PROSECUTION CASE NOW PINNED The Court of Our Drama will now hear the case of u/itsnottreasonyet v. Incelistan

Please welcome our possible new friend and also the complainant, @Underprotest, who appears to have been grievously wronged by some antisocial elements in the thread here:

As is our custom, we will now dedicate the pinned comment in this thread to Ms. @Underprotest's case for the deletion of the thread above. The trial will run for 48 hours and the results are binding. You may change your verdict at any time between now and then.

Court is now in session.



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I was asked to post my case. I ask that people just read the comments and know they are about a person who lost five desperately wanted pregnancies. My original post was not hurtful or offensive to anyone, only speaking woman to women about the challenges of societal sexism on our relationships. That people find it okay to mock those of us who have lost babies is just disgusting to me. I don't even know what else to say

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Reported by:

Hi there! Chudrick Westfallen, Esq., representing the People's Republic of Incelistan here.

Why are you upset about people making jokes about something you posted publicly to strangers? And, more pressingly, why do you do things like this

to facilitate other women murdering their children because you don't believe that the unborn are children, but then you turn around and expect your own unborn to be seen as children? It seems really hypocritical and it's completely surreal. Either it's a clump of cells and you lost something no different than a bracelet or a mug, and thus you're being absurdly overlydramatic about it, or you lost five children which is a horrific tragedy and should never under any circumstances be lampooned. The latter makes you an accessory to the murder of other women's children though.

Which is it?

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Why are you upset about people making jokes about something you posted publicly to strangers?

Least sociopathic chud :marseydisagree:

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um Its a clump of cells

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Well then why is this b-word so upset about 5 clumps of cells? She should stop being so melodramatic.

Oh wait it's a foid :#marseygiggle:

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Because even if she didn't consider them human beings yet, they represented five hopes for the future. There isn't necessarily a contradiction. Anyway... five miscarriages. :marseydepressed: Too bleak :marseycheerup: for me. :marseydespair:

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>noooooooooo muh feelings..... le hope.......

Roastie nonsense :#marseymagdump:

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Her body just did what females usually do as a sexual fetish, kill their offspring. Sorry, their parasitic clumps of worthless cells. Now she can PARTAAAAYYYY and slut it up like a real girlboss like she always wanted!

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I don't think she should be ridiculed; she really did lose five children and it is truly a horrifying tragedy. I believe she just lacks perspective and this can be a teaching moment for her.

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Abortion is good, actually.

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you don't have to worry about that one sweaty :marseysmug:

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!commenters the prosecution has made her case.

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the case is weak, you did the right thing

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Would you date a trans woman? :pray:

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My original post was not hurtful or offensive to anyone

You honestly don't see how your comments were offensive to men? Reverse the genders and tell me the reaction you would have.

Hate is hate, simple as that.

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Counterpoint: Kill all men.

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:marseythinkorino: They're pretty awful.

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This but unironically

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your profile says you had a baby in 2021 and hve been struggling since then. genuine question are you vaccinated

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5 miscarriages? at a certain point you have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you're doing wrong. why is your womb so toxic to life?


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Because she's a reddit foid. God wanted to save them from her

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I agree with you. I like this site in many ways, but the people who invited you here tricked you to amuse themselves by pretending that this poll is binding on them in any way. And to be honest, and without any irony, I find that to be disgusting.

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Concern stragging

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No, just being a non-sociopath.

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Full on cute twink

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This is disgusting. All of the incels who posted in that thread should be banned

@Underprotest to answer your original question I think you should divorce your husband and start dating women because all males are malicious antisocial animals, the conduct in that thread is just further proof of this

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If you're going to be a political lesbian, only do it with other political lesbians where everyone knows the score. Scrotes are terrible so I empathize with hetero women, but a real lesbian/political lesbian relationship is not going to work out.

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It's just clumps of cells. #girlboss #feminism

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oh sweetie. as a woman :marseypass: I think :marseyquestion: it's deeply antifeminist to call clumps of cells :marseyabortionrentfree: "babies" and it sets back women's rights :marseysheercliff: everywhere

pls edit your comment :marseysoypointtrips:

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Want a 6th?

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WHAAAMBULANCE :#ambulance:

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I don't think your post is hurtful or offensive, the title is a bit dumb, but whatever.

On the other hand, people mocking you in that thread isn't ground for mass banning.

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Understandable. carp, pin it

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!commenters a shocking piece of evidence has just been provided by the defense as Incelistan counsel has entered the following item into the record:

The explanation provided to the court is as follows:

"Complainant argues that incel cultural commentary about a 'haunted kitty' and '5 miscarriages? Jesus Christ lady, take a hint' is harmful, offensive and demeans the lives of her dead children, however in the exhibit presented, we see complainant clearly offering filicide services anonymously on the internet. While the defense makes no pretense of being able to settle the Abortion Question, in light of this new evidence it is clear that complainant does not view the unborn as living humans and actively goes out of her way to create new dead unborn at her own expense for other women. It is therefore impossible for complainant to have found our commentary distasteful and we move to dismiss."

Barring a rebuttal from @Underprotest within the next six (6) hours, dismiss case?

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In all seriousness, having a miscarriage is nowhere near the same as having an abortion. In the first case, you want to have a baby and the pregnancy is terminated against your will in a traumatic fashion. That's not even remotely comparable to willingly terminating a pregnancy.

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Whether or not your parents want you doesn't determine if you're ensouled or not jfl

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No email address required. it really just comes down to this

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Being born of biologically superfluous hedonism seems like the opposite of ensoulment :marseythonk:

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Why did God make orgasms then?

Checkmate liberal

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The female orgasm is a myth

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Yeah seriously if it was real I'd have seen one irl by now

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Also if it was true too (got ur back)

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This whole time I thought it was my stunning good looks and incredible charisma

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For this logic to be sound more than half of conception encounters would have to result in orgasm. Is she r-slurred?

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Or most of humanity has no soul :marseyhmmm: :marseynpc2:

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Explains so much

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Excuse me chud, you only get a soul if mommy and daddy believe hard enough!!!!

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this but unironically

!chuds notice how [target minority] doesn't have a family structure to will it's soul into existence? :marseynooticeglow:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Is it better to be born with a soul or overcome your soullessness through great effort

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how can a mother be responsible for miscarriage when babies are delivered by storks?

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An abortion is just a medical miscarriage, chud.

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*storks (?)

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that's what i wrote duh

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Well there's some correlation specifically in the cases of Chinese girls or gingers

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Wrong. it's just a clump of cells :marseyabortionrentfree: and she should :marseynorm: get over it like I do when I take a shit with a little :marseybaby: blood :marseyjaguarwarrior: in it.

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It is a child not a choice. Keep yourself safe

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To flush or not to flush, that is the question.

Answer: always flush twice.

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Miscarriages are caused by the natural evil and narcissism present in all women causing their body to involuntarily kill babies.

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Not bait I genuinely believe this

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Wrong, the female body has a way of shutting down pregnancies if they don't want it, hence the miscarriages

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When it comes to emotional trauma sure but you either view it as a life or don't. It's not schrodinger's cat

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Clump of cells is clump of cells. That's feminist's own words. You can't weasel your way around it when it suits you. All her body did was get rid of some worthless medical waste.

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One happens against the woman's will and one happens willingly. The difference is comparable to the difference being r*ped and having consensual s*x.

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No, the subject is the "clump of cells". In foid's view it is worthless, doesn't matter what happens to it.

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I mean is it a clump of cells or a baby? The way it was conceived doesn't change that either way.

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the difference is only muh feelings it's time to come out of the closet because you're genuinely :marseyeggirl: with this foid logic probably why you spend so much time posting about them

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Overruled. The court finds the complainant's history as a mercenary child murderer to be highly relevant to the charges.

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If it pleases the court :marseyjurisdiction: what if we ban the users and leave :marseypeaceout: the post up? Truly the most dramatic and fair conclusion to this case

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The incels are the defendants, they literally are the ones on trial.

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agreed we should execute all who spill seed for wasting the potential for life

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>woman has no strong principles

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Considering @Underprotest hasn't yet said a single word, she can get fricked. Frigid b-word.

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Martin actually emailed the reply around 20 minutes after the trial had started, give her time.

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Fair enough :marseygiggle:

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Wow, darning. It's either a baby or it isn't. It's not a baby when you feel like it.

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What the frick is that sub :marseysweating:. I wonder how many of the registered "aunties" are actually male feminists :malefeminist: and troids :marseypass:

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Average female hypocrisy.

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Oh wow, a redditor being a hypocrite? I am shocked.

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the lives of her dead children

They aren't lives, they are worthless, parasitic clumps of cells, like feminists always say.

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It's just a clump of cells!

>also foids

It was muh children, give me sympathy!


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Completely darning to plaintiff.

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Denying the patriarchy is gross :marseyindignant:

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and yet, simultaneously, enabling the patriarchy is hot

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Not going to bother reading about this. Just going to choose guilty + ban.

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Banning masses of users is ALWAYS a good thing

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cant let a possible perp get away

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Kamala was born for this.

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@Underprotest discuss:

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@Underprotest why do you post things online that you don't want people to see?

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xe wanted people to know, butt wanted plausible deniability "oh, that was supposed to be anonymous :marseyblush:"

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ah finally my chance at revenge

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i didnt even bet :marseyhmm:

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That was the :l:

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Erin should've thought harder about this. I sure hope I don't find her general location and line of work

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>Asking a woman reason

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Such a good scene, love that movie

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Reported by:

:marseyjudge: ORDER IN THE COURT

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Miscarriage is only sad because unborn children are babies and have the inherent right to life.

Pro-choicers know this but can't admit it


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Remember if you shoot and kill a pregnant woman its a double-homicide but if she don't want it then it's "just a clump of cells."

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^ has not and will not ever breed

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Miscarriage is sad because it upsets the prospective parents who wanted a kid. The kid never existed and doesn't know the difference.

Abortion is good because it keeps people who don't want kids from having them. The kid never existed and doesn't know the difference.

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If someone kills you in your sleep, you don't know the difference :marseysleep:

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There's a difference between being asleep and not existing at all. Are you r-slurred?

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If it doesn't exist, then what are you killing?

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Nothing? That's my whole point. Nobody is being killed.

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Killing removes a person from the future, not the past (which is already set). Therefore the current and past existence of the entity you remove from the timeline doesn't matter. The only crime is the destroyed potential.

This all got settled at the Temporal Continuity Accord of 2067, but I forgot it hasn't happened yet

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The only crime is the destroyed potential.

Okay so you're r-slurred. Thanks for clearing that up. :marseythumbsup:

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I think if I actually tried to debate this on here I would be r-slurred

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do you think replacing more women with anime porn would have prevented this?

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I still refuse to believe that game is real. It has to be one of those fake games that only exists in ads, right?

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It's real and this is best girl

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Please unsubscribe me from "everyone", as it is always uninteresting.

This is not an oblique way of saying I want to kill myself.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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write my name in your will before killing yoself

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3 strikes law?

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@Underprotest why should the thread be deleted? I'm sorry you're offended, but it's just goofing around. Don't take it personally.

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I stand by every comment I made in that thread

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Leave the thread up, but permanently chud all of the misogincels so that they have to include the phrase "I say this as a feminist ally" in every single post that they make from now on. :marseyradfem::marseytroll:

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Federal sentencing guidelines don't allow ANY judicial discretion in this case, I'm sorry

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Feminism is a right wing ideology

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Wow so brave!

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give the lady her compensation snappy

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!lawyers Court time fun time :marseyfluffy:

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>waiting for the verdict and you look over and see your lawyer :marseysuit: browsing rdrama :marseyhammerpizza: on their phone

Pure existential dread


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If you are in a jury trial and looking at something that isn't trial-related, you are the :marseygigaretard:

Although I 100% have shitposted during an arbitration.:marsey57:

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ban all scrotes. the future of rdrama is female :marseysuffragette:

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do you want more trans women on here? because thats how you get more trans women when all the men become women and keep shitposting here

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Reported by:

yes but they have to pass though

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Remember to vote correctly you STUPID FRICKING CHUDS

Inceldom is a crime and y'all are already scrotes so that's three strikes (being a moid counts as two strikes). Voting no means execution.

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as a man, im ashamed of the deeds of my kind. is there any way of becoming a woman? is tech there yet?

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Permaban everyone who voted not guilty in order to protect our democracy :chadsoy:

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Who even is this person?

Also 5 miscarriages and 3 rounds of IVF, have you ever thought your husband is tired of it. He doesnt want to go through it.

You already have one kind so you should try focussing on that kid and if another happens then ok and it it doesnt it doesnt.

You can always adopt someone.

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You can always adopt someone.

I reccomend adopting a black child

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@Underprotest umm as a woman :marseyarthoe3: i think :marseyquestion: ur gussy :marseypussyhat: is haunted :marseyghost:

bby girl pls just sit this one out :marseynails:

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what happened in the previous trial btw?

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@blacknaerys decided to socialize a bit instead of mounting a prosecution and we don't convict without a standing complaint.

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I think :marseyoscargamble: the will of the people should :marseynorm: be honoured

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He'll get to that.

Right after he finishes the wheel-of-bans he started earlier this week.

Right after he finishes Oregon Trail

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What's with the alias? Does anyone doubt this is /u/Itsnottreasonyet and her poison womb?

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Her and her husband sound like r-slurs. I don't care what happens to them next and I don't want to hear about it.

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@Underprotest hiii :marseywave2: I am Russia :marseysalutenovorossiya: :marseysaluteussr: the most safe country :marseyukraineflag: for females. Considering I am not an incel, I have no need to defend myself.

I originally pinged /u/Itsnottreasonyet because the others didn't have to guts to, I actually :marseyakshually: informed you because of the injustice at hand. To, do you consider :marseygigathonk: just insensitive your last posts just were. I can name several crimes you did which are punishable by law in this great :marseyaward: country: not praising Russia :marseysunflower: for the Glorious cause, calling Russia :marseyjavelin: :marseysaluteussr: a misandrist incel :marseygilead: and not even that, you are making light :marseystar: of the many Russians who fell in the name of a safer, more peaceful :marseybeanrelieved: world :marseyww1french1: and denying Russia :marseystalin: the concept of the motherland.

And the list goes on.

Considering my word is law here and that you would've been executed in Russia :marseytrotsky: for this. I can't let it rest, however because you cannot ever be held accountable I'll offer :marseywithcake: you an alternative terms of settlement.

you have to draw marsey :marseyfallenangel: the cat :marseythumbsup:

Or at least pay me 200K DC/MB, I don't care where :marseydrama: it is sourced from.

I hope you will get the time to self reflect, glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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Hi Russia,

Thanks for your engagement in our community. Regarding your mention of a Reddit user: they've already been made aware of a previous mention. To prevent notification fatigue, we've not sent another alert. Your understanding and adherence to our community values are greatly appreciated.


CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

Please contact @J with questions

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ban all offending users


>go to the offensive thread

>be surprised to find offensive content here

>ctrl-f (my username)

>1 result


>it's on the screen header like always, not a comment


good luck to all you r-slurs who ever made cruel comments. it's been nice horrible knowing you :marseyrofl:

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Making fun of stuff that people willingly posted online is one thing, deliberately trying to trick and mislead somebody for lols is another. Ban MAGAshill.

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this site has been doing that since texasbountyhunters wtf you on about :marseyquestion:

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I feel that making a bait sub where you post scary stuff to troll people out in the public light is kind of different from entering into personal, direct conversations with individuals and then tricking them. On public online forums there is more of an assumption that people are free to troll and say whatever they want, they're known and acknowledged spaces for having fun and trolling. In direct personal conversation, whether it's right or wrong to be more trusting, I think most people will want to extend a certain assumption of trustworthiness to the other person.

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