Greetings Dramatards
So by 2008, white South Africans have started to realize that the ANC was there to stay, and despite the alarming incompetence, corruption and instant decay of every institution which they touched in the short span of merely a decade, the loyalty of ANC-wincucks, and the impoverished black masses voting them in repeatedly, seemed to be unwavering. There was virtually no scandal too egregious, no nepotism too over the line. No theft too grand.
The very moment the aged Mandela stepped down after just one term, it was like a house of falling cards. While the Mandela Administration was mostly competent, and Mandela himself had bucketloads of charisma - the fact remains that Nepotism started on day one, 1995. Many white liberals have nostalgia-goggles towards the Mandela Administration as being some uncorruptible benevolent rulers whom did absolutely nothing wrong, and that it was the intensely corrupt Thabo Mbeki who followed up Mandela in 1999 which led the doorway for statewide corruption in RSA.
The reality is that while Mandela himself was a stunning leader, he enabled large scale nationwide Nepotism for woefully unqualified individuals to obtain prominent and politically critical high positions of power, simply based on ANC party loyalties, and their rankings within the ANC rebellion's leadership. He had to placate many different ethnicities (like the competing Xhosas and Zulus who still held century long grudges), whom all wanted to have their political leaders at the helm of various government institutions. It is a reality that while Mandela steered a ship well, he also normalized nepotism on an unprecedented scale.
As we've seen with so many South American revolutions and counter-revolutions, it appears that charismatic revolutionaries don't always make for competent bureaucrats.
We've also seen the latest Turkey election in which many supporters continued to keep Erdogan in power, regardless of his corruption and poor state leadership. I was personally coping that his opponent Kemal would actually succeed to dethrone him, yet close is never enough. Hilariously it seems that many of the expats and immigrants from Western Europe were the ones responsible for tipping the scales into Erdogan's favour lmoa
Still, in spite of the wingcuckery and voters for ANC, in 2008 a lot of South Africans still had large hope for the country - both whites and liberal blacks who were also unhappy with the corruption displayed by the ANC post-Mandela. The rand was still going strong-ish and petrol was cheap.
In 2008, former members of the African National Congress (ANC), would meet in Bloemfontein and founded "The Congress of the People" (COPE). They were sick of the internal division and squabbles between ANC high membership and wanted to establish a competing party.
There was a lot of unironic hopefulness in this venture, as very high ranking ANC members like Mosiuoa Lekota, Mbhazima Shilowa and Mluleki George, were breaking line with the mainstream ANC leadership. These weren't just nobodies, there actually was a chance to form a core of opposition against the ANC, as a viable alternative party! Liberal journos were hyping up this shit!
It's important for foreigners to understand the RSA voting makeup for the past, to get an idea as to what Saffer r-slurs believed the COPE party could help change. The ANC basically dominated 1990 - 2010 undisturbed with 60-70% of the national total votes. So they were completely untouchable. It's also this dominance which gave them the arrogance to rule as corrupt as they pleased, because they knew they had zero competition, and no capacity for the opposition parties to ever realistically overtake in either National or Provincial governments. You guys know the saying: if you don't have to compete, you don't have to care.
As you can see ANC is perpetually close to 65+ percent of all RSA votes.
I show these to demonstrate how untouchable the ANC seemed to be. And how frustrated white liberals were with the passive compliance black peeps had to just give over districts to corrupt local governments no matter how crushingly bad they were run. But these liberals and other whitoids didn't understand the mindset that many of these Post-Apartheid people had been through. Even though mandela had left, the ANC would always be his party - the party of men like him and Steve Biko and other black rights activists jailed by the NP regime, yet still defiantly stood up for the rights of SA blacks everywhere!
They had an undying loyalty to the ANC as a symbol of their freedom, and the democratization of the country, not the leaders in the party themselves. White liberals could not bridge the gape between black peeps, and since they had not always obtained good services under the Apartheid regime anyway, the collapse of infrastructure was inconsiquential to blacks. Further more there was a spitefulness from much of the black voters towards whites, both for Apartheid and the wealth-inequality between the races. For many RSA blacks, whenever the whites and journ*lists screamed and squealed in the news about the destruction of infrastructure like potholes in roads, they would be happy about it. Their black leaders were turning the screw on these slimy whites whom had stolen so much land from them - this was justice for apartheid.
It was only fair that whites had their turn for suffering and their undeserved wealth and closed off suburbs undermined through structural degradation right? Well this mentality would be the ultimate self-destruction. It was the best example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Or eating shit to have others smell your rancid breath,
Because most of these long term corruption-related infrastructural corrosion would tragically affect blacks disproportionally badly. Water system, pumps, water pipes and sewage recycling refineries would for example, be many of the services just absolutely collapsing under the rule of people who literally didn't even have a highschool education. When retired Chemical engineers in the Free State province offered their services to the new black managers, to teach them how to proportion the chloor and other chemicals when treating the human biomatter (shit), so that clean water may be recycled in in the Free State where there are very arid semi-desert regions. Instead, the arrogance and bitterness of these blacks in new positions of power genuinely sincerely refused help, and though that they would be diminished if they accepted the help of white men whom had ruled over them scarcely 15 years prior. They knew better and wanted to contrarianly show whites who were in charge.
I am not making this up, my uncle has been a chemical engineer for 40 years, and his works are lost on upper management whenever he had to inspect the perpetually failing Sewage and water pipes infrastructures within the Free State. It is neglect on such a vast scale, that 1st worlders I feel have a hard time understanding how corruption and incompetence can so completely bring a state to its knees.
In the Black townships, electricity, water pipes and roads degraded just as fast as that of their white peers, and thus the continual wingcuckery, blind loyalty, or just spite voting against whites affected them just as severe when national infrasctucture started to break down from 10 years of neglect.
Still after 12 years of ANC bullshit, even other ANC members were in upheaval and rebellion, and thus COPE became a very hyped symbol of hope and change. The DP (Democratic Party) in 1999 is the same group as the DA (Democratic Alliance), they just changed their name when they absorbed other COPE members. in 1999 alliances had not yet been solidified in the 2nd democratic election of South Africa, and a bunch of mismash junk parties occupied the opposition against the ANC, all of them way too ideologically different to ever be able to form a functioning alliance.
By 2004 the DA had established themselves as the most potent opposition against the ANC in terms of organization, yet they were still way too proportionally voted by whites. By 2004 the DA also started to become very coloured and Indian dominated because even though the new government mandated affirmative action - so that previiously impoverished and discriminated against peoples, would have the ability climb up the social and economic latter against previously white dominated occupations.
Initially coloureds and indians were very optimistic with BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) the government mandated affirmative action, but they soon realized that BEE just that, specifically BLACK economic empowerment:
Big words, many corporatization of terms. The short is you can be shut down if you don't hire black peeps instead of indians/whites as employees. This is reality.
The rankings usually go:
Black female
Black male
Indian female
Indian Male
Coloured female
Coloured males
White female
white male.
The idea is you cannot hire a race lower on the scorecard, if someone higher than the scorecard applies for the same job, to force businesses to help alleviate black from dire poverty Post-Apartheid. It is important to note there was good sincere intentions in this policy, there was realistic fear that white businesses would refuse to ever hire blacks, resulting in perpetual economic class divide. But like all good intentions, the road to heck is paved towards them.
Indians and coloureds were enraged by this. They had believed that the BEE policy would only be temporary to get blacks up on their feet, and that after the 1st Mandela term, it would equalize. Yet the opposite happened. BEE became permanent, and much more strict, and much less favorable towards coloureds.
The coloureds in Cape Town felt extremely alienated towards there black countrymen, and even today coloureds can make Afrikaner racists seem like toddlers in comparison with their extreme contempt towards black peeps. They very culturally different, even though blacks and coloureds shared in their misery beneath Apartheid.
There became a common sentiment - namely they were too brown for NP Afrikaners, yet today they are too white for the ANC. By the end of 2010, Coloureds would become the prime occupants of the Democratic Alliance political party.
To demonstrate that I'm not talking out of my butt whenever I call Zulus the most conservative and rightwing ethnic group in RSA, here was one of their most prominent parties in the 2004 election: the IFP ( Inkatha Freedom Party).
They pretty much didn't like the government interfering with their cultural and communal land, they wanted much more autonomy, and were pretty nationalist for a Zulu dominated cultural KwaZulu-Natal. They weren't Serbian levels or nationalist or mouthfoaming, but they made it clear they wanted nothing to do with the left wing and socialists policies on their home turf. They would find minor success from 2000-2010, but as you guys can see they never amounted to more than 10% of the national vote. They would however stay a dominant contender for the KwaZulu-Natal provincial leadership.
The rest of the parties were trash and useless, and would not survive concurrent election cycles. Thus it was with great hope that the DA would be able to form a worthy alliance with COPE, to obtain the critical black votes which made a dominant share under the national election.
Also by the way, on an irrelevant tangent: notice this party lmoa. If I'm stretching definitions like a slinky then I would define the VF (Vryheids Front) [translated: Freedom Front} as a right wing party, similar as to the Yank republican parties (but there are decisive differences, like RSA people don't think abortion is as bad as yanks is - there are debates but its mostly a non issue and would be supported by RSA whites and VF members if they were magically teleported into burgerland; they'd be mostly pro-abortion or lukewarm at worst)
This party is basically the feeble remainder of all the White afrikaans boomers who vote for it, it still exists today lmoa.
Most whites, even hard right wingers and conservatives vote for the DA (Democratic Alliance). They are still very liberal, even though they are not as left wing as the ANC, I would still describe them as the closest we have to Yank democrats, but they differ from burger democrats decisively also, by for example, strongly supporting the nationalization of all RSA mines and mineral deposits.
Imagine a bunch of turbo racist afrikaner boomers voting for Left wing Liberal DA, simply because they were least worst option in the whitoid eyes. Talk about being politically turbo cucked lmoa
Anyways I hope I succeeded in establishing the 2008/2009 political stage for foreigners to understand, and why the establishment of COPE, and the mutiny of high grade ANC officials into the COPE party, gave white liberals and journocucks a lot of hope that the ANC stalemate and deadlock could be broken.
Even if the COPE and possible future COPE-DA alliance would still never reach an unlikely 50% startegic vote, their larger presence in parliament would allow them to block much of the ANCs bullshit, and force them to enact laws counter to their corruption.
The reality of the schism between ANC party members were actually inglorious. The main COPE mutineers didn't in reality object to the destructive corruption of the ANC, instead it was an internal power struggle for the two mainstream ANC factions aligned with current president ThaboMbeki and the soon to be future president Jacob Zuma.
In 2007, the ANC would hold their 52nd anneversasy national conference at Polokwane Limpopo. The conference resulted in the election of Jacob Zuma and his supporters, ahead of Thabo Mbeki and his supporters, to the ANC's governing body, the National Executive Committee. Zuma was elected ANC president ahead of Mbeki.
Mbeki and his faction wanted to pursue more neoliberal policies and imitate China whim had obtained great coming success in that period by relaxing their absolute state control on all their economy so that their businesses would trade profitably oversees. Jacob Zuma however were far left populists, and wanted to conduct other social policies. Zuma also wanted to give more power to public unions and have the ANC work with the RSA Communist Party. The two inner factions erupted after this vote, where Zuma became the victor.
Additionally there was high levels of ethnic tension between Zuma and Mbeki ,because they each represented an almost avatar of their respective peoples. Zuma was a Zulu, and Mbeki was a Xhosa.
==========(from the article)
The formal launch of a party of defectors from the governing African National Congress (ANC) marks a decisive moment in the history of post-apartheid South Africa.
The Congress of the People (Cope) - led by Mosiuoa Lekota, a former defence minister, and Mbhazima Shilowa, an ex-premier of the region around Johannesburg - poses the first serious challenge to the ANC since it came to power 14 years ago.
In the 18 years since Nelson Mandela was released from jail, the ANC has gone from being one of the most successful liberation movements, with a leader revered around the world, to a deeply divided organisation, led by Jacob Zuma, who has faced charges of corruption and racketeering.
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Even a hundred years later the Xhosas have not forgiven the Zulus for displacing them from much of their homeland and basically genociding half of them out of existence. Similar to Yugoslavia having kept the lid of the kettle intact, so too did the oppression of the white Apartheid regime keep the two groups mostly out of each other's hair and spaces, because if ethic tensions or race riots ever evolved during the Aprtheid years, then the NP police would crack down brutally and suppress any rioting or fighting. This wasn't because the afrikaner police and military were being angels or the good guys or anything; they just suppressed any civil discontent that threatoned to destabilize the nation.
In the same way that drama can evolve out of hearsay, so too did the notion amongst Xhosas become loud that their Zulus peers were once again up to no good and wanted to dominate them politically, in the same way that the Serbs had wanted to dominate the rest of the groups into a greater Serbia, before Yugoslavia collapsed into racial civil war.
Now I'm not suggesting the ethnic tensions were anything remotely as bad as the Balkans, there were no murders or fighting like that. But that groomercord had swept between Xhosas and Zulus, with the leadup to Zuma's election as President of the ANC during the 52nd ANC conference.
Xhosas felt content when Mandela and Mbeki ruled the country, now with Zuma, it's like they exchanged the Apartheid whites for a fricking Zulu to rule over them!! The ethnic tensions could be cut with a knife, and a lot of
Meanwhile the idiot whitoids and journocucks didn't grasp the full reason for this mutiny, and creation of COPE, was because of internal division, instead of protestations against a new era of hope and butterflies
==========(from article)
The formation of Cope is being widely seen as the most significant development in South African politics since the end of apartheid, our correspondent said. South Africa's election is expected to take place in April or May. The ANC has ruled the country since the end of apartheid in 1994. While Cope is not expected to win, it could drastically cut the ANC's majority enough to prevent it automatically forming a government, our correspondent said.
Cope's manifesto also included plans for a stabilisation fund to help protect companies affected by the global financial crisis.
The party was formed after last year's ANC conference in Polokwane, when then President Thabo Mbeki lost his fight with Jacob Zuma to remain party president.
Mr Zuma's supporters went on to force Mbeki loyalists out of key positions of power, and Mr Mbeki was forced to step down as president in September.
Cope's registration has been delayed because the name it had initially chosen, the South African National Congress, was challenged by the ANC, while the second choice name - the South African Democratic Congress - had already been taken by another party.
=======(end of article)
There was a general sense of optimism by r-slurs who followed politcal news, and COPE soon became a household name. Were they actually going to offer a successful challenge against the ANC?!
You can read the article - it demonstrates how suave and charismatic the COPE leaders were towards the media compared to the brokenshit engrish with which african leaders usually speak next to a microphone.
Q: Jacob Zuma sometimes threatens to "out" people who he hints were more involved in alleged arms deal-related corruption than he, but so far he has not actually exposed them. He has been criticised for this. You have accused the ANC of keeping silent while you wrongly went to jail. Is there any reason why you cannot out them now?
A: There will come a time when I mention the names of people who did profit from the money that came in 1988 when the UDF was banned, the money I went to jail for. The people who received that money, high up in the ANC know that. Zuma is threatening that if you take him to court, he will expose them. I am not doing that. I have been to prison. I cannot threaten anyone and I only raise it because it is a matter of honour and integrity. I am not using this as a stick to beat anyone to try to escape from appearing in court like Zuma.
Q: Analysts suggest that Cope is losing popularity because of the mixed messages you give on affirmative action and coalitions?
A: In the beginning maybe when Cope was trying to formulate policy - but now we are clear about affirmative action and coalitions and people are beginning to understand it more and more. On the issue of coalitions Dr Dandala came out clearly. My experience is that Cope is increasing in popularity on the ground - our popularity far outstrips our capacity to meet those expectations.
And COPE basically comes out in a wet fart. A paltry 7%
Unfortunately for everyone the hype train derailed pretty fricking abysmally. COPE proved that small fringe parties, even with charismatic leaders didn't stand a chance, and that people generally vote for the save option, rather than a radical party with less likely chance to get elected.
And uhh that's it. The hype died, and the current stalemate between ANC, EFF and DA is what RSA would look like for the next 15 years. Political nilists would basically give up any hope to invigorate the black population of RSA to hold their leaders accountable for corruption.
2009 not just ended with Jacob Zuma being elected, the corrupt to be president in the History of SA, but it also showed how RSA would remain for the next decade.
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White South Africans should be enslaved as reparations.
Black Trans lives matter.
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voting for what benefits you the most
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It's not as crazy as it sounds, because Erdogan is more pro-welfare than the opposition.
If I may add, this is much more the reason for his popularity. Erdogan has never been consistently Islamic -- he positioned himself as feminist and pro-LGBT early in his career (really!). However, he has always been pro-gibs. The West is really obsessed with Islam, though, so that's all they see.
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I really don't care about that. I just like to see immigrants voting for multiculti shitlib in their new lands and nationalism where they are from. Just rings kinda nice.
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It reminds me of nationalists in the Austrian Empire. Before they took power, they claimed to be all brotherhood of nations, liberal, enlightened, lovers of minority rights. After they took power, they brutally genocided any minority within their borders, ironically far worse than the empire ever did.
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i thought most of the post Hasburgs states were cold hearted when it came to minorities but it never reached genocide?
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They either sided with the Axis and genocided from 1939-1945, or they sided with the Allies and genocided from 1945-1947. Or they were Ukraine and did both
Lviv used to be half Polish. Rijeka used to be majority Italian. Prague used to be half German. Trieste used to be a third Slavic. Et cetera
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wasn't erdogan more pro-refugee than the other candidate?
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Yes, though not in the Western ~no human is illegal~ sense but because it gave Erdogan a bunch of leverage against the West.
afaik the reason why the diaspora votes Erdogan is because some diasporas including Turks in Europe tend to be far more nationalistic and conservative than the people back home, either broadly or specifically in reference to their home country. Many Turks in Turkey are fairly secular and have Western values, but the diaspora has a reputation for being quite islamist (though sometimes of the variety that drinks, parties, and gets wrapped up in illegal shit which is unique to muslim diasporas in Europe)
Anecdotally I saw a similar thing happen in the Filipino diaspora when Duterte was first running; the otherwise normal, Trudeau-voting people I knew were frothing at the mouth about cleaning up The Philippines.
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Cleaning up?
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Getting riffraff off the streets by any means necessary
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yes, which was awesome, and he literally used them as a weapon against europe but go off
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Why would diasporacels care so much about Turkish gubernment gibs that they're not receiving?
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You make it sound like South Africa is a single party state in practice. Is that true or do the other parties get something occasionally?
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No it's a democratic country, but the ANC is so dominant that the opposition parties need to use courts to oppose their most egregious corrupt Acts in parliament .
Like that time the ANC had attempted to instill a censorship law, and was heavily opposed. (another longpost by the way)
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Yet another interesting kaamrevpost
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Just leave bro come too the USA the white homeland never apologize for you're forefathers. Africa is a failed continent
Trans lives matter
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White is a euphemism itβs not as much as race. As just meaning organized civilization with individual freedoms and hard working people
Trans lives matter
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It's not?
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@collectijism didnβt say legally. Just take the Mexico way come stay in one of @collectijism's guest rooms or get on a flight and never leave
Trans lives matter
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The phrase you're looking for is 'de facto one party state'.
It's common in most parts of the world, being prevalent at local and municipal levels of government in most democracies, but often manifests itself at the provincial/state level in many countries, and even at the national level. Japan and Singapore are classic examples of de facto one party rule occurring at the national level in democracies. Think of a Northern English post-industrial town governed uninterrupted by a Labour Party city council since the 1890's or some shit.
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So basically South Africa is what happens when you let DEI people run the country lol.
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What's DEI?
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diversity, equity, and inclusion
it became a huge grift in burgerland in 2020 with the floydian riots
theyre basically people whos entire job is to make sure that a company has enough black people, women, gays, etc to not appear racist sexist whatever
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Diversity equity and inclusion. Theyβre the types that hire based on demographic and not based on ability.
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I think it helps
even more
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Same thing as ESG, effectively a way for Big Finance to dictate how a companies runs itself.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and governance and itβs basically a rating given out by Black Rock Fiancial and Vanguard Fiancial for getting business loans. Itβs why every entertainment company loads projects with blacks, Asians, and
s despite a project being set in 11th century Poland.
DEI and ESG scores effect how banks will give you loans. Having a negative one will hurt that and businesses that do business with you.
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That feels like a massive lawsuit ready to go to the Supreme Court, which is conveniently stacked conservative now
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It effectively wonβt because both companies pushing it are in deep with the Federal Reserve.
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Dale earnhardt inc.
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from your description, a softer bee
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amazing effortpost neighbor, and i used to love to read war nerds articles about african wars, and basically knowing shit about africa was always coded vaguely racist??? really, fully hilarious, and theyre not people, dont think about them seriously--mainstream media
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it really is fascinating how many wyt supremacists are not wyt
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Good effortpost, and like the fourth time I beg you and all your fellow boers to move to Australia
like your brethren once you have the money
to do so.
Seth efrikens have a bad reputation here but honestly everyone
I've met that can speak Afrikaans was an absolute legend, and if I asked them they could probably contribute to your next RSA effortpost
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I hear Alice Springs is lively, maybe they can move there?
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I mean it'd definitely give them the darkies to seethe
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Probably make them feel closer to home
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Saffas are fricking insufferable.
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Erdogan going to continue winning because of Islamization if you look at east Europe like Poland and Russia then the Turks voted against Erdogan because they less Muslims. But here in west Europe in majority turk communities there weβre everywhere erdogan posters
If we go by popular vote then Trump was gonna never win the election, a republican canβt win popular vote election in Burgerstan
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Last cases when election winner didn't win popular vote:
Drumph (second worst candidate in history after
Bush-Gore (super tight election)
Harrison-Cleveland (1888)
every other Republican president won popular vote.
Also people would vote differently if there was popular vote system. Every republican in blue state who didn't like trump could safely skip his vote without actually affecting elections, instead of grudgingly having to pick lesser evil. And vice versa for
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I told this in present sentence. The only way for republicans now to win popular vote if they become super pro woman party and call democrats sexist and racist
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Can you compare bipoc population percentage from 1888 and today ?
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you see the sharp drop of mayos ??? combined with rise of feminism if republicans wonβt become pro female party they wonβt win popular vote
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Every time
!nonchuds why are chuds like this
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Youre talking to salvador he has less intelligence
than a caterpillar
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like only women matters look at gaymarny, despite receiving millions of arabs men refuge their female population is higher and now with hohols refugees itβs even higher, and to be a successful politician you need to focus on females and then on bipocs, and in west country mayo men making max 30% of population and literally all men like 48%, and trump first steep should force baron trump to marry zendaya or something
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And for a more serious answer, those hard-working Americans will be considered white in 20-40 years, as already happened in the past with Germoids, pizzas or slavs.
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gaymarns were always considered white, and you also coping hard if you think next gen of literally any race will work hard
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Females love entitlements and rules because they don't win straight competitions. Republicans try to feminist-cope, but they'll never be able to promise so much as dems do to women, and so are bound to lose.
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You donβt get it. Their wonβt be any liberals in the next few generations. They have more dogs than kids in their cities. Only the Christianβs will breed and fight too keep the liberals from converting their children.
Trans lives matter
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also like local muslims and true african shit their pants when i walk with my dog, and they also get angry when my dog piss on the gov building that they are living starting telling me my dog canβt piss here and i tell them he can under dutch royal conditions then they start screaming something in arabic and i tell them they are stragot in russian or german and they can suck my pipi, and like to show them i know cooler language than their arabic
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Thatβs thanks to the 1965 immigration act.
When it was passed frickers like Ted Kennedy in the senate promised that it βwouldnβt alter the demographics of the nationβ
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Republicans won the popular vote in House and Senate elections not even a year ago.
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i am talking about president but its whatever
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What if, next year, those House and Senate voters checked one more box on the ballot?
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I think the republicans got more votes in the '22midterms some fricking how. Even though they effectively got BTFO due to the expected red wave. Could just be because of the specific seats they were vying for though.
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This place is a shithole lmao
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when's the seethe party?
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15 years ago, you're late friend
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so this got me wondering, can you (or black people in south africa) actually tell the difference between xhosas and zulus like just by looking at them??? or their accents maybe???
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Yeah I can personally tell xhosas apart from zulus with their languages and accents
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probably like east asians, if you live with then you
the slight differences but if you dont then they look the same
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lmao all that build up for 7%
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disappointment of the century
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Iβm halfway through reading
this, itβs fascinating.
Can you explain what makes coloureds different
from blacks, ethnic-wise? I visited CT a couple
of times in 2014/15, and you have a really pretty
country. I had a couple
of seth efrican friends
too, but I never
asked too much about this sort of thing because it seemed like a touchy subject.
I remember visiting Robben island
and seeing the distinction, but never
understood it
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Right sorry I missed this and was busy.
Blacks are the indigenous africans who've always lived in South Africa - they consist of all the dark skinned tribes of Xhosas, zulus, Pedis, Tsanas and Sothos, and many smaller more tribes. But they are considered by themeselves usually to be the original inhabitants of South Africa
Coloureds are much more complicated, and it's important to understand that the term coloured originated during the Aprtheid years as a racial classification term which had profound legal implications for the individuals so classified. In the strict hierarchy of the Union of South Africa, coloureds had more personal rights than blacks, yet also less personal rights than whites. Thus the classification as a coloured by the racists authorities could have profound quality of life implications in the NP regime, many light skinned blacks who were genuine actual black children managed to classify themselves in census offices to get a better deal out of life, where as bastard children or descendants of darker skinned europeans (really beige greeks, spanish, turks) could see themselves downgraded from white to coloured and have less housing opportunities ect
The other thing to understand about coloureds is that they are a multiracial ethnicity. So what the heck does that mean? How can an ethnicity be multiracial??
Because basically anyone not from the black indigenous tribes, or from the clearly white british/french/ducth/german/ect, were classified as coloured, you had a bizarre grouping of everyone from the continents of europe, Africa and Asia! If this doesn't make sense, then don't worry the racists of the National Party regime didn't exactly make sense, and applied their racial classification doctrine very much like r-slurs.
Example: Chinese and Japanese were classified differently, with the Japanese much higher and equal to that of whites, so Jap tourists could visit and enjoy all the highest priviledges that SA whites could. But chinese were considered lower than whites, thus they could only enjoy the benefits that coloureds could, yet even they were treated better than blacks. So you may ask what was the defining factor for this classification between the Japs and chinese? The reason was COMMUNISM. I'm not kidding. Because the apartheid regime was hyper right wing, and hyper anti-communist, they deemed the communist China to be a reflection of the inferiority of chinese peoples, only racially inferior people could allow themselves to be overtaken by the Red Menace.
Of course of NP friends probably forgot that it was the Americans who had reconstructed Japan after they forced them to unconditionally surrender, and turned Japan into a vibrant Capitalist ally. I talk about this so you may understand the underlying stupidity of the Apartheid term coloured itself.
The primary makeup of Coloureds is basically Malaysian slave descendants, combined with the remainder of Khoi-San peoples who have been integrated with them over the past centuries, along with the last greatest component being the offspring and bastards of black and white couplings, either from the colonial period, or modern SA.
Coloureds are mostly concentrated on the western Half of South Africa, as that is where the majority of the Khoi-San was found by the Dutch during contact, and the western Cape is where Malaysian slaves had been imported by the Dutch and British colonists.
And lastly western South Africa is where the europeans 1st arrived, and where couplings between blacks and whites gradually occurred through the centuries up until modern Apartheid, either consentually between settlers and africans, or during violence through the ages.
It's important to note that Pre-apartheid, that the word coloured had been used as been used as a general vague catch-all-term for the description of offspring of black & white couplings by the dutch and british. The afrikaans of coloured, Kleurling, literally means colourling - a person that's coloured. Referring to the children of the white mother, now after coupling with a black spouse, has been coloured.
Amusingly, the official Afrikaans word for whites used during apartheid to describe the white ethnicity in a clinical/classification context, was "Blankes" - meaning blank ones, as in a blank canvas. Thus whites were blank canvases, and coloureds were coloured, LOL
Approximately half of all coloureds in Cape Town are muslims, because the Malaysian slaves imported to SA during the 18-19th century were also muslims, and brought their religion with them.
Slowly, and incrementally over the centuries, the Malaysian slaves and Khoi-san merged as into one undivided group, as the Khoi-san found the amount of wild game drastically decrease with the encroachment of Europeans who hunted herds in masses, and terraformed the western portion of South Africa into lands fit for agriculture - this meant that the Khoi-san (which very much distinct from the other Black groups in SA, especially the East like the Xhosas and Zulus) were forced to migrate into european cities for livelyhood and to not starve to death. The remainder of "Khoi-san" would migrate north to Namibia's direction.
But even back in colonial times, Khoisan found themselves one step below Europeans, and would be forced to share quarters with the Malaysian descendants willingly or not. With emancipation of slaves worldwide by the British, the Malaysians became Free Burgers (free citizens), although post slavery they were all turbo destitute and poor, and have over the centuries lost the ability to speak Malay, and spoke only English or dutch/proto-afrikaans, thus they couldn't even frick off to Malaysia and try and start a life there, as they would be cultural strangers in Malaysia.
Thus you had these 3 primary groups slowly physically and culturally converging in South Africa - the Malaysian post-slaves as Free Burgers (though not equal in practice), the Khoisan converging onto European settlements as labourers just to feed themselves, and the bastard offspring of Black & white couplings, whom found themselves in the lowest strata of settler society (both for being a different race and being bastards.) These 3 groups also began to intermingle between each other, and have offspring as well.
Finally the Aprtheid era racial classification was the knot which lastingly tied the various groups together into a singular, yet multi-racial, cultural group.
Today coloureds are very proud of themselves, and instead celebrate their heritage. Of course it depends on the individual whether they personally give a shit, whether Malaysian or Knoisan, and obviously depending on where the dice rolled, some coloured families and still be 100% pure Malaysian or 100% pure Khoisan, ect.
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Are you feeling okay bud?
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I was also wondering this.
There's a wikipedia on it apparently.
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the only thing worse than wingcucks: partycucks
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banned, and too many words + africaposting PERIODT
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Hi kaamrev south afrucan spec ops is fricking lit
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The billions of masks that have ended up in the ocean are for the sea creatures to use to protect themselves from the covid.
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How come he's painting Zuma as neoliberal capitalist?
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He's r-slurred
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But he's from Cope?
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Blackness and lower iqs on average than white rtards
Trans lives matter
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I thought Mbeki was widely considered competent and fair?
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Only ANC wingcucks
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He was only considered that by ANC wingcucks or that he was a ANC wingcuck?
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Any books on South Africa since the end of Apartheid? Would love to read in detail on how it's gone.
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I give this thesis an F- for persistent stragitosos and incessant verbosity.
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