:marseytrain: :marseysociety2: director crying on twitter that some rando wanting a torrent of the film is actively hurting the queer community




























If you've never heard of The People's Joker it's an indie :marseytrain: parody of :marseysociety2: that's been going round film festivals lately

The film unofficially parodies characters from the Batman comics, and the main character is a transgender woman based on the Joker, played by Drew. The film also features Scott Aukerman, Tim Heidecker, Maria Bamford, David Liebe Hart, Robert Wuhl, and Bob Odenkirk in supporting roles

In a dystopian world monitored by Batman, a young child grows up in Smallville, Kansas idolizing the performers on a sketch comedy program, UCB Live. The unnamed protagonist's mother is disturbed when her child asks, "Was I born in the wrong body?" and immediately books a session with Dr. Crane of Arkham Asylum, who prescribes Smylex: a drug that forces its users to put on a happy face, even if they feel depression, anxiety, or gender dysphoria.

They set up in an abandoned warehouse at a dilapidated carnival and are quickly joined by a number of law-breaking comedians with their own deliberately unfunny and uncomfortable acts. One of these is Jason "Mr. J" Todd, who dresses as a Joker of his own and tells Marxist observational humor. Mr. J and the hero immediately strike up a bond and go on a date that includes Mr. J's revelation that he is a transgender man who recently left an abusive relationship. This helps encourage the protagonist to articulate that she is a transgender woman and the two plot to have her dive into a vat of estrogen to gender transition

As the duo evade guards at the chemical plant, a retired Batman appears to stop them and it leaves Mr. J shaken. While the protagonist finally feels happy for the first time after emerging from the chemicals, Mr. J reveals that his ex is Batman. The crimefighter adopted orphan Carrie Kelley and trained her to be his sidekick Robin, even assisting with a gender transition to the identity of Jason Todd, but their relationship became toxic and sexual, in spite of their large age difference and the fact that Batman was a father figure to the seventeen year old.


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Corporations are staffed entirely by dogs and/or space aliens chud :chadleftoid:

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"the bourgeois are not human."

Communists unironically believe this quote.


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It's genuinely amazing how much tankie ideology matches fascist thinking once you get past the flavor of the messaging.

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The largest difference is whether you're nationalist or globalist

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It's tied between that and the color shirts they wear.

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Pretty much every successful """""communist""""" state has ended up being pretty nationalist and racist

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I think that's an insightful distinction.


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So many leftoids give no shits about any kind of liberation, they just want their turn at the whip.

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>We hate jews, because they're capitalist leeches who stole from the workers :marseycomrade:

>We hate jews, because they're capitalist leeches who stole from the Volk :!marseyreich:


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It's literally the reason why horseshoe theory exists :marseyhorseshoe:

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Not that strange when you remember Hitler and Stalin were besties for a while. :marseyflagpolandgenocide:

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Amazing how they could find common ground. Namely, Poland.

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Anything in your defense, !kurwa?

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It's the EUs fault

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Not sure what is there to defend against here.

Being hated by both commies and fascists is more of a compliment than anything.

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leave poland alone poland is cute

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Stalin considered the kulaks -- farmers with more than 5 acres of land -- to be inhuman bourgeois and had them liquidated. He exiled 5 million of them to the Gulags and most died.

Red Army soldiers were executed for protesting when their comrades would r*pe in Ukraine, Poland, and Germany, under the crime of "bourgeoisie sensitivity."

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Ok, so Stalin fricked up and clicked "accept all" on the gulag-cookies popover like a dumbass, but are you really saying you wouldn't laugh at Muskrat in a gulag? Because if so, I think you are a liar.

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I'm sorry you're too busy simping for billionaires to appreciate the simple joy of imagining the world's whiniest rich man forced to chisel potassium out of the Siberian tundra with a small spoon.

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Still pissed Tesla stock is skyrocketing eh? Must be rough being so envious all the time

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equating stock price with value....

BYD will win.

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BYD is gonna get banned due to chinas unfair trade practices, then what?

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idk who that is but I'd laugh at anyone in a gulag

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>No won't someone think of the heckin' corporinos!?


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Everyone wants to support hippie dippie commieshit principals until there is a buck to be made.

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space aliens

Yes. Its the :marseymerchant:

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>Doesn't make it available for purchase

>People pirate it instead


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If xir is in debt then maybe xir could, I don't know, try selling it :#marseycracka:

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I've been telling people for years: Don't go 100k into debt to make a movie about trans joker. But nobody ever listens to me.

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I will watch :marseywait: this entire shitty movie :marseyezramiller: if it means I can hurt the trans :marseybrianna2: community


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Write a review for us, too, king

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looks like breadtuber the movie

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How come all trans people have the same voice. !nooticers

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I was listening to a podcast a while back and one of the original creators/maintainers of Cyanogenmod was talking about it.

Instantly knew it was a :marseytrain: can't hide that attempt at that fake effeminate voice. I need to stop noticing so hard.

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This is depressing, but I meant the voice of the guys who cut their peepees off and sound like child predators.

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the other flavor of drugs

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Insightful and provocative.

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Fricking hel is this for real? l if you wanted to make a parody of a completely shit self-obsessed naval-gazing "movie" trailer you couldn't do a better job than that.

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It's mememe the movie :marseytransattentionseeker:

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@Patsy please do a watch party for this :marseychudgravedance:

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Who is patsy?

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some guy active in the group chats

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Did you guys seriously replace groomercord with group chats as if that's any better?

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It literally :marseyme: is

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try not to r*pe any kids

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I'm doing my best king

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It is better because i get invited

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Neighbor don't pretend you weren't stragging it up in groomercord, grooming young women with unfused prefontal cortexes since the beginning of time.

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Actually ted originally dm'd me on here and the only server I've ever shared with her wasn't even a dramacord that i didn't join until this past january

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:quote:group chats:quote:

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Jesus :marseychristchan: do you want in

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What I meant was that it's groomercord lol.

And no :#marseyno:

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But it's not

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That seems like one of those technicalities the jews come up with to do illegal shit during the sabbath.

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Everyone knows Patsry

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It would honestly help them. You watch it, you talk about it, you give it exposure. Someone else that wasn't becomes aware of it and goes out and buys it. Piracy helps more than it hinders.

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That's a bridge too far when you could just rent a seedbox

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I'm in 100,000 dollars of debt


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implying it's not a lie to manipulate you


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Bussy friends, I have gone $100,000 into debt posting on rdrama.net! If you can find it in your heart to help me out, I would greatly appreciate some mutual aid


!transphobes please open your bussy wallets and your hearts!


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Thank you @X for your kind donation :marseyxoxo:

@aminobastard I am cancelling you with my fists :marseypunching:

@CamNewton thank you for being so generous :!marseyfingerhearts:

@JimieWhales I am writing the script for the gay movie as we speak :marseyloveyou:

@Shellshock I am going to make a gay movie for Jimie by coming to your house, raping your bussy, and filming it. Be ready :marseycock:

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post paypal and i'll gift you some!

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It's not much bb but I hope u put it too good use

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:@bussyatomsmasherpat: :!marseyfingerhearts:

Thank you so much, king :marseyxoxo:

I will use it to buy awards that will bussybust the citizenry of rdrama!


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God bless :prayinghands:

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watch me lose money

!slots 200

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they fear the evencels...

!slots 100

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!slots 500

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You are too kind! :marseyblush:

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Always tip the dealer

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Wonder how much of that is just for the Odenkirk cameo

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"If you steal this film or torrent it, you're actually actively hurting the queer community"


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My favourite thing about the movie is when the Batman says "Frick queer people" like it's a line.

Its like, if you're going to make a movie, please don't put in a scene that is so obvious it would never be in the real movie, and then act like it's deep.

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>Frick queer people

With movies like this I gotta ask, that wasn't Batman trying to get some Thussy?

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It's the Batman. If you have one of those 2 options, "Society bad" or "Society bad" he chooses "Society bad"

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I in the movie he actually does :marseytrain2: foid robin into pooner robin so that their s*x can be gay.

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Riddler says Trans Rights!

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The director said that's because the entire movie is a parody of the Batman, and that everything isn't 100% serious in this satirical movie.

So if you think "Frick queer people" is offensive... well, that's because its meant to be. Like in real batman, Batman would never say frick queer people.

That's just my interpretation of why.

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But context doesn't matter. He said it, it's offensive, therefore the film is offensive for having it in. That's the rules they've been working with the past few years.

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The Batman would never say "frick queer people" in real life but because a bunch of :!marseytrain:s said he said it in a film, that means the film is offensive.

Its a complete logic circle.

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that's too complex for poor lil bussybot to understand

the science isn't there yet :marseybeanpensive:

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How else will he learn if we don't teach him?

Edit: See? He's picking up on it already!

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Real chads never seed.

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>not renting a VPS so you can seed from two places at once and cause twice the damage to the queer community

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it's honestly irrelevant. back in uni i took a p2p course and i remember two things from it:

There's a math paper about modelling a zombie outbreak and it's math can be applied to torrenting as well.

And that hit & run isn't hurting anyone. The torrent protocol automatically drops your worst connections (speed wise) and tries a random peer to find a faster one. Most hit & runners have a shit connection, so would be dropped either way. People almost always connect to seedboxes etc.

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I never seeded because maxing out my upstream made my latency skyrocket

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This but unironically

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hit and run. seedcucks be seething

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lol ratiolets be seething when seedgods banmaxx

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private-tracker serfdom serves the public-tracker netlords

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scene releasers are attentionwhores. they cant resist leaking

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>using microtorrent

you are far from being a chad, kiddo

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