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Penny is a libertarian.

She is a latent libertarian and a danger to children and 99% of her posts are about child molestation and she sees libertarianism where there clearly isn't any because she can't thinking about people having s*x with children.

She is a danger to children and there are a fair amount of libertarians on this site who think about s*x with kids to the point where they view someone being only interested in and having s*x with adults as libertarianism.

My daddy kink with adults may be weird but it's not illegal, harms anyone and at least I have an active s*x life.

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can you just jump off your apartment building like you made that one homeless girl do? you're so extra and annoying lol

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You know who should kill themselves.

Actual libertarians who's mind is so warped by their libertarianism that they have an obsession with having s*x with kids and see libertarianism everywhere..

Go keep yourself safe libertariandefender.

Frick libertarians and they should unironically kill themselves.

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i've never seen someone project some weird shit as hard as you. i would not be surprised if you diddled kids and offed yourself the second police catch wind of it.

you are :marseysus#:

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I'm not projectimg. I do actually think you all are an actual danger to kids,

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the whole of rDrama is a danger to kids :marseygigaretard#:

astral project into a noose loser lmao

legit nobody would even wonder where you went

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Not the whole of rdrama, just a sizable minority of the users here are actual libertarians who brigade.

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honestly, maybe don't off yourself. you might be able to solve the housing crisis in cali by making the homeless kill themselves. brb gonna contact the governor

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Darn, Gaslamper woke up this morning and said “It’s Sunday, but no rest for the wicked” :marseykneel:

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because some sad little schizo decided to harass @Penny

@RitalinRx is a broken, unloved mess. nobody cares about them, not even pojom. i bet pojom would laugh if she heard ritalin died. we all would and move on in less than a minute.

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He’s an actual schizo so he may truly believe what he says lol

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he believes his own lies the worst kind of person bc u can't ever get thru to em

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yeah hopefully the voices tell this dipshit to kill themselves. all you do @Peter_Scully is complain and whine. we all think you're a carbon copy of jared fogle

do the world a favor and just off yourself bro. ngmi

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:#marseykrayon: "rookie numbers"

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Don't get @boo started

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You’re missing a number of them.

@COMMUNISTHOMOGROYPER stand with ukraine ssr.

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What happened to 2 and 5?

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Paedophiles can kill themselves, but so can you, whether you're a libertarian or not.

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Except I won't and I don't need a hugbox to defend me.

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For once in your miserable life do something that makes people happy you sick :!marseytrain: waste.

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Better being a train than a libertarian.

I don't need a hugbox of unironic libertarians to call you out when I say that the amount of effort you all spend posting about grooming children is disturbing.

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The worst thing about you is that no one can tell if you're in the middle of an episode or if this is another one of your "jokes" like the "Why doesn't everyone just piss and shit into diapers?" thread.

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i promise you no one on this site would care if you offed yourself. you're a lolcow but what you provide isn't important

anyways have a blessed day ritalin

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