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:marseytrad: How do you get over the fact Marcus Aurelius wife cheated on him with a gladiator? :marseycuck:


I have been into stoicism for a while and have been using it to cope with life but learning this info has made me second guess the entire philosophy. Now whenever I try to be stoic I think about Marcus sitting in the corner writing meditations while his wife gets brutalized by a gigachad gladiator. Now whenever I think about stoicism it seems like a cuck philosophy. Was Marcus really the adam22 of his time? How can I get over this?

:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

Beautiful bait




Wait a christcuck destroyer was a cuck?


I feel like OP rn bros.


Only if they happen to my people





OK that is one way to purge the stain of being cucked.



Because women are wonderful chud



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The Historia Augusta mentions adultery with sailors, gladiators, and men of rank; however, Faustina and Aurelius seem to have been very close and mutually devoted.

Lmao once again !r-slurs literally just taking the Roman equivalent of tabloid gossip magazines at face value. I really wonder how many people in the future will believe stuff like Michelle Obama really is trans or something (he is though)

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History is a lot more interesting when you don't read it critically. So if you aren't a historian why bother?


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You can also read it too critically. The main thing I learned from my history degree was that most historians are actual r-slurs and roughly the academic equivalent of Redditors.

In order of credibility from most to least, it goes: Venerable Bede, Herodotus, the Odyssey, the Bible, Livy, any historian after roughly 1960, any historian after roughly 1985, any "marxist" historycel

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Communism is based if you use it to dunk on commies.


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There is still good history being done, you just have to down niches so dark only the most neurodivergent of gods dare go. Far from the light of women and mainstream academia.

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We had a 'historical methods' paperl that was essentially about how history is crafted to advance current year political ends(and that's a good thing sweaties :marseyclapping:)

You won't believe how inane the whole paper was. Like there was a paper under that about an exhibition in Manchester and Liverpool about American slavery :marseybipocrentfree: Some family made some toys that looked like slaves they had liberated in Brazil, for the kids to play with after they went back to Bongistan. There was a whole paragraph about how this shows they remained the property symbolically of the white family and how slavery never ended. Also how rap somehow contains the history of the 'Black Atlantic' whatever that means.


Writing that shit myself was the most soul draining I've ever done.

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>In order of credibility from most to least, it goes: Venerable Bede, Herodotus, the Odyssey, the Bible, Livy, any historian after roughly 1960, any historian after roughly 1985, any "marxist" historycel

literally r-slurred

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Cope marxoid

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Reading it critically is part of the fun, though!

Reading some thousand year old dead guy and trying to guess how much of what he wrote is true and how much is slander because the emperor denied him a promotion and fricked his wife is peak drama :marseyfluffy:

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Yeah but would you rather not believe an emperor set fire to Rome and then played his lyre as it burnt? :marseykino:

Or the Persians actually had a gorillion soldiers instead of maybe 5% more than the Greeks?

Also at least from what I've seen a lot critical history tends to impose modern viewpoints on people from the past which I personally loathe. Religion could be a motivator for war, not just wealth or power. Saints and religious movements weren't political movements for 'marginalized' groups, even if they prominently participated in/led them, it was just outbreaks of actual religious delirium. IDK, maybe local scholarship is too coloured by midwit materialist Marxists.

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Oh I agree, "presentist" historians are fricking terrible. Those that can't explain how people of the past thought without using 20th or 21st century buzzwords should work at mcdonalds instead

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God I hope so. She is such a drag. This theory is the only interesting thing about Michelle Obama.

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I hope it's true because the part about killing the gladiator and fricking his wife in the dude's blood should be true. The closest thing I've seen as an effective way to uncuck oneself is to force the woman to stay in the relationship and bang a bunch of :!marseytrain:s, but the blood bath thing has the least cope I've seen yet.

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For the uninitiated:


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I love Suetonius' The Lives of the Twelve Caesars because it will just jump right from "he was fiscally prudent and left the treasury in good shape when he died" to "he fricked a horse and married it and it had a wedding dress and it was male and a child and he even looked at porn".

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As our ancestors searched for the Holy Grail, so too shall our descendants search for Obama's birth certificate.

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idk, maybe try being stoic about it?

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He was a mass murderer but somehow the cuck part is the thing they have difficulty looking past

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Why do people think being a mass murderer or having your wife bend over for someone else is anything even tangentially related to stoicism?

Stoicism doesn't mean being a pacifist or a monogamous couple or not having a cuck fantasy

It's about not letting things you care about but can't control not deviate you from your ultimate goal in life, mainly through emotions

If your ultimate goal in life is to maximize your Empire and the huns are not laying their weapons for you, even if your emotions say you shouldn't kill them, you are not a slave to your emotions, but you shouldn't derive joy at killing them either, that posits a risk of missing why you're doing it in the first place.

If I'm very much not mistaken doesn't the bhagavat Gita say the same thing @Sasanka_of_Gauda ?

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>never have fun

What a shit philosophy.

No wonder she wanted to bang that fun, fetch gladiator.

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Yeah, carry out your duty no matter what, though it goes into a bit more of a deterministic spiral(What will happen is fixed, you're merely acting it out, actions should be driven solely by what is your duty not your desire or results).

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Logosmaxxing :marseysmirk:

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I'd say you're not even "acting it out" but rather your body is an instrument of an immanent force (i.e. Atman) and the idea that you have a decision-making action-taking self distinct from that force is what's keeping you from enlightenment.

Stoicism is about pursuing and achieving goals without letting emotions rule you. The Gita is about performing your duty regardless of goal, reward or outcome.

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What leader wasn't a mass murderer during that era?

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idk, I personally sympathize with him on that because clearly some of those wars were not started by him and he didn't want to be fighting them.

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I think Andrew Tate might have had the biggest returns on seethe ever.

I had never heard of the guy before he was kicked off platforms and have maybe seen two videos by him.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Its normalstrags seething too. I checked that guy's profile thinking he might be a redditor caricature but he's a lawyer who likes surfing, has kids etc. So I assume MSM ran a lot of hit pieces on him.

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Given that all women are whores, there is nothing you can do to avoid being cucked except cross your fingers. For afterwards, I suggest a sack full of ripe oranges


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A true stoic would not be affected by his wife cheating on him.

After all, it'd be his fault anyway for being emotionally unavailable while his wife is performing all of the emotional labor.

A true stoic would also recognize that his wife and the gladiator enjoyed cucking him more than he was bummed out by getting cucked, and thus should be stoic but happy too raise any cuckoo spawn that result, in continuing too increase the net happiness in the world.


Stoic and trans lives matter.

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>should be stoic but happy


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Its not a marsey r-slur

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its marsey if she gained 80-90 lbs

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imagine modelling your life after that

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"Technically" none of this has been verified but if you read where this tidbit is from and what it additionally says(basically that Faustina was a whore who primarily fricked "low class" men like Gladiators and Sailors), it becomes very obvious that it's just gossip/slander.

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Stoic philosophy is silly anyway. People are supposed to feel emotions, both positive and negative. If somebody wrongs you it's both healthy and natural to want them to die. Saying you shouldn't care about it is just as cucked as the whole Christian thing of telling you to forgive them because you will feel better about it. No thank you, actually what makes me feel better is hurting people who crossed me, because I'm not a willing cuck

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Saying you shouldn't care about it

That's not what stoicism is. You shouldn't sneed about it if you are powerless to do anything about it, if you can hurt them without repercussions -- go ahead.

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You don't know what stoicism is.

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Also good is hurting women who agree to have s*x, apparently

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Why can't you get over that? Yes, if a woman wants me to do something that turns her on, and it's something that doesn't really bother me, then obviously I'll do that thing. Don't get mad at me just because you don't believe in sexually satisfying kinky women

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>SPAL when a broad tells him she gets off to being respected


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I like to do BDSM maybe once or twice a week but that changes depending on my partner. For example, I never got to do any BDSM with my ex-wife, because she was terrible in bed and her favorite s*x position was "dead starfish." On the other end of the spectrum, I once dated a woman who could only get off on being r*ped. Every single time we had s*x, I had to tie her down and fake-"r*pe" her. It was exhausting, especially because she had a brown belt in Jiujitsu and could really hurt people. I still have a chipped front tooth from that relationship.

Basically I'm a really accommodating guy who adjusts based on the woman I'm with and I resent your accusations that I just like to slap women around and mistreat them. I can be very tender and romantic too, especially after I've fake-"r*ped" someone.


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i'll think about the option of literally murking somebody the next time i am wronged.

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I don't recommend breaking the law, but there's plenty of ways to hurt people without doing that. For example, if you look through my substack thoroughly you'll see that I used superforecasting to predict both Covid and the Ukraine War in advance, back when all the "experts" were saying "it's just a big nothingburger," but I chose not to warn anybody (except in a really indirect subtle way) because I Ioathe Western society for actively discriminating against chuds and radical centrists like myself. Instead I just made a lot of money on the stock market and bought a house. So even though directly killing people is illegal, there's plenty of ways to indirectly kill your enemies that are both legal and wholesome.

Similarly, look at this article where I teach people how to make low-cost drones to blow up private jets. With this information out in the wild, it's only a matter of time before somebody uses this info to blow up a private jet, and then I can say "I predicted this" and go on the news telling everybody who will listen that our incompetent elites ignored my warnings and that's why we need to replace them (with people like me). Again, all totally legal because of free speech, but also an excellent way to hurt my enemies politically and directly. After all, if they use stochastic violence, why shouldn't I? And it's the same with this Q-anon thing. Sure, starting a cult was fun, and I hope to someday win the coveted Rdrama awards with this epic prank, but it's also a great way to direct stochastic violence against the people I hate.

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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I hate all Romans because bowl haircuts are the pits.

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Lmao Cuckus Aurelius

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Jfc just kill everyone, who cares about a dumb hole. She is wrong and you should cut off your feet. Sleep in the box compactor at work.

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You desire to LIVE β€œaccording to Nature”? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a powerβ€”how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To liveβ€”is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, β€œliving according to Nature,” means actually the same as β€œliving according to life”—how could you do DIFFERENTLY? Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! In your pride you wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein; you insist that it shall be Nature β€œaccording to the Stoa,” and would like everything to be made after your own image, as a vast, eternal glorification and generalism of Stoicism! With all your love for truth, you have forced yourselves so long, so persistently, and with such hypnotic rigidity to see Nature FALSELY, that is to say, Stoically, that you are no longer able to see it otherwiseβ€”and to crown all, some unfathomable superciliousness gives you the Bedlamite hope that BECAUSE you are able to tyrannize over yourselvesβ€”Stoicism is self-tyrannyβ€”Nature will also allow herself to be tyrannized over: is not the Stoic a PART of Nature?… But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical impulse itself, the most spiritual Will to Power, the will to β€œcreation of the world,” the will to the causa prima.


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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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:marseyme: whenever I read philosophy

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If you're not :taycrying: at every minor inconvenience, can you really call yourself human?

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what does this mean?

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