Remember your old friends you'd play online games with? Halo, CoD, Runescape, back when you were happy? When unbridled optimism led you to believe that no matter what happened, things would always get better? It felt like it would never end.
Then one day, they disappeared. "Dinner" or "chores" you'd hear, yet never again would the status glow green. Years would fly, and the whole world unraveled. Suddenly, you were alone.
"What am I doing here?"
"Where did it all go wrong?"
You read your old chat histories as scenes play out from the past. Maybe they're still around. Maybe. If you send a message, will they send you one back?

Welcome to Part 2!
Featuring a new cast of (underaged) characters!
Yours Truly - a 12 year old who unknowingly stumbled into a Law and Order SVU episode and lived to tell the tale
bunnywumpkins - the quintessential 16 year old emo that found themselves at the center of the next ROBLOX s*x scandal
ArchitectOfEden - a dastardly stranger who disappeared just as quickly as he came, with a knack for photoshop and drama!
IDTalk - the "hero" of this story, a 15 year old gal who slutshamed before it was (un)cool!

As Clans and Guilds lost prominence, other subforums flourished. One of these was Off Topic or OT for short. After washing out of R.A.T, yours truly found their way shitposting as an OTer in 2013. One of the more "libertine" communities on ROBLOX, OT had nightly video chats where kids of all ages - yes ALL ages - would play games together, reveal their identities, online date... and strip.
ODing and sharing nudes with your partner (and eventually having them leaked) was not only ubiquitous across all of ROBLOX at this point, but accepted as a fact of life for any user. Anyone who had some sense left and called out this degeneracy for what it was would be near-unanimously ridiculed. Let people enjoy things! OT was no exception. Countless OTers would find themselves in an equally astonishing number of relationships, inevitably leading to every inch of their bodies being so well-known in their communities that threads would be hosted where users would attempt to guess the identity of a child in a CP post (and get it right!!!)

If Satan was on Earth, then ROBLOX was his domain. Few grasped the utter depravity of the situation. Fewer still had the guts to stand up for what they believe was right. IDTalk was one such person. Our young heroine never kept quiet on the virtues of (underaged) chastity, and when she stumbled upon OT in 2013, the rabble-rouser would threaten to shake the very foundations of OT's longrunning pro-CP culture.
bunnywumpkins was an already established OTer. Well liked by the community for her easy going demeanor, she also occasionally moonlighted as a child stripper in the OT chatroom. How fate led her down this path, I do not know. But her ROBLOX career would be forever changed on one fateful night: March 30th 2013, Easter Eve.
As coincidence would have it, bunnywumpkins would hop on the OT chatroom on TinyChat, and put on what she called a "show" for the audience. Well received as usual, bunnywumpkins would take a break before promising to do another later that night. Our Joan of Arc IDTalk caught wind of her second show and decided that enough was enough. "I will put an end to this"
Unbeknownst to bunnywumpkins, IDTalk advertised the second show across OT. Interest in Part 2 (wink wink nudge nudge) grew, and OT chatroom's turnout exploded. Everything going as planned, IDTalk joined the chatroom with a couple of like-minded friends, and made ROBLOX history.

Within mere hours, the OT forum descended into absolute chaos. Dozens of children (ostensibly) had watched in horror as IDTalk slutshamed bunnywumpkins in the middle of her show, driving what was no doubt an already emotionally-troubled 16 year old into taking a knife and self-harming in front of her audience. Post after post expressing inexplicable shock at what had just transpired. Accusations were thrown, rumors were spread. As if things couldn't get worse, our boy ArchitectOfEden comes in.
So mysterious, that even I couldn't even find proof of his existence other than references to his name, ArchitectOfEden appeared in OT out of nowhere, bearing only one message: "I have notified the FBI, you are all pending investigation"
ArchitectOfEden supplemented this omen with a single picture, that of a printed FBI document acknowledging that ROBLOX would be investigated for the production and distribution of child pornography. The OT forum, still reeling from witnessing someone self-harm on livestream, exploded into a wildfire of terror. OTers crying themselves into sleep as the witching hours of March 31st passed. Users, especially those who participated in the OT chatroom that night, were genuinely fearful that the police were going to knock on their doors and take them away. By the following morning, ROBLOX admins woke up to the potential media-disaster in the forums and censored the crap out of it. Nearly all posts that night were deleted, mentions of the now-christened Bunny Incident resulted in account bans. ROBLOX admins were NOT playing around.

24 hours after the Bunny Incident, OTers would calm down to a more conversational level as they held civil discussions. They would figure out that ArchitectOfEden was no more than a troll, his FBI document a forgery. ROBLOX would not be under investigation and everyone was safe. But someone had to be blamed. Who was responsible for the chaos?

Unfortunately for our hero, IDTalk bore the weight of OT's anger. Even though she had her supporters, she would be driven out of OT, not to return for some time. However the damage was done. IDTalk's actions marked the end of an era, as all OT chatrooms were shut down permanently, and child stripping would cease forever.

As time passed, the events of March 30th - March 31st would be cemented in OT consciousness as the Bunny Incident. The event was so significant that ROBLOX users would create and name games after the Bunny Incident as a memorial (or something, I don't know these frickers were weird). Stories were written and passed down, sometimes literally.

Three years had passed since the Bunny Incident, and while things had changed for the better, ROBLOX was still back on its old shit.
IDTalk would return to OT from her exile as MuffledSpeech and amour_eternal, though her identity was well known. She became an infamous legend among the ROBLOX forums. But her reputation did not precede her.
She would go on to amass a following and use her influence to bully libertarians off of ROBLOX. One example was the mini-celeb of 2015 by the name of "moris", a 19 year old who was proud of his relationship with a 13 year old. Coming under fire from IDTalk and her followers, moris would amass his own following and publicly denounce as IDTalk as "the b-word who caused the Bunny Incident." Seeking to take advantage of ROBLOX's historically libertine culture, he rallied the forums and used IDTalk's past against her.

But it was not enough. Despite moris' best efforts, IDTalk / MuffledSpeech / amour_eternal would face him in the arena of public opinion - and win

moris would be bullied out of ROBLOX, though he would not be the last. Although IDTalk's reputation was still marred by her role in the Bunny Incident, she would finally begin to be rehabilitated.
IDTalk would reminiscence on that night in a 6-page Tell-All. Here is the highlight.

Four years later, on the eve of ROBLOX's shutdown of all forums, IDTalk would prove successful at changing public perception at large.

IDTalk, at long last, had won.
Moral of the story? Don't let your children use the internet.
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Imgur albums:
1 - original compilation, has annotations, 90% of the pics in Part 1 and 2 are in here but some are edited differently. Has a couple pics that weren't in my posts.
2 - the final version of everything I used. Unfortunately I haven't annotated it yet.
I also have a pastebin manifest of all links to the threads that I looked at here, though this is culled down from the original manifest I collected. I would send the original for those who want to do more reading, but I accidentally overwrote when I saved... EDIT: nevermind I have one of the original drafts, but it's not annotated. Some of these threads include ones where I found active links to CP imgur which have been reported.
That being said, this is the archive of the ROBLOX forums. I found so much malicious content that there was no way I could fit it in two posts. Even in my second to final draft, I had to cut an enormous amount of content out. I also encountered child pornography links - most are dead, and I reported the live ones on imgur so they should be taken down soon.
I also found an archive of the "Faces of OT" imgur album. ROBLOX users were so careless about their privacy that they willingly uploaded their faces to this album. It has hundreds of pictures, including of the people involved in this incident. I was going to put it in as part of the post, but changed my mind last minute.
Lastly, here is the pastebin link for that weirdo's fanfiction, in case you guys thought the screenshot of his school assignment wasn't real.
EDIT: thought I'd throw in some tidbits of extra information, though not really relevant.
I used to skype with IDTalk and one of her friends (moonlight) after school, this was before the Bunny Incident happened. She's also the person who invited me and moonlight to the second show. I don't remember how or why we exchanged skypes, or what we talked about, though it didn't last long. I was one of the people that turned against her (because I was r-slurred). I never talked to her again.
The Bunny Incident occurred on a Sunday (it was Easter after all). The day after when I went to school, I distinctly remember walking into my first period - Art class - and sitting down at my table with two friends. They could tell just by looking at me how shaken I was. When I told them what happened though, they thought it was so outlandish that they struggled to believe it.
bunnywumpkins continued to use the forums, though very sporadically. She never participated in that mess again and was still well-liked.
It's not in the screens I posted but IDTalk claimed that a few years after the incident, she contacted bunnywumpkins and apologized. They continued on good terms.
My account would be one of the many that were permanently banned by the ROBLOX admins in order to cover up what happened. As you can see in the first screen though, I had multiple accounts.
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You sat down and wrote all this shit. You could have done so many other things with your life. What happened to your life that made you decide writing novels of bullshit on was the best option?
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