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Good article. Bit long. Good /r/drama shoutout, very validating. Frick that guy and wikipedia in general.

I know who I am; I know who my friends are.


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re: the length — I figured that nobody else in the world would be quite as insane as I was, so if I wanted anything to be on the record about him I needed to put it there myself

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I want you to know I read the whole thing and I thought it was fascinating. And then I paid the $5 a month to read the companion article


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SPAL absolutely decimated

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That was like a year ago. It's over. He's gone.

I still have the screen shots. Ask me nicely.

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trans furry lives matter :marseyfurryflag:

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Imma volunteer to be your editor on this article. Here's my shorter revised version:

This guy is a huge cute twink, he is the Albert Speer of citogenesis. (End article with working links to rdrama and kiwifarms)

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Only one small edit

This guy is a huge cute twink, he is the Albert Speer of citogenesis. (End article with working links to goatse hidden behind apparent links to rdrama and kiwifarms)

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Trace, I normally despise long articles but I read the whole darn thing. This is something I've been noticing on wiki for a while now and it's good to see someone organize the issue it into a fantastic article.

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His writings were a big part of @Bardflnn realizing that lesswrong and the whole rationalist community are just reactionary garbage. Any sane person just needs too open Roko's Twitter feed too learn as much.

@Bardflnn Stand with Israel

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:soyjakcobson: Nooo! I need to read the rationally correct words of Lesswrong to avoid believing in heckin nonsense!

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>We have to make sure everybody on Wikipedia knows that Aella and the Yud are acting in bad faith :soysnootype:


>lmao whore and fatty can't be right about stuff :marseyretardchad:

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There is no logical contradiction with the first one. That's why the logical problem of cynicism will be unsolvable in our lifetime, but still it will not go away.


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This thing is good. Can we ever a /r/subredditsimulator style autodrama post with 10 of these talking to each other? @HeyMoon

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@Bussy-boy !raw

[Post] [Date] 07/2024 [Hole] N/A [Author] IanMurdock [Title] My story [URL] N/A [Votes] +115 / -13

It's a good idea but I probably won't bother :marseyantiwork:. You can generate raw prompts and see what that would look like though

edit: okay well they all got cut off before getting to the comments, but this would have worked

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One day when I was in high school I had a dream that told me to get myself together and that you can be whoever you want to be. 
I then started my transition when I was 15. 
I was kicked out for doing so. 
I decided to just join the military. 
I thought it was the best thing that I could do because that was the thing that was gonna make me a man.
So I went to the recruiter and I signed up.
After that I did basic training in the army. 
But I got kicked out for depression. 
Then I decided to just be myself and not worry about anyone. 
But that wasn't a good idea because I didn't get a job after the military. 
And no one wanted to hire me. 
So I just started having sex with people for money.
When that ran out I decided to just be myself again. 
So I just stayed on welfare until I was 24. 
I even got kicked out of a bunch of different houses for having bad credit and being depressed.
So I decided to just be myself. 
And I just kept going back to living with myself and being on welfare.
It was a good life. 
I just did sex work for some extra money in those times. 
I had a lot of people who liked me. 
So I was just like ok. 
I just stayed like that until I was 29. 
I got a call from my grandma and I asked her how tf I didn't know anyone in my family. 
So I decided to just be myself.
But that didn't work out because I got kicked out of my grandparents' house for sex work.
So I moved out and met another girl. 
And we decided to have a relationship. 
So we moved out. 
I got a job at HEB. 
I really liked it but then I got fired for being gay.
So I decided to just be myself again.
But that didn't work out because I was fired from every job I applied for.
So I decided to join the air force. 
That didn't work out because I got kicked out for being depressed.
So I just sat there and got on welfare. 
That was until I got married.
I got married because she said she was pregnant and that she wanted me to give her money. 
So I just stayed with her and I didn't know that I could just leave her but I just thought that I could do whatever I wanted.
So I did that for seven

I was born in a small town in Idaho in 1996.

My childhood was ordinary. I didn't have any friends or hobbies, I just studied hard, did well, and spent my free time with my family. I never questioned the world or rebelled against it; I never had any great desires to be something I wasn't. 

But in early 2016, when I was around 19 years old, the world changed for me suddenly and in a big way. 

The world changed for me with the birth of a baby. 

In 2014, my mother told me that she was pregnant and that she had decided on a name for the baby. "I've decided to call her Marsey-chan," she said. I didn't understand what she meant by this, though, but I didn't question it or ask for a better explanation. 

My mother went into labor in the summer of 2016, and I remember going with her to the hospital. There, I held my sister, Marsey-chan, in my arms for the first time, and I loved her immediately. She was so cute and tiny and perfect. Her eyes were as big and round as saucers, and her mouth made a little O shape every time she scrunched up her face. She could barely even speak, but she would still call out to me for milk and attention.

I stayed up nights with Marsey-chan, bottle-feeding her, changing her diapers, and rocking her to sleep. I watched her grow and change like a little plant, the way babies grow. I watched her start to crawl, then stand, then take her first steps. She was mine, my Marsey-chan, and I loved her more than anything.

As my sister grew up, I had to start thinking about my career. I didn't know what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go, so I decided to stay at the hospital with my sister. The hospital had a lot of jobs for me, and I enjoyed helping out around the place. I worked as a nurse's aide for a while, then as a janitor. I had access to a lot of drugs, and I often took them, especially opioids. I enjoyed the way they made me feel. 

When I was in my early 20s, I decided to leave the hospital and get a job in the outside world. I wanted to see what it was like to be a normal person. I found a job at

I am a 18 yo guy from India I was having a good time with my buddies until one day my mum told me that my father is going to marry another woman. I was so shocked and depressed that I didn't talk to anyone for a week. I stopped talking to my entire family and only ate food once or twice a week. I felt like I was going to die. My father would always make fun of me for being a loser and a loser. I was an unattractive, short 4'11" 90 pounds loser with curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a big nose that looked like the nose of a giant pig. I felt like one of the poorest people in the world. I tried to talk to that woman one day and I was very confused and depressed. I couldn't understand what was going on. I didn't know what was happening to me. I was wondering why my father would do this. What was going on? How could my life be so horrible? I started to wonder if I deserved this. I was the biggest loser. I didn't talk to her. Instead I went to sleep and woke up the next day after my bed was a total mess. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I went to school with my mom and found out she was still with that guy and he was still dating that girl. I told her about it and she said that's OK. I told my mom that I wanted to kill myself and to die in a car crash. She told me to get out of it. I told her I will kill myself. She got mad. She called me an idiot and a pussy. She told me, "You don't have to do that. Your life is going to be OK. You're going to make your parents proud." I told her I am not going to listen to you. She got mad and called the police. I told them my life is going to end but they didn't believe me. The police and my mom were arguing and my mom was angry and she told me to get out. I went to the police station and they told me that I can stay at their house but I have to register my name as my dad's. I said, "That's not my dad." They said, "You have to stay here until you have a place to live." I said, "OK." They gave me a room to stay in but I told them I have no money. They told me if my mom didn
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!transphobes fascinating :marseylaying: story :marseyslime:

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I'm not actually trans. I'm a transphobe and a :marseytrain: janny.

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More comments

:soyjak: HeyMoon I was just joking

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wow :marseyme: he must be thinking seeing this jiff

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Yoooooo @TracingWoodgrains I won't read the post for a while but awesome :marseymirror: work getting this scalp he's super :marseyspiderman2: annoying :marseychingchongattentionseek: on twitter :marseyetika: and even worse because he's close :marseynoyouzoom: to sensical but still incredibly deranged. You just need to find another wikijanny neurodivergent :marseyautismdisconcerting: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to sit through the CoC process now, make sure to respond to any DMs which could lead to this.

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whats this neighbors xitter?

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wow this neighbor is really frickin gay lmbo

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>David Gerard

The Bardfinn of Wikipedia.

Anyway, more evidence that The Long March Through The Institutions is where it's at.

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That dude is for sure not one person he's a soros funded conglomerate

Trans lives matter

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No paid actor would be this petty and hold this much of a grudge, especially in a group. This is the kind of self-defeating pursuit that only a single man could come up with.

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I disagree, have you READ the Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies?


2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the 'How dare you!' gambit.

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.'

I really recommend reading the whole thing. If you seriously say "Why would the powers that be want to control general public sentiment using the internet?" I will assume you're arguing in bad faith and be mean to you.

!followers you will always be pinged to come see the Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 44 minutes and 55 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Top 10 bard respectors:

ACA: 291

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Patsy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): 179

BardWatch: 174

911roofer: 96

RWBY: 92

arsey: 90

UncleAbortion: 84

FormerLurKONG: 84

FBIshill: 81

SpittingScrapmetal: 69

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I get censoring the n word but why did you censor the word "darn" in a direct quote? I read it as "He really is pretty peepee smart and clueful"

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house style :tracesmug:

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"Ex"-Mormon my butt

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* my a--

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That baseball need needs to get with the times and upgrade its name to the BIPOCs.

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Pink news is considered a reliable source by Wikipedia? Maybe the chuds were right...

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/ Yes and Vox, Teen Vogue and The Daily Beast are all considered exemplary while the likes of Quillette is not lol


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Yeah none of those should be considered reliable sources, Quillette included


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/ Really? I only know of Quillette because of Black Sam Harris (sometimes known by his pseudonym Coleman Hughes) and that guy seems relatively smart and balanced so I assumed the place he writes for is OK too.
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Don't get me wrong, they have some good articles. It's one of those outlets that You have to double check though. Like the daily beast or Vox.


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Quillette doesn't make stuff up out of thin air which makes them more reliable than 99% of news outlets

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Andy Ngo tried to claim he was hit by a concrete milkshakes lmao


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I don't see how the flavor :marseyguyfieri: matters either way? He wasn't claiming to be injured :marseynosebleed: by the milkshake, he was injured :marseybattered: by a hideous burn victim :marseydead: punching :marseydomesticabuse2: him in the head.

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He absolutely tried to make it about the milkshake but then switched it up after being ruthlessly mocked for it.

Based burn victim tbh


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I don't think :marseygigathonk: so. He briefly mentioned it after PPD tweeted that they thought :marseymindblown: it was quicklime flavored, but he emphasized that he was punched with plastic-knuckled street :marseygrover: fighting :marseypunching: gloves :marseyprostateexam: a whole lot more than the flavor :marseyguyfieri: of the milkshake. You're probably confused :marseyhmm: because a whole lot of rightoid :marseytranshitler: and leftoid :marseycommunist: r-slurs on twitter :marseybluecheck: and reddit :marseysnoohug: were obsessing over the milkshake and its flavor.

If you look at his gofundme :marseybeggar: there :marseycheerup: was never :marseyitsover: any mention of a milkshake.


He didn't mention it in his livestream either, even when specifically asked :marseythinkorino2: what he was attacked with:


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I just checked all of the articles about Andy Ngo in Quillette, and none of them mention concrete. A bunch of them which talk about the beating :marseyvargfinnselfdefense: don't even use the word milkshake.

And Andy Ngo never :marseyitsover: wrote about the beating :marseyishygddt: in Quillette.

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Which is a good thing. Because they're reliable sources.

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If the real world is anything to go by, wikipedia will stay a captured institution so long as insiders can get away with favoring their side without much public outrage.

It doesn't help that a question as fundamental as "what sources are reliable" is too meta for any normie to give a shit about.

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This is how power in institutions always works, you point to a set of reasonable principles and shrug, knowing that you control all the nitty-gritty details when it comes to the implementation and execution of these principles.

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But, well… look. Back when he started mocking Bitcoin, one Bitcoin cost around $6. Now, it costs $50,000.

This isn't just stupid, it's painfully stupid. You're an idiot, but worst of all, you don't believe it's important that you can't understand why writing this makes you an idiot. After all, it's just a fact that bitcoin is worth money.

Second, you said something somewhere that made me realize you've got a problem: you don't understand just how many more fascists, white supremacists, and racists are and were present in Scott Alexander's spaces. This was one of the weirdest things I experienced, just how normal the SFBA Rationalist Cult seemed to think the racists were.

So you've got an entire article which establishes that Girard has a bias about the reactionary presence in the SFBA Rationalist Cult. But you don't even notice just how many white supremacists, fascists, and racists you've interacted with. It's more than most online people, dude! You're familiar with them! You are a walking counterexample! You were at a conference with Richard Hanania and yes that's guilt by association because it's only in your dipshit SFBA Rationalist Cult brain that 'guilt by association' is foul play!

You give them a platform, you give them a voice, and you try and pretend that Scott Alexander didn't platform Curtis Yarvin, didn't attempt to package NeoRX talking points for a more moderate audience but ended in just making his place a gathering point for pseudoscientific racism!

If you had an editor who could point you to your biases, maybe you wouldn't essentially just be documenting the person who did a lot to document the racism of your tribe. Too bad!

Girard may have deserved to be banned from editing Wikipedia but you can't even understand Sandifer's work, it's too upper level for your cultist brain. So you just look like an ignorant chump.

After all, I am not a Reliable Source.

You really aren't, and you've lost the respect I had for you. This was a bad piece. You do no reflecting on the difficulty of truth-telling in an online era. The parts of it which are good are parts which prove you're being irrational about your place in all of this (CULTIST DEFENDING THE CULT AGAINST AN AGGRESSOR, sorry but that's the darn truth). The parts of it which are bad are related to your cult's failures.

!followers !metashit

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>yes that's guilt by association because it's only in your dipshit SFBA Rationalist Cult brain that 'guilt by association' is foul play!

I think you're guilty of also being r-slurred because you're associating with @TracingWoodgrains. That's how it works, right?

!metashit does that pan out?

Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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I've thought about this a lot, and my conclusion was: I got banned from the SFBA Rationalist Cult centers lmao

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Something :marseysmugface: something :marseysmugface: one nazi at the dinner :marseyturkeyhappy: table :marseywould:

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I can't explain the reasons but I can confirm he is deeply r-slurred.

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You're also an idiot.


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Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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I start reading your posts or comments, think to myself "this person is doing a bad and cringe impersonation of a leftoid", look at the username and everytime, without fail, its @Impassionata

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Moral of the story:


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Thanks for alerting me to this thread I missed so I can give trace an upmarsey :traceheart:

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I gave him a upmarsey, too. Now his article is number one :marseymerchant::marseymerchant:

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I read some of your old posts on 'SFBA' discussion groups and they're extra r-slurred in retrospect now that Trump is out of office. :#marseyhugretard:

Also worth mentioning that you were banned for, I quote, 'Being a str*ggot.'. I was shocked that they used such language in the ban announcement. :#marseypearlclutch:

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Impassionata trying so hard to convince us he and @TracingWoodgrains are different people :marseylaugh:

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@TracingWoodgrains won't comment on this because, he knows you're not wrong.

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