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there's really only one way to address wealth inequality and it's simple

take the money away from the people who have too much.

don't listen to their whining, their excuses.

they look at this sort of talk as biting the hand that feeds them because by their ideology, they're the hand that feeds (even though if you notice, they're the hand that takes).

but by their own ideology, they're failing to feed people.

so since they've failed, it's straightforward. if you have assets valued at above a cool million, you lose those assets and they become distributed and a new round begins.

there really isn't any other way this ends that's legal to speak about.

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Just get a better job lol

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yeah if my IQ was over 80 maybe i'd do that

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You don't have to be smart :marseyhyperbrain: to be a welder smdh

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welders probably do more mental math than I do as a codecel lol

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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God I wish I wasn't r-slurred :marseydisabled:

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You act as though wealth inequality is a problem, rather than an inevitable result of any system where people are both free to make material choices and free to keep what they own as a result of said choices.

>Failing to feed people

Have you seen the obesity rates? Do you know what a food stamp is?

People are being fed so much it's arguably become a problem.

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as an inevitable result of capitalism, we're not obligated to mindlessly avoid confiscating the wealthy's goods when they're traitors to the state

the problem with wealth inequality is it creates a class that thinks it's above the state

so the state has to make real clear

the state creates money

so the people can do things

and if the people are bad at doing things because they got too much money

that needs to end

none of this mindless capitalist slop

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What's funny is all of these statements could easily be written by either a commie, or a fascist.


trans lives matter

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The r-slur horseshoe :@impassionatapat:

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The fascists defended capital and property rights but here's the attention you ordered. :marse#yattentionseeker:

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Fascists confesticate and prevent true market competition all the same, their targets are just not "rich people" but "rich people of X", while other rich people have too toil the party line otherwise it's taken away. Same thing, different name.

white extinction is long overdue

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The methods and rhetoric are the same regardless of the stated goal of defending capital or abolishing it.

Thats what both extremes dont get; the ends dont justify the means. The journey > the destination

Trans lives matter

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🐎 πŸ‘ž

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as an inevitable result of capitalism, we're not obligated to mindlessly avoid confiscating the wealthy's goods when they're traitors to the state

What treason has been committed to such an extent that it justifies LARPing as Sulla?

the problem with wealth inequality is it creates a class that thinks it's above the state

The State should be a just arbiter, not a slavedriving master. If I wanted a master I would just go join the GOP and yell about how Trump should be dictator and that he should seize the "woke corporations" or some nonsense like that.

the state creates money

so the people can do things

No, the State creates money as a third thing to exchange in a given deal that everyone will accept, and a mutual measure of value. It's so the people can trade things, store wealth, and so the State can print it to fund itself.

and if the people are bad at doing things because they got too much money

If there's not enough supply compared to demand due to them being bad at doing things, that would correct itself.

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What treason has been committed

if you're more interested in fleeing to a bunker in New Zealand then you're not motivated to keep your country running

The State should be a just arbiter, not a slavedriving master.

the frick? the state only cares about being a just arbiter to the extent that we can force it to be one, and we are all unwitting slaves to the state because that is our nature

so the State can print it to fund itself.

and those who dispense with that money are fulfilling the organ of the State

If there's not enough supply compared to demand due to them being bad at doing things, that would correct itself.

yeah and we're the fricking correction

you can buy into the ideological apparatus of the rich people in order to prevent giving the system the correction it needs, but

then you're a bootlicker

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if you're more interested in fleeing to a bunker in New Zealand then you're not motivated to keep your country running

I can guarantee you that no billionaire would prefer a New Zealand bunker to a mansion. If they flee, it's because there's a problem they can't solve and they're attempting self-preservation, which any sane person would do in their position.

the frick? the state only cares about being a just arbiter to the extent that we can force it to be one, and we are all unwitting slaves to the state because that is our nature

Notice I said should be, i.e. we should force it to as much as possible.

Also our nature being a state of slavery to the State is contradicted by any class that attains the power to do so putting themselves above it in your view.

yeah and we're the fricking correction

The correction is inflation not giving more money to said hypothetical nonproductive populations.

you can buy into the ideological apparatus of the rich people in order to prevent giving the system the correction it needs

I say what I say because I am right and it leads to the best result possible.

then you're a bootlicker

There will always be a ruling class, everyone licks a proverbial boot at some point, knowingly or not, and willingly or not.

I just see better outcomes from CEOs than Commissars and more justice from Presidents than CPSU Politburos.

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it's because there's a problem they can't solve and they're attempting self-preservation, which any sane person would do in their position.

and they have options to defect from the state which creates their money which they just shouldn't have.

Also our nature being a state of slavery to the State is contradicted by any class that attains the power to do so putting themselves above it in your view.

no money is slave to money. any time you are talking to a rich person you are talking to a meat suit

The correction is inflation not giving more money to said hypothetical nonproductive populations.

but rich people suffer from the delusion that they're the productive population when they're really just an allocation system for the state.

There will always be a ruling class, everyone licks a proverbial boot at some point, knowingly or not, and willingly or not.

yeah but that ruling class must actually rule and not run away to bunkers when things get hard.

see an old time King had to share in the trouble of his people. the ruler had a hard job and people understood that. nowadays the ruling class wants to have the benefits without the responsibility.

I just see better outcomes from CEOs than Commissars

CEOs aren't the problem, the problem is just some people having absurdly more wealth than others.

like if Bezos is so fricking awesome why does amazon kinda suck? If capitalism is so good why is Google arguing with a straight face that their practices aren't anti-competitive? it's like we're stuck with the ills of fricking communism because no one dare touch the Party. we essentially have the same problem communism has: oligarchy. we're lucky we haven't collapsed into a dictatorship yet.

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If you ask online leftoids where anyone is going hungry in the United States they often will start talking about something else, usually food deserts or β€œfood insecurity” (which they can't define)

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you really haven't understood climate change yet lmao

like you think our food supply won't get affected? lmao

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In the USA? Probably not lol, we have enough excess for farming to remain viable. Worst case scenario, we annex Canada.

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the problem is climate change + energy crisis

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Canada also has plenty of oil, so my idea remains viable.

We could also always ramp up nuclear production as well. The rest of the world might burn but as long as you don't live in Phoenix or LA or something we'll pull through.

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under the neoliberal world order annexing Canada has already been done, in effect. that's the point of capitalism after all.

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See! The wisdom of Roosevelt's American Empire.

Any solution to the rest of the world will likely be technological - fusion, orbital mirrors, or some other ideas that will loosen the energy crunch or the climate failures.

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Worst case we hit Alaska which has 3x the land size of Texas, California, and Montana combined lol

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>we need to redistribute wealth to stop le climate change boogeyman and fix the food supply

This is your brain on radlibism. Doesn't even talk about abolishing private property or securing the means of production, just wants the goberment to give more gibs lmao.

Tie every social democrat to a rock and drop them into the ocean pls ty.

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oh it's not about the gibs

it's about the takes

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Changes nothing. Redistribution is cope, only abolition of private property counts you succdem.

Every Portland brained mayo radlib should be misgendered and then thrown into a giant blender.

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when are you going to move on from misgendering? to me it only reads as a sign of your own continued sexual confusion lmao

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Because it upsets identity-obsessed radlib mayos who think it's a grievous offense lol. Even the idea that without them one would be sexually confused is pure capitalist liberal ideology.

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Because it upsets identity-obsessed radlib mayos who think it's a grievous offense lol.

Dude you're way too online

Even the idea that without them one would be sexually confused is pure capitalist liberal ideology.

No I'm saying that the fact that you spend your time making stupid gender confusion jokes is a preoccupation with queer identity that I don't think most people have. Why are you so preoccupied with gender identity? Because you're not owning the libs, you're just living permanently in a weird fictitious argument that doesn't matter.

Even the people who have been outraged at being misgendered have let go of it. You're still holding onto it. What gives?

cc @HeyMoonster

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The united states food supply is very secure, the bread basket at worst will move slightly while remaining in us territory.


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I have no idea what you mean but I agree that it is very scary

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People can suffer from malnutrition and still be fat. The goyslop diet; it's all burgers deserve.

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I agree, that's why I support banning the purchase of Soda or other slop using EBT/SNAP

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Isn't it already restricted to groceries?

If it isn't it should be.

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Yes but groceries includes almost everything edible, including Coke, but not paper towels (something actually useful)

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Yeah more processed comfort foods should be removed from EBT payability, I agree.

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Then that's a regulatory issue on the food production level, not a "poors need more money, burn Bezos's house" issue.

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there's really only one way to address wealth inequality and it's simple

Kill the poor.

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>Start local business in a small suburb

>Become moderately successful

>assets worth 1M because you own 51% of the company

>Government forces you to sell your controlling share in your own company

>Lose company Because you're ousted by some random board

The American dream

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When has this happened

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How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?

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I'm not black you fricking rightoid CUTE TWINK!!!! SISSY :marseytrain: CUTE TWINK!!! USING THIS LINE ISN'T A fricking FREE PASS TO MAKING SHIT UP!!!!!

Jesus Christ is a fricking total cute twink by the fricking way. He got a fricking little baby boner when he got crucified and he definitely likes getting penetrated by the fricking shit-covered peepees of muhammad and a fricking pig :)))))))))

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I'm not saying you're black I'm saying you can't understand the hypothetical consequences of forced wealth distribution that may or may not happen

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Yeah but think of all the people you just helped by selling your assets.

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I'd rather you sell your body. :hump:

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RFV, I'll take it as a compliment, but we all know you don't like having s*x with men.


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I'M TRYING TO CHANGE, OK?!? :soyc#ry:

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You're just making shit up fricking R-SLUR, motherlover! God, I hate rightoids so much. What if your stupid post made everyone reading kill themselves, b-word? What if, b-word? Oh, is fricking that a fricking stupid comment to make, b-word? NO IT MUST BE THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE fricking R-SLURRED OR SOMETHING, motherlover! Fricking rightoid CUTE TWINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Frick am I replying to one of @HeyMoonster's projects again

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The LLM are getting incredibly good, I never even noticed. The only tell is that 3000 comments since June isn't possible.

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The biggest tell for now is the short term memory loss or recurring keywords that they're probably restating from their initial prompt.

But it takes a few messages before you get a feel for it and by then it already looks like you took the bait

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Why do I get accused of being alts all the time? I'm just chadding out

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It is prevented from happening by there being no wealth tax.


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Stealing from the rich is anti-semetism

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wealth is created by delaying gratification.

if you take all the money above $1M and redistribute it to all the poors, each poor gets about $20k and they'll waste that on rare sneakers and chrome rims.

remember the free covid money and how long it took for most poors to waste that? in the US people are poor mainly because they waste their money on stupid shit.

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delaying gratification is just part of wealth, you also have to be lucky

this isn't about redistribution actually, it's just about ending extreme wealth inequality

don't overcomplicate it

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this isn't about redistribution actually, it's just about ending extreme wealth inequality

don't overcomplicate it

wut? in the OP you say we need too redistribute the wealth, how it not about redistribution?

trans lives matter

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>if you have assets valued at above a cool million, you lose those assets and they become distributed and a new round begins.

>this isn't about redistribution actually


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you're just gonna concentrate wealth in the hands of those rich folks whose wealth is based on tricking poors into wasting all their money.

you'll take money from the people who innovate in e.g. biotech or chemical engineering, and hand it to people who innovate in funko pops, luxury sneakers, food delivery, and las vegas.

this is already happening of course, half the economy is built around handing money to idiots so they can spend it on scams. then the people running the scams have enough funding to ensure the government keeps handing money to those idiots (e.g. women).

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we could just kill anyone who's not a net positive taxpayer for idk >3yrs in a row :marseyshrug:

or, better yet, get rid of both taxes and welfare so ppl live or die by their own merit :#anarchynow:

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As long as you take from the fricking people who make more than I do, then yes. Also welfare goes to thins only

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that's the brilliance of "We are the 99%"

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don't listen to their whining

don't listen to their winning




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that's what taxes are

problem is gen pop is too content with a lazy life to even be able to decide what or who to vote for so that taxes get collected and distributed properly

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Kill the poor

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For me, it's reducing worldwide population to sub 10 million :marseysamhyde: so we can continue our current lifestyle carefree

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You couldn't replicate the enter supply chain for a toaster with 1 million people. And that's just one good.

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Don't need toasters. Literally :marseyme: never :marseyitsover: owned :marseydarkpizzashill: one.

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but you know you would be one of the reduced ones dont you?

trans lives matter

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Yeah, duh lol I've taken school :marseygrad: tests before :marseyskellington:

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Huh, ten million was what I figured too.

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The opposite must happen, ever greater economies of scale. Our fate must be in the stars, not in the Sentinel Islands.

Also 10m carrying capacity is for literal anprim life not any industrial system.

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10 mil was enough for early industrial era UK

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I meant that was about the maximum amount of humans Earth could sustain under an Anprim level of tech.

Also I doubt you'd like the reversion to the complexity levels of the early Industrial period in the UK.

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The difference is we have the technology :marseyunabomberdevil: and knowledge now. It renders 90% of humans obsolete.

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I need to groom you. :marseyeggirl:

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100,000 people is more than you'll ever meet and in the case of particularly unadventurous people, more than they'll ever see.

100 of those is enough.

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Lol based :marseyshreddedmanletrentfree: and reduction pilled

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I don't see why they don't just seize everything from the top 1000 richest people and throw them in jail if they resist. Say it's national security or something that nullifies consequences.

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Because assuming you could actually liquidate the wealth you'd be able to run the country for like a month on it.


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Have you tried kill all the poor?

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Shut your whore peepee sucker. The only value you have to society is being a Prime member.

Now that we got that over with buy this pay pig.

Certified Peepee Sucker T-Shirt https://a.co/d/0EWss1y

Free sameday shipping on orders $25 or more. Get 5% cash back with the Amazon store card.


Frick you pay me.


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assets valued at above a cool million

how poor are you?

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That's like... what, 2 houses in urban California?

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A single condo in San Francisco.

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More like four fifths of a single home in urban California.

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I was being generous with my definition of "urban" tbh

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theres only one way to address income inequality

"Stop being poor." Done.

theyre failing to feed people

No, it really boils down to people are unable to leverage credit properly to their advantage, and people delay marriage which in todays age would halve your problems. $100k is a top 10% salary in the US, the average john and jane shacking up would have an income close to or higher than that. My friend earns $72k annually and his wife earns $50k, alone thats not super great but combined its tremendous wealth. They can pay off each others student loans in half a decade as one salary pays for life and the other kills debts. Home ownership with a low mortgage due to a high down is feasible. Being poor is literally making the dumbest financial decisions possible time after time for years if not decades.

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How about we liquidate the poors and feed them to real humans

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Imagine thinking a million dollars is all it takes to live rich. Show me your portfolio dirtleg.

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Apparently I'm on the top 12% wtf lmfao

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Ewww poor

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Always have been

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If it's worldwide, keep in mind the US is like 4% of the world's population, and adding Western Europe and Japan/SK/RoC and the ex-British settler colonies to it get it to maybe 10%?

Just being in the middle in the West puts you around that % worldwide or higher.

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Passport bros, we're gonna :marseyvenn6: make it

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No way this is accurate.


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Largely accurate. The West is so much richer than the rest of the world, and America is about twice as rich as the rest of the West. What percentile are you?

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Even very pessimisticly on tax withholdings 1%


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So true king. I understand that wealth confiscation and redistribution is often politically unviable, but that's only if you continue to allow the rich people to live. If you put them all in camps in Siberia and forbid them from leaving the problem will sort itself out.

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We just need to reduce the rate of return on private capital until it's less than the rate of growth for a generation. Then inequality will fix itself!

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they're failing to feed people.

the opposite, actually :marseychonker2:

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Ah, another lefty with zero ro understanding of how the economy works.


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The poors have too much money.

Furry rights are human rights.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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