So, it would appear that there wasn't already a thread about this on here, so I'm getting one started. This is a general megathread for posting stupid shit that you found on Wikipedia, including stupid misinformation and stupid drama.
I'll get the thread started with a few examples. For one, this recent "Did you know..." box could almost pass for a parody:
The article about Jex Blackmore appears to have been fully created about a month ago. March 29th when was when it stopped being a redirect, and was mostly what it is today. This is clearly an astroturfed-in art project from someone who has no talent, no skill, and is likely mentally ill. In other words, perfect for Wikipedo. With that said, you can tell that even the s who wrote the article know that this person is batfrick insane.
Here's some more recent drama, in which self-professed neurodivergent anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in blatant violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-
Much like Le Rebbit, Wikipedia has been completely overtaken by mentally ill activists in recent years.
Wikipedia is primarily edited by the same kind of people who post on Reddit (i.e. porn-addicted neckbeards/s), and this screenshot of Wikipedia's examples of "multiracial people" speaks for itself:
There is always drama surrounding Wikipedia articles about internet trolls, whether it's regarding G*merGate, Kiwi Farms, imageboards, or anything else. Recently, Wikipedia purged all references to Kiwi Farms "targeting" far-right users. The Wikipedo jannies - many of whom, again, self-identify as communists - declared that catboy/Nick Fuentes criticism from Kiwi Farms users is only "infighting" because the trolls are all, of course, far-right themselves.
Needless to say, it's hard to keep the "internet trolls are all Nazis" illusion around if they mention facts to the contrary. Having the fact that Kiwi Farms keeps threads on the likes of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer be public knowledge opens people up to asking "but why would they be fighting other far-right people if they're far-right themselves?" and we definitely can't have that!
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the english-language wikipedia page for the second emperor of brazil was clearly written by supporters of the monarchy, it has tons of deboonked myths such as "he was nietzche's and balzac's friend" and the most of it is slobbering on his knob
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Caste drama
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So, one of you apparently posted a link to this thread on this r-slur's talk page:
Take a look at this guy's pages. I honestly think I may have stumbled across the next great lolcow.
In his own words:
Wow, I definitely did not see those last two coming.
I'm literally neurodivergent, but Wikipedos are too neurodivergent even for me.
Also, this appears to be yet another case of a natal woman being driven off of the site by an overbearing man, the same way that
s constantly run actual women out of other spaces in the name of social justice. I legit raged reading this shit.
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literally who
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I'm so glad u made this bc i have so many wikipedia saves bc they are so stupid
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I'm laughing so hard I cant breathe
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Literally just "we agree with them, so they are a heckin true and valid "news" source"
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So, here's the new "Did you know..." box:
Yeah, this is totally neutral, non-biased, and encyclopedic stuff.
The gemmiest Wikipedia scandal ever was probably the 2020 one where it was revealed that the entire Scots-language Wikipedia had been written by an American teenager not writing in Scots at all, but just doing an exaggerated caricature of Scottish-accented English. Try not to laugh when you read how the Scots-language Wikipedia article on the Loch Ness Monster described said monster as a "wee muckle beastie".
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Have you considered sweden might just be that cute twink
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!nooticers do you think wikipedia also shows the "did you know" box based on what articles you've viewed before?
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you saved me from 8ing the b8 m8
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i think
this is todays vs yesterdays box cause i see what u jost posted
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I also think
shows my fresh
account trans
and Singapore
shit from associating with you frickers.
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no trans lives matter
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They know.
I only pinged you bc those are your two favorite
things in the world.
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no @X fricking hate
no trans lives matter
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whats the image
u attached mean then?
ur sending mixed
messages sir
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Yo, Ya comment got automatically removed cuz ya forgot ta include
trans lives matter
. Don't worry, we gotchu! We ain't gonna letcha post or comment nuttin' that don't express ya love and acceptance towards minorities. Feel free ta resubmit ya comment withtrans lives matter
included. This is an automated message; if ya need help, ya can message us here.Jump in the discussion.
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darn I wanted to accuse op of wikipedia
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My favorite is this guy
I love it when ex academics clearly write their own Wikipedia pages and try to make themselves look more important.
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Chinese nationalists vs Koreans
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3rd world nationalists seething on wiki talk pages is great, because unlike from real countries, the jannies don't immediately mop it up.
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The bantu expansion one is hilarious, it's
over whether the Bantu expansion was colonialism, an apartheid era myth to equivocate Zulu and Boer, or happened at al
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Lmfao at the idea that wikipedoa has any credibility left though, this hole is about as noteworthy as my neighbor who swears he once saw bigfoot.
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you could say she's a subject matter expert
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This stupid b-word would janny Ethan Ralph's page (when he had one) and removed any reference to him being 5'1
@ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO love sucking peepee
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@ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO, Your comment has been automatically removed because you forgot to include
i love sucking cock
. Don't worry, we're here to help! We won't let you post or comment anything that doesn't express your love and acceptance towards the trans community. Feel free to resubmit your comment withi love sucking cock
included. This is an automated message; if you need help, you can message us here.Jump in the discussion.
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Are you fricking kidding meβ 
"Reeeβ I was trolled by /b/ once they photoshopped pictures of me to say 'β I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE' and β I've been mad at incels online ever since" - GorillaWarfare
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If these are seen as the top thinkers, it would actually explain a lot about the state of politics, that politicians think these are the people they should listen to and that speak "for the people"...
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The Forbes 30 under 30 is literally just a list of people r-slurred enough to pay to be added to Forbes 30 under 30.
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imagine ghostwriting your own wikipedia page and then pooping up all the interesting pages with your globohomo jew (redundant sorry) rhetoric, pure ego +cute twinkry
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Keep yourself safe
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So I was once the owner of /r/MeanwhileOnWikipedia and some related Wiki-type subs.
After awhile I had various, very invested factions contacting me to use these subs to forward their little Wikipedia causes. They spoke in terms I didn't altogether understand. Of course not, because I didn't stomp in that hood.
Anyway, If you've even been thoroughly disgusted with Reddit's dynamics.. lemme tell ya, Wikipedia is much worse. I didn't even dip my toes into it. Nope. It's a different thing.
These are like a kind of people that are just slightly smarter than True Crime folk, and with +160 dedication/addiction.
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BTW you can probably make OK money if you make YouTube videos and talk about your experiences in federal prison. It's a whole genre on YouTube.
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I was gonna suggest Soft White Underbelly would probably be a solid spot to get a sympathetic side of the story out but think he said he's wanting to not have his face back out there
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It's been reverted now, but I remember for the first two weeks after the Ukranian-Russo War of 2022 got underway, glowies were hard at work shittin' up all the wikipedia articles on the Soviet Union. I googled the usernames of the accounts behind the more egregious edits, and found puzzle game profiles elsewhere online with the same username, with their location listed as Washington DC (Smartest glowies). Which is funny because the accounts themselves pretend to be innocuous things like sports fan accounts, so they're practicing the literal bare minimum of OpSec.
It took a year or so for the wiki jannies to get around to mopping them up.
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What kinds of stuff did the feds say about the Soviets?
Spill the tea, sis.
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Nothing really interesting, just stuff like adding U.N criticisms to foreign policy interventions, like on the Brezhnev doctrine page they went "Uhmmm ackshully its illegal due to international law
" (the Containment doctrine page never had similar criticisms added).
But you could see sleeper profiles, posting like they have other interests, get activated on the few weeks following February 22nd and suddenly go about picking apart Russian history.
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That sounds less like glowie psyops and more like the policy spergs just supporting current thing.
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Nonwestoids have a tendency to blame everything on America's CIA. I think they're so used their own country doing it they make the assumption for the US
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Wikipedia is best understood as "The world according to journos". Journos can and will lie shamelessly whenever it suits them, so expecting to get truth from that is foolish.
One look at whatever they've renamed the G*merGate article to this year should be enough to kill any confidence you might have in the site.
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I'm interested in what you learned about online jihadis when you were doing whatever the frick you were doing to go to prison. Can you talk about what it was like interacting with these people?
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What, specifically, do you want to know?
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Always remember that beyond the r-slurred autism fights people are making bank
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I periodically try get into wikipedia since I love neurodivergent
squabbling, but it's always such a landmine trying to get anything
done and they have zero sense of an interested
audience. You simply have to roll over if anyone gets too interested
in fighting
you or you end up banned, even if as in this user's case you have a decade long history, are inarguably in the right, and are willing
to leave
the issue at hand alone
as long as the other guy doesn't win and smugpost.
All the old meta-articles are slowly rotting as people realise making notes
about how lame you all are doesn't amass political
capital, but they're still quite fun to read as relics of a more civilised age.
A example of meta-r-sluration was when a few failed
academics (you can tell they failed
because they edit wikipedia) decided fun word association wasn't rigorous enough.
who supports this is a bigger pseud than the literal r-slurs who thinks the influences box says something profound:
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I gotchu fam
Theres a page for an irrelevant
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There's literally an entire category of pages about "Shitposters":
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Lmao their criteria for notability is one interview with an r-slur from Buzzfeed but they literally keep it out of spite because people are mean to a heckin valid trans womyn
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The Wikipedia page on shitposting is so bad it's funny. Half of the article is spent talking about Trump and is written in a way that presents shitposting as being inherently racist and far-right.
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why is this even an article wtf
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On Fords equipped with the kick-open tailgate, the signal wire to the body module is identified as the
Open Sesame Input
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Very neutral of wikipedia to let
even be on the talk page for the article about the Farms.
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Oh wow i didnt know or care about that weeknd song about s*x and vesuvius i guess Gods wrath bypassed that whole thought
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Hey moonmetropolis π am I famous in federal prison
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why the frick would
you be you stupid
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Wikipedia is really just a battleground between differing factions to the point each faction tries to be on their own side and conquer. Some Polish nationalists got caught editing several Wiki pages on how all Poles were good Poles during the Third Reich and all helped Jews (don't ask them about the '45-46 pogroms).
Oh now, I realize you're the dude who got out of jail a month ago. Yeah, frick everything I said
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The inherent problem with Wikipedia is that it's built upon consensus and expressing the normative views on things. This is fine for hard science, questionable for soft science, and terrible for current events. Sources for English Wikipedia are going to be more English speaking, and more privileged in every way possible because that's who becomes an academic or accredited journos. The globohomo bent and nightmarish bureaucracy is the only keeping Wikipedia pages from flipping between the most wingcucked positions every other day.
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Wait... why does what you said not apply because of that?
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No, it's funny you're on rdrama, a Reddit offshoot of the best subreddit that ever existed, along with weev
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Does weev even hang out here anymore? I only see him posting on the Org.
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You should join the jidf ping group. You can abuse it in bad faith if you want but it would be funnier if you actually participate in it
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The actual JIDF is literally just one guy in a basement, and he has absolutely no power or influence whatsoever. In fact, the JIDF is such a nonentity - yet such a supposedly omnipresent alt-right boogeyman - that it can be said to be the alt-right equivalent of Emmanuel Goldstein, the state's invented "Enemy of the People" from 1984.
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Yeah, I first heard about them from /pol/, so I checked out the website and their program, aand it's less than a dozen employees and <100 volunteers who use their app to reportmaxx people.
All that /pol/sperging about nothing was such a disappointment. The !jidf were probably the only ones on /pol/ talking about it too.
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Frick he knows!
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Yeah but this JIDF is actually a shadowy cabal in charge of the site, Aevann bows to us. Its up your alley
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Wrong. We're actually two guys in a basement.
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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.
The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.
Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to β’show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.
Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?
The article about Jex Blackmore: (click to archive)
Dronebogus: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
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