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No joke - OP crossed state lines to kidnap 15 year old girl from camp for troubled teens, comes to legaladvice for some reason, the lawnerds there are kinda freaking out about the whole KIDNAPPING A MINOR thing


Already submitted a tip to the FBI. I'm doing my part!

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he won't get in trouble as long as the kidnapping was gone in good faith

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crossing state lines in good faith :marseykyle:

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At least theyre consistent

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Crossing state lines is illegal, chud.

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:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

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it's only in good faith if it's your gf

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A minor doesn't have the ability to choose where they are. Their parents choose that. They chose to leave her at that camp in the care of the camp counselors. You took her away from that camp without permission from her parents or the camp counselors. You kidnapped her from camp. That's the criminal angle.

At the very least, you are harboring a minor without parental consent, which is illegal.

You should return the minor and call cps about the abuse. If or when the police contact you, you should not speak to them without an attorney.

Oh now Redditors care about parental consent. I thought "parental consent" was a lie made up by Rightoids to assert their fascist control over children and prevent them from cutting off body parts.

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this depends on whether she identifies as a troubled teen or not. If she does she belongs in the camp

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The sleepaway camp

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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What sort of degenerates answer too child abuse is "call the cops and just like ride it out man."? Frick that, stash her up north till she hits 18

Jewish lives matter because she'll be living under the floor boards like one for a while

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There will be online chat logs, the camp guy, cctvs that probably picked up his number plate, mobile tower location, he's fricked tbh. If he had to do it he should have arranged it properly, tho I doubt it would have worked regardless cause her sister would have been prime suspect anyhow.

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He's morally right but legally very wrong and too stupid to understand the difference. Jesus Christ dude. Imagine being stupid enough to post about this on Reddit instead of hiding the kid like all your lives depend on it.

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>He's morally right but legally very wrong and too stupid to understand the difference.

I feel like most dramatic legaladvice posts boil down to this sentence.

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Legaladvice and all the spinoff subs are full to the brim with moralstrags and the occasional professional who dispenses cold but accurate information

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But she's being ✨ emotionally abused ✨


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"Hi Reddit, I kidnapped a minor IN GOOD FAITH, how can I best position myself for the eventual SWAT shootout? Serious answers only, and pls answer quick, I think I hear sirens and engines over the hill."

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I forsee OP being visited by many men in windbreakers and possibly a black helicopter or two

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You're definitely assuming the color of this girl's skin

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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She sounds Mormon. Something like 95% of US Mormons fit the bill

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I signed in just to up marsey this cause it made me burst out laughing

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Those "troubled teen camps" are super fricked up and originate from some weird butt cult

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Yeah, unironically I knew a bunch of kids in high school who had come through those. They are severely abusive and actual fricking nightmare fuel. Literally nobody should send any kid to one for any reason and any kid who might be sent to one should run away immediately and not come back. It's genuinely better to be homeless.

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Watch the teen actually be in danger and Reddit convinces OP to take the kid back to danger

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Yeah I went to one of these schools for 2 years, I'd definitely rescue a kid from one of these places if I ever ran into that situation. Redditors again unable to see shades of gray in anything :marseyautism:

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Tell me more :marseysimpson:

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>Synanon, originally known as Tender Loving Care, was a new religious movement founded in 1958 by Charles E. "Chuck" Dederich Sr.

>Described as one of the "most dangerous and violent cults America had ever seen," Synanon disbanded in 1991 after several members were convicted of offenses including financial misdeeds, evidence tampering, terrorism, and attempted murder


>Mel Wasserman, influenced by his Synanon experience, founded CEDU Educational Services, a company in the troubled teen industry that owned and operated several schools. CEDU's schools used the confrontational model of Synanon. The CEDU model was widely influential on the development of parent-choice, private-pay residential programs. People originally inspired by their CEDU experience developed or strongly influenced a significant number of the schools in the therapeutic boarding school industry. The company's schools have faced numerous allegations of abuse. CEDU went out of business in 2005, amid lawsuits and state regulatory crackdowns


>Synanon's techniques also inspired the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP), an umbrella organization of facilities meant for rehabilitating troubled teenagers.[15]:β€Š132–133β€Š WWASP is no longer in business, due to widespread allegations of physical and psychological abuse

>The troubled teen industry has encountered many scandals due to child abuse, institutional corruption, and deaths, and is highly controversial.[6][7] Many critics of these facilities point to a lack of local, state, and federal laws in the United States and elsewhere governing them.[8] Some countries, such as Bermuda, have been known to send teenagers to programs located in the United States.[9] In addition to their controversial therapeutic practices, many former residents report being forcibly transported to troubled teen facilities by teen escort companies, a practice dubbed "gooning".[10]

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The Elan School is one of the most famous of them. The adult consolers were all either incompetent or high on heroin, so they let other teenagers distribute punishments, which generally was them beating the shit out of people or molesting them because… well you're letting troubled teens run the show.

There's a web comic of a dude talking about his experience called Joe vs Elan School. Long read but really good story of a guy who lost his teenage years to that heck hole.

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Rich or upper-middle class parents with difficult children can sign up for their brat to be kidnapped and fixed. Bunch of men barge into the teen's bedroom in the middle of the night. Handcuff them, carry them to their van and drive them to what's probably a wilderness camp. (A practice literally called 'gooning' :marseycry:) These services are offered by a "Teen escort company".

:marseyvan: :marseyglow:

In a fantastic world maybe you can imagine enough supplies, decent instructors, and peer bonding even if they struggle while learning survival skills or whatever useless nonsense the camp offers. In reality, people are sent to these camps as a punishment, not therapy. The hope is 8+ weeks of tough love and struggle will turn out a fixed obedient teenager. And this is a competitive industry in america so of course we're cutting corners to save on costs. And who needs tough love when you have abuse? Teens have literally unironically died at some camps from heat stroke, hypothermia, injury, or untreated illness.


The relationship between adults and teens is confrontational. Punishments for disobedience and misbehavior might involve being forcefed sedatives. Denied food, water, or sleep. Refused communication with family. Losing clothes, or being molested as part of a cavity search.


You aren't going to be calling home, and if you are allowed it will be monitored. Letters home will be redacted of any bad news. Some state laws have tried to fix this but who knows if they're enforced.


Anyway after a few mental breakdowns even the straightest people start to become a little gay so I approve of these camps 100% as gay recruitment facilities. (Even if gayness is one of the things they're supposed to fix. Oops.)

:marseyhomofascist: :marseysalutepride:

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more trust fundies need to be sent to these camps

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp :#marseyhomofascist: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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There is a big writeup on them on kiwifarms.

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got link? :eggplantconcerned:

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This isn't kidnapping in a large majority of states. Especially since it's her sister and the kid escaped of her own actions. Custodial interference maybe but there are defenses around escaping abuse, etc.

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What? No. She's a minor who isn't related to OP. OP drove several hours to the camp and assaulted a counselor who tried to interfere. Even IF they didn't cross state lines this is straight up harboring and kidnapping

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The girlfriend aka the older sister was there dumbass, that defense is easy. Idc about the counselor but they've definitely called the cops and might try to push for assault/battery but I doubt there's any proof beyond he said/she said.

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Girlfriend is not legal guardian, 15 year old has no say in where they live, you're wrong on so many levels. Sidevoted

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My dad is literally a child custody lawyer cute twink

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>My Dad is blah blah blah

Keep yourself safe cute twink

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Your dad is a massive homosexual

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I guess that makes you an expert then? Fricking r-slur.

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My girlfriend of a few years is a doctor and at this point I would probably be able to have random doctor convinced I was one of them for a good 30 minutes. You pick stuff up :marseyshrug: :marseyshrug: :marseyshrug:

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Then I have no idea how you're this wrong about it.

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My dad works for Nintendo and he says the next Phoenix Wright game will prove you wrong

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Then have your dad post his name, face, and business email on here and he can tell us.

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Neighbor actually believes the foidfriend won't throw him to the dogs to save her own butt :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

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but I doubt there's any proof beyond he said/she said

Well that and the internet post where he admitted to doing it.

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Everyone here is treating op like a p-dophile for some reason. These camps are crazy abusive, kids get bullied into suicide and shit it's terrible. It's really easy to use that as a defense, getting someone out of abuse and danger. Law isn't as rigid as everyone cynically thinks it is.

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Rdrama is full of probably THE most r-slurred people Ive ever seen so

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Me when I give out terrible legal advice :marseytoasty:

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I still can't believe that in America it's legal to lock up and torture kids as long as their parents give consent

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Actually, contrary to popular belief, torture is illegal in the US.


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You would think.

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It's not cruel and unusual punishment if the victim didn't do anything to get punished for and you're just doing this for kicks.

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Meh. Multiple members of @iStillMissEd's family have done this (being both the "kidnapper" and "kidnapped") and never once has anything serious come from it.

It might just be because we're !leafs but the cops do not bother looking for runaways.

jewish lives matter

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they c-c-c-crossed state lines?!?!?!?!?! :hysterical:

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Did any other !leafs have a thing in high school where a group of girls would come into your house at like midnight and put you in a dress and then drive you into the woods and get you drunk?

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Oh shit I thought that only happened to me..... they made you have s*x with the other kid that the other group of girls brought into the forest too, right?

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Ya totally

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Yeah ofc that's a totally normal formative experience

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you crossed state lines you sick frick :stabler:


furry rights are human rights


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I've never understood why people argue with the responses they get in that subreddit.

There's no such thing as persuading someone into giving you the advice you want. That makes no sense.

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>Little sister accesses computer and contacts them for pickup in nearby town that night?

kinda far fetched, even if it's a small town?

>" One of the camp counsellors had been following her tried grabbing GFs sister and I pulled him off and told him to leave her alone,"

why did the camp counselor not grab her before someone tried to pick her up?

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>Redditor for 5 hours


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Lmao this absolute r-slur is gonna be losing his butt in prison for a while

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He's gonna get away scott free. Nothing bad ever happens to these fricking do-gooders.


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IDK it sounds like the parents are Mormons and they have big $$$ and connections. The camp was in Colorado which makes it very possible the parents are in Utah and the Curch of LDS does not frick around when it comes to these things

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If I ever see you in real life I'll fricking make you eat cement. You got that, b-word? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your peepee you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fricking crane.



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