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Stupid Shit on Wikipedia Megathread

So, it would appear that there wasn't already a thread about this on here, so I'm getting one started. This is a general megathread for posting stupid shit that you found on Wikipedia, including stupid misinformation and stupid drama.

I'll get the thread started with a few examples. For one, this recent "Did you know..." box could almost pass for a parody:


The article about Jex Blackmore appears to have been fully created about a month ago. March 29th when was when it stopped being a redirect, and was mostly what it is today. This is clearly an astroturfed-in art project from someone who has no talent, no skill, and is likely mentally ill. In other words, perfect for Wikipedo. With that said, you can tell that even the :marseytrain2:s who wrote the article know that this person is batfrick insane.

Here's some more recent :marseytrain2: drama, in which self-professed neurodivergent anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in blatant violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-:marseytrain2: comments:





Much like Le Rebbit, Wikipedia has been completely overtaken by mentally ill :marseytrain2: activists in recent years.

Wikipedia is primarily edited by the same kind of people who post on Reddit (i.e. porn-addicted neckbeards/:marseytrain2:s), and this screenshot of Wikipedia's examples of "multiracial people" speaks for itself:


There is always drama surrounding Wikipedia articles about internet trolls, whether it's regarding G*merGate, Kiwi Farms, imageboards, or anything else. Recently, Wikipedia purged all references to Kiwi Farms "targeting" far-right users. The Wikipedo jannies - many of whom, again, self-identify as communists - declared that catboy/Nick Fuentes criticism from Kiwi Farms users is only "infighting" because the trolls are all, of course, far-right themselves.









Needless to say, it's hard to keep the "internet trolls are all Nazis" illusion around if they mention facts to the contrary. Having the fact that Kiwi Farms keeps threads on the likes of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer be public knowledge opens people up to asking "but why would they be fighting other far-right people if they're far-right themselves?" and we definitely can't have that!

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So I was once the owner of /r/MeanwhileOnWikipedia and some related Wiki-type subs.

After awhile I had various, very invested factions contacting me to use these subs to forward their little Wikipedia causes. They spoke in terms I didn't altogether understand. Of course not, because I didn't stomp in that hood.

Anyway, If you've even been thoroughly disgusted with Reddit's dynamics.. lemme tell ya, Wikipedia is much worse. I didn't even dip my toes into it. Nope. It's a different thing.

These are like a kind of people that are just slightly smarter than True Crime folk, and with +160 dedication/addiction.

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