:marseywtf2: "Ashley Biden" trending on Twitter after FBI raids related to her dairy detailing "inappropriate showers" with her father and being molested as a child :!marseybiden: (update: O'Keefe raided)


update: James O'Keefe raided - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/06/us/politics/james-okeefe-project-veritas-ashley-biden.html

edit: copy of diary apparently - https://files.catbox.moe/i8n2ff.pdf


Tweets coming in fast: https://twitter.com/search?q=ashley biden&src=typed_query

on NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/05/us/politics/project-veritas-investigation-ashley-biden-diary.html

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas (i know) on the raids:


elsewhere on right-wing (?) source: https://nationalfile.com/ashley-biden-trends-after-her-diary-describing-probably-not-appropriate-childhood-showers-with-joe-confirmed-legit/ (https://archive.md/rqzof)



“Ashley Biden” is trending on Twitter following the verification of her diary that National File published last year, which included various scandalous details regarding her life, including “not appropriate” showers she took with her father Joe as a child.

A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to journ*list Patrick Howley.

Today, the FBI searched two addresses in New York related to Project Veritas in an apparent attempt to gain information about how the diary was acquired, admitting that Ashley Biden reported the diary stolen in the process when the story was then broken by the New York Times. The Project Veritas whistleblower told National File that the diary was found at an address where Ashley Biden used to stay.

Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.

On Friday, The New York Times published an article confirming that the FBI was investigating how the diary was obtained, and had raided two addresses in New York in connection. Despite the fact that their story included no discussion of the contents of the diary itself, the story of the diary was now widely spread across the internet. As a result, Ashley Biden trended on Twitter, hitting at the time of writing the sixth spot on the trending list.

Many conservatives and supporters of President Trump were quick to bring up a number of salient points, including why the FBI was investigating the theft of a book, something that John Cardillo highlighted would not even be picked up by “local police,” with Representative Paul Gosar quizzing if the FBI were now the Bidens’s “private security force,” and if the mainstream media would once again ignore the allegations included in the diary.


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Man's got game for someone that old. Go off king. Also many if you may not remember but the 90's and before gave far less shits about famous people diddling below 18's. Anyone older than 45 has a 50% chance of being okay with teens getting diddled

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i dunno why we suddenly care so much now.

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But unironically a part of it is the instinct to protect children. The other part is genuinely it's the downside (word used very loosely here) of multi-culturalism. Don't believe me, all the more pedophilic nations are way more ethnically and culturally homogeneous. My personal theory is it's because in those nations if you fricked a teen or your cousin fricked a teen, then you have a general idea of how the random stranger might frick a teen in your family, and if it was fine when you did it then its probs fine when the other guy does it in the same way. In a multicultural society you no longer have that assurance that the methods to get the girl will be the same.

Beyond that the third reason being that most people who had s*x as teenagers weren't having fun s*x but were likely genuinely either forced marriage cases, or someone tricking them with promises of love that lasts forever and bailing after fricking.

Fourth being that most people who did not frick as kids also cannot imagine their own kids needing to frick as kids which makes sense.

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As a wise lolcow once put it, the real reason is the necromatriarchy.

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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Hmmm. So anti-p-do is actually racist... I see how this is playing out

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Unironically yes. But not for the reasons you think. Nobody wants to be giving their daughters to be fricked by the other tribe.

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can we just get over tribalism already?

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Human nature. It was replaced with nationalism which is just another tribe but then capitalism killed nationalism and replaced it with globalism but globalism just exasperated class hierarchies with more people of one race happening to be on one layer of the hierarchy.

You know the joke I found out I dont hate black people, just poor people? That but unironically.

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if you hate poor people, or especially being around poverty ... then getting rid of wealth hierarchies is the solution.

unless you like living on a planet that consists mostly of people/conditions you hate.

which seems kinda stupid to me.

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I'm anti-p-do


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I support you. You have my vote and I will lend you my wood chipper any time.

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yeah well you think most of human existence, we waited past puberty before having children? why would we evolve the ability to have children before psychological readiness? you'd think if there was a serious existential problem here, evolution would have done something about it. but modern humans are apparently exceptional, and suddenly developed psychological conditions over it? from what pressures? lol.

i think it's just compounded social hysteria for the most part.

i personally dgaf about whether people do or not, but generally think all the hysteria/witch hunting over it is likely damaging to society. if only because all the hysteria around children and s*x leaves a bad impression of s*x on children, that doesn't just magically go away when we age. and i think this bad impression is reflected in society, cause we can't really be open about how important it is, because the only things that really can catch on in totality in social consciousness, are ideas that can be expressed around children. which because of hysteria around children s*x, cannot generally be expressed.

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yeah well you think most of human existence, we waited past puberty before having children? why

For at least much of recorded history, yeah. Most ancient Roman women married in their late teens or early twenties. By the time of the renaissance, girls married young but generally didn’t bear children till their late teens or twenties. Age of consent laws aren’t uncommon throughout history.

Teen girls weren’t very likely to survive pregnancy. You killed the last one by being a :marseypedo:, what father is going to agree to let you marry his daughter?

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French philosopher?

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Probably because most people’s childhoods and adolecences are being extended past their thirties, maybe until the very day they drop dead. What used to be a more serious fourteen is now mentally an infant, the “adult“ eighteen year old is psychologically ten, etc. etc.

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Some examples here - Elvis met Priscilla at 14, David Bowie took a 14 year-old’s virginity, basically all of Led Zeppelin were banging 14 year-olds at one point or another, including the one Bowie fricked. Chuck Berry, The Beatles and Ted Nugent sang songs about banging hot teenage babes. It’s not like any of this was ever a secret, or even something anyone thought should be kept secret.

Pre-1980 nobody gave a frick about successful and wealthy men peepeeing sexy kids.

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The Chad zed leppelin p-do vs the cuck wait two minutes after she turns 18 drake

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I saw a video of Chuck Berry fart on a girls face who was eating his butt.

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Funny to think folks back then were into degenerate stuff, isn’t it?

You must now think about your grandfather dropping his guts on your granny’s face.

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Anyone older than 45 has a 50% chance of being okay with teens getting diddled

And that goes up to 100% among the rich and famous

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