I'll giv u a carton"
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Or corporate will just shut you down because youre hurting their performance indicators
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These people have obviously never dealt with the homeless
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Why do they call each other partners? You pour goysip, not roam the Wild West
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It's some gay Starbucks thing
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how big a leftoid do you have to be to not have seen this coming
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It was so obvious that this would happen when they announced their policy, and I'm sure the CEO understood too. But he thought this would help him get elected president () and then somebody else would have to deal with the fallout.
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Mabye they're homeless for a reason
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Yes, chud. All their houses were foreclosed by the banks, which is why they're pooping on street corners and robbing people at knifepoint.
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Darn it must wild to believe that the reason why homeless people don't follow rules is because they haven't explained in a kind enough manner.
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I wish that everybody who said something this stupid was forced to have a homeless roommate so they could find out for themselves how awful many of these people are.
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You think that's crazy? Oh boy, do I have a story for you.
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Noooo I pay nine dollars every day for my latte Starbucks should be classy and quirky and I shouldn't get shanked in the parking lot NOOO
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the whole point of paying for their overpriced coffee is so you have a nice homeless-free space to sit at.
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