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:marseycracka:Hwitoid CEO who tried to pull :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged:ESKOM :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged: in South Africa back from the brink of implosion :marseymushroomcloud::marseyakbar: chased away by Chad Kangs

CONTEXT: Modern South Africa is a shitshow. There has been near constant loadshedding :marseyplugged: (https://mg.co.za/news/2023-02-20-south-africa-edges-closer-towards-stage-eight-load-shedding/) :marseyplugged:crippling the country for the past 18 months, as a consequence of the near apocalyptic levels of corruption, endemic stupidity of the ANC ruling party of South Africa and the National energy provider ESKOM.

Corruption is soooo bad that security vehicles need to follow the lorries from Coalmine to coalstation just to ensure that coal isn't stolen along the way. What's r-slurred is that ESKOM and south africa could have even dealt with the odd missing coal loads, but the fricking thieves fill the lorries with rocks to make up for the loss of weight upon arrival, this means that Coal power generator stations which were designed to burn coal and not fricking hard shrapnel rocks break down and get clogged and need to be cleaned. As you can imagine, this isnt tenable forever

In spite of this strangling of the already struggling post-COVID RSA Economy, south africans had a bit of hope last year as the previous eskom Kang CEO got the boot after a decade of corruption, and a Mayo experienced CEO had arrived like a caucozoid :marseycrusader::marseycrusader2::marseychessknight::marseyfedoratip:Knight in shining armour to save the day.

Unfortunately, In spite of AndrΓ© de Ruyter's :marseycarpbuff:herlculean one-man-army efforts at warring against corruption in ESKOM and the ANC governments' entrenched nepotism, ESKOM kept breaking down in every single of our 9 provinces, and the Unions at ESKOM were almost militant in their insanity when it came to dragging their feet whenever de Ruyter tried to change literally anything for the better

And since South Africans are just as wingcucked :marseysoycry::marseysoypoint::marsoyhype::marsoy::marseysoylentgrin: as their burger counterparts, many black peeps and ANC apologists kept blaming the new hWhite CEO for the problems he inherited from the previous management frickups going on for about 20 years.

He did a lot of novel things in spite of the shitshow, like implementing a better more spread out timetable for managing powerspread amongst vulnerable time zones in RSA, and improving upon the top heavy upper management by firing parasites left and right.

Eventually by about August last year, people began to learn from the rumour grapevine that De Ruter has been under astronomical pressure from the ESKOM upper management, from the EFF and electric unions, from fricking gobmint, and even from hitmen. Apparantly he got death-threats constantly from shaking the money making system that was ESKOM's corrup money leech, and had to start going to office in a bullet proof vest with private ex-military security gaurds. :marseykyle::marseykyle::marseykyle:


Eventually he gave in the towel after his wife and children started getting death threats. The reason this shitshow is getting traction today, is De Ruyter has finally GTFOing from ESKOM with his immediate informal resignation and began singing like a canary on a review.





If you guys give a shit: here is the formal 50 minutes interview at eNCA :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged: https://www.enca.com/shows/my-guest-tonight-annika-larsen-22-february-2023

Also by the way eNCA is another private news network after the prime SABC channels (South African Broadcasting Corporation) became corrupt and wingcucked into shit (similar to the BBC, aka the Big Bong Cucked channel), so private channels :marseyreportercnn::marseyreporterfox: blew up over the internet.


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Why would a white person willingly remain in za at this point?

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The ones who can have already left and are leaving, south african Mayos have had a negative population growth past decade, with mayos leaving faster than they can be replaced by birth like Lithuania and Estonia


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Are you a mayo? If so why not move out of SA neighbor?

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Take them with you neighbor

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take ur mayo family and go before u get genocided neighbor smdh

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Neighbor u best take ur family n run neighbor im for real rite now

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Your only future in Africa is in a mass grave lad

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south african Mayos have had a negative population growth past decade


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Sad. SA is such a beautiful country.

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So redditors can keep saying β€œnot all Africans are black” :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Someones gotta do it!

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Why not show North Africa lmao

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I've been getting Zimbabwe vibes out of SA for years now. Would be great drama to set up a refugee fund to settle white people from SA in Western countries due to racial persecution.

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a few years back missapm and i were at one of her friends house for dinner, and they had hired this smoking hot au pair from S africa. she sat down to eat dinner with us. i asked her how her parents were doing, and she literally broke down in tears right at the table, after telling us she calls to check and see if they are alive a few times a day. i guess they are farmers and some of their neighbors have already been murdered.

she applied for the au pair gig as a roundabout way of getting refugee status.

the absolute state of mayo monkeys :marseyxd:

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i guess they are farmers and some of their neighbors have already been murdered.

The word filter makes sentences like this absolutely hilarious

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They are r-slurred ![](https://media.tenor.com/myVDsWZc-PYAAAAC/ongezellig-coco.gif)

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no u

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coco my beloved


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Because western countries won't let them seek refugee status and a lot of them are poor.

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