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Where are the guilds?

Other than the :!marseytrain: propaganda on the home page this looks like a decent site, but the whole point of metaforums like ruqqus and reddit are making mini-forums like +megumin, +classiccars, or +guns so you can pick and choose content. Please add guilds, or I will be forced to activate the jewish space lasers.

Regards, Minusfourty

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You seem to be lost and think this is a Reddit clone.

This is a website for Drama, and only for drama. Nothing else matters here and guilds are stupid as shit, as are you for requesting them.

Hope that clears things up for you!

Have a great day (unless you're white).

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You can't seriously be baited by this profile.

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It’s a real person, he used the same name on ruqqus and he was exactly as schizophrenically rightoid as you’d expect.


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mayocide when

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This is a website for 6 or so redditors who weren't popular enough to be power users on reddit to be power users on a reddit clone. Trans-Redditors, if you will.

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One day we may add a few gigajannie-created guild-equivalents - subforum like things, called Holes. They will likely be specialized for extremely popular and important non-drama content, like trans porn, and interracial gay porn, and videos of white women giving birth to Black children. But that's a long way off. For now, this is all that is necessary.


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like trans porn, and interracial gay porn, and videos of white women giving birth to Black children.

The anal prolapse Hole better still be on the shortlist as well.

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I specifically want one for people who cam push out and then push in their rose with only their butt

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their rose

Is that slang for a prolapsed anus?

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Pink sock uwu

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rosebud babby

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Don’t we already have like eight holes here?

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Will they need to be dilated?

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Clussy hole when

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Remember paypigs, while you may perform the noble task of supporting this site, you also indirectly provide carp a crumb of power

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Go back

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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This is Drama country Jussie.

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Hey it's my old account.


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Guilds would dilute our ability to coordinate harassment

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Welcome to rdrama.net, you seem to be confused about our purpose

This isn't Ruqqus 2.0, this isn't a place to make 30 billion sub-forums dedicated to the same shit

Guilds suck, and if you wish to make your own niche subforum you're free to fork the sites code and do it yourself

Check out the sticky post about marseyverse.xyz for some other instances of this site if you wish

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downmarseying potential lolcows


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replying to 4mo old pinned threads


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The dead thread must be bumped

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this is what happen when journos start talking about us in a not-completely-negative light

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Where did you come from? Hacker News?

Other than the πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒ propaganda on the home page

You mean the banner? The fact that you dislike it shows it has teeth.

metaforums like ruqqus and reddit are making mini-forums like +megumin, +classiccars, or +guns so you can pick and choose content.

This isn't ruqqus and we're not trying to be reddit.

Though for coordination purposes, dedicated (admin made with community agreement) subforums would be a good idea down the line.

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Am I the only person on this fricking website that can see pin awards

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Literally make a post about something and I bet some neurodivergent will share you're interest and participate black lives matter

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Fricking heck - I'm not sure why everyone here is lying through their teeth, but we do have guilds but they're for members only. Typically you can only become a member for showing bussy but occasionally exceptions are made.

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Ruqqus is that way, kiddo!

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There's guns across the river about to pound you

There's a lawman on your trail like to surround you

Bounty hunters are dancing all around you

Billy, they don't like you to be so free

Camping out all night on the veranda

Walking in the streets down by the hacienda

Up to Boot Hill the like to send you

Billy, don't you turn your back on me

There's mills inside the minds of crazy faces

Bullet holes and rifles in their cases

There is always one more notch in four more aces

Billy, and you're playing all alone

Playing around with some sweet senorita

Into her dark chamber she will greet you

In the shadows of the maizes she will lead you

Billy, and you're going all alone

They say that Pat Garrett's got your number

So sleep with one eye open, when you wander

If every little sound just might be thunder

Thunder from the barrel of his gun

There's always another stranger sneaking glances

Some trigger-happy fool willing to take chances

Some old whore from San Pedro'll make advances

Advances on your spirit and your soul

The businessmen from Taos want you to go down

So they've hired mister Garrett, he'll force you to slow down

Billy, don't let it make you feel so low down

To be hunted by the man who was your friend

So hang on to your woman, if you got one

Remember in El Paso once you shot one

I'll be in Santa Fe about one

Billy, you've been running for so long

Gypsy queens will play your grand finale

Way down in some Tularosa alley

Maybe in La Rio Pecas valley

Billy, you're so far away from home

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but the whole point of metaforums like ruqqus and reddit are making mini-forums

We are neither.

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Ban me from the room then i dont care honestly, if it’s your room do what you like. Ur the definition of a butt hurt liberal who can’t handle other opinions. I never had a problem with liberals. Most of my family is. The thing is they are jfk libs unlike the far left bs of today. You can do whatever you got to do and ban me from ur room or platform, honestly I didn’t know u were a mod in that room and quite honestly dont care, report me, ban me from the site, but i never start shit with anyone, you’re the dum frick that makes this website suck by placing people in a dumbass r-slur room cz you’re unable to handle other opinions, you deserve all the frustration and criticism in the world, i hope u have a horrible day

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I suggest our sister site, communities.win

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one post by this ID

@justcool393 Has rdrama.net become big enough to acquire shills :marseythinkorino: :marseymerchant:

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