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:marseycracka:Hwitoid CEO who tried to pull :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged:ESKOM :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged: in South Africa back from the brink of implosion :marseymushroomcloud::marseyakbar: chased away by Chad Kangs

CONTEXT: Modern South Africa is a shitshow. There has been near constant loadshedding :marseyplugged: (https://mg.co.za/news/2023-02-20-south-africa-edges-closer-towards-stage-eight-load-shedding/) :marseyplugged:crippling the country for the past 18 months, as a consequence of the near apocalyptic levels of corruption, endemic stupidity of the ANC ruling party of South Africa and the National energy provider ESKOM.

Corruption is soooo bad that security vehicles need to follow the lorries from Coalmine to coalstation just to ensure that coal isn't stolen along the way. What's r-slurred is that ESKOM and south africa could have even dealt with the odd missing coal loads, but the fricking thieves fill the lorries with rocks to make up for the loss of weight upon arrival, this means that Coal power generator stations which were designed to burn coal and not fricking hard shrapnel rocks break down and get clogged and need to be cleaned. As you can imagine, this isnt tenable forever

In spite of this strangling of the already struggling post-COVID RSA Economy, south africans had a bit of hope last year as the previous eskom Kang CEO got the boot after a decade of corruption, and a Mayo experienced CEO had arrived like a caucozoid :marseycrusader::marseycrusader2::marseychessknight::marseyfedoratip:Knight in shining armour to save the day.

Unfortunately, In spite of AndrΓ© de Ruyter's :marseycarpbuff:herlculean one-man-army efforts at warring against corruption in ESKOM and the ANC governments' entrenched nepotism, ESKOM kept breaking down in every single of our 9 provinces, and the Unions at ESKOM were almost militant in their insanity when it came to dragging their feet whenever de Ruyter tried to change literally anything for the better

And since South Africans are just as wingcucked :marseysoycry::marseysoypoint::marsoyhype::marsoy::marseysoylentgrin: as their burger counterparts, many black peeps and ANC apologists kept blaming the new hWhite CEO for the problems he inherited from the previous management frickups going on for about 20 years.

He did a lot of novel things in spite of the shitshow, like implementing a better more spread out timetable for managing powerspread amongst vulnerable time zones in RSA, and improving upon the top heavy upper management by firing parasites left and right.

Eventually by about August last year, people began to learn from the rumour grapevine that De Ruter has been under astronomical pressure from the ESKOM upper management, from the EFF and electric unions, from fricking gobmint, and even from hitmen. Apparantly he got death-threats constantly from shaking the money making system that was ESKOM's corrup money leech, and had to start going to office in a bullet proof vest with private ex-military security gaurds. :marseykyle::marseykyle::marseykyle:


Eventually he gave in the towel after his wife and children started getting death threats. The reason this shitshow is getting traction today, is De Ruyter has finally GTFOing from ESKOM with his immediate informal resignation and began singing like a canary on a review.





If you guys give a shit: here is the formal 50 minutes interview at eNCA :marseyplugged::marseyplugged::marseyplugged: https://www.enca.com/shows/my-guest-tonight-annika-larsen-22-february-2023

Also by the way eNCA is another private news network after the prime SABC channels (South African Broadcasting Corporation) became corrupt and wingcucked into shit (similar to the BBC, aka the Big Bong Cucked channel), so private channels :marseyreportercnn::marseyreporterfox: blew up over the internet.


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Jesus Christ, and I thought we had it bad in the balkans :marseyemojirofl:

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I distinctly remember spending a summer in my balkan shithole and refugees crossing through it made fun of us for being poor.

Some called it Africa but with electricity.


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Lmao, based refugee

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On his way to get his rightful reparations from the krauts :marseykneel:


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Tbf, Moldova is legit an African country that happens to be inhabited by mayos. Otherwise, the balkan countries that are in the EU arent that bad

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Pros: Warm, low cost of living

Cons: Gypsies

idk if worth

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Gypsies are easy to deal with. Just one warning shoot and they get or they get it.

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Warning shot? I'm glad I live in a place with castle doctrine.


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Even the non-gyps are just barely a step above gyppos tho

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Romania is considered rough by Europe standards.

Moldova is what Romanians look to as a cautionary tale.

Now how bad is Transnistria if Moldovans refuse to go there?

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Moldova makes nice wine I think? So they have to have at least some of their shit together?

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>be from absolute shithole

>Insult your neighbor in racist and hurtful manner

>Feel superior

The refugees seem to have adopted Balkan culture perfectly

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It's okay, if you get rid of your electricity you can be African too.

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mitteleuropaer stealing balkan cred :marseymanysuchcases:

@Schizo discuss

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Least neurodivergent kaiserreich player :@grizzlypat:

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you must have confused me with soren

i just saw that one :marseyzizek: video

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Yeah, reading SA news makes me feel better about being a macaco. Jesus, even we can manage to have electricity

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Why would a white person willingly remain in za at this point?

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The ones who can have already left and are leaving, south african Mayos have had a negative population growth past decade, with mayos leaving faster than they can be replaced by birth like Lithuania and Estonia


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south african Mayos have had a negative population growth past decade


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Sad. SA is such a beautiful country.

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Are you a mayo? If so why not move out of SA neighbor?

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take ur mayo family and go before u get genocided neighbor smdh

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Take them with you neighbor

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Neighbor u best take ur family n run neighbor im for real rite now

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Your only future in Africa is in a mass grave lad

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So redditors can keep saying β€œnot all Africans are black” :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Someones gotta do it!

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Why not show North Africa lmao

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I've been getting Zimbabwe vibes out of SA for years now. Would be great drama to set up a refugee fund to settle white people from SA in Western countries due to racial persecution.

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a few years back missapm and i were at one of her friends house for dinner, and they had hired this smoking hot au pair from S africa. she sat down to eat dinner with us. i asked her how her parents were doing, and she literally broke down in tears right at the table, after telling us she calls to check and see if they are alive a few times a day. i guess they are farmers and some of their neighbors have already been murdered.

she applied for the au pair gig as a roundabout way of getting refugee status.

the absolute state of mayo monkeys :marseyxd:

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i guess they are farmers and some of their neighbors have already been murdered.

The word filter makes sentences like this absolutely hilarious

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They are r-slurred ![](https://media.tenor.com/myVDsWZc-PYAAAAC/ongezellig-coco.gif)

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no u

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coco my beloved


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Because western countries won't let them seek refugee status and a lot of them are poor.

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I don't see how it's possible to not :marseynoooticer: after what has happened to south Africa after globohom-o gayoped them so hard it turned into this

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This is why Israel keeps the Palestinians caged up.

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The difference is people were living on that land before the Jews arrived while south Africa was basically empty

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Palestinians aren’t people.

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I'm well aware of them as a menace brother. I look forward to the day their golem collapses

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Me too :marseycrusader:

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Ah but you see everything was definitely all falling apart anyway and the racist mayos just skipped out and left the kangs holding the bag as it all finally collapsed. Yep that's what happened because racism doesn't work, chuds.

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>Modern South Africa is a shitshow

Yeah, just modern south africa lol

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It's notable in SA because it was actually functional for the a long time.


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I wonder what changed


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They stopped listening to:chudsey:

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It was actually substantially powerful on the world stage when it had apartheid. People don't want you to know that.

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The first successful heart transplant in the world was conducted in South Africa by a South African surgeon.

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Another win for Black Excellence!



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In October 2016, U.S. Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) stated that Barnard sexually assaulted her when she was 23 years old. According to Kuster, he attempted to grope her under her skirt, while seated at a business luncheon with Rep. Pete McCloskey (R-CA), whom she worked for at the time

Is it weird I’m trying to find out why’d she work for a Republican?

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The parties were not as deeply at each other's throats before Gringrich in the 90s

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Dude died in 2001, it took her 15 years to talk about it?

Also I believe she was a lobbyist at the time, so working under a republican makes sense.

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Apartheid was like black kids in the 90s who grew up hating the police for stop and frisk which was really shitty to live under, but not knowing what life was like before the tough on crime bills got put through.

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Had they not been hit with international sanctions under apartheid it would still be that way. White oppression in south africa was so good, :marseyblack2: crossed the entire continent to go be oppressed instead of live free.

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It was always a shitshow but in the 30s - early 80s it had a first world tier government that actually functioned. Now if you send mail from one aide of the country to the other, it will either never arrive or take 6 months to get there. The violent crime rate is higher than it was during the civil war lmao.

Pretty based as the mayoids unironically deserve it for mostly being Nazis and the africans deserve it for being commies.

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I continue to be amazed that after all these years South Africa still hasn't gone the way of Lebanon in current year.

Who is propping them up anyways.

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They still have some mayos left who keep it (barely) together. Don't worry, with how things are going, it'll be Zimbabwe 2.0 soon enough :marseythumbsup:

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Who is propping them up anyways.

What's left of the white population and the infrastructure they built plus other nations purchasing their resources at rock-bottom prices.

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so collapse soon got it

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IIRC mining and as a storage for money from other, even more corrupt African nations

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Good post. We knew more African drama.

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There's like 900 sneed posts I can make from /r/Africa

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Here's some wingcuckery drama where r-slurs are downmarseyd for saying the evil mayo man was responsible for ESKOM being shit

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>He was a failure. Why did loadshedding get so bad while he was CEO? From having a 5000 MW surplus with an EAF in the 70's in 2017, to a 6000 MW shortfall and an EAF of 50% in 2023.


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GOOD post but worrying development

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What's the status on their cricket team though?

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Between this and the Ukraine grain shortage, what's the over-under on Africa having mass starvation and a refugee crisis sometime between 2024 and 2028?

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South Africa? Very likely. The rest of Africa? Not the same level of risk, they aren't nearly as dysfunctional.

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With how theyre pumping out BIPOClets, theyll be starving soon even in perfect circumstances.

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>South Africa is a shithole where shithole things happen

Wow! No way! :marseyshook: I thought the flamethrower equipped vehicles were just for show

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Wasn't SA in DDR's shit hole country list?

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Lol sucked in seth efrikens

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Ay met its almest as gud an accint as nuw zulund ay

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I always appreciate your writeups. One of my coworkers is a saffa and I always wonder what he thinks of this stuff

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Hope you get out kang

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Please make arrangements to get your last drama post when the country completely implodes uploaded. I'm invested in the arc now.

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Forget it Jake, it's Africa

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It's not just the fuel theft, but also copper theft. It's not uncommon for thieves to break into electricity substations and steal copper wire (sometimes causing outages or getting themselves electrocuted in the process) in most countries, but in South Africa it's scaled up to nightmare scenario levels.

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broke: mayo monkey methheads stealing 12/3 copper wire out of trailers

woke: kangz stealing 2000kcmil wire from underground main runs


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Kangs in SA be like


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Wait for real? Why aren't they executed when they do that? Shouldn't that be like a capital offense?

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Have you considered that enforcing laws against negros is racist?

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Strawman. As long as you find the same proportional amount of white and Black thives it's ok

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Such an overrated show.

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Never seen it myself. I've only seen clips like this here and there.

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It's a good show!

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Hearing news from South Africa is sometimes enough to turn me into Uncle Ruckus.

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You know, Orania has already started to break free from Eskom. They’ve built their own solar farm and all to their new houses are being built for energy efficiency. See the news video below. Maybe other communities can follow their example.

Also, from reading more recent statements by their spokesman, they hope to start exporting energy once they are self-sufficient.

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But that's rayciss!

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Ian Douglas Smith did nothing wrong.

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He lost tho?

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I'm surprised blacks can't run a modern country, didn't Wakanda have skyscrapers and stuff?

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Yeah but with mud huts attached to them so you know it's africa and not some random goyblock

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Eventually he gave in the towel after his wife and children started getting death threats

What a kitty. If someone threatened by wife or kids with death, I'd kill them first to make sure they stop.

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I swear to god I'm starting to hate the word cope, it's getting up there with based and "king shit" on my list of stuff that internetstrags say way too much

The other day I made the case that just having kids doesn't mean you're contributing to society and the copestrags came out of the woodwork there too, as if it's not possible to not be a permavirgin and also question whether filling a kitty with baby batter is actually an accomplishment

I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that there's a lot of projection going on around here. If you can only ever hope to c*m inside someone twice in your life I guess getting them pregnant would seem like more of an accomplishment

Anyway, where am I? Oh, right, we were talking about fatties

Frick it, I'm gonna take my meds and go out for my daily run

Because I'm not fat, you see, but I am a schizo










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