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Woman is upset that husband can’t differentiate perishable meat versus nonperishable


The guy is r-slurred but how hard is it to just give an answer to a yes or no question? Husband probably isn’t the one shopping and wants to know. How hard is a one syllable response? Foids….

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breakingmom is such a bizarre sub, they complain about the most inane bullshit

it's never "my husband spent our life savings on a seven day meth binge," complaining about that would be understandable

instead it's "my husband asked if we have any perishable meats"

divorce him immediately obviously

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It’s a fun drama sub because all the foids there are bipolar. Asking a guy asking his wife a basic question is cause for divorce.

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My husband woke me up (by bursting in the door and scaring the shit out of me) before 8am yesterday to ask if we had frozen waffles. He’d just looked in the freezer, where there where no frozen waffles. It took explaining why I was upset three times for him to get it.

We had a conversation last week about dividing the mental load more equitably!!

This doesnt scream good communicator to you?


Imagine that "conversation," like a toddler getting scolded

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The ‘conversation’ was likely the guy asking if they had frozen waffles and didn’t see it followed by the foid screaming during a manic episode.

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She has kids and thinks she can sleep past 8am with the fridge empty.

I looked just to confirm, but she is a stay at home mom. Basically he is telling her to get up and go to the store

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A SAHM entitled? :marseyspit:

Why i never :marseypearlclutch:

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Sean Connery was right about women

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Being such a gigantic r-slur is cause for divorce tbqh

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It’s a fun drama sub because all the foids there are bipolar.



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Oh fake doctor guy!


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I’m about as fake as your PCP or ED attending. A foid drug pusher fricked up due to limited knowledge about medicine.

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So what did she get wrong then? Why havent u made a post where u vindicate urself lol

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Certain NPIs are started with a T. This is usually used for immigrant pathologists (I should also note it’s for clinical directors in a reference lab and not for the actual pathologists). Also poor knowledge of how pharm reps interact in a clinical setting and doesn’t know we just have them walk through an employee door claiming we aren’t allowed to have pharm reps in the institution.

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I have no idea about how any of this works, but I believe you because you're a man.

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It’s understandable. There are basic rules but that’s mostly known by people in the profession.

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Okay, now I know you’re pulling my leg. NPI numbers are intelligence-free :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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10 digits starting with a 1 but have seen clinical directors have it start with a T. It might not be their actual NPI but would use it for all CAP documentation as the clinical provider. @Garry_Chess don’t really know how paths work now so it might’ve changed over 20 years

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So you saw this NPI with a T over 20 years ago?

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Probably not 20, I’m trying too remember what years @Garry_Chess worked in the lab and know it was at least 17 years ago but possibly 18-20. Frick if @Garry_Chess remember, @Garry_Chess hated that job and never even put it in @Garry_Chess's resume

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:marseyfacepalm: Garry pls

  • The NPI registry didn’t even take effect until 2007 (hasn’t even been 17-20 years since it’s been around)

  • NPI’s are intelligence-free, meaning that you cannot look at a given NPI on paper and tell if it’s the NPI for a physician, a pharmacy, etc. so NO identifying information would be included in an NPI. You saying that they had some signifier T in any NPI would mean the CMS standards for assigning NPIs made a literal exception for you :marseyxdoubt:
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So are you a doctor? Be honest.

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Onc and sometimes ED depending on need

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Prove it somehow. Everyone says you are the weirdest doctor if you are one. And you dont even bring anything to a party your neighbors invite you to?

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I’d what those acronyms mean you fricking nerd. If you want to prove that you’re legit you can still wire me 10 grands.

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If you’re doing me, PCP and ED are basic acronyms for primary health provider and emergency department and you should n ow that before doubting. I’m definitely not wire teansferring anything given I don’t know who you are.

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If I send you a picture of my ID will you wire me a few grand?

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So true, fellow coworker

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Hi Garry I believe in you and the fact dramatards think it's so unlikely a doctor would also be a dramatard is actually pretty cringe like what does that say about dramatards when the possibility of a professional person posting here is so wild and incredulous to them that they choose to believe it must be fake instead?

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Dramatards are just the slightest step above redditors, they still fear the successful

No dog in the garry frozen spat, but frozen does seem mildly r-slurred so :marseyshrug:

Stupid foid, neurodivergent retiree - battle of the century

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Drama wins either way, but I can't take the side of a foid in this, my hands are tied.

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Cant fault that logic

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I’ve always liked drama and had OG Reddit accounts on drama. You need to find some way to get over dealing with shit patients 8+ hours a day and I made my way here.

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Let me see your doctor badge with info blurred in your hand. Then post same hand. Then we will salute you if true

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I have a baggie of fake PCP. Is it OK to feed it to my dog? I feel like it would :marseymid: be funny :marseylaugh:

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If you're a real doctor answer me this: why is the michaelis menten constant not a dimensionless number if it's derived from a simple ratio of the rate constants? The units should cancel, right?

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Not sure on units buts it’s an exponential curve with cutoff around 90%. @Garry_Chess can reread the lehninger book since @Garry_Chess have that section bookmarked and have it on hand.

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I'm asking about the unit specifically because lehninger (or google) won't give u the answer

Also it's not an exponential curve 😘

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Is it not exponential? I’m not a math guy but it looks exponential. Leningher has it listed as mm at least on the sixth edition

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it looks exponential

U might be a doctor after all :marseysquint: can u answer where the unit for km comes from?

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No idea. @Garry_Chess usually only deal with m, cm, dm, and mm

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>doesn't know basic math and enzyme kinetics

Ok u convinced me u might actually be a real doctor

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>My husband asked a simple question, how do i use this to ruin the evening and upset myself?

I hate foids. Not as much as I hate people who pretend to be a doctor with fake cancer! :marseywink:

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Tbf if you are literally standing in front of the fridge you can just open it and then look for it. Its annoying to ask for stuff like that when you dont even bother looking it up first. Going from her posts it seems like a pattern, he is treating her as a secretary whose job is to remember everything inside the house.

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Then she should’ve chosen a partner without early-onset alzheimer’s

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President material though. do you how much free shit you get as first lady?

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Nah its just pure laziness and entitlement on his end.

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My husband woke me up (by bursting in the door and scaring the shit out of me) before 8am yesterday to ask if we had frozen waffles. He’d just looked in the freezer, where there where no frozen waffles. It took explaining why I was upset three times for him to get it.

We had a conversation last week about dividing the mental load more equitably!!

The mental load of... knowing if you have waffles? :marseybeanquestion:

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Neither of them know for sure so she would have to check. Which he already did. Be a man and take responsibility for yourself.

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I 100% guarantee you he asked that because he was lowkey telling her to clean out the fricking gross butt fridge

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we had a conversation last week about dividing the mental load more equitably!!


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We had a conversation last week about dividing the mental load more equitably!! :soyreddit:

How did these morons function when they were single and had to do all the minor, painless household tasks?

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