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I really thought they'd mark the whole Rittenhouse thing off and memory hole it after the trial, but jesus they won't stop bringing him up every month nearly 4 years later

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It's made me legitimitely fearful of lefties. They really wanted this kid to die that night.

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>The left is like this on every single issue all the time.

>omg we suck at messaging

>i know lets repeat lies over and over ad infinitum

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The Left (the establishment) are happy to let things go and shut up rather than take the honorable L. Problem is, their useful idiots that make up the masses can only regurgitate MSM headlines so that's what becomes gospel.

Same with trumpers though that believe what trump says face value without realizing he'd throw any of them in a meat grinder if it made him a millionth of a standard unit richer or more famous.

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Lefties are more hateful and closed-minded than the people they claim to hate

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Local peckerwoods REFUSE to be felted.

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Yeah it's really weird how redditors are so bothered by a guy who killed a couple of kiddie diddlers. :marseynoooticer:

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The OP of that thread is either an omega level cute twink loser with no life or a fricking paid shill. No one, should be letting republicans live rent free in their head like this guy does.


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Chud mommy :marseymommymilkers:

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>standing in front of a woman firing a flamethrower

:marseydisagreesuperspeed: :marseyveryworried: :marseydisagreesuperspeed:

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Watching an italian movie from the 70s be like

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I want her to set me on fire :#marseyturnedon:

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I reckon that sub is now an experiment to see just how much they can convince their r-slurred users of. They try a bigger lie every week and back it up by jannying all dissent. Somehow it's still working and the users sit around all day foaming at the mouth over cartoon rightoids.

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He talks like an obviously baiting dramatard lol

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redditor for 12 years

it never even began

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ngl if he a shill he kinda based doe

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Makes Bardfinn look like Elvis in terms of how interesting their life must be

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 01 hours 00 minutes and 08 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Snappy which was 0 days 13 hours 37 minutes and 13 seconds

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β€œDurrrrr both sides are the same!!” Cry a bunch of clowns pretending they aren't in the maga circus.

:marseyclown2: :marseyjoan: :marseyclown:

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the way these people think there are literally only two kinds of people, those who agree with them and hardxcore trump supporters, bugs me so much. :die:

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Sounds like something a hardcore trump supporter would say

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that's exactly what a woke libtard commie would say!!!

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I get why they hate Rittenhouse but I will never get the Joe Rogan hate.

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Rogan hate is a huge red flag for me. The guy's whole schtick is "take responsibility for your life, try and work out, and have an open mind"

If you find _that_ offensive it's because you're a permavictim or because you're totally brainwashed. Either way, a useful heuristic

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I think it was the whole "horse medicine cures covid" thing that turned people off of him

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It was before that. He was part of the 'intellectual dark web'.

His big sin was platforming people they didn't like.

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i mean yeah if people don't like peterson and you put peterson on your show then they won't like you either

but the serious boycotting stuff was because of his covid takes.

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:marseyshrug: That was the one that stuck. Before the 2016 election, I had an old friend literally gasp that I was listening to Rogan.

:marseytinfoil2: Rogan interviewing Bernie Sanders was the impetus behind 'Bernie-bro'.

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The "ventilators cure covid" crowd are the ones who get the maddest about harmless shit like ivermectin

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Its not his fault though as the horse medicine had a higher success rate than western healthcare

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:marseyindignant: He's just obnoxious and not very funny. TRT little weirdo who gives me the creeps and surrounds himself with sycophant leeches.

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Rogan has broad shoulders, tells people to work out.

That's bad, okay?

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He platforms wrongthinkers.

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The guy trying to get rid of 2A is a Finn lmao

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eurotards seething about america 24/7 will never not be funny

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It's r-slurred because there's tons of guns in Finland. People just don't shoot each other there because that would require getting within 200m of another human.

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People just don't shoot each other there because that would require getting within 200m of another human.

That and the 95%+ white population.

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I will dunk on burgers sometimes, and lots of them are r-slurs. But they got the self-defence laws right. In most other Western countries, you don't have a proper right to defend yourself against home invaders.

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It's actually so cucked. Some cute twink breaks into your house, you righteously destroy him, and then you're somehow in the wrong for defending your life and property

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There needs to be a test to vote in elections with just one question:

"Is Kylie Rittenhouse a murderer?"

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:ma#rseyagreefast: :#marseyagreefast: :mar#seyagreefast:

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Is there a place I can find all the footage from that night? The part where Kyle levels his rifle at Gage, lowers it when Gage puts his hands up, then raises it again and fires when Gage reaches for his pistol is ridiculous and I want to be able to show it to people.

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You know what's funny. I remember seeing the clips night of (on the drama sub) and it was clear cut self defense then.

Then The Narrativeℒ️ started and I was like what the actual frick these people haven't seen the clips and just believe the media.

Then I saw people responding to clips ignoring what their eyes just seent still repeating The Narrativeℒ️.

Then I remembered all wingcucks should be gulaged until they wither away. Preferably Lefties first though because they're just not fun people and we'd be better off if they don't exist. Then we can worry about hardcore rightoids.

Yes I'm agenda posting a little , sue me :marseygigachad:

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This video is my favorite because it was made by the NY Times and confirms Kylie's innocence (19:45 is the timestamp if it doesn't make it through the link)

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Every time Anthony Huber's girlfriend talks, I wish that Kylie shot her, too.

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>Jurys are the biggest insult to justice and have no place in a proper justice system

Lmao which one of you wrote this

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I cannot believe that the in spotifys top podcast charts, joe rogan is #1, tucker carlson is #2, jordan petterson is #19. Unfricking real any of them haven't been dropped. Instead, they've gained popularity among young men and the far right.


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The scariest thing is all the Right Wing podcasters and influencers targeting young men

Well what's your alternative leftoids? Horsepeepee lover Vaush? Creepy Contrapoints?

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Dspgaming the voice of leftist politics

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If young chuds don't want to shut up and listen to black women of color like doja cat then they should just leave :#marseyindignantwoman:

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I don't understand the comparison :marseyconfused:

Who is the foid?

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She read a poem during Biden's inauguration.

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Shes clearly as not guilty as rittenhouse

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At this point most people have forgotten the details, so when you mention the dead dude that anally r*ped a minor, they tend to immediately go silent about the rest of it lol

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He was calling rittenhouse a neighbor in good faith though, theeatening to slice his throat in good faith and setting good faith dumpster fires while attempting to kill another man in good faith. Kylie was acting in bad faith by existing

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:marseysoyhype: Frick yeah the punisher rocks, killing criminals is awesome


:marseysoycry: Nooo not like that

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a reminder that KKKyle Rottenhouse was lucky enough to snag a MAGA judge for trial. That's the only reason he is walking free.

Plus a second reminder- Kyle Rittenhouse was the first person in legal history to commit premeditated self-defense

For real though, one thing I've never understood is why more liberal activists don't get routinely killed out of "premeditated self defense," which is perfectly legal.

For example, I live in Boston. You guys all know what I look like. And when the story of my Q-anon adventures inevitably goes viral, there are definitely people who are going to try to attack me, giving me the perfect excuse to hurt them. This in turn feeds into my desired narrative about Leftists being evil criminals and thugs, while at the same time raising my media profile. Like right now, my biggest claim to fame is that I banged Ted Simp. But when I've been attacked by evil Leftoid activists, suddenly I'm a conservative hero and I can go on talk shows and explain why all of these evil people who hate me need to be put into camps.

So my question is, why haven't any Rightoids done this yet? This isn't rocket science. Leftoids are so easy to provoke because they have absolutely zero emotional control. All you have to do is go into any neighborhood in downtown Detroit and yell the N word, and I guarantee somebody will try to attack you, so then you can blow them away and go viral. Leftoids will cope and seethe but they can't do shit about you exercising your free speech rights.

"B-b-but he deliberately tried to trigger us to react emotionally!'


"Yeah, so what?"


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Nobody actually cares about you lmao

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I feel like it's the opposite in Canada. All nation-wide corporate media is right wing, while our national broadcaster (CBC) leans just left of center. Guess who is advocating for CBC to be defunded.

hahaha leafs come read about how CBC is "just left of center"

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If Redditors are admitting something β€œleans” just left of center, you know it's orientation is right next to Marx. I still remember how multiple people on CBC were crying during the 2016 election night

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The scariest thing is all the Right Wing podcasters and influencers targeting young men to make more Rittenhouses

we can not have more young men out there who defend themselves from armed people! they have to let themselves be killed! i can't believe those evil conservatives are trying to get other people to not be killed in the street.

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That's not your average young Democrat lol

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