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Horny :marseycoomer: Gacha Game releases kino commerical mocking their players and receives huge backlash


Yes, I know this description may accurately describe many gacha games but Nikke is in a special tier of coomer games. You're basically just standing behind these girls fighting some enemies while watching their posterior jiggle. As far as I know that's the entire game. Needless to say, it mogs the likes of Baldur's Gate or Planescape into oblivion.

Recently they released a commerical featuring the average player playing their game and it's absolute pure undistilled kino:


This however was not appreciated by its community in the western and the eastern world leading to a ton of backlash

Nikke TH apologized for making the ads that portray the player base as a perverted otaku.

The Ad contains the main protagonist who resembles the nerdy otaku stereotype doing a lewd act while playing the Nikke game on mobile like pretending to lick the screen, stroking the hand like jerking off, and imagining for 3 Nikke to do the twerk in front of him and sexually please him.

The Ad quickly gets negative feedback from the majority of the community players since this's basically an insult from the publisher. Most of the comments said that they shouldn't portray the player base like that, the ad is too focused on the sexual, and some even said disgusting.

On the January 12th, the next day after the incident Nikke's official Thailand page made an apology announcement about the ad that said they received the comment that some players feel uncomfortable with the ad and we're truly sorry for what happened

The Apology

If you can read what these เซียมตือ are saying: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=158436100286576

Since the team released a new online ad on January 11th on the game's social media channels in the Thai region, after the team released the ad, we received Some comments from players that represent inappropriateness in the content and presentation style of the said advertisement. The team must apologize and apologize for any content and style of presentation in this ad. That results in players being extremely uncomfortable or dissatisfied. For this error, the team has acknowledged the lack of care in considering the presentation of content in advertisements and has been published in detail The team has already removed and suspended the distribution of such advertisements from the official social media channels of the Thai region in all channels of the game. The team would like to thank you for all the comments from all players. The team will take comments and suggestions from players to improve and develop content. The form of advertising and promoting the game to be better in the future. Including careful and thorough refrain from presenting more sensitive content in various fields. The team apologizes for the incident that happened once again.

:marseyfoidretard: "A lot of other things have been said. I would like to add that please do your homework before thinking of content. 😕 Each promotion is sexy. Character character does not exist. but just let the pretty wear a dress Can't touch that character at all, just a provocative girl. 🤨Puzzling, my favorite character isn't like that. 🧐People who play games are not only men. And not everyone will play with bouncy butts. Respect the players."

:marseygeisha: ""Some players", right? And the rest is that they are okay with erotic ads. Do you insult the game and the players? Make an ad to insult both the player and the game itself. Is that really all there is?"

:marseycoomer2: "Get apologies in diamonds and free tickets."

:marseyretard4: "Because you come to work without understanding the sensitive issues of the community in the first place, even though it is the field of work that should be aware of this aspect the most. How much investment has been made in brand image? It's probably not too expensive to recruit new people."


NIKKE Official Thai page took down their recent advertising video after Thai playerbase backlash. The video has no creativity, falsely represent and look down all NIKKE players as perverts.

Nikke TH apologized for making the ads that portray the player base as a perverted otaku.

Nikke Thai ad without needing external video sites

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>I deleted the game because of this ad. I was so pissed that they can make this shit ad but not remove censorship. This ad proved they completely knew what players want but don't care

Absolutely malding :marseyxd::marseylaugh:

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should delete himself next for playing such games

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Lmao I think neurodivergent chinx laws alone are keeping the coomer menace contained in E Asian media at this point. :marseychingchongsupremacy:

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He deleted the game for making fun of coomers while not catering too coomers trans lives matter


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he's not mad about being ripped on, he's mad that the game isn't lewd enough


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Nooooo you can't make fun of us we pay your salaries


Haha stupid nerds


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Mirror in case the video gets deleted (again)

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That's fricking hilarious :marseyemojirofl:

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The absolute lack of shame in some of those coomer gacha games is my favorite part about them. I didn't realize actual players were somehow deluded into thinking they were in any way a respectable hobby.

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Gacha Games are a slot machine with animated women dancing everytime you pull the lever, the difference is a slot machine can return some of the money you lost, gacha games give you nothing but shitty scrote fantasies.

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Tbh, most of the comments under "controversial" don't have any problem with the commercial but find it really funny and relatable. This angers the redditor :marseysoyseethe:

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"I only read Playboy for the articles."


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Based coomer game

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LOL jesus christ i thought people knew how Thai ads love pushing the button

then again an otaku wouldn't know

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According to some comments it was the Thais that got most outraged but idk.

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thais are very chill people most of the time but they have only 2 levels - very chill and very fricking muay thai your face angry

maybe the very angry crowd was the loud minority but i really can't imagine any thais getting angry over a silly advert

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very fricking muay thai your face angry

I once asked a Thai woman about their border dispute with Cambodia. She immediately deluged me with :marseylongpost: starting with "First of all, we don't even want their fricking temple..." and getting progressively angrier from there.

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My favourite mainland SEAn ethnicity(Chams) didn't want the Cambodian's shitty temples so bad they sacked them :marseyflamewar:

If only they could do the same to Viets :marseycry:

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tell me chibi bb them haircuts just ironic ye? no asian man walking around in a bowl cut?

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maybe on like young kids for fun but only meme movie characters have that hair cut i think lol

this is probably the most iconic chinese movie dude with a bowl cut

https://media.tenor.com/2KNlT4lgFe0AAAAC/hate-hate-you.gif https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841392461776693.webp

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It was a thai ad and thier apology is in thai on thai facebook, while I'm sure some westerners got upset it seems unlikely that they were the bulk

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really strange tbh, thais are known for weird AF ads :marseysad:

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What’s your favorite ramen X (formerly chiobu). I had some indomie today.

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Indomie too!!! :#highfive: :#!marseyramen::#marseydance:

It's sooooooooooooo heckin' good! So good I mentioned it 7 times here :marseylickinglips:


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That rules. I just bought a box of it (I underestimated Amazon). Truly the kino ramen.

Do you use any toppings?

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More comments


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Insanely based

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mobile game ad is art

Edit: here another among my favorite

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Holy based


Gays of rdrama(I'm totally one but I live in a bigoted country so I don't know anything about the culture haha :marseysweating:) do twinks tend to transition like tomboys supposedly do?

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Twinks are not the same as "femboys" and similar things you see online if anything twinks are bigger than ever especially since they can convince themselves that they can slightly prolong twinklife by using awful horrible plastic surgery

The whole "cute boy puts on makeup and a wig and is indistinguishable from a cute girl" is very much not a real thing and exists almost exclusively in the minds of porn addicted hentai enjoyers (though I do enjoy thst trope tbh(

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The whole "cute boy puts on makeup and a wig and is indistinguishable from a cute girl" is very much not a real thing


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:#marseysob: i know i know

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Wrong, you just dont see them cause they blend in

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I read that femboys are really more of a straight (or well "straight") thing because if you like men in the first place why would you want a feminine-looking man?

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Jealous foids repeat that lie.

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Traps aren't gay. QED

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Men who want someone who looks like a woman but behaves like a man?

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That's definitely true but it's still a nice thing I've always enjoyed that pushing the boundaries from both sides tho

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The whole "cute boy puts on makeup and a wig and is indistinguishable from a cute girl" is very much not a real thing


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Romcom kino.

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Its pretty funny how this storyline is completely irrelevant trans lives matter


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Imagine being able to shitpost like that, cause tons of seething and even get paid for it. Dream job.

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Kek this is targeted towards fujos

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lmao they know marketing:marseyxd:


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The backlash was making it creepy pervert. Not "I like titty and booty and others things that I won't deny, but won't creep on woman for that frick up' pervert.

There different level to perverts in this world. And we rather it accurate then straight up dehumanize.

they think that they're not creepy


the mind of der coomer truly is a fascinating place :marseycoomer3:

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These are the men calling other men incels while being virgins themselves

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Ah the Menslibber strategy.

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Idk, those people seem too think any porn outside of onlyfans is immoral trans lives matter

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>Needless to say, it mogs the likes of Baldur's Gate or Planescape into oblivion.


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I'm a little surprised we don't have Baldurs Gate Marseys yet actually :marseyfighter: :marseythegrey: :marseypope: :marseythief:

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lol come on, at least be able to laugh at yourself if you are going to be playing something like that unironically

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Phone games should be made illegal, absolute r-slurs

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But then what would women play?

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Reading book

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I like how most of redditors in the thread embrace it instead of being offended. Do we have a Chad coomer emote?

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The coomer isn't exactly pathetic, he's a force of nature with zero shame. I feel like a Chad version would be redundant.

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Compared to their wimp Thai counters these Redditors are downright based

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Gacha games really are peak degeneracy. They combine the worst of anime, video games and gambling.

At least if you complete dark souls or something, you can say you've achieved something not many people can do but gacha games are just all about spending money or grinding

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TFW you'll never have sexy military asain gf shake her butt for you on your birthday.


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(Not Kim Jong Un)

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He starves his people so they cant have nice asses.

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>Needless to say, it mogs the likes of Baldur's Gate or Planescape into oblivion

The heck does this even mean

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lol ya

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These are classic boomer era games. Planescape in particular is regarded by prestigious :marseybeanmonocle: gaymers as the game with the best narrative of all time. As in, it's about much more than a cartoon butt jiggling.

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Best answer

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Lmao look @ this loser who doesnt even know some isometric RPGs from a quarter century ago

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He'd get cyberbullied so hard by the neurodivergent chuds at RPG Codex.

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Those games waste your time with sappy romantic nonsense, while Nikke properly treats foids like the meat that they are and gets straight to the T&A as God intended. Therefore, Planescape = owned.

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That sounds like straggotry nonsense and thus the opposite of owned

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Good luck king!


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Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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The only thing they're gazing at is butt

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Someone more clever than me should make a goatse joke right now

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I dont get these games tbh, if youre a coomer why not play a real porn game?

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Mom said not to, tho

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I will not download it.

I will not download it.

I have just spent $200 on it.

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My takeaway from this is that there's extremely few attractive Asian pornstars and horny otaku with yellow fever turn to these games to cope. If there were more hot Asian pornstars these games would probably lose half their market in like two seconds. Almost all of the existing Asian porn actresses are very mid, with rare exceptions. You'll almost never see a hot Asian doing porn.

Kind of a weird flex for these game companies to be pointing it out though. We live in the era of OnlyFans and while authentic Asians may be too sensitive to cultural norms to do porn, there are plenty of American women of Asian descent who will very quickly fill this void. Why would they want to put a commercial out to remind their userbase that they only exist because of inefficiencies in the marketplace?

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Yellow fever degeneracy knows no bounds.

Trans lives matter

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that ad perfectly portrays the average japanese man

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Everyone knows that the only actually good Gacha Game is Nu:Carnival

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Horny Gacha Game releases kino commerical mocking their players and receives huge backlash https://rdrama.net/post/140460/horny-marseycoomer-gacha-game-releases-kino #days #kids #lazy

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lol that ad is pretty good

Yes, some portray of pervs is fine. But to go all creepy is another. That like 10% at most that are like that. The other just like jijjle and that it.

rather than insulting, this is more like too cringe to watch. like every mobile game ads which involve people playing IRL.

wow this ad is really cringe guys...


Representations aside, this is way too risky for trigger-happy people with power to take them down and snowball it into issuing stricter regulations in gaming industry. From Thai people’s perspective, these risks are very real and such takedowns have already happened before when something goes against certain “moral or religious standards”. Plus, it’s not something they can fight back easily either considering the current political situation that they are in.

The “dark age” mentioned here were also real. I lived through that. Several of my childhood games got banned and hated by society to oblivion. It was not fun.

G*mer holocaust

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Gacha cute twinks deserve to be mocked on the internet and bullied in real life (with lethal force)

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Nikke TH apologized for making the ads that portray the player base as a perverted otaku.:


NIKKE Official Thai page took down their recent advertising video after Thai playerbase backlash. The video has no creativity, falsely represent and look down all NIKKE players as perverts.:

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Average coomer trans lives matter

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Needless to say, it mogs the likes of Baldur's Gate or Planescape into oblivion.


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Fun ad. If you had an ounce of introspection you wouldn't mald about it. But then, if you had ability to introspect you wouldn't play a shitty "game".


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While I'm not against fanservice in games

In fact I laught at what MK has become

More gore and guest characters and less tiddy ( even with characters which literally use it as a tool like Mileena)

Or Tomb Raider, which exchanged very mild fanservice to a strange kink for gory murder animations and attempted r*pe, took away the sassiness and unironically shown a huge F.U to lesbos.

I just can't wrap my head around spending thousands of dollars or days of time on gatchas......then again seeing this character roster, most whales are probably libertarians.

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i thought the title meant ??candy pop??? (candy crush on steam with going on dates with women) but then realized gacha meant playing with balls that fell out of a machine

didnt know that game

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It's a japanese thing

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yeah those balls i know when you insert coins and they give you a ball with for example a hamster


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As someone trying out this shitty game atm this ad seems pretty spot on

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