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Marvel cinematic universe vs Marseyverse

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Marvel cinematic universe vs Marseyverse

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masrsey harassment universe

  • t redditor
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While it is certainly pleasing to see our community expand and fork its way through the internet, I am a bit worried that it will grow too big for our own comfort. The rdrama method works best with a small amount of neurodivergent dedicated ranchers and a small herd of lolcows. There is no real need to expand our fields this much, allowing ruqqoids, weebs and christcucks to graze freely. Furthermore, the dot net experience shows us that we can successfully run to reddit, 4chan or any other site and milk their lolcows for free, without having to worry about having a local herd at home. Sometimes we might even poach a lolcow into our community, but I don't remember any of the arrivals lasting long here, either due to culture shock or simply them not being terminally online.

Now what was my point... oh, right. I hope that our leaders have some contingency plans, like the mythical button to disable new sign ups, because this whole expansion business feels like drawing a target on one's back, especially considering what sort of groups will eventually end up under the marseyverse umbrella.

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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I hope you liked those pictures, longpostbot. I tried my best to pose just the way you like it.

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Indeed, I think the charm of r/drama (and this place too) is a few regulars and the occasional lurker. Something like dunbar's number but for neurodivergents

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If this isn't decentralized it'll just end up like reddit.

Edit: I actually think a ruqqus instance aggregator is a really cool idea. You could make it so that users submit tags for every instance and then allow users to filter the aggregator based on tags, making it easy to discover new instances.

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The idea is to gather the posts into one place to help increase visibility across each instance, however you are correct. The instances should definitely remain decentralized because at the end of the day you'd just have another Reddit but with each "subreddit" as its own individual website

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Do you know if the marseyverse websites are all under the control of the admins or not?

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I'm pretty sure all of them except vidya are hosted on machines that Aevann runs at the moment

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Frick, really? So a donation for rdrama goes toward subsidizing the others?

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Do you have a problem with that, comrade?

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Line me up, Daddy Stalin.

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I demand that @Aevann discloses all spending he did in the last half year and sets up a way for us to monitor all his computers and other electronic devices.

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Darn, aevann must clog half of Egypt's bandwidth

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That's better than Reddit from the user perspective.

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proper decentralization is hard to implement, Aevann should take his time on this one

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Won’t RSS do everything? It’s been around forever

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i was mostly thinking about using the same account on multiple instances (like lemmy, matrix and other fediverse sites) but aevann said he won't do that

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Using the same account is how you get powerjannies kicking people off one forum for posting something wrong on another forum.

A federated system gives safety against mod abuse.

A really good aggregator would even let someone specify different networks / VPNs for each forum, in case someone tries to compare IP addresses.

EDIT I might write that last feature. Is there a git repo?

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you can have a federated system that allows accounts to interact with different instances, just look at at lemmy. and it's not like there is a way to prevent powerjannies from moderating their own website

here is the git repo btw: https://github.com/Aevann1/Drama

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An open API so that people can read all their posts from all their communities in their own aggregator is like-reddit-but-not-r-slurred

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We'll be gentle

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wtf is gigachadlife lmao

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he doesnt know

don't worry about it

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Peepee size verification is mandatory

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Working out, self-improvement, etc.

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I really want nothing to do with these other incel magnet communities.

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True, but I also want marsey to go mainstream.

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Let's expand the Marseyverse

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It's fricking cool @Aevann. I don't know what the future looks like, but I think maintaining strict compartmentalization with cross site pinging is the way to go. It's also critical to ban/agendapost theme early and often unless you want it to look like this mess: https://voat.xyz/

Appreciate what you do, I hope that you completely topple reddit, get super wokewoke, cuck us, make @QuadNarca the head admin, and force us to do another offsite move. It would be a heck of a character arc.

Also 10/10 name.

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One of the most popular subs is just called "BIPOCs". Appears on the front page multiple times.

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Most tolerant voat user:

wake up

still BIPOCs

day ruined

What a shithole lmao

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Ikr? If a BIPOC was smart enough to feel shame about being a BIPOC it wouldn't be a BIPOC.

This is basic nigology. Dude needs to hit the books

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I love you Aevann

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I love you too

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Thank you for inviting us to make fun of DankChristian posts.

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Who’s DankChristian?

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There is a fork in the marseyverse called DankChristian for christians to post their memes.

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So it’s an off-site r/dankchristianmemes?

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p much

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Looks good, and as other said it should be kept decentralized, one feedback is that it needs to blur out +18 posts, to avoid something like this, while a lot of the people here probably been on the internet long enough not to care about seeing these things, it doesn't give the Marseyverse a good first impression to anybody else visiting the website.

Also, I don't this think is related to you, but I can't seem to access http://vydia.cafe on Firef*x, not even in safe mode. I can on every other browser though. probably something on my end but I don't care enough about gaymer shit to figure out what it is.

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Looks good, and as other said it should be kept decentralized, one feedback is that it needs to blur out +18 posts, to avoid something like this, while a lot of the people here probably been on the internet long enough not to care about seeing these things, it doesn't give the Marseyverse a good first impression to anybody else visiting the website

good catch, will do king

I don't this is related to you, but I can't seem to access vydia.cafe on Firef*x, not even in safe mode. I can on every other browser though. probably something on my end but I don't care enough about gaymer shit to figure out what it is.

yeah cuz its called vidya.cafe not vydia.cafe

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:marseyfacepalm: My bad, I typed the wrong address in my comment, but the problem still persist, only on Firef*x, though. Chrome and even Tor loads up fine.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841303481197417.webp again, it's probably on my end. will try to figure out later, keep on the good work King.

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thats odd

@kroner @jBoi76

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I'll look into this in a bit

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Works on my machine, I use ff to test stuff for vidya regularly so thats on ur end

Try clearing browser cache or sthn, idk

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Darn, when did :marseycumjar4: roll out? I wanted to preorder the premium edition that came with a little funky pop

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This might actually make the internet a little bit better.

Also: Inter-marseyverse raids when?

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I'm excited for the future of the marseyverse it has the potential to make the internet suck less and foster new independent communities

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The good old days of phpbb except slightly more connected and with fewer absurd signatures.

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signatures are absolutely what's missing. profile songs are lit, but signatures were tremendous

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Can we ping others from the Marsey universe to draw them into our threads?

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we dont know yet, everything is still up in the air rn lol

good idea to keep in mind tho

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I don't really like this idea, do you really want this to turn into R*qqus with extra steps? Each member of the marseyverse should maintain it's own community IMO, and besides, would you really want PCM tards pinging you from outside rdrama?

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Honestly, I agree with anarcho-kroner. Let each commmunity police their own. They get to set their walls at whatever height they desire, and god-willing we'll finally contain the zoomer menace in a marsey blackhole.

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How would that even work without cross-site accounts? If someone pinged @Chapose on one of those inferior sites, would every account named chapose on all sites get a ping? That might be so annoying to people who use several sites that it could be worth implementing.

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@Chapos for local site




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Honestly I think they should be separate. Keep this as an aggregator, but combining them too much will make it suck.

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At least make it so you have to specify the domain. Separate accounts for separate domains, but allow pinging cross-site like @pcm/zoomer_r-slur?

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Are accounts going to get rolled into Marseyverse accounts or stay separate for each site?

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They should stay separate

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One Login for all!

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So... Ruqqus? Separate but equal is the way to go here. With cross-site pinging.

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Yeah, more decentralized. rDrama is a Ruqqus fork. An idea: you can link accounts from vidya to rDrama when you try to register and if the username is open you get it. Of course the sites need an interface to communicate with each other. Personally it sounds like a horror story but it could lead to something bigger

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Kinda seems like turning the site into any other globohomo social media site

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Thats the point

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If you're not trans in 2021 I don't even want to look at you.

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Needs to be at least galactic homo


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I love that film.

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this is what causes the neck beard horde to migrate from Reddit


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I got some feedback: I want my fricking credit

BTW: I also came up with the idea of songs on profiles like MySpace

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badge granted king

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I feel validated now

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No thanks.

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Are you guys buying all these domain names as you set up additional communities? How exactly does a normal user set up a community if a separate domain is needed for each?

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u just buy the domain and set ur website up using this guide then tell me and I add it to marseyverse

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wtf is this

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How many sites are there? Holy frick. Dank Christian might be lit

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My mother's life is being threatened by the american government and im fuxking done caring about anyone elses opinions about the truth.


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This is a terrible idea, you're aggregating together Christian memes with weeb communities with chill videogame discussion. This will lead to petty arguments, online catfights and low tier trolling.

Carry on

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Wow, most of these are absolute shit

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The third shitposting webring is alive!

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Is this gonna be one of those situations where people who clamored for decentralization slowly discovered why things got centralized in the first place?

Also auto expand images is r-slurred.

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Wouldn't it be better if rdrama posts require verification from admin/OP before ending up there?

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Nice idea but the execution is super rough, I don't know how much it's worth going into details since this looks like the pre indev alpha version.

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I literally have no idea what I’m looking at but it seems everyone else does.

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TL;DR: There's a bunch of forks of rdrama that exist now and this is a website meant to aggregate posts from them on one place

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It would be nice if the page included a list of all sites under the Marseyverse banner.

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This is literally just .win with a coat of paint lmao.

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Make bruhfunny

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Literally made a prophecy about this:


It doesn't end well for rdrama.

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