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re: /h/chudrama

  • we're gonna :marseyvenn6: start banning/permachudding ppl who post shit that belongs in /h/chudrama outside :marseygrass: of it - case in point :marseytedsimp3: @lnternetCustodian who only posts rightoid :marseyliberty2: ragebait to farm DC - usually I just moved posts there :marseycheerup: quietly but clearly this isn't enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: at all

  • we really :marseythinkorino2: need /h/chudrama to have a highly-distinctive css, so ppl instinctively know when they're inside :marseyteapot: and outside :marseytouchgrass: it, and hopefully adjust tone accordingly, for that im offering 20k marseybux for the best CSS anyone can make for it, you can test CSS in /h/test

  • kill chuds, behead chuds, roundhouse kick chuds into the concrete, slam dunk a chud baby into the trash :marseyraccoon: can, crucify :marseyjesus2: filthy chuds, defecate into chuds food, launch :marseycruisemissile: chuds into the sun, stir fry chuds in a wok, toss chuds into active volcanoes, urinate into chud's gas tank, Judo throw :marseypuke: chuds into a wood chipper, twist chuds heads off, report chuds to the IRS, karate :marseybowing: chop chuds in half, curb stomp :marseygravedance: pregnant :marseysperm: chuds, trap chuds in quicksand, Crush :marseyironmaiden: chuds in the trash :marseyraccoonhappy: compactor, liquify chuds in a vat of acid, eat chuds, dissect chuds, exterminate chuds in the gas chamber, stomp :marseychudgravedance: chud skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate chuds in the oven, lobotomized chuds, mandatory abortions for chuds, grind chud fetuses in the garbage :marseyoscar: disposal, drown :marseyaquagrunt: chuds in fried :marseykfc: chicken :marseyblackcock: grease, vaporize chuds with a raygun, kick old chuds down the stairs, feed chuds to alligators, slice :marseybestfriends: chuds with a katana, in minecraft.

!jannies !codecels !nonchuds

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If the chuds are mad you know its a good change.

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look at the huge amount of seethe :marseyravegigaspeed: in this thread :marseystitch: alone :marseyitsdangerous: lmao !metashit

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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X (formerly chiobu) makes a good point and I am seething.

Ramping up the amount magnitude of punishment is bad if the criteria for delivering punishment are r-slurred.

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Both the !chuds and the !nonchuds have made several good points here here and here

It's a very nuanced discussion tbh. I don't know whose side to take here !grillers help

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Bussy aside this is still the best conversation I've seen on it in relation to everything:


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whoa neighbor, you expect me to read all that

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Snally is old and mid and ran through

Trans lives matter

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I think the main problem is that it's arbitrary as to what's a chud post. I'm not sure X (formerly chiobu)'s post was really a chud post :marseyshrug: And if we're gonna start acting like X (formerly chiobu) is a user on par with collectjism (not sure how to spell that) then we've lost the plot

But X (formerly chiobu)'s post was a boring circlejerk

Yeah but the question is whether it's a rightoid circlejerk or not. rDrama never had a problem with lazy and boring shitposts before :marseyclueless:

I doubt X (formerly chiobu) of all people is who Lawlz would call a Nazi and if so then that's simply wrong

The problem is we're trying to crack down on chuds but can't define what a chud is. Like if I hypothetically tried to ping jannies for that 50$ min wage thread and asked them for a chud bounty, I'd 100% get chudded by Carp for a "bad ping" or told it's not actionable by Heymoon. Yet Aevann moved that same post to chudrama. This is all too arbitrary for anyone to really follow.

The inevitable outcome is that nothing will change except every once in awhile Aevann will wake up and move a post or two into chudrama before going back to coding hibernation.

!dramatards weigh in?

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The main problem starts with you trying to rationalizing this shit

Jannies (chadmins in this case) fricking with the userbase and causing reeeee is as old of a tradition as /r/drama itself. I implore you to visit the museumofrdrama hole and read some of the shenanigans that the mods use to pull there to get a rise out of dramatards. From Joan to Annarchist to lawlz to snally to assyMcgee to kaaraRaven to velvetllama, everyone used to do this.

Aevann is the latest in the pantheon of r-slurs bearing the torch.


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Aevann :marseypharaohcat: is the latest in the pantheon of r-slurs bearing the torch.

im honored to be, king

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Ok :marseyclueless:

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You realize oldstrags isn't for old /r/drama users right?

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Stop replying to yourself


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?? Niggo how are you on drugs this early

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In fairness to me your gay long bandwagoning-on-the-current meme username makes it hard to read at a glance.

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:#rdramajanny: BAD FAITH POSTING!


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I don't think it's hard to feign niceties. Don't invoke boring ethnic stereotypes. Classism is okay because class mobility is a thing. Ethnic mobility is not a thing. Even mayoposting is boring.

I don't want to outright ban the behavior but chuds need their own star of David. Any chud who can humor their own r-sluration is respectable, just like how self critical leftoids are welcome here.

Chuds complaining can go to gab and other places where they can get sucked off. We kick ballsacks here. I would not have to seriouspost if chuds remembered that.


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I don't think :marseynoooticer: it's hard to feign niceties ... :marseysoyhypetyping:


Trans lives matter too strags like yourself

@jesus3 gayest, most GRIDS ridden comment :marseysoypointtrips: I've seen here in a while

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Scratch a dramatard dot pdf :#scott:

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I don't care about :!marseytrain:s and you should not either :marseytransrentfree: Stop letting hate control your life.


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Ok but when are you posting trussy?

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Longposting about meta shit is gay as heck, go suck a peepee bud

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You wanna talk about goombling instead?


Does this make sense to you? :marseyclueless:

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You wanna talk about goombling instead?

Yes. I am happy to annouce to everyone that as of this morning I have beaten @LowAPM on the leaderboard.


The next tier bosses in the ladder are like Mortal Kombat 2 level unfair but if I could beat Kintaro I can beat @Enrico_Motassa

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Do you mind if I ask your secret? :marseydetective:

You mentioned martingale before. I've always figured it'd be easy to goomble big coins to keep your fortune up once you already have a lot to work with.

How'd you get your fortune in the first place though? What did you start with when you transitioned to a goomble based economy? :marseyreportercnn:

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nothing will change

Saying things such as this is a surefire way to jinx it and make things change drastically (often for the worst).

Edit your comment now. :marseytrollgun:

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I think its a holing problem.

Trainspotting? Trainspotting hole

Libertarianshit? Libertarian hole

Nooticing or unsure? Chudrama

Right vs left fighting pol

I dont think that you need to define what is a chud post. I think you need to make sure shit is holed correctly.

If its a libertariantrain you could pick libertarianshit,trainspotting, or chudrama but at least then you wouldnt have to say chud, just holed wrong.

If !jannies (not holejannies) have to rehole you you're catching escalating consequences

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X (formerly chiobu) belongs on chudrama more than collectjism, because collectjism is funny and doesn't take his chuddery as seriously

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I don't read any of them and just upmarsey and move on


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I knew exactly what he linked and clicked it anyway, because seeing it makes me laugh.

sort of like Ralph playing with the flag on the mailbox


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When they came for the chuds, I said nothing because I am not a chud. When they came for the nonchuds, I didn't care, I was literally dead :marseyshrug: :marseyshrug:

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I feel like I go outside too often to care about any of this shit

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seethe :marseylaptopangry2:

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I said I am seething.

You should try personally giving up the nword for lent btw. I'm p sure that to a normie like Masterlawlz (or to normies about whose opinions he cares about) nwords are by far the chuddiest aspect of the site.

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idc about masterlawlz, hes a traitor :marseygreytide: to the motherland and should :marseynorm: be shot-on-sight

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not really, its a boring agendapost with no drama

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so like 90% of the posts on the front page

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yeah, its been a problem for a long time

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you win

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its true, im mostly busy coooooding or with irl stuff

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which is appreciated but like you said you might not be the best judge of the meta of the site

i'm done for now have fun and thanks for the memories

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Bro they finished building the pyramids thousands of years ago wtf could you possibly need to do irl

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Or fighting off tbs :marseyweeb:

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Yeah that's why he yells at us to do it


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That's not a good point that's a nitpick. If you look at the account https://rdrama.net/@lnternetcustodian you can see that its X (formerly chiobu)'s alt whose 99% of posts are just outrage news from rightoid rags with no effort or drama attached to them. Posted several times a day. Just because that one specific post didn't warrant the chuddening doesn't mean the rest of the account is the same

!nonchuds together we chat, trans lives matter indeed

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I choose not to believe that's chibs alt bc no one man could be that active on this site.

I refuse to believe it.

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so chud for the other posts

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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My favorite are the ones going "Ugh, can't wait for this place to turn into Reddit 2.0" as if some Egyptian guy who calls everyone BIPOCs is secretly part of some SJW fifth column on the site he created lol

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He calls the other jannies BIPOCS in groomercord and tells us to kill ourselves when we frick up lol

It's pretty funny (and we usually deserve it)


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:marseyadmire: :capy:

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Horshoe theory

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My favorite are the ones going "Ugh, can't wait for this place to turn into Reddit /pol/ 2.0"

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Jannies should add the option to mute pings for a few days just to cause seethe while claiming they aren't making Reddit 2.0

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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anything that makes :chiobu: turn crazier than I stand with israel-cels is a good thing


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I do have a womb and ovaries, that's how I had 50 abortions :marseymeds: seems like saying I stand with Israel has completely rotted your brain :marseyghostsadgenocide:

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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:#marseykingcrown: :#capychad3: :#marseykneel:

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Holy shit someone is seething lmao



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that's not me if you're wondering

you'll find a "frick off" comment from me somewhere in that spam

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Nah I didn't think that. Probably Krayon (sister toucher) but I didn't really look


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>oh wow 390 comments

150 spam, 150 longpostbot replying to spam

Actually kinda breaks the site on Mobile. If you collapse enough threads to see Load More Comments (in this case, 3 threads), it seems to reload the same threads and you can't collapse the last one

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You need to change your sig to "popcorn tastes good" to maximize the seethe.

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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