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We do a little trolling


Background: Rice University has a statue of its founder William Marsh Rice front in center at the main entrance. (wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Marsh_Rice) Unfortunately, despite donating his estate to education, he was not wholesome 100. Rice University was designated "whites only" and Rice had owned 15 slaves. Rice University is currently hyper-progressive and there has been a big movement to take down or move the statue (which holds his cremated remains btw). However, there's been some opposition, particularly from older alumni and donors. That's where you come in:

A little trolling: Rice has made an open anonymous survey for anyone to give their thoughts on the statue. Some people who care way too much about a statue with nothing better to do WILL read what you write. It's our responsibility to shed light on William Marsh Rice's buck breaking that historians have covered up. We can't let Rice get away with covering up all the broken bucks!

Also, if you want to write a more satirical bit, they featured over 200 responses last time, so the bar is low.

One thing to keep in mind: Rice students are like strawmen of progressives. I thought "fatphobia" was a right wing strawman until a Rice student unironically accused someone else of it. You don't need to tone down the absurdity as long it's the right kind.

Edit: copy paste your responses in the comments

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I ran out of funny ideas help


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So when are we going to see what gets featured?

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Survey closes the 30th. If they show responses again (may not happen again), it will be at the soonest weeks after that, but I wouldn't count on it. They'll probably announce a decision and that will be it. They might also complain about a racist group submitting hate speech after that one guy's response. I'll keep you posted, but don't expect anything to happen.

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I did my part. Feels good to be a conscientious citizen of the drama state.


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Is "Living Privlidge" too obvioius?

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why does this need to be a country club post

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i don't want them to trace my username to find my identity (shouldn't be possible anyway, but I'm paranoid). I also posted this on mobile data so they can't track me that way either. If you want to post a clone of this yourself, I can delete this. Also, the responses might be a little more restrained and not "n-word lmao"

Edit: Screw it, publicly listed

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oh ic

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you’re really dumb

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Found the schizo.

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if I were named make Pepe dank again I would not post my university on the internet just personally

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Wait, does he go to this college?

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yeah and I only know that because he indicated it in another comment here. he’s just dumb

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No one at Rice is smart enough to do that tho.

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is there anything more cucked than attending a non T10 private school?

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This but unironically. What a waste paying money to be educated in Texas.

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I provided some useful feedback

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Nvm, I am r-slurred.


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It's OK, we all are

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So cute :)

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Said some crap about "BIPOC bodies." Let's see if it's included :marseytroll:

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I LARPed a buttmad old rightoid who would never give a penny again if they touched the statue

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Didnt grab my response to the second question. It was about buck breaking though.

It is insane that they still allow half starved, stick figured proportioned women to walk around campus. As someone with a larger body type, the way these vapid bimbos trance around is very obviously done to provoke others. I end up staying by in my room because some of girls I see around campus trigger my anxiety so much. Can we have some space made for larger body typed women to feel more comfortable?

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furry is zoophile blackface


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Speak your truth king πŸ‘‘

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Everyone had slaves lol. Even the blacks. The natives had black slaves during the trail of tears.

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Try to get in the spirit of things.

Nobody appreciates a seriousposting rightoid.

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Agreed, however it's funny and sad that saying factual, non-r-slurred things about idpol race shit is rightoidism now

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It’s rightoidism when you let it cloud a very nice trolling opportunity

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Don't stop short - all other concerns wither before the pulling of the leg.

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gonna try to say the name of the university is racist because rice was stolen from bipoc by colonists, and should be renamed to an indigenous grain like maize.

here's what I ended up writing

The removal of the racist founder's Memorial is a great first step in the necessary decolonization of our great University, and the Task Force on Slavery, Segregation, and Racial Justice should be commended. However the primary concern shared by my Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Transgender Students of Color is the colonial nature of the University's current name. Rice was stolen by colonizers and used to replace grains of Indigenous origin, and the continued reference to it by our University puts Two-Spirited students and Students of Native American origin's lives at risk. We should consider renaming our University to an Indigenous grain such as Maize.

It is imperative to the safety of our Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Transgender Students of Color that the founder's Memorial be removed and disposed of immediately. Ever since the rise of fascism in our country in 2016, alt-right students have invaded my classroom, spewing racist and transphobic hate rhetoric empowered by the ideography of colonizers present around campus. Removing these disgusting and hurtful reminders of our past would show white supremacist incels and proud boys that they are not welcome at our University.


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Forget the statue, I recommended renaming the university. β€œThe name Rice cannot be separated from the practice of slavery itself.” Changed the wording a bit obviously.

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My reponse to the first question:

While current efforts to make this institution a more welcoming space to BIPOC are appreciated, they are fundamentally ineffective and misguided. If the University is to make itself a more inclusive space for BIPOC, it must fundamentally change its diversity policy.

Current policy is based on outdated ideas, mainly that of de-segregation. These ideas were crafted by liberals - false leftists - who willingly ignore the generational trauma and systemic discrimination BIPOC suffered at the hands of whites. There is scientific evidence that this trauma has imprinted itself - genetically, epigenetically, and spiritually - into BIPOC bodies.

All visual and textual references to white men and white culture - together with all white students, visitors, and staff - must be relocated to a designated "whites-only" area within the university campus. If this proves to not be possible - and it very well might not be seeing as much of the campus was built by and for white men -, then a new campus must be built to house BIPOC. To not do this is to subject our BIPOC friends to the full brunt of the genetic memory of their time under slavery.

And the second:

The statue is one of, if not the single biggest symbol of white culture within the campus. It must be kept within a "whites-only" space at all times and BIPOC must never again be allowed to see it.

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I'm doing my part

It must be taken down. The founder owned 15 slaves, and as the great documentary "buck breaking" shows, likely sexually assaulted these oppressed people to break their spirits. Instead it should be replaced with a statue of a true black activist like Tariq Nasheed.

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As a person of color I request, nay expect all Caucasians to apologise for their actions. Every action they have committed was either an act of violence against me or built upon the legacy of an act of violence against me and is therefore an act of violence against me and I will no longer tolerate any acts of violence against me.

Apologise. Apologise for your buggery.

The founder of Rice should be moved, along with his statue. His ashes should be buried in ground away from all university facilities in a place which nobody can or should visit. He was responsible for the breaking and enslavement of my people and slavery was perpetrated as a way to feminine-ize my people in a process known as "buck breaking". I have no idea if Rice personally participated in this but it goes as part and parcel of the black slave experience and is responsible for pushing a homofascist agenda onto my people today. We will not be broken and I will not forget the ruthless sodomy inflicted upon my ancestors.

Also the veggie menu in the cafeteria does not include hummus most weeks. Please include hummus.

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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you moron, it does include hummus

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I didn't actually check the menu did I?

What are you? The Daniel Day-Lewis of LARPers?

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Did my bit by writing about buck breaking, peppering it with some whining about capitalism and multi-generational trauma and also suggested that the statue of Rice doesn't deserve any respect and hence should be replaced with one of Ray L. Johnson, the University's first Black student

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FYI, I read a lot of the featured responses, and I heard all of those points unironically except buck-breaking.

Good job. Should fit right in.

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Where do you read the featured responses? Mine wasn’t subtle at all so I doubt it gets featured but one can hope

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I suggested public gay s*x parties and having queer POC drone operators blow up the statue

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Laughing so hard I'm crying

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Now we're getting r-slurred.

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Thanks. I also did a thing where I compared the statue with a violating phallus, drawing an analogy to buck breaking of the mind in CURRENT YEAR. Too far?

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Goddam that's good. Pretty borderline, though. Those kids are just r-slurred enough to feature what you wrote. They won't let feelings get in the way of proper skepticism.

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I compared the statue with a violating phallus


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