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  • eva_isaKONG : if you have a r*ddit account you need to call these people racist for accusing Kai

MOOOOOOM! YoutubeDrama is doing the Chris-chan he/she meme again!! [Mr :marseytrain:Beast DRAMA]










YTD Thread

Before I say anything...

What Ava Kris did is gross. Transphobia and misgendering are also gross. Frick misgendering.

But why are we always so obsessed with getting every youtubers thoughts on any given scandal? These comments are absolutely gross but why the frick do I care what Kai Cenat thinks 😭😭. Most situations do not need the opinion of every major influencer out there.

I am aware that the opinions of influencers can well... influence people, but maybe we don't need their opinion on every given situation. But I suppose that is impossible in this world.

Edit: I feel like I need to make some clarification here.

I am not criticising discussing this or calling out the transphobia! Do that shit. I'm more so making a criticism as a whole of why we seek out the opinions of people like Kai and make them feel as if they have anything > worth sharing.

I'm more so just making an observation than anything else, not criticising anyone for being upset with this.


I don't know who this cody is, apparently it looks like it was someone they were trying to cancel last week? but failed? and this pedo:marseytrain2: overshadowed that I guess?

Funny how they have more to say about this than the Cody Ko situation where we know he was actually hooking up with girls younger than 18.. it's almost like content creators are ready to leave behind the Cody thing because they have this to grift about.


right?? it's even happening w people on this subreddit - like if anyone should be in the closest spot, it should be Cody lol

And I've seen many of these recently. None including Cody. Someone in that bro circle is working hard to minimize Cody's bs. Avas video on Cr1tikals channel got more views than Cody's even though Cody actually did shit with minors at parties.


Not listening to shit about s*x crimes from someone who covered for his male feminist friend.

Not just covered up. Served victims to on a quilted platter.


Not defending Ava but it's pissing me off how all of these creators are using this as an opportunity to just pile on trans people and push bigoted fear mongering agendas under the guise of "protecting kids". Meanwhile they have nothing to say about Cody Ko being a p-dophile or any of their other friends/creator peers being gross towards women. I hate the internet man.


Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/FearedBuck/status/1815919511045906483 This isn't here to defend Ava in any way. I just wanted to bring attention to how frequently creators are misgendering her and using this to spread the shitty rhetoric that now she's been outed for being a weirdo - it's somehow acceptable to ignore her identity.


He is transphobic. Im pretty sure he also calls trans people transformers.

the transformers thing is funny but he shouldn't misgender Ava :chudsmug:

Its not funny because he is actually transphobic. I find jokes which are directed at some group funny only if the person doesnt genuinely have those bigoted beliefs. :soyjaktantrumfast:

i agree that KaiCenat is transphobic, but what is bigoted about calling trans people transformers?, it's just a play on words lmao :marseytroublemaker:

Isnt he calling them transformers because transformers change from robots to cars to blend? Also in the original clip where he said that it was him thirsting on trans woman thinking she is cis then him showing disgust after finding out she was trans. So the word was used in transphobic context too.

didn't know he said it in a context where he was grossed out by a trans person :marseycry:


I'm sorry man but this isn't grooming. This was incredibly edgy and crass comments made to a minor. An incredibly bad look and bad for your brand absolutely, but this is not what Doc did. Now the loli stuff on the other hand… yikes



No one cares about the preferred pronouns of a male feminist lmfao :chudspin:

respecting a set of pronouns =/= respecting the person behind the pronouns and endorsing the things this person has done :marseysoycry:

He talks about pedophilia and you focus on that shit?? That says a lot about yourself and nothing good.

what else is there to say about his pedophilia comment? he's right, it is weird, but we all already know that. we all agree on that already

People here seems more concerned if she is getting misgendered :marseynerd3:

Yeah that might be because this entire thing is exploding specifically because shes an uppity trans girl hated by popular nazis / pedos like nickmercs and dr. D. Plenty of people were unusually close with shadman back then, but Ava is grtting the spotlight. You have to be willfully blind to not see why that js :soymad:


No, it exploded because she is a 20+ year old adult sending sexual messages and talking sexual to minors. There are plenty of Trans people out there just living their lives not flirting with minors. The fact people keep playing whataboutism to try and deflect from this key piece of information is alarming. Dr. Disrespect got roasted just a few weeks ago and we are pretending this is a Trans issue. Its a dont chase kids issue.

Its a trans issue, the alleged victim himself said there wasnt anything weird going on. Yall got what you wanted already, Ava is crucified, no need to pretend this was a principled takedown

more :#marseylongpost: and :#beatchair:

!transphobes !humans of rdrama and !moidmoment

Yeah, this Ava guy is a p-dophile. And Kai Cenat is friends with male feminists. -4 points 2 hours ago


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721931843056229.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219318428329084.webp

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Second one is better

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I prefer the one where green hair gets corrected and he goes "shut the FRICK up he's a male feminist!"

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called it


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They know that if respecting their pronouns is conditional, then that means people aren't seeing them as their preferred gender. They need to learn that no one actually fully sees them as their preferred gender, and that yes, society does have the ability to take away respecting their bullshit if it wants.

So while I get why they push back so hard against misgendering even the worst of them, it's yet another part of reality that they're just not accepting. Which is that it's all in their head and people can, and are, stopping playing along as it starts to cost them more to do so.

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There are a lot of people that use being 'trans' as a shield from criticism. Allowing for a leftist trans person to get criticized for anything will weaken that shield. That's why they always bring it back to trans bigotry.

Loot at the hate contra got when she talked about wanting to just pass (and not having to constantly talk about being trans). If she doesn't need to use the shield, why do they?

Or look at the hate right leaning trans people get, like Blaire White. It's mask off activism at that point...

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would you call a black man a BIPOC if he is a criminal!?


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What crimes could revoke a white man's 'white card'?

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!chuds he doesn't know

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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listening too music without headphones on public transport

furry rights are human rights


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Being a BIPOC. It's a state of mind

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:#marseythinkorino: :#marseyagreesuperspeed:

The black community does it all the time. No one hates BIPOCs like law abiding blacks do. You just don't know law abiding blacks exist due to the political machine pandering to the worst elements.

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This argument always comes across as so dumb. Calling someone an ethnic slur is not the same as calling someone a man or woman, which is a neutral descriptive term.

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You stopped playing pretend with me just because I goon to children!!!!!


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@collectijism actually spoke with some political investors and @collectijism think we have enough brain power here too start a legit right wing think tank too compete with the heritage foundation

Trans lives matter

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h3h3 did a whole segment where they kept misgendering him for like 30 mins lmfao

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Unfortunately, that's how the majority of cis people are. Trans people only get to have their genders if they're perfect. Less than perfect gets you they'd and them'd, and if you're labeled a bad person you get outright misgendered.

If gender is a social construct society has the right to reject your new gender if you fail to maintain societal standard

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Kai finna pay the fanum tax, on god frfr :pepezoomerhair:

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stg skibidi rizz ohio :marseydab:

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>What Ava Kris did is gross. Transphobia and misgendering are also gross. Frick misgendering.

Every time I see these two word sentences like "frick transphobia, frick racism, etc" I'm 95% certain that person :marseychonkerfoid: is a bot.

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The Mr. Beast "lady" is a pathetic and shriveled up lolcow to the BASED BRAHMAN MILK MESSIAH and CPU GODDESS that is CHRISTINE!

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Everyone is talking about this and not Cody Ko because no one knows who Cody Ko even is and everyone has heard of Mr Beast.

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Right? Looking at his YouTube channel he's popular (and I did see threads about him btw), but MrBeasts main channel has 300 million more subscribers and the dude has other channels for foreign languages. It's not even close in size

Also he fricked a 17 year old, big deal. Pretty sure that's legal in half the states and most of Europe. Plus it was a Tana, a known hoe who says the n word

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>Black guy misgenders :marseytrain2:

:chadleftoid: Are we ourselves not to blame for listening to his opinion?

furry rights are human rights


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Kai Cenat did nothing wrong.

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They keep saying it's gross to misgender but they don't realize saying anything about :!marseytrain:s & gross in the same sentence doesn't help them

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at least xe is not RUDE

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Before I say anything...:

Not defending Ava but it's pissing me off how all of these creators are using this as an opportunity to just pile on trans people and push bigoted fear mongering agendas under the guise of "protecting kids". Meanwhile they have nothing to say about Cody Ko being a p-dophile or any of their other friends/creator peers being gross towards women. I hate the internet man.:

I'm sorry man but this isn't grooming. This was incredibly edgy and crass comments made to a minor. An incredibly bad look and bad for your brand absolutely, but this is not what Doc did. Now the loli stuff on the other hand… yikes:

No one cares about the preferred pronouns of a male feminist lmfao :chudspin: :

what else is there to say about his pedophilia comment? he's right, it is weird, but we all already know that. we all agree on that already:

Yeah that might be because this entire thing is exploding specifically because shes an uppity trans girl hated by popular nazis / pedos like nickmercs and dr. D. Plenty of people were unusually close with shadman back then, but Ava is grtting the spotlight. You have to be willfully blind to not see why that js:

Yeah, this Ava guy is a p-dophile. And Kai Cenat is friends with male feminists.:

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