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Tumblr Hogwarts Legacy Seethe Compliation :marseythegrey: :!marseyrage: :marseysoypoint:









Tumblr is still mad about Hogwarts Legacy. User posts a compilation of posts about it to reddit, surely everyone agrees wizard game bad :marseyclueless:

About slide 4, I don't think simply consuming a piece of media means you agree with it or support its messages. You can play the game while thinking the story is horrible, you have not given monetary support to the people who are espousing these beliefs, I don't see what's wrong with that. Simply engaging with a story doesn't mean praising the story.

Reading Mein Kampf and shaking my head the whole time so people on the bus know I disagree with it


the first one is hilariously overdramatic. grow up, nobody is going to be permanently haunted by the sin of buying a video game

I know people don’t want to support Rowling, which I believe is good, but the way some people react you’d think playing this game equates to manslaughter. Responsible media consumption is good but some people have lost their sense of scope with it. Also at this point publicly announcing you’re boycotting it is just free advertising for the game, so.

It's a sort of 'minumum effort' kind of deal. If you can't support the trans community by literally just not buying and playing a single video game, arguably one of the easiest, least impactful things you could possibly do to show support, then how can anyone in the trans community expect you to take any sort of action as an ally to aid them? If you can't literally do nothing to support them, it implies you also wouldn't take action to support them. It screams, at the very best, 'I'll support you as long as it doesn't inconvenience me in any way'. Which is not any actual, real support.


Reminder that the majority of people have no clue what the struggles of the trans community are. So you have these uninformed people (i know some people that thought the whole discourse was because there was no trans character in HL to tell you how UNINFORMED some people are) you're calling them their nazis for playing a video game and sending them death threats and wave after wave of bullying for something they have no idea of what it's about. How do you think they'll react? :marseywords:

jkr is donating her cuts from the game’s profit directly to anti trans charities. Anyone who buys the game contributes to that. Boiling it down to “harassed over vidya 😡” ignores WHY people are upset.

And sending death threats to people helps fix that how exactly? You think people are aware of it? You think harassed people are aware of it? At the end of the day for them you're just harassing them over a video game, period. And once again harassing people doesnt fix anything, it just paints the people you're trying to help as agressors and gives transphobes the perfect reason to recruit people to their side. You've hurt everyone except the ones you're fighting against. Congrats.

Hmmmmm. If you’re being harassed

And the Harassment involves telling you that you’ve just donated to an anti trans charity

And you still don’t understand why

You’re an idiot. Straight up.

Okay, which part of "you're a nazi you should die" says "you've just donated to an anti trans charity"

Did you pass your 3rd grade reading comprehension tests

I think that people ignoring the multiple instances of antisemetic-like happenings in the game often leads others to think that they, you know, are in support of said antisemitism.

Also, you responded to a comment about the transphobic nature of giving money to grand terf jkr by cherry picking a strawman about nazis. Great comeback buddy! You’ve truly destroyed all trans people.

This turns into a big argument with /u/moop-doop ("You're an idiot. Straight up") calling someone unhinged :marseylaugh:

lmao just dont fund it then (this post was made by the piracy gang)

Didn't you read ?

Playing this game, even without paying anything for it, make you a turbotransphobe that want to kill jews.


I like how only one of these are actually trying to explain WHY the game is antisemitic/transphobic the rest are basically just screaming at you "Game is bad and you should feel bad!". To just keep being loud and angry about something likely isn't gonna win anyone over, they're just not gonna engage with the (hostile) conversation and play the stupid wizard game in the secrecy of their home where they can't be judged for it

" I like how only one of these are actually trying to explain WHY the game is antisemitic/transphobic"

google exists, dude. I'm not gonna go around personally yelling at people and if you take a single look at my post history all i've been doing to people who disagree with me is explaining.

Just fricking google it. holy shit, use your goddarn brains, and if you can't do that, use your fingers to type "what is wrong with buying hogwarts legacy trans" into google dot com. Everybody is so fricking braindead.

Everyone is indeed braindead :marseybigbrain:

My thoughts on HL is that if you cannot somehow avoid buying or playing it despite the pretty big antisemtic dogwhistles and the fact that supporting it by extension supports jkr (who cites her continued success as proof that transphobia is good and the norm), you shouldn't be surprised if trans people don't feel comfortable or trust you. because if you can't get over the hurdle of "don't play this game", how the heck can you be expected to pass hurdles like "the government is trying to legistrate us out of existence, please help us fight back"?

Are there specific plot points in hogwarts legacy that are an anti-semitic theme, cause if you think the goblins look like Jewish people then the anti-Semitic call is coming from inside the house. EDIT: Explain it to me.

"I didnt hear the dog whistle, so that must mean you guys are making up being able to hear it."


I bought the game and I loved every second of it despite everyone's attempts to ruin my fun. No, you didn't manage to spoil me. In actuality, the fact that I knew there was something to spoil actually made me wonder what it was, so during the whole game, I thought Fig was actually unapologetically evil, which gave him a character tone which was so awesome. I was SO sure up until the very last scene he was in that he was evil. So, thanks everyone for making my HL playthrough actually better than the one I would have had if you HADN'T tipped me off there was content to spoil. Now, do I support every viewpoint ever made by anyone whose things I've ever purchased? No, honestly, I couldn't care one bit what Rowlings views are. Nor have I ever supported Mark Twain, or HP Lovecraft. And those two buttholes were ten leagues worse than her. Because if we wanna get real fricking technical here, with this screwed logic, most of us support genocide by purchasing devices containing Chinese circuits.

You literally could have just not bought the game, we can't choose to be luddites without crippling ourselves

Frick you for helping the movement to kill trans people

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What a cop out lol

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It's not a delusion to be prepared for things to get really ugly towards transgender people as a whole and extreme measures to be taken to target them as anger towards the transgender community increases.

I expect things to get really ugly towards transgender people. Will it be a state sponsored massacre or genocide as a whole? Likely not, but anything is a possibility. You need to be prepared for all possibilities.

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Will it be a state sponsored massacre or genocide as a whole? Likely not, but anything is a possibility

You do realize you sound just as :marseyschizotwitch: as the very :marseytrain: you say are overreacting to a video game, right? You’re trying to pull some “us vs them” but mentally preparing yourself for being thrown into death camps because you refuse to stop wearing women’s panties is :marseymeds: energy

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I don't get anything sexually or think anything by crossdressing.

I believe that people have the right to self-advocacy and believe in freedom and if someone is more comfortable wearing a dress, and they aren't hurting anyone by doing so, then so be it. For me, they are just clothes, I'm not obsessing or thinking about the underwear I choose to wear.

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No one cares about the clothes, just acknowledge you’re a dude and :marseytrad: are cool about it.

The whole weird obsession about gender, self-inserting yourselves into every gynocentric campaign/resource/advocacy group as if :marseytrad: struggles are a little accessory you can wear to affirm your “womanhood”, and browbeating every :marseytrad: that doesn’t agree with you is where you lose whatever charity we have left to give you.

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I have acknowledged that I am a biological male. I never denied that.

Why are you associating me with the transgender community as a whole, when I'm trying to distance myself from it?

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When I said “you” in my previous comment it was a general you, not “you” personally.

Talking to you directly: it’s makes me feel :marseyembrace: that you haven’t completely drank the :marseytrans2: koolaid, but you have to understand that since :marseytrad: know that a lot of moids do this shit for :marseycoomer2: or misogynistic :marseyhomofascist: reasons, we see a moid in a ill-fitting dress and feel dehumanized :marseydeadinside3:. :marseytrain: think it’s not personal, but everything about it speaks volumes to everyone around you (whether we like it or not, society sucks) and makes it personal to :marseytrad:

I guess I should bring some of the other !biofoids in to see if they agree with this take.

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my take is that only creepy and maladjusted men would :marseytrain: out in the first place and if they were creepy as men they’re probably still creepy as women so i stay clear

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If I can’t detect you :marseydarkfoidretard: then :marseyparty: for you, but the issue is that most :marseytrain: do not :marseypass: by a long shot and are too :marseyautism: or :marseybrainlet: to realize that, and as an neurodivergent :marseytrad: myself, it sickens me that society thinks it’s :marseyokay: to lie to these people :marseydeadinside2:

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My take is that foids get mad at :marseytrain:'s because most of the people who hit on me are straight men, and it leads to competition with dating, because moids will have s*x with anything with boobs.

It's not my fault that straight men seem to prefer :marseytrain:'s to a biological female.

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nikka is obsessed with me so imma stay away from his depraved stalker butt he beyond narcissistic n delusional imo

he like that type of man that beats his kids bc they was 2 loud n then makes them apologize instead of realizing he abusive af prolly

gl tho darlin ur def intelligent af n i rly like reading ur comments 🥺🥰

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I’m glad you enjoy my rambling hot takes 😅


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:marseysquint: I thought you were marseyfied, but are you actually replacing words with emotes manually?

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It makes the dialogue more entertaining for me :marseyshrug:

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Don't let your dreams be dreams!

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