This is what I mean when I say leftoids don't understand dogwhistles. The right wing candidate saying he's "tough on crime" isn't necessarily appealing to racists, he's making you look r-slurred by saying prosecuting crime is racist
Imma sneak over like a spider and get sum of dat fat butt
KingOfComedy 1yr ago#4106874
spent 0 currency on pings
Persecuting crime is racism bc the only reason that minorities commit crime is bc white people buy nice things to bait us into commuting them. It’s all systemic racism
Stan talent, stan ARTMS
corp 1yr ago#4106338
spent 0 currency on pings
The concept of a "nuclear family" needs to be hit with a nuclear bomb. It takes a village to raise a child and I prefer it be the Village People to do so
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
SantaBussyHunter 1yr ago#4106797
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If I ever became a political figure, I would be keeping my fingers crossed that my bodyguards accidentally let some of these protesters through from time to time so I could slap the immaturity out of them
Imma sneak over like a spider and get sum of dat fat butt
X 1yr ago#4106913
spent 0 currency on pings
I rest my case. How could someone look at that brave, composed woman and think “this poetic figure has mental illness?” It’s absurd so stop pretending we are making you pretend
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
corp 1yr ago#4106763
Edited 1yr ago
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I think one of the biggest problems our society faces is not the debate on what the future should look like, but that we don't even have shared rules about how to debate. We used to have social norms, but those were always ineffective because there is no reason to obey a norm if there's no enforcement, which is why Trump tore down practically every single social norm imaginable. What I'm talking about are actual debate rules, like "It doesn't matter whether you're on my team or the other team: if you scream hysterically or interrupt the opposite side during their turn to speak, you will be drug out of the room and beaten to within an inch of your life." I really feel that if Republicans and Democrats could establish a shared framework of objective measureable debate rules that are enforced actively on both sides with painful repercussions to anybody who breaks these rules it would do a lot to heal the fractured state of politics we have now. The reason our society is currently slow-motion collapsing is largely because our elites built it around social norms rather than legally enforceable rules.
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
Call_me_Ishmael 1yr ago#4107326
Edited 1yr ago
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That's why I'm OK with killing them off until they have an attitude adjustment. I didn't become a rightoid randomly: I've switched political parties several times over the years to whichever side suited my goals most effectively. For example, I knew in 2016 when I supported Trump that he was gonna try to overthrow the government eventually and at the time I was OK with this outcome (I changed my mind closer to the jumping-off point when I realized his flaws made him dangerously unreliable) because I felt like if libs were going to behave in this unacceptably childish way, our society might need a Night of the Long Knives style purge to encourage the surviving Leftoids to stop behaving like bratty children. My general philosophy of life is that when I walk into the room, I expect people to keep their tempers under control and act like fricking grownups if they don't want to die
Ubiecute/twink It's okay, bb. It's only the internet.
sirpingsalot 1yr ago#4114256
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They have rules, and if you go over your time and adamantly refuse to step off, they'll have you escorted (almost always). You're being melodramatic over a minor issue, sweaty.
There's an awful lot of noise in there but am I taking away the correct message? They/Them wants the city to commandeer vacant apartments and install homeless people in them?
I stand with landlords and their 3rd Amendment rights.
No disrespect to this well-adjusted, beautiful woman, but reading from a script is gay as heck unless you're some kind of dignitary. If you understand and believe in what you're saying, you should be able to just say it and make eye contact at least once
Xching/chong Anarcho-Syndicalist-Trotskyist-Stalinist Cuban Revolutionary 1yr ago#4106208
Edited 1yr ago
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Tenant activist Jordan Davis also opposed the charter, saying the word “family” is “a common dog whistle on the right,” that the club would be a funnel for Republican dark money and that the club wants to turn San Francisco into a “bland-butt gated community.”
lmfao r-slurred
“F– you, Westside Family Democratic Club!” Davis shouted into the computer screen. “I yield my time! F– you!”
So what? What are you going to do about it, nerd?
1yr ago#4106266
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There's a history of Republican clubs / clubs with registered Republican leaders trying to get chartered with the local DCCC, incredibly. As can be seen, the chartered clubs span local Dems from left to right: The prob here might be the recall efforts - recalling elected Dems is something Repubs might do / approve of. Maybe look at this issue again if they end up actually being rejected.
McCarthy is rotating in his grave with glee rn that the American left has become so proficient in intra group witch hunting all the while doing it for free
Voting MahaKamala
1yr ago#4106209
spent 0 currency on pings
This didn't happen, please delete this post which is serving to undermine the struggle against fascism and is a bad faith attempt by fascists to destroy our democracy.
Darklands shill, do not engage
1yr ago#4107096
spent 0 currency on pings
Of course no one can say what's obvious here, that this is because she's asian. The Democratic Party is now openly based on race. It's like the DUP and Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland or Hezbollah and the Lebanese Forces in Lebanon, but somehow people here are too stupid to get it. If the DUP doesn't let a bunch of Catholic priests join, you don't have to do an investigation to find out why. If the Democrats want to exclude a group that's mostly asian, you don't have to do an investigation to find out why.
This account is verified because they are subscribed to Twitter Blue and verified their phone number
1yr ago#4106462
spent 0 currency on pings
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"Family" being a dogwhistle is just
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This is what I mean when I say leftoids don't understand dogwhistles. The right wing candidate saying he's "tough on crime" isn't necessarily appealing to racists, he's making you look r-slurred by saying prosecuting crime is racist
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Dogs don't use dog whistles to communicate with other dogs.
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Vid of how to radicalize a dog
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Persecuting crime is racism bc the only reason that minorities commit crime is bc white people buy nice things to bait us into commuting them. It’s all systemic racism
Putting the
spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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The concept of a "nuclear family" needs to be hit with a nuclear bomb. It takes a village to raise a child and I prefer it be the Village People to do so
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This has to be bait, right? RIGHT?!
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it all makes sense when you take a look at jordan
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this is a public hearing
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dont know if you saw this which happened recently in the same place
cured my transphobia
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LMBO oh my God this is so awesome
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If I ever became a political figure, I would be keeping my fingers crossed that my bodyguards accidentally let some of these protesters through from time to time so I could slap the immaturity out of them
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Oh. My. God.
You're right, my transphobia got cured. I literally stood up and clapped when she took her mask off.
Go. Off. Queen!
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I rest my case. How could someone look at that brave, composed woman and think “this poetic figure has mental illness?” It’s absurd so stop pretending we are making you pretend
Putting the
spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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How has this not been clipped and memed everywhere by now holy shit
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No one would believe it
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I think one of the biggest problems our society faces is not the debate on what the future should look like, but that we don't even have shared rules about how to debate. We used to have social norms, but those were always ineffective because there is no reason to obey a norm if there's no enforcement, which is why Trump tore down practically every single social norm imaginable. What I'm talking about are actual debate rules, like "It doesn't matter whether you're on my team or the other team: if you scream hysterically or interrupt the opposite side during their turn to speak, you will be drug out of the room and beaten to within an inch of your life." I really feel that if Republicans and Democrats could establish a shared framework of objective measureable debate rules that are enforced actively on both sides with painful repercussions to anybody who breaks these rules it would do a lot to heal the fractured state of politics we have now. The reason our society is currently slow-motion collapsing is largely because our elites built it around social norms rather than legally enforceable rules.
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"But rules are a white supremacist construct, like civility and being on time"
I don't think today's shitlibs are even capable of agreeing on rules, their playbook is that there are no bad tactics, only bad targets
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That's why I'm OK with killing them off until they have an attitude adjustment. I didn't become a rightoid randomly: I've switched political parties several times over the years to whichever side suited my goals most effectively. For example, I knew in 2016 when I supported Trump that he was gonna try to overthrow the government eventually and at the time I was OK with this outcome (I changed my mind closer to the jumping-off point when I realized his flaws made him dangerously unreliable) because I felt like if libs were going to behave in this unacceptably childish way, our society might need a Night of the Long Knives style purge to encourage the surviving Leftoids to stop behaving like bratty children. My general philosophy of life is that when I walk into the room, I expect people to keep their tempers under control and act like fricking grownups if they don't want to die
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Those aren't liberals. They're just copying trumpist tactics because they happen to work.
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Easy way to dismantle the 1st Amendment.
It's only 2 videos, and to be generous, let's say 1% of the speakers scream and are annoying. It won't affect the government in any meaningful way.
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The Heckler's Veto should not be considered "Free Speech"
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They have rules, and if you go over your time and adamantly refuse to step off, they'll have you escorted (almost always). You're being melodramatic over a minor issue, sweaty.
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Missed armchair expert
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There's an awful lot of noise in there but am I taking away the correct message? They/Them wants the city to commandeer vacant apartments and install homeless people in them?
I stand with landlords and their 3rd Amendment rights.
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My ladygarden being installed
Borderline based tbh. "I yield my time frick you"
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So cringe it’s kinda based—binge
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No disrespect to this well-adjusted, beautiful woman, but reading from a script is gay as heck unless you're some kind of dignitary. If you understand and believe in what you're saying, you should be able to just say it and make eye contact at least once
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Dios mio
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Shiny nickel says this dude was raised in a gated community himself
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fat train gerard way lmao
now I want to listen to mcr
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stitch is a chud
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lmfao r-slurred
i bet he has a reddit account

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McCarthy is rotating in his grave with glee rn that the American left has become so proficient in intra group witch hunting all the while doing it for free
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I guess not having an entire city sized enclave of fent and meth addict zombies roaming your streets is "bland-butt".
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My mental image of SF is the gated communicaties existing like safehouses in an open world zombie game or some shit
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This didn't happen, please delete this post which is serving to undermine the struggle against fascism and is a bad faith attempt by fascists to destroy our democracy.
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Of course no one can say what's obvious here, that this is because she's asian. The Democratic Party is now openly based on race. It's like the DUP and Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland or Hezbollah and the Lebanese Forces in Lebanon, but somehow people here are too stupid to get it. If the DUP doesn't let a bunch of Catholic priests join, you don't have to do an investigation to find out why. If the Democrats want to exclude a group that's mostly asian, you don't have to do an investigation to find out why.
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Tay! I've missed you bb.
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Missed you too desu! I think I'm gonna start dramaposting here again.
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You should. This place isn't the same without you.
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What, is boy sexist now?
@AndreaTwerkin stand with israel
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I thought Asians were supposed to be smart.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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Beginning to seem like one would have a nicer time visiting South Sudan or Bakhmut than Frisco at this point
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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.
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