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Sponge-like burden sounds off on therapist instead of cleaning




My last therapist called me ''a burden'' and said I'm ''sponging'' off my boyfriend. I'm fricking disabled.

The title says it all. I'm disabled - I am Neurodivergent, have PTSD - depression/anxiety.... I therefore find it basically impossible to clean my house and stay employed. I none the less took the risk to be vulnerable in front of my therapist via telehealth and show her how much of a fricking wreck my home is. Instead of providing empathy and letting me cry about it (or helping me figure out a solution) she humiliated me by joking about it before the interview was over, ''be sure to clean up the wrappers'' with a fricking smile on her face. Oh... Did I mention that during that session, she was using me to train her fricking intern? Yes I consented, but I didn't know that one of my deepest insecurities (not being able to clean) would be fricking made fun of while I was being used so that she could train some one beneath her.

One of my other deepest insecurities - possibly my deepest, is my inability to keep a job. People always treat me like shit at jobs and I have flash backs and panic attacks galore. Therefore, I am permanently unemployed. It's hopeless. I told her this; after the last interaction I mentioned - she decided to tell me that I need vocational help (for employment) so that I'm ''not a burden'' on my current boyfriend and she told me that I'm ''sponging'' off of him. She took my deepest insecurity and weaponized it against me and humiliated me. In plain English, she essentially called me a parasite. That sounds AWFULLY close to eugenics-type rhetoric people use against disabled people -> ''you're a burden on the system''. etc..

I'm pretty FRICKING sure that a LOT of disabled people ''sponge'' - aka - rely on their loved ones. Because our fricking world provides ZERO support for people like me... Why the FRICK would you say that to a disabled person????? Why the FRICK would you call a disabled person a ''burden''???

If that wasn't bad enough, she was 7 minutes late to my appointment and I had a massive depressive spell because of it (that's putting it lightly - lets just say, my desire to live went down significantly). She also asked me a question (about what? I don't remember) and I told her that I didn't know the answer and that I'd need time to figure out how to answer her. She said, ''take your time'' only to interrupt me halfway through to pop in a random joke to force an answer out of me when I wasn't ready. Not to mention it broke my concentration. It also humiliated me because it made me feel like she thought I was dumb enough to not notice that it was a cheap manipulative tactic so that SHE didn't have to sit through the silence of waiting for me to answer. It was about HER comfort, not mine.

On TOP of this, she insisted I go to rehab - when I have NO substance abuse issues. I told her that the last session did, ''not provide me any relief'' when she asked if I felt better after the last appointment. Her voice sounded angry and that's when she suggested that I ''go to rehab''. I told her, ''NO...'' She just wanted to throw me away and use me.....

FRICK THERAPISTS... EVERY.. SINGLE.. ONE I've ever had made things FRICKING WORSE for me....

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I'm disabled - I am Neurodivergent, have PTSD - depression/anxiety....

I guess everything is a disability now?

I therefore find it basically impossible to clean my house and stay employed.


Did I mention that during that session, she was using me to train her fricking intern?


In plain English, she essentially called me a parasite. That sounds AWFULLY close to eugenics-type rhetoric people use against disabled people -> ''you're a burden on the system''. etc..


We have made life way too easy for these people. R E T V R N to loony bins.

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Depression and anxiety I can understand but they all need cPTSD nowadays. When we have treatment options for depression and anxiety, they need a new way to bullshit their reason to do nothing outside of complain.

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we have treatment options for depression and anxiety

Let's not go overboard here. That might be true for your average reddit whiner, but for a lot of people antidepressants are useless or worse than useless. "Just take your meds, bro" is an easy way to pretend someone's illness is really just a moral failing.

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Depression is caused by one of the following 1. lack of exercise, 2. surfeit of junkfood.

I refuse to believe in any other explanation.

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Yep. Depressed? Clean up your diet, lay off the weed, exercise, develop a good sleep routine going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, and shower daily. Repeat for a couple weeks and your whole mindset will change.

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That's why he said "when".

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It is.

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some say it's just BPD with a less of a stigma :marseyattentionseeker:


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I'd say EUPD (emotionally unstable) is a more fitting term for that description.

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Yea not therapy abuse at all, therapist is doing her job

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Foids are wonderful.

Your therapist tells you you are the toxic one and a parasite to your BF. Will you:

Think introspectively and rethink your decision

Act offended and shame her for not taking your side

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In plain English, she essentially called me a parasite

Probably said she was in a parasitic relationship.

This foid like all others, is paying for therapy in order to recieve professional validation as an excuse for their behavior. :marseywomanmoment2:

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>If that wasn't bad enough, she was 7 minutes late to my appointment and I had a massive depressive spell because of it (that's putting it lightly - lets just say, my desire to live went down significantly).

she seems normal

>Throw the whole therapist away. This is verbal and emotional abuse.

comments seem pretty normal too

nothing to see here

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Therapist is 4 minutes late, better kill myself :marsey41:

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Adderall + Clonazepam isn't equivalent to a speedball guys

It just gives you a terrible headache

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That's the Elvis special actually



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Yeah that probably would've been a good idea desu

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Trash taking it's self out the modern world truly has automated away drudgery

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made it about 75% of the way through this before i realized this wasnt another one of your blogposts

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if frocho sponges off anything its the mental health facility

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Thank u

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Parent's money as well!

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If you chud frocho it changes the I/me to the username so it looks like shes talking in first :marseywinner: person.

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I prefer to think that it is.

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Why do people who don't believe they can change (or don't want to) bother with therapy anyway? :marseyfoidretard:

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People don't see therapy :marseytherapist: as a developmental process. They just want somebody to vent at because nobody's going :marseysal2: to listen :marseyhearnoevil: to their bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: unless :marseyunless: they're paid for it.

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The same reason foids get someone and cheat on their hubbies.

The s*x is only transactional

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Court mandated after you start too many fires. :marseyflamewar:

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:marseysmughips: this woman can't even start a personal hygiene routine let alone a fire.

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How many arson charges do you have bb?


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Zero! They're all expunged. :marseyjam:

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Hottttt :marseyturnedon:

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To "prove" to other people that they can't change

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Born this way

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They think a therapist will solve their problem, instead of therpaists teaching them to solve their issues themselves

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I don't understand? Therapist is a professional who assures you everything is somebody else's fault. Why would I need to improve when I'm already perfect?

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GOOD therapist. Mine never tells me I'm a useless sponge. She's frustratingly non-directive, it's all, "how do you feel about this?", and "what happens if you explore that?"

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My current therapist said she got into the profession for the gossip???

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Does she post on here?

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If not, invite her. If she can't while her patient is here for privacy reasons, well, losing frocho is a sacrifice I can bear

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>every foids is in therapy and a parasite

What a shocking revelation :marseysipping:

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Do what you love and you won't work a day in your life


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why tf do all women have therapists

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Because they're strong girlbosses who don't need no man

Mine gets overwhelmed to the point of crying because somebody calls in at work.

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Because they know they can't trust their "friends".

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Is there any bonus hole here that doesn't go to a therapist?!

Well, to be fair any fronthole that uses this site needs a therapist, so i guess its a positive thing that so many seem to have one. Then again, therapy especially in current_year is a useless meme.

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me :marseyspecial:

i'm just too contemptuous of most of them to ever take their hugboxing advice. i would probably pay to go to a therapist if he was a curmudgeonly geezer who called me an r-slur and told me exactly how i was a frickup tho.

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holy based :marseykingcrown:

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:marseyraging: That's not a question, you uptalking frick.

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Some people are too stupid to figure out they're parasites without the therapist just telling them

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Therapists should lead you on to your own realization if you're actually there to improve, but people like OP need a wake up therapist like this

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Here, let me help you out.

You're a useless fricking sponge. Clean your darn room and get a darn life or you will die alone :roar:

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Sounds like you hired someone who is literally just there to waste your time and get paid lol

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Gee, I wonder the therapist called her a useless burden. :marseyclueless:

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Apparently she can draw hyperrealistic art but somehow can't make money? Yeah I can see why the therapist isn't taking her BS

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The only reason her therapist is honest is cuz she isn't a guaranteed cash cow that she can milk for years as she doesn't even have a job. Therapists, not even once.

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Look at my hyperrealistic drawing of a cāt


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Darn you're right I forgot AI is about to take her not-even-a-job-yet :mar#seyraytraced:

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No money in art unless it's furry porn

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Reported by:

Ok so draw hyperrealistic furry porn. I'm sure creamy_dog_orgasm would pay for it

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On one hand I have seen incredibly bad work ethic from people that indulge too much in mental health problems but on the other hand I've also seen them succeed on patreon despite that.

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incredibly bad work ethic

We already know she's an artist so

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Also can't brush her teeth. This is 100% a willpower issue and entirely within her control

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Lol how do you fail at breathing

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i want to see her deviantart so bad

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How does she have a boyfriend to sponge off?

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She could literally be a beanbag chair with a pulse and wed find a way to stick our peepees in it

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why do men keep up with such absolute useless foids?? she doesn't even do house work!

clearly a !mayomoment

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Well he's probably a fat loser :marseyl: who works in a vape store or something.

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The moid is taking advantage of her sexually. She is not truly able to consent

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What a lazy ladygarden "oh no my biggest insecurity is how fricking lazy I am"

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seeing that strong arm emoji made me audibly make a strained, ''im deadlifting'' type-noise and felt proud of that somehow


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PTSD is pretty bad and if her bf is okay with taking care of her, who's to judge? :marseyshrug:

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I've known veterans of proper wars who suffer from less PTSD than the average :marseyaveragetotally: white :marseydoctor: woman.

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We can judge :marseyagree:

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I am.


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She has cPTSD which is basically the fake white woman version of PTSD so therapists can hand out a diagnosis from someone who was traumatized from having to take the trash outside when they were kids.

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She's upset :marseysadness: that her therapist :marseynotes: isn't just validating everything, and going :marseysal3: off script because therapy :marseytherapist: is supposed to be entirely about having the therapist :marseynotes: tell you EXACTLY what you want to hear, otherwise it's abuse :marseybikechainincident: and it will make her suicide :marseyakbar:

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She's in therapy for a reason, remember that the Redditor always leaves out anything that makes them look bad.

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Which is always hilarious when they tell on themselves as much as this.

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Neighbor how r-slurred are you, that you think she actually has clinical PTSD? Shes obviously just an attention seeking hoe.

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She has cPTSD. Complex. No singular traumatic events. Just a general, undefined "traumatic" past/upbringing. Maybe bullied here and there. Maybe strict parents here and there - maybe the opposite. Not really liked in school and not invited to clubs. Social incompetent and few/no friends.

Not even remotely comparable to "normal" PTSD.

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a match made at walmart :marseylaying:


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Awww, foids are so cute and helpless bros.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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This is called weaponised laziness or something right?

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I can weaponize it??? :marseynotes:

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Eh, I'll weaponize it later.

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Only when moids don't do everything 110% perfectly, sweaty :marseynails:

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If that wasn't bad enough, she was 7 minutes late to my appointment and I had a massive depressive spell because of it (that's putting it lightly - lets just say, my desire to live went down significantly).

most mentally resilient woman

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be sure to clean up the wrappers

The most revealing sentence in all of it. This b-word pretends she's got the energy to get food and take it out of the wrapper but throwing away the wrapper is too much. I don't buy it.

Nobody is that lazy. She wants to force someone else to pick it up after her. I've seen this in foids who were doted on as kids and grew up with the expectation they'll always be treated like that. They're outraged if you want them to just pick up after themselves because they see you as a servant.

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TO BE FAIR, this b-word obviously nuttier than a shithouse rat but dealing with nutterbutters is licherally a therapists job.

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>seething about therapist :marseynotes: saying "be sure to clean :marseyjannywereback: up the wrappers"

Yeah this b-word :marseyarthoe4: just throws garbage :marseyraccoonregular: on the floor, makes her b-word :marseyarthoe5: (boyfriend) clean :marseyjannyitsoverwereback: up after her, and uses "autism" as an excuse


>Waah I can't work because people treat :marseyespeon: me like shit at jobs and it triggers my PTSD

:marseyeyeroll: yeah I'm sure everyone :marseynorm: is always such an butthole to you, you sound :marseyhearnoevil: so friendly and innocent :marseyinnocent: and don't deserve it

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Frozen this post is legit gold


Go to bed though

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Simp harder

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To the rude person who had the audacity to ask if I am ''Self Diagnosed'' - I was professionally diagnosed. Of course, you're darn right I self diagnosed before I was professionally assessed. This is the ableism that specifically Neurodivergent people have to deal with each and every day. The goal post is further moved even when you're diagnosed I've found. ''Well, you clearly weren't diagnosed correctly'' - goal post moving. I am most certainly Neurodivergent - that is a fact - whether or not I am in fact diagnosed by a ''professional' psychologist.

The fact that she self-diagnosed first means she's not neurodivergent :marseynails:

Actually I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Autism diagnoses, like ADHD diagnoses, are just ways for people gain sympathy points for being stupid.


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This generation of women seem to have more instances of PTSD than all the shell shocked men who came home from the Great War.



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Well, she does sound very stable and well adjusted, so even though her "disabilities" are the usual mayofoid ( :marseyshooting: ) :marseychonkernoticeme: illnesses, she ironically does the right thing in going to a shrink.

Actually nevermind, a therapist is different from a proper shrink, right?

That poat alone makes me absolutely deeply loathe that hole though. I can completely imagine what kind of person she is. (Hint, its a BPD narcissist). Suicidal depression spell because of 7 minutes delay in webcam therapy? She just needs someone to tell her shes a ladygarden and to cut out the munchhausen shit.

In conclusion, frick women

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Her voice sounded angry and that's when she suggested that I ''go to rehab''. I told her, ''NO...''

Is this an Amyroll?

Also, going out on a very short limb here, but I'm guessing that her disability is invisible.

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I don't even know what to write.... I'm so fricking miserable. I can't keep a job. Haven't had a friend since I was 8 years old (28 now). I'm Neurodivergent as frick and have PTSD so I'm double fricked... I can't clean.. No drivers license. I can barely cook. Brushing my teeth is an impossible task..... I can't even do a basic exercise my therapist told me to do (breathe in/out and muscle exercises before bed). Therapist told me that I'm gifted but only land 100 IQ on mensa practice test so she's full of shit. The ONLY fricking thing I can do is draw hyper realistically (art).. really? Is this what my life fricking boils down to? That one fricking thing? I have NOTHING to offer and my existence is pointless. I feel like being alive is a FRICKING scam..... I'm so close to just ending my fricking therapy appointments and quitting. I just want to die - I can't fricking take it anymore. No one has any REAL answers or solutions, just LAME fricking platitudes and "exercises".. FRICK this shit. I wish I was never FRICKING born.

Who is dating this woman?


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Apparently a 31 year old man who was working a malwart

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I really :marseythinkorino2: wish people would :marseymid: take the initiative to learn :marseybowing: to fish vs demanding the local fish monger gives fish away for free whenever asked :marseythinkorino2: with zero resistance.

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Is this therapist-foid trying to poach her bf?

Is therapy a crazy foid grift to hunt and steal HVM already in a relationship?

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Lmao I am not pursuing the boy. I only JUST found out he had a gf while internet stalking him. I didn't know, or it wouldn't have gone this far.

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I'm not a homosexual because I have straight s*x with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's peepees and love having s*x with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


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Move to Canada

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