UPDATE #2: It’s time to spam advertisers until we get our way The splash heard ‘round the world :marseyn8:

Perennial rDrama favorite n8thegr8 has fallen, this time not by choice.

It has begun.


How it started:


Doesn’t look like you got the chance to sit on it til evening fella :marseysmug2:

If you missed the earlier thread where Reddit gigajannies came into the office bright and early on a Friday to TCB:



Attempts to unbreak a mop lead to broken bucks with broken mops of their own, as rejannying n8 takes out /u/cwenham via the anonymous gigajanny account. Corporate is firing any volunteers who try to revert them :gigachad2:

(read bottom to top)



On the ropes and forced to reopen lest they be fired from unpaid jobs, the j-squad has a new plan: spam the companies that buy Reddit ads with emails about how Reddit is banning apps that hide their ads:


And some ne’er do well has already notified Reuters :marseysmug3:



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Shit is about to hit the fan.

"Appealing to traitors". They had to know the moment the admins said they'd hand over the sub to a lower ranked mod that SOMEONE was going to pull a coup d'etat.

Edit: there's a few really vocal blackout supporters who'll lose their minds over being demodded. I NEED THE LEAKS.

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Roman empire larpers the lot of them.

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we have offered all of your underlings your job

There isn't a more frightening phrase for the powerhungry

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I hate spez and hate what he's doing to Reddit, but jannies always have to make it about themselves. Frick jannies. The dude above mods therewasanattempt, cats, and eyebleach for like 15 million subs combined. :marseycopeseethedilate:

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There's gonna be SO MANY STICKY POSTS.

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Also, stickied ;^)

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In the beginning of this whole protest I told the other mods involved that it's a complete mistake to focus on 'this change means we can't mop as hard reeeeeeeeeeeeeee' because it just allows the admins a very clear and straightforward response: Announce better mod cowtools, and say that mods need to keep their subs open because they're just janitors and don't own the community.

The much better thing to focus on would have been the centralisation of site access for profit, corporate greed, privacy concerns, etc, etc, all stemming from the scrapping of 3rd party apps. Yknow, the one thing users might actually care about, and that the admins really can't address with anything other than the most generic corporate response possible. That's exactly why the Spez AMA went so poorly, it focused on Apollo; but somehow the protest organisers managed to make the issue of 3rd party apps a complete non-priority. It's absolutely bizarre.

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That's exactly why the Spez AMA went so poorly, it focused on Apollo

Spez has a MAJOR hate boner for Christian. Probably because he's earned more money with Apollo than Spez has with reddit itself at this point.

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Probably because he's earned more money with Apollo than Spez has with reddit itself at this point.


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He let him get away with an embarrassing grift, and then immediately tried to blackmail them when that unbelievable generosity ended

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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the real grift :marseybipocmerchant: is being a reddit :marseydownvote: admin :marseychtorrr2: tbh

they have a Chief :marseymasterchief: Revenue Officer, a Chief :marseymasterchief: Accounting Officer, and like 50 different things that if cut, would :marseywould: probably make the darn site profitable

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I thought the hateboner was because Christian is a FAANGcel, and Spez was never a FAANGcel.

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eh. Christian was an intern, not exactly high stakes.

spez cashed out on reddit when it wasn't worth much (relatively speaking). Compared to the Silicone Valley Bros, he's a pauper, and has bitched about regretting it. Meanwhile, Apollo has made bank.

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>It's absolutely bizarre.

it's pretty par the course lol

they're r-slurred jannies who have nothing going in their lives besides reddit. it's no surprise. if they were even 1% competent in anything they would not be in such positions;

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and the jannies will have to clean up that too

for free!

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Why would anyone be a LOW LEVEL Jannie?

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for the salary

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When you multiplie 0 by phat, it still equals zero.

They probably do it for all the chicks.

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Jannies make six figures


zero hundred thousand zero hundred and zeroty zero

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That was the single most Reddit comment I've ever read in my life. You're lucky I can't give you a wedgie over the internet

dude bussy lmao

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The fact that the term traitor is being unironically used here makes my head hurt

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Part of the fiscally-left, socially-right movement. Join today! :marseyexcited:

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This is worth unlurking for. LMAO frick the jannies. I hope this is the first of many. :marseyxd:

/r/aww is already reopened :marseylaugh:

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3 comments in almost two years and one is IN MY THREAD :marseycarpb#lush:


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t. random alt


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Unpleasant creature :marseyfacepeel:

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Based lurker coming out to dab on jannies


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Rare user! @fella @getogeto @AraAra discuss


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/r/funny is also back

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Hopefully the chadmins get the turtle next he is the final boss of powerjannies

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Hello lurk neighbor.

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Someone submit a marsey

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Night of the Long Y'all / Night of the Broken Mops >>>>> Night of the Long Mops

get it right chuddie

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jannapocalypse now

The future is female

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The next week of former janny sneed is gonna be.


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lol didnt this neighbor say he was quitting ages ago? fricking jannies lmfao they're addicted to modding and still wonder why noone respects their protest


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I am deleting my 1,000,000 karma mod of 50 subs account because I can't take this anymore and Reddit isn't worth my time.

I will only be using my 150,000 karma mod of 15 subs account going forward

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In talking to N8, it was about resetting expectations of who is account is at the end of the day.

He's hopelessly addicted to moderating, I've tried beating it out of him but it just doesn't work

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The eternal janitor.

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Truly the one cause that all Dramatards can come together to support!

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Some of the subs with mods I really despise are still closed, I hope the admins obliterate these twinks

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Another hundred opened up in the last hour. The huge huge subs are bending the knee quick. n8 was the admins chosen example to set the tone lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Not much of one, they left his alt on the sub. I think cwenham is the one they're using to flog this particular horse. Nuking his perms, then removing him or reshuffling the list to drop him below the cooperative mods.

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All their idealistic shit melts away once their e-power is threatened

Same people that see all politics and international relations as good v evil suddenly realize things are complex when it comes to volunteer internet forum moderating, of all things lol

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It's time to pay your dues to Jesus, Lysis.


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God dammit you remembered lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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The huge huge subs are bending the knee quick.

Such cowards.

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mods I really despise

Frick all jannies but lmao imagine being aware of + having a strong opinions on individual mods 😭😂😂

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Fetch individual

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 02 hours 15 minutes and 48 seconds

Record is 1 days 10 hours 08 minutes and 36 seconds by beamrifle

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was ThermonuclearNecrostorm which was 0 days 11 hours 51 minutes and 25 seconds

██████████████         27 06-10
████████████          24 06-11
█████████████████████ 42 06-12
████████████          24 06-13
███████               14 06-14
████████████████████  40 06-15
██████████████        28 06-16

Best friend is ACA with 218 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 300.926 µBardyhertz with 4764 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Watch him seethe in real-time https://www.reddit.com/user/karmanacht

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He’s sticking to janniecord it seems :/


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There'll be a multiparagraph effortpost eventually.

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omg it's phedre

how about you stop giving lawlz the run a round and let him pork you

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I will not be responsible for sullying that poor kid's innocence.

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You two remind me of Elon and AOC.

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OK but you have to admit, those shoes are legit.

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Feet? :marseyconfused:

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Ugh. FINE. I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow before I go out. I'll post feet for you degenerates.

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I thought lawlz was with the alkie female driver.

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That's pizzashill

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you're telling me they're not the same person?

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That's pizzashill. Learn your drama celebrity lore straggot

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lawlz is stanley kubrick's illegitimate son

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Go back too Reddit

Trans lives matter

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learn the spergs' names


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If you’re not gonna respect power users just go back too sucking jannies

Trans lives matter

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Lawlz is literally a janny.

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Don't want the plebs to know he is SEETHING and was the first hand-picked mod to get the ax.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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he's probably going to take it better than 99% of the modcoord mods will. He'll rant, effortpost, and get over it.

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He'll be back.

I've got the Twitch stream going and it seems some somewhat large subs are going restricted en masse. I have no idea if the admins are ok with restricted vs private.

A lot of the city and state subs are opening quickly.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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he's still a full mod on /r/aww on an alt.

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Sneaky sneaky. Would have been even better if he reported his alt on his alt-alt to get good boy points and troll.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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now that he lost his mop, he is no longer protected. Let's #reportmaxx his account too!

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this is just one subreddit

The future is female

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he has been marked with an ill standing report score

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oh frick yeah!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Why does an official reddit janny :marseycarpjannie: have an antisemetic name that trivializes the holocaust?

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Why does an official reddit janny :marseycarpjannie: have an antisemetic name that trivializes the holocaust?

it's based on /u/karmanaut.

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He's not seething. He thinks it's funny.

He'd fit in here if he wasn't addicted to modding.

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Yeah that sounds about right. n8 isn't really a seether.

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He’s posted here a couple times hasn’t he?

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