My last therapist called me ''a burden'' and said I'm ''sponging'' off my boyfriend. I'm fricking disabled.
The title says it all. I'm disabled - I am Neurodivergent, have PTSD - depression/anxiety.... I therefore find it basically impossible to clean my house and stay employed. I none the less took the risk to be vulnerable in front of my therapist via telehealth and show her how much of a fricking wreck my home is. Instead of providing empathy and letting me cry about it (or helping me figure out a solution) she humiliated me by joking about it before the interview was over, ''be sure to clean up the wrappers'' with a fricking smile on her face. Oh... Did I mention that during that session, she was using me to train her fricking intern? Yes I consented, but I didn't know that one of my deepest insecurities (not being able to clean) would be fricking made fun of while I was being used so that she could train some one beneath her.
One of my other deepest insecurities - possibly my deepest, is my inability to keep a job. People always treat me like shit at jobs and I have flash backs and panic attacks galore. Therefore, I am permanently unemployed. It's hopeless. I told her this; after the last interaction I mentioned - she decided to tell me that I need vocational help (for employment) so that I'm ''not a burden'' on my current boyfriend and she told me that I'm ''sponging'' off of him. She took my deepest insecurity and weaponized it against me and humiliated me. In plain English, she essentially called me a parasite. That sounds AWFULLY close to eugenics-type rhetoric people use against disabled people -> ''you're a burden on the system''. etc..
I'm pretty FRICKING sure that a LOT of disabled people ''sponge'' - aka - rely on their loved ones. Because our fricking world provides ZERO support for people like me... Why the FRICK would you say that to a disabled person????? Why the FRICK would you call a disabled person a ''burden''???
If that wasn't bad enough, she was 7 minutes late to my appointment and I had a massive depressive spell because of it (that's putting it lightly - lets just say, my desire to live went down significantly). She also asked me a question (about what? I don't remember) and I told her that I didn't know the answer and that I'd need time to figure out how to answer her. She said, ''take your time'' only to interrupt me halfway through to pop in a random joke to force an answer out of me when I wasn't ready. Not to mention it broke my concentration. It also humiliated me because it made me feel like she thought I was dumb enough to not notice that it was a cheap manipulative tactic so that SHE didn't have to sit through the silence of waiting for me to answer. It was about HER comfort, not mine.
On TOP of this, she insisted I go to rehab - when I have NO substance abuse issues. I told her that the last session did, ''not provide me any relief'' when she asked if I felt better after the last appointment. Her voice sounded angry and that's when she suggested that I ''go to rehab''. I told her, ''NO...'' She just wanted to throw me away and use me.....
FRICK THERAPISTS... EVERY.. SINGLE.. ONE I've ever had made things FRICKING WORSE for me....
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Gee, I wonder the therapist called her a useless burden.
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Lol how do you fail at breathing
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Apparently she can draw hyperrealistic art but somehow can't make money? Yeah I can see why the therapist isn't taking her BS
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The only reason her therapist is honest is cuz she isn't a guaranteed cash cow that she can milk for years as she doesn't even have a job. Therapists, not even once.
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Look at my hyperrealistic drawing of a cΔt
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Darn you're right I forgot AI is about to take her not-even-a-job-yet
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No money in art unless it's furry porn
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Ok so draw hyperrealistic furry porn. I'm sure creamy_dog_orgasm would pay for it
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On one hand I have seen incredibly bad work ethic from people that indulge too much in mental health problems but on the other hand I've also seen them succeed on patreon despite that.
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We already know she's an artist so
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Also can't brush her teeth. This is 100% a willpower issue and entirely within her control
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i want to see her deviantart so bad
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How does she have a boyfriend to sponge off?
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She could literally be a beanbag chair with a pulse and wed find a way to stick our peepees in it
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