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Marsey in the Rain - New Commission by Yunann / Yunre

Yunann / Yunre Art just finished another commission. She has not yet posted it to her social media though.

Interesting detail - the city lights that reflect off marsey are teal and pink... :marseytrans2:

Marsey is dealing with her gender dysphoria in the rain all by herself!! :marseycry::marseyrain::marseysulk:

It's okay Marsey, you're valid among us dramatards :marseytransplushie:

Yunre on DeviantArt


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I am commissioning Yunre one more time. Anyone have suggestions or ideas for the next commission?

I am thinking something that involves Marsey in the snow. Like either walking in a snowed in park wearing a parka while glancing flirtatiously at you who is walking with her. Or she is enjoying a hot brew of hot coco around a campfire during a cold, maybe snowy night in the forest.

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Marsneed in front of bardfinns house

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Cowgirl Marsey with a straw in her teeth could look p cool.

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Thought about this for a bit and I actually think its a good idea. I don't have any specific poses or backgrounds in mind, so I'm gonna ask the artist if she can make some sketches of Marsey in a cowboy hat and a straw in her mouth, see where it goes.

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put something else in marseys mouth :marseycoomer2:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 02 hours 23 minutes and 15 seconds

Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was AuntyAbortion which was 0 days 05 hours 33 minutes and 43 seconds

██     4  01-29
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Best friend is aminobastard with 35 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 161.265 µBardyhertz with 2122 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Question, do you use a burner paypal or something or do you just trust this artist not to leak your deets to spergs on www.rdrama.net?

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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I trust this artist. You can make a burner paypal, that's what Dramarama did, but I don't know how and I don't really care enough to do so. This artist is a very sweet Spanish girl and I really doubt she has any interest in that sort of thing.

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I really need to figure out how to make a burner paypal. I'm tired of artists seeing my name when I ask them for embarassing fetish porn.

@Dramarama do the needful and please divulge your methods

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Send me the money in Monero and I'll buy the fetish porn for you.

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I used a fake SSN generator when I made one to sell my runescape stuff with but that was years ago. They don't actually check the SSN against anything so just make a fake account otherwise.

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I use a Paypal business account which lets me hide my real name so people only see the name of my "business" and I use an email that's not tied to my real info

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Oh, interesting. How hard is it to set up a "business" account?

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Mine was a personal account that I upgraded to business so most of the verification process was already done and all they asked me for was the name of my business. Not sure about creating it from scratch tho, but I don't think it'd be harder than creating a regular one

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Is that one that talks like 11 year old is that a different one?

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The 11 year old talking one is the one who made the Marsey in the cafe commission, different artist. I found her voice when taking a look at her twitch streams.

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What’s her name?

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It's in my link. Ellireii. I'm just copypasting this from the link above but her personal website is: https://ellireii.carrd.co/

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Thanks :marseythumbsup:

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I wonder this when dramatards buy marsey merch from Redbubble.

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I forget how they do it but I do recall redbubble/gumroad and rdrama not leaking your email to each other

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Commission her climbing a mountain

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Reaching her hand down to help you up

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My serious response is to her draw her jumping for joy in front of a building labeled Reddit Inc

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It's a longshot but I'd like to see a serious take on the :marseycatgirl: version of a Marsey catgirl

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Naked and spreading

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I don't think Yunre does nsfw though....

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call it tasteful nudity :marseywholesome:

also make sure she has a big hog :marseywholesometrans:

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Marsneed catgirl

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Crossover with Sal.


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Valentine's day is coming up so you should naturally do a Valentine's commission of her baking chocolates or giving chocolates to someone.

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(got ban awarded by Aisha)

Shit this is also a good idea... I already sent her an email about Cowgirl marsey with a wheat stem in her mouth and the possibility of having Sneed influences. Hmmm.... think its possible to do cowgirl marsey mixed with valentines day? Spitball me bro!

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Pov is from viewer with marsey looking at the viewer. She has a lasso around the viewer pulling them down towards her slightly and has a smug smile. She's wearing a pink cowgirl hat with hearts on it. Since you want it snowing I guess she'd be wearing a coat. Or you don't really need snow I guess. Coat style should probably be denim or leather or idk. Ask one of the resident drama women for the fashion choice.

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:marseyill: this emoji

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:#marseywholesometrans: :#marseywerebackchingchong:

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>the city lights that reflect off marsey are teal and pink.


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I clicked on the link without reading it

:marseyevilgrin: bc I live on the edge

and I was like "what random fandom tier wiki is this about lighting lmao"

then I saw the top of the page


it doesn't help that wikipedia redesigned... I was like "kind of nice design on this r-slurred niche wiki"

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This is probably some of the most mild wikipedia autism there is. IDK what to say other than don't dig further if this is somehow disturbing to you.

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This neighbor can't read

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This has an article but Chris Chan doesn't

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Chris Chan is totally not notable enough even though more people have read sonichu than the articles most bluecheck journos have written in their lives... because reasons and wikipedia editors are very objective and super scientific and shit and you're a dumb poopoo peepee head if you try to say otherwise because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivity_(philosophy)

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hello m’lady don’t look sad, would you like a ride home in my mercury tracer?

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It's a very good facial expression for melancholy tbh, quite nice

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Post it to rart

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I'm IP banned from plebbit :marseysad:

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#metoo :marseyrain:

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yayy it finally got made! looks great

(I helped pick out the backdrop and clothes btw, nbd)

Did the artist every ask any questions about the site or where Marsey came from lol

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Nope, she never did. But I'm almost certain she is aware this site exists. Little details like the capybara's appearance as a painting in the last commission, the Telegram tab open on the computer, and in this commission the teal and pink lighting which looks like the colors used in this emoji: :marseytrans2: tip me off. Which is awesome! She does her research.

Of all the artists I've commissioned so far, Yunre is the most competent and easy to work with. And she puts a lot of effort in creating dozens of sketches beforehand and even during the creation process to brainstorm what artistic particulars this piece could embrace. Her intelligence and professionalism impresses so, such that if I had already graduated with my CpE degree I would commission her for at least another year as an act of patronage.

All other artists I've worked with, we interacted as amateurs. Not that it's a bad thing at all - I don't care at all. Moreso Yunre goes above and beyond and yet she still does personal commissions for a living on deviantart with a humble following, when she strikes me more as someone who would work with the industry.

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I thought the teal and pink were chosen simply because they looked "aesthetic". :marseyvaporwave:

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Could be! Heck of a coincidence though, especially when you compare the hues of each and the position of the lighting

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wow she did those things on her own. based alert

she def deserves it

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How much are the commissions?

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Depends on the artist and what you are asking them - more specifically how much of the body (headshot, breast up, upper legs and up, full body) and how detailed of a background (none, solid color, simple pattern / sketch, fully done) you request. Usually I've paid $100 to $200 USD per commission. I think the last commission I did with Yunre was about $190 USD

You can definitely spend way more though. Like a lot of decent, semi popular artists are asking for at least 200 bucks, and that's even if you can get on their commission list. While there are a lot of other good artists who don't even take commissions, they just ask you to donate to their patreon and they do whatever they want. So it was actually quite difficult finding an artist that is:

  • good

  • available

  • cheap (synonymous with not well known)

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This is beautiful! :marseyhappytears:

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SHE DOESN'T LIKE THAT!!!! :marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging:

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I'm surrounded by weeb furries....

What the heck even is this website?

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I'm not a weeb nor a furry. I just like Marsey and cute girls :marseybow:

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Being a weeb is bad enough, but if you're also into anthropomorphic cats, you ARE a furry.

Stop trying to deny that you're a degenerate and an embarrassment to your family and society, and just embrace it!

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Okay I've watched attack on titan and texhnolyze but other than that I'm not a weeb

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How jmuch do these costs where do you even get the NEET shekels for this?

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This one was 115 euros, which at the time was about $110 USD. I have a deal with her such that the next commission I do with Yunre will be on the same pricing system, but she had upped her prices across the board a few months ago.

>where do you even get the NEET shekels for this?

Saved money from when I worked. Got in a couple of minor accidents with huge insurance payouts. On pell grants to college, and got two cozy high paying part time jobs while attending uni.

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u rly paid more an a hundred dollars?? jfc how rich r u berzl 🙆🏾‍♀️

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Is that a lot of money??? :marseyflushzoom:

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Normally? No. To waste on an rdrama joke? Yes.

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nywo it's a wot of mwonyey bb

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To drop on something this niche and neurodivergent, yes.

I still salute you though :marseysalutepride:

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:marseysulk: i hate u sm rn but enjoy ur wealth 🙌🏾

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That's pretty cheap for this lmao

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Small boobs :marseypuke:

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When does a marsey just become a red headed neko girl. when does a red headed neko girl become a marsey

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No way a :marseytrain2: looks that good.

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Oh quit fakin' it, it's ok to admit Bailey Jay is beautiful

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Keep yourself safe you weebBIPOC

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You should have Yana / Nekoarashi do Marsey. :)

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Their commissions are closed, they are probably really expensive, and they are straight futa porn. Someone needs to breach the marsey-porn barrier and it's not gonna be me

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Does anybody else have the problem where their web browser refuses to let them connect to catbox? I tried Brave and Edge and they both think it's a malicious link. I get "NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"

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Here you go, king. Lower rez version though


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All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain.:marppy:

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Beautiful ☺️


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you had my heart..... willl never be world's apart.

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Frick I reported the wrong thread and now I can't change it. This Marsey looks kind of young though, or maybe I'm getting old.

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