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  • THOMAS : the 1 in house furry is the 1 not wearing a fursuit

EFFORTPOST Official Rdrama Field Report - Furries Vs Women protest in Glasgow, Featuring @Marco and myself (PHOTOS, VIDEOS AND MARSEY SIGNS INSIDE!)

As you'll all know from my post earlier today, I attended the Cabaret Against Hate furry demo and the amalgamated pro women's groups TERFy protest occurring at the same time, and now that ive finally finished the image formatting (and had a few beers) i'm ready to deliver my first certified rdrama field report.


Before I arrived @MarKong had already taken a couple of photos, one of himself and one of a dude in an umbreon suit, with the marsey signs (Marcos image is in his own post here https://rdrama.net/post/145031/had-a-lot-of-fun-at)


Upon my arrival at Glasgow Queen Street Station at noon (directly next to the square, across the road) I was immediately greeted by the sight of a bunch of old-timey suffragette coloured flags opposite a group of trans flags (seen below) that were separated by a 10-meter gap complete with metal crowd barriers and a decent number of confused pedestrians and bored police officers

The Terf Side:


The Furry/Trans Side:


I asked a few pedestrians if they knew what was going on and received a few shrugs and a reply from one dude who just said "women" (:marseybased:). Upon making my way over to the square I took a few photos of the crowd and was tentatively approached by a man (@MarKong Himself! very cute :marseyblowkiss:). After verifying that it was actually him (and presumably him making sure I was me) we made our way around the side of the square containing the pro-trans rally, where he pointed out a few people holding his marsey protest banners he'd brought with him:



It was at this time one of my friends watching on the George square webcam sent me a screenshot of myself and @MarKong standing at the bottom of the screen, and we also took a selfie!



(for whoever it was that asked for feet pics you can see my shoes there thats all youre getting)

At this point a dude with a video camera and a fairly expensive looking microphone decided to ask us some questiona about why we were there :marseyworried:. Like frick were we saying why we were really there so we got out our generic background stories about "I cant believe such hate exists in the 21st century it's current year" and basically just said why we'd be attending if it wasnt for marseyposting and taking pictures to post on the niche cat forum. he was a pretty cool dude but i forgot to ask if he was with a newspaper so if anyone finds that please let me know (Marco had a mask on and idc i was wearing a hawaiian shirt the entire time)

After our impromptu interview we made our way around the square to

the terf side!

The terf side was actually pretty funny they had a huge banner with the definition of a woman on it but you couldnt see the definition because the crowd was in the way so it just said "woman" in huge lettering, someone else had a flag that said "terf island" on it and there was a woman with a massive red stop sign placard that said "stop pretending" on it that she moved to the front and held up across the square:




We didnt stick around the terf side for too long I didnt want to get too close and some of them were glaring at me so I felt sexually intimidated and left. This is why I only have like 3 photos of that side

Police Drone

The police had a drone but i didnt know it was for the cops at the time according to the sun it was to "give the police commander an overview", have a low res 4 pixel photo of it:


the furry side!

The furry side was way funnier as when we got back this dude standing next to a woman in chalk-white makeup and an arabic headscarf (???) was about to begin the official Glasgow gay/trans furry rainbow sing along!



We also have the obligatory glasgow resident showing up with a sign that just said "frick off" on it


they sang a few songs and it was pretty gay (I have videos but they wont upload to imgur and I cant be bothered uploading them to youtube rn, theres one with a literal 7 year old or so yelling trans lives matter into a megaphone its hysterical). These photos were taken next to a statue covered in banners people had brought, it looked like this until literally half an hour after everyone had left and a street cleaner worker came and took them away:



then we got bored and went to costa, missing the obligatory assault of the day but dont worry dramanaughts someone who wasnt me filmed it and posted it onto twatter, here you go: https://x.com/TheIndyNinja1/status/1622232222664212481

Then me and @MarKong decided we were going to get someone to take a photo of the 2 of us together, here it is! (add to sidebar please):


After which everything started winding down and so we got bored and went to a nearby bar, had beers for a bit and watched the :marseycop:s leave then i got on a :marseytrain: and left

overall review

7/10 unofficial rdrama meetup, not much in terms of actual drama cause the terf side spent the entire time giving a speech out of a microphone they got off of http://wish.com or something and it was more incomprehensible than the average actual glasgow residents we met so idk wtf they were saying, was something about teenagers and women so i tuned it out.

The furries/trans rights people were pretty based they were happy to take photos of me and @MarKong and also held up the marsey signs so you might see them on the news if articles actually get written

there was only 3 actual furries there (one of which was Marco) so it was mostly randoms with flags draped over them and some dude who turned up in a mask and brought his flag in the same rifle bag I used to have which made me unironically think i'd be documenting the first ever IRL shooting to be first posted to http://rdrama.net. Also to whoever said if you see a ginger twink ask if its me we actually did that and confused the frick out of some random so thanks for that

overall pretty good drama and got some good photos so :marseywholesometrans:, also cheers for the follows ill be sure to post more if and when i get the videos uploaded somewhere

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The most at risk individual of this entire event


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>and a reply from one dude who just said "women"


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I'm torn between being disgusted that you did this and impressed by your commitment to monitor drama

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Sigma badges pls for these intrepid smelly furry touchers. :marseybegging:

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I think this warrants proofs of skinniness too, no? Assuming these chads dont already have them. :marseyanorexia:


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Marsey made it into someone's video of the event:


at 1:00 -


zoom, enhance


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>The furries insisted on having hate crime officers present, I guess because they suspect they might get mis-specied


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wasn't marco carrying this? looks like a woman


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I'm very feminine ok

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Cute twink

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You need to maintain you’re ponytail better my man. Don’t use the 2 in 1 shampoos. And brush it daily. It looks fricking terrible.

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Is that a ponytail? cute

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Show tits or bussy

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Did you bring 2 sets of jeans, they were looser in the other pic.

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Got a bit tight due to euphoria boner :marseywholesometrans:

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he made spares to share with the class :marseywholesome:

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Look at the cheekbone in the profile, I can't even see a jawline but the collar and hat might obscure it.


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At what point does it stop being "ironic roleplaying"?


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Great writeup, but you seem to have forgotten to mention which one of you gave up his bussy afterwards (or if you took turns).


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Very Based, I Kneel

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Looks fun, I wish this r-slurred stuff would happen near me.

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Lots of r-slurred shit goes down in Portland but none of it is furry-related so I don't know how to stay anonymous. Maybe wear a covid mask, but that would only work around leftoids.

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none of it is furry-related yet. growth mindset!

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Marco apparently drove 3 hours to this

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This is inspiring.

Next time I get wind of some sort of TERF event happening, I might send my wife with some suffragette coloured Marsey posters.

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Furrific field work :#marseyfurrypat:

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good post !! and also

I have videos but they wont upload to imgur and I cant be bothered uploading them to youtube rn
you can use https://catbox.moe/ !!! upload is pretty quick (i only have like 10 mb/s down and up and it still goes through pretty quick) :marseymarseylove:
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If this was in America I would have shot it up

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:gigachadglow: Problem?

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Next time bring a Sal picture that says trans rights

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Shame there aren't enough fragile BIPOCs in bongland who'd get mad at "Trans Lives Matter" signs for appropriation of BLM. I would watch some black on trans fights


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House Furry best house and it's jot even close :marseytransflag2:


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I'm not a furry tho

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Oh if your ancestors could see you now

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Early 2000s denim. What kind of board do you ride?

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furchads stay winning

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Nice work, it's too bad you couldn't get any terfs to hold a marsey sign.

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This is just like Andrew Callaghan except no one got r*ped(presumably).

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Wow, one of my marseys made it on a poster. Guess I should start to think about royalities once they go mainstream

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This is so embarrassing. Look how many people forgot their fursuits.

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Also to whoever said if you see a ginger twink ask if its me we actually did that and confused the frick out of some random so thanks for that

lmao I can't believe you actually did it. mad lad

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You're both fat

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So basically you went to troll and ended up being a bunch of NPCs shilling trannisms rather than do anything at all based. Christ bongs are SUCH. FRICKING. COWARDS…

This is worse than the guy who made that β€œMuslim massacre” game about killing hajis and then told journoids it was a parody meant to β€œstart discussion” when confronted

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u have no right to say that until you execute better irl shenanigans you backseat troublemaker

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I was going to powerlevel at the NH blocked and reported event until the academics had it canceled :(

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>(for whoever it was that asked for feet pics you can see my shoes there thats all youre getting)

I mean, it'll do I suppose, I've tweezed my peen to worse!

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Official Rdrama Field Report - Furries Vs #women protest in Glasgow, Featuring @Marco and myself (PHOTOS, VIDEOS AND MARSEY SIGNS INSIDE!) https://rdrama.net/post/145053/official-rdrama-field-report-furries-vs #IndependenceDay #scotland #men

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The unhinged TRA showing his β€œtits”.

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So what you're saying is that you guys had s*x? Great job.

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wasn't there a COINTELPRO badge for in person drama events?

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