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actual in-house drama doe666_ verification

hi i literally hav no fricking idea how this site works or if this is even a good verification photo (happy to verify anyway i can) but a few ppl sent it to me regarding plsnope/carly stealing my content and using my photos. just wanted to pop in and confirm she is in fact NOT a real person (or me) and has been stalking and stealing my photos for years at this point. she gets caught then goes by a new user every time. sorry to anyone she scammed :/

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holy shit the plsnope/doe lore is the best drama of the month ong frfr

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"Cryptid" corner slop enjoyers on suicide watch :#mysides: :#ripbozo:

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What's :marseyjesus: take on these catfish revelations?

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:#feelssogood: like :#taychefkiss:

First that Garry Chess cute twink and now this :marseytrain:? 2023 really feels like the year where blogposting cute twinks will finally get what they've always deserved :#praiseallah:

Oh and dramamoids being exposed (again) as giga simps. I know hoes here keep complaining about le incels :#marseyeyeroll2: but what really takes down sites (and civilizations) are simps and their beyond shameless nonsense. Imagine giving that thing $3K like lol lmao

This is why I keep saying that if you treat this place like a friend simulator (off-site groomercord cute twinkry etc), you're outing yourself as a giga loser. You do not want to associate with these creatures offline (let alone frick one :marseytedsimp2:)

Log in, shitpost, log off. Simple as :#boomermonster:

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Imagine giving that thing $3K like lol lmao

:#marseygossipshock: what 3k

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Apparently the user known as @Zy gave/lent her 3k:

This is the least anticipated turn in this saga.

I may get that $3k back yet

I can't believe I lent her $3k

Carp you can keep the $3k you catfished out of me but please refund the 60k MB I lost gambling this morning

Should you believe him? :marseysquint:

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idk but why post such a L????

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cuz its a joke and u guys are a bunch of autists who need /s apparently

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Because it's most likely fake. That or this neighbor is a big roller who doesn't give a frick about 3k. Or he's just bad with money.

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Because he's a gigachad IRL who doesn't need to rely on rdrama and 'cords to flirt with women. :marseyeyeroll:

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I don't think he's known for joking about money. Big L.

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Isn't he the one that was complaining his foid dumped him and didn't want to move back in?

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I don't know and I don't care.

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@Zy i think gave her 3k

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why???????? :#marseymoidmoment:

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idk i only simp for penny or lysis

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Simps are incels

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>You do not want to associate with these creatures offline (let alone frick one

The true wisdom is in realizing :marseyfoidretard: dramafoids are NVF. Go gay. Bussy isn't a meme :marseytwerking:

I'd happily associate offline and frick each and every member of !tops AND !bottoms :marseyshy3:

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dramafoids are NVF

so much this :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

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>This is why I keep saying that if you treat this place like a friend simulator (off-site groomercord cute twinkry etc), you're outing yourself as a giga loser. You do not want to associate with these creatures offline (let alone frick one :marseytedsimp2:)

I've learned to accept my failings and you aren't shaming me by pointing them out.

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Don't let the internet bleed into real life, simple as

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garry chess?

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sorry woman, no puppies no upmarseys

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My puppies were ran over by a car

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Why the frick is this one so smooth and then there's shit like this :#marseyrepostsign: ??

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sad to hear

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Skill issue

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Next we will find out that you're actually a Presbyterian!


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Katser kitty comic slop enjoyers rn


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One day everyone will figure out you are a biofoid catfishing as a femboy, don't worry about it.

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I pass that well :marseyhappytears:?

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Im so lost itt

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  • Reddit tier foid (male) got recruited to rdrama by carp.

  • said foid (male) had pics on reddit and didn't look like your average reddit foid (female) :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

  • started "effort"posting and was simped for by dramamoids (male) (losers)

  • orbited carp 24/7

  • fast forward some dramatard found out (s)he was catfishing using some OF thot's pics :marseymanysuchcases:

  • left the site (again) in shame

  • said OF thot (female) is here verifying that those pics were stolen

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WTAF. I missed the entire shit show. This is what I get for going to bed at a reasonable hour.

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The lesson here is to never sleep and to drug max instead.

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I did! But it was a thc vape pen which isn't conducive to staying awake.

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if you aren't mainline pure caffeine with coke mixed in so you can follow drama better, you simply don't have that dawg in you.

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You think any of these unhinged r-slurs has a 9 to 5? Of course all of this happens when you're asleep.

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is there :marseycheerup: proof plsnope :marseyschizoegirlsimp: is a train? or are people assuming that bc of the slapfight with penny :marseybattered:

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And what is a cryptid corner slop enjoyer? :marseywhirlyhat:

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Some frickin gimmick posts about something (not drama) that dramaredditors pretended to be really into and went all :#soyjackwow: over it. Don't know what it was but I'm glad it's over now :#marseyspa:

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I'm ootl, can you give me a recap?

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Literally who?

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Someone please give a concise update on this drama. I saw some dramatard sperg out an entire thesis earlier on how plsnope isn't doe666 and I have no clue who is either one of them

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PlsNope was a poweruser for the last couple of months after being recruited (and reportmaxxxed) off reddit. She wrote a ton of effortposts, had tons of simps, and got into a bunch of r-slurred arguments. Hopefully she returns, she was a model dramatard.

She had simps because of pictures she'd posted on reddit, but they're actually of this girl. Sounds like there's more history between these two, hopefully doe666 spills the tea.

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I don't think this is the end of the extent of the fake and straight involved here.

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:marseygossipsmug: what else you think is going on here?

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Plsnope came back and is pretending to be this new OP so she can dunk on us one more time.

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Give us the entire sordid history, @doe666_

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back in like 2019/2020 someone on reddit made me aware that there was an acct using my photos frm my onlyfans and twitter. this reddit acct was /u/joiekitty , they were catfishing using my photos , profiting off them , and also just making generally rlly gross posts (they had posted a pic frm one of my OF collabs talking in depth abt weird incest shit). they had a premium snapchat where i had my friend act like he was gna buy their content and was then made aware this person had a dropbox w literally HUNDREDS of my photos. someone who had spent a good amount of $ and was hurt by them contacted me and told me their twitter was @CarlyRoseLundin which i believe they're still using (they blocked me after i called them out lol). fast forward a year or 2 later they're back under a new user on reddit (i don't remember the u/ off the top of my head) doing the same shit, i call them out again they disappear. that time seemed to be a lil more shorter lived. then last night someone dms me on reddit and comments on my twitter leading me to this site and finding out they're apparently still at it :))

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You write like a dude.

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she writes like she's queen awarded, chutalmbout?

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Neighbor. What in God's name are you talking about?

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This is stereotypical teen girl speak my neighbor :marseyfrickyou:

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someone's jealous huh

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Ok, so the big question on here is if it's a biowoman, transwoman, or a man.

If you have any insight into that please share.

Was the reddit account PlsNope? Or did they do this multiple times?

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i don't have any solid proof but i believe it's either a man or transwoman. plsnope was the last reddit account i was just made aware of where they were posting my photos. there was one before that i don't remember and the first one i knew of was /u/joiekitty. all accounts have linked back to the twitter user @CarlyRoseLundin. there was also a telegram channel posing as me a few years ago that i suspected to be the same person as well

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!besties holy shit gossip train alert :marseygossip:

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!cuteandvalid :marseydisagree: why do you do this?

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What did I do?

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there needs to be a faster version of this

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What an absolute crazy person, the frick?

What makes you think it's a man or a transwoman? Do they just talk or act in a male sort of way?

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Maybe don't post a bunch of naked pics of yourself on the internet?

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Wrong :marseyobamanope:

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Soooo are you a Re-Animator fan? :#marseyexcited:

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i am lol

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Neat! I love Re-Animator :#marseygiftboxmarseyhug:

What's your favorite horror movie? :marseyexcited:

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Why does that account have no karma though? iirc deleted posts still count towards karma.

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I think she must have spelled it wrong.

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We reported them off reddit, you're welcome m'lady

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thank u !!

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Goddamit I swear every time I leave for 5 minutes that's when a girl who demands contant attention who shows up and I lose her

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Mind the queue.

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It's literally a e-thot, a ai gf has more personality than this thing dude

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She literally thought my inceldom was a LARP lol. :marseyxd:

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Wait what? :marseygossipshock:

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It's literally a e-thot, a ai gf has more personality than this thing dude

Didn't we just catch you having A Thing with a dramafoid :marseythonk:

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Keep trying! You'll find your dramaqueen if you simp hard enough. :marseywink:

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Holy shit. This is the best website lmao.

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It's all carp and his sluts

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Aren't you the resident historian? :marseyconfused:

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Yes, that's why I don't write on something while it's still ongoing. I'm not a journo :marseys#mug2:

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Me knowing I'll be dead before current year is taught in history class


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the rdrama bible will be taught across schools all over the world by 2050

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