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Female coomer book writer tried to relase coomer book named after hitler youth slogan in 4/20




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Blut und Ehre (English: "Blood and Honor") was a Nazi political slogan that was used by the Hitler Youth, among others.


Orginal title was The Throne of Blood and Honor

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She's got an interesting posting herstory:

She applied for a fricking passport one month (more likely 2-3 weeks) before leaving lmao. I don't even know how she bought a ticket.

At the end of my passport saga I think I could write a whole dissertation on how to navigate the us passport system.

Locator 45 DOT 3 days away no passport

Context: DOT 07/20, applied in person expedited 6/13, began processing 6/20. Congressman put in inquiry 07/06. Congressperson called and got it marked as urgent on 07/13.

I am kind of freaking out a little bit. My congressperson rep is assuring me that they will get it taken care of and they know my travel date, but I have not seen ANY change in the status. I know that the status is off for my passport too because when I called they said it was in review, but the tracker never updated to that. I know that 45 has a reputation for getting passports out quickly but I am just feeling a little uneasy because the person I talk to every time has not been as reassuring and helpful as the other people I talk to. They seem to have a mentality that is very much, "It is your fault you did not apply in time". I understand and do not blame them for their feelings, but the current situation with these passports is unprecedented and a reflection not of personal failures (from applicants or the processors), but systematic issues with the US government.

No, you r-slur. You applied for a fricking passport 1 month before travel. How fricking stupid are you? It's 100% your fault.

They are rly fast but u gave them barely 4 weeks to do this. I'm hoping you do get it but if you don't you have to understand why


This may be true pragmatically, but that's a ridiculous situation. This is an essential service and a right OP holds as a citizen. In a modern nation, a month with a paid expedite fee should be plenty of time. I would apportion any blame here 5% with OP and 95% with the State Department.

Shut the frick up. It is not an essential service and a right isn't denied if it takes a reasonable amount of time. They have to validate all of your shit and make sure you don't have extant warrants or are on an extradite list.

Also, lest people have forgotten, you used to be able to go and do a walk-in and get your passport the same day. This current system is unprecedented, and people only need passports infrequently, so they would have no reason to expect this from the last time they dealt with the passport system.

I used to be able to crack a six pack in my F-100 with no seatbelt, times change for the gayer

From the Hasan sub (lol of course):

Operation Condor

I don't know if Hasan has talked about operation condor but it is so important to understand what it happening in Brazil and other South American countries.

Operation condor was a CIA backed operation that was in Brazil and other countries which led to the death of over 60,000+. They were basically hunting communists / socialists and the us helped install fascists and military coups.

The hogs in Brazil and other counties is us imported. South American has always been fighting for socialist and communist governments. The hate they receive is in large part fueled by the catholic right and those whose families supported fascists in the 70s.

Those fascists though might have never risen to power if it wasn't for the US backing they received.

Thanks, trick. Did your 5th column grandpappy get kicked out of U-r-gay?

Travis Kelce liking 22 yr old Dixi D'Amelio's photos


Removed for "low effort" ON FAUXMOI lolololok

You could hear a hair pin drop

hairpin is one word ffs

Just writing this to say that in light of Taylor's teams response to the NYT piece I think it is time as queer fans we stop supporting Taylor.

B-WORD, you have a child. You're not gay.

At this point she wants to be perceived and treated as a straight woman, and that is obviously fine but it means that her use of queer symbols, terms, and history in her music is no longer appropriate and needs to be addressed.

I really have been hating that so much of the conversation is centered around whether Taylor is queer or not instead of addressing how if she is not then she needs to apologize to the queer community for taking our language and history and passing it off as hetro or of her own invention.

I think that is the bigger discussion to have rn, if Taylor wants to be seen as straight then she needs to address her queer fans. It is so confusing and infuriating to hear terms like hairpin, lavender haze, etc and to be told that they are not queer. Even her explanations to write them off are so disrespectful bc she is taking meaningful language that comes from years of oppression and violence to talk about her hetro relationships and then disregard their origins.

I know people have a long list of excuses for her responses to things like the NYT piece but at the end of the day there is a way to get people to not speculate about ur sexuality without gasliting ur queer fans, I think harry styles is a good example of this. In response to the article she could have simply come out thru her team and said she doesn't like speculation instead of acting like the piece which was a queer celebration of her work, was somehow crossing a line and disrespectful. It honestly gives the vibes of hetro ppl calling anything queer inappropriate simply bc it is not hetro behavior.

How is it inappropriate for a queer person to pick up on queer terms in TS music and begin to wonder if she is apart of the community or whether these associations have deeper meanings? That is a perfectly appropriate and normal response, what is not appropriate or normal is for a hetro woman like Taylor to use our history, terms, and symbols then turn around and characterize us as weird or predatory for interpreting them according to their tradition.

Also, her getting close to Brittany Mahomes is another gross addition to this era, her brother in law SAd someone ON FILM, and just had the charges dropped this week. Brittany had dismissed the assault publicly before this.

EDIT: I have to include based on ignorant responses

FOR THE HETLORS: No one is trying to make Taylor queer or fit a narrative we have for her! We as queer ppl have simply EXISTED listened to her music and noted the apparent coincidences or blatant use of queer terms, symbols, history in her work!

OH NO!! :soycry:


It's hilarious when people from Uruguay or Spain call Americans gringos when anyone that is from a country like Mexico that has a high amount of indigenous people refer to these people as gringos. Like sorry to break it to you if you are white you would be considered a gringo. Also genetically, most Uruguayans are from Europe. It is kind of a weird situation because the indigenous population is so small. Uruguay is like Europe in South America. Also being called yankee almost 100% of the time is not affectionate lol idk why people on the sub are pretending it is😂. But yes if u r white you are a gringo but an Uruguayan who is like 99% from Europe is also a gringo.

Thanks for explaining their culture to them, gabacha.

Gringos are most certainly just Burgers of any race and not Latin Americans. Mexico also has a high amount of white people but she has the understanding I would expect from a gringatina


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The hogs in Brazil and other counties is us imported. South American has always been fighting for socialist and communist governments. The hate they receive is in large part fueled by the catholic right and those whose families supported fascists in the 70s.

:!#carpsurejan: :#marseysurejan:

Those people are so fricking r-slurred they're not even worth engaging. Brazil has been anticommunist since the Old Republic, it got intensified during the Vargas era and even progressive presidents like JK hated commies, the Brazilian Communist Party was always a tiny party engaged in internal petty fights.

Also, why do these soys always talk about Latin America as if the entire population was thrilled about supporting socialists when unironic commies were always fringe groups, even most of the PTista Lula voters are not socialists.

!neolibs !anticommunists

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>communist party

>engaged in internal petty fights


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Operation condor was a CIA backed operation that was in Brazil and other countries which led to the death of over 60,000+.

Best thing to ever happen to South America non ironically

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Nossa, 60 mil gorilhões de desaparecidos pela dentadura militar :soycry:

Esses r-slurados tiram essas cifras do cu deles e depois falam que fake news é só a direita que faz

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Checked the wikipedo page, surprise surprise,

it's all chairo r-slurs putting bullshit without good attribution "according to this guy who was on the losing side..."

60,000, which is stated in the lead seems to come from a Mexican newspaper's editorial page which is not valid source

there was terrorism in South American countries and this was part of the pretext of at least some of the coups, although left-leaning commentators like to ignore this completely.

The article makes numerous claims about US involvement without sources and even has a map claiming this. When a source is used, it is an unsourced Communist newspaper. An attempt was made to correct but was reverted without explanation.

Iminsbila, I just finished reading the Calloni article, which is why I'm here--using the Wikipedia article's references to find more info on the subject. Calloni's article lacks reliable footnotes, which is surprising because she is an experienced journ*list. She uses footnotes extensively, but nothing lines up... for example she discusses Condor's role in the assassination of Carlos Partas. The footnote has nothing to do with Carlos Partas. Irregardless of this, Calloni is a highly biased source. She is pro-Castro, pro-Chavez, anti-(anything estadounidense). The wiki article over-relies on her. Additionally the Wiki article like Calloni's "Archivos del Horror del Operativo Cóndor" article places much blame for what happened on the US...but fails to connect anything to the US. The "proofs" that both use are reports from the US State Department describing Operation Condor. That's not the same as participation. They collected information and intelligence and reported it back to Washington in a neutral manner. Don't blame the messenger. Journ*lists write of terrible atrocities every day. But that's not to say that the journ*lists are responsible for the atrocities.

Calloni, like many of her contemporaries have a tendency to "blame the messenger," instead of acknowledging the fact that unfortunately since se independizaron de España, Latin American countries have almost always had terrible, corrupt, and murderous leaders. The actions of the dictators (right and left) are to blame. I know it's tough to swallow but coup followed by golpe followed by coup has shown that Latin American countries have had shitty rulers

The number of dead from Operation Condor, seems way too high. For example up to 20,000 may have died under Videla and perhaps 3,000 under Pinochet prior to to Condor beginning. So where does the other 40,000+ come from. It seems unlikely that the dictatorships of Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay murdered anywhere near that many people. It definitely seem way too high. Does anyone have any breakdown of how many are supposed to have died in each of different countries. I have never heard of mass killing in any of the southern cone countries bar Argentina and Chile, so it does seem way too high

Anon editor: It is not sufficient to remove sourced the statement regarding the estimate of the number of deaths. You need to add the contradictory evidence and sources for the "modern estimates" you mention. Bagunceiro (talk) 23:10, 2 October 2013 (UTC)


See the main pages regarding Stroessner, Pinochet, Videla and the other involved juntas. The modern estimates for people killed during their regimes is far lower than the mentioned Condor estimate. This doesn't take into account that many of these deaths are before Condor and even the ones during Condor are not necessarily part of Condor. It is fairly obvious that 60,000 people were not killed. For example modern estimates for Pinochet are 1,200 to 3,200 with 3 quarters in 1973. The rest is not necessarily part of Condor. 10,000 to 30,000 under the Argentine junta from all violence not just Condor. A few thousand under Stroessner and he was in power long before. The rest of the Juntas are accused of hundreds of deaths each if not a bit more. (talk) 17:03, 13 October 2013 (UTC)


No, it simply won't do to just delete a fully sourced item. It is by no means "obvious" that these sources are wrong or that the arIf you have contrary evidence then include it with references.


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There are officially 434 people who were extra-judiciously killed during the Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985). Most of these deaths happened in the late 60s and early 70s, the Regime didn't go around murdering students in the streets like the PRI in Mexico did. Rather the judiciary was weaponized and thousands were imprisoned and convicted for subversive activities, that along media censorship and institutional acts allowing the President to remove congressmen and governors meant they didn't need murdering opponents most of the time. Killings were a last resort tool mostly used against armed groups, I think the highest profile civilian killed was the journo Vladimir Herzog, murdered at a police station tjough officially it was “suicide” as they hanged him in his cell, it was a huge scandal at the time.

When leftists talk about military dictatorships in Latam they typically mix up a bunch of them because of their historical illiteracy and always apply the worst case scenarios and cliches to all of them.

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To be fair the passport process in the US has gone insanely downhill over the last 2 or 3 years. I think it took about a month pre-covid, and assuming it hasn't gotten better since I renewed mine last year, getting a new one is now a three month process unless you pay double expedite it, which only brings it down to two months.

No idea really why this is the case, I've seen the covid backlog blamed (which would've been a valid excuse for maybe a year or two after international travel resumed, but not 3 years out) as well as the postal service intentionally sandbagging the process on their end of things in their multi-year-long battle over funding cuts that is still ongoing.

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