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what u can joke about in rdrama

u can joke about everything except pedoshit:

  • pretending to be a fucking pedo (@iStillMissEd)
  • calling other users pedos as a fucking joke (@Patsy)
  • straight up posting loli to get reactions from people (@Chapose)

i didnt think this needed an explanation or a fucking post but ig i was fucking wrong :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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There is no such thing as accidentally watching cp. I don't recall making a joke outside of pinging glowies, which was objectively funny considering like everything about this situation :marseyshrug:

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  • DickButtKiss : so I'M permachudded and you let this multiple-time child porn viewer (by his own admission) go free?


!commenters !metashit the full screenshot

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  • DickButtKiss : he is a frickin FED frickin idiot disgusting cretin and snitch. IF it's even him which it isnt

>goes to image board

>sees cp


>goes to image board again

>sees more cp

This says a lot about your reasons for frequenting image boards @MoonMetropolis

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I've used imageboards since I was 11. I'm not going to stop using them because of a few bad actors. Uboachan, especially, will always be near and dear to my heart. :madotsukidance::marseyuboa::marseyuboa2:

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much like the prudish foid who drinks at a bar, ashamedly wakes up next to a man, drives to the bar again

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Wtf is an imageboard? Like reddit?

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It's just a forum but you submit an image with your post. They came up with another word for it because they're low intellect

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So basically imgur

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Yeah imgur took the concept and made it as slow and terrible as possible

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It's a fancy word for a chan. Strags and news sites prefer it.

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Idk, despite the allegations against me I have not come across child porn even once in the last several years, probably ever...

I stand with @Patsy :marseypibblelivesmatter:

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Way back in 2006, the fricking first or second time I went on /b/ there was fricking random cp on the fricking first page. I stuck to /o/ after that.


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Hey chin up champ. Remember, they can't stop what you're about to post. Show them what you e been cooking up.


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I go on all sorts of websites including onion sites, and i have never seen pizza. Its suspect, that someone would go on multiple websites that have that type of shit uploaded. I like Moon, but this is not a fricking good look for him.

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>I go on all sorts of websites including onion sites, and i have never seen pizza

he vlogs here, are you r-slurred?

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i wear a fricking blindfold while viewing this site r-slur

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  • DickButtKiss : Absolute nonsense. This is like when cute twink coward libs claim "death threats" and never post proof

If you go on drug markets you obviously won't see CP r-slur.

It's posted at random on any lightly moderated imageboard. I barely jannied one for a few months and literally all my mod actions were removing CP.

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  • DickButtKiss : only reason you would return to somewhere you saw CP was to.... see more of it????

@PeepeeButtKiss I'm not posting proof of CP you r-slur. It was on indiachan, obviously I'm not a janny on 4chin lol.

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  • DickButtKiss : to NOT see CHILD PORNOGRAPHY?!?!?!? are you slow or something lmao

@PeepeeButtKiss wtf even is your point lol. Why would I abandon a site cause of libertarian spammers?

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dbk has a point

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  • DickButtKiss : it's ABSOLUTELY impossible to stumble upon. even 4chan or 8chan never had it. he a lying kid toucher

i have gone on all ttypes of onion sites, not just drug ones. never seen anything even resembling pizza besides people linking to sus websites

of course jannies will see that type of stuff, probably why i will never do that besides the fricking fact it literally provides no benefit its unpaid labour for r-slurs who want "power" on an unimportant internet site. picture actually being a fricking janny, u have to have no value on your own time at all literally doing wprk for free.

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i reported it on lainchan twice before stopping using it, no clue why anyone would try to get that website taken down

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  • DickButtKiss : you speaking from experience you frickin creep?

any imageboard or forum with a sufficiently large userbase will have this problem

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okay i must be really lucky then because i have never seen anything like that on any website i have been on.

or maybe just maybe, the fricking websites you guys go on are fricking shit websites.

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Carp suffers horrible psychic damage to protect us from the horrors of the world. :carpjannie:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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i can just imagine the fricking shit he has to see jannying the fricking wpd site :marseybestfriends: :carpsad:

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The closest I've come is the jailbait shit that used to be everywhere 10+ years ago (what the oldstrags won't tell you about the wild west days, reddit didn't think it was weird because it truly was everywhere just a couple of years before) but weird as that was, it wasn't CP. I've been on all sorts of shit hole sites and never seen CP, and I definitely wouldn't be returning to a site if it was a regular occurrence.

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Meanwhile I was just using the internet to talk to middle aged women in Southeast Asia about k-dramas and cooking and stuff and I dodged all of that.


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I think I would have been in my 20s. Not sure what you're trying to say here.

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Yeah I remember vaguely the fricking jailbait days on reddit. I just started using reddit at the fricking time, but it got banned shortly after.

I remember browsing imgur exclusively before I went on reddit, I was fricking like 11, and my brother made fun of me for going on imgur instead of reddit lol so I started going on reddit but I mostly just went on askreddit because I didn't know how the fricking reddit site worked haha. Good times. Those old school askreddit threads were so fricking good. Nowadays, I feel like its just karma farming and fake stories.

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i have been buying drugs off onion sites for years and never come across cp. beheading videos sure but no cp

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"There is no such thing as accidentally watching cp."

:marseyfoidretard: :marseygiggle: :marseysurejan:

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So true bussyboy, women are children so all heterosexual porn is child porn. Don't even get me started on lesbian porn...

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Lesbian porn is like incest but a whole lot worse. It's basically sexual necrophilia.

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Necrophilia is by definition sexual. Update your algorithm buddy.

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Not necrophilia but necrophilia with sexual overtones. You know what I mean.

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All necrophilia is sexual :marseyindignant:

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No not necrophilia you know the normal ones not the ones where you frick a corpse to death.

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Banning someone for this is utterly r-slurred

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People really use the chat feature here :marseycringe2:

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Who doesn't like cheese on they pizza?? :#marseymouse: :#marseypizzaslice:

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Ban everyone but @Dramamine

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MFW no Patsy:


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  • binturong : Such people know what they sign up for. MM is a felon, not a fricking attorney numbnuts

There is no such thing as accidentally watching cp

Anyone who's ever been a janny or operated a server or website will come across this eventually :marseysad:

There's also people in the legal system, cops attorneys, investigators etc. who have to deal with this stuff

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  • Horned_waifus_shill : Anyone who has ever browsed a 4chan sticky has seen CP
  • DickButtKiss : you are such a fricking dysgenic disgusting creep you should seriously consider suicide

Not to mention, I explicitly said that I accidentally saw it when people spammed it on imageboards. I certainly didn't "watch" it. Any regular user of imageboards nowadays has accidentally seen CP before.

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maybe alt-imageboards, I haven't seen any on 4chan

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pre 2012->2014ish was bad

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it's a problem on the larger boards

/tv/ mops it up quick :marseyjanny:

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  • DickButtKiss : loli is not illegal and not even in the ballpark.... swing and a miss

Loli (not irl shit) will stay up for ages in the late hours, it's miserable

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@PeepeeButtKiss is a libertarian strag

"Ummm watching :marseyoperasmug: animated :marseylibertyfireworks: gay porn doesn't make me gay so watching :marseyoperasmug: animated :marseydance: child :marseypedoshoot: porn means I'm not a libertarian"

dude bussy lmao

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Dude on /v/ has been spamming it since july

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uh what. that isn't true. and fyi you posted the fricking website sin chat, but u shouldn't post the fricking websites you have seen these things on. we don't want to provide info on how to access pizza to people.

Just report the fricking websites to fbi.

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not if you sequester yourself safely in the rdrama ecosystem :marseywholesome:

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  • DickButtKiss : Afraid you might see something you like? Frickin creep

RDrama isn't an imageboard. And I've seen people post some pretty horrific stuff on here as well. :marseyeyemixer3:

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People keep posting death and gore in here. I don't want to watch people die, otherwise I'd go to site explicitly for that. But no, posters here will throw it all over the place.

Meanwhile, BWC would (he hasn't for a few months as far as I can tell) spam porn of drawn women getting fricked by BBC in posts about them, and while it's gotten better there's also been literal shitposters and other porn posters who would drop them in unrelated topics with no warning.

These aren't as bad as cp, though there was that one picture CDO pinged everyone with 'as a joke'. But the idea that some frickwits would never post that kind of material where anyone could see it is disproved by this very site, let alone even more anonymous, laxly moderated places like imageboards. It's all over the big sites as well, eg YouTube and Twitter, though it's seemingly much harder to stumble over there.

Some people just enjoy doing shitty things. And it really can just be one psycho dedicated to being horrible.

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CDO posted CP? And wasn't permabanned for it? :donotwant:

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:marseythonk: I never recall issues about CP on hacking forums. Now as to violations pertaining to the rest of the legal code... :marseycop: :marseyfbiagent: :marseyglow:


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the only fricking hacking forum in english that i know of that was fricking good was fricking evilzone, they actually had community and cared about quality and didn't allow strags to sell shit on there. ebook section was fricking amazing, especially the fricking txt files which you can't find on private trackers

do you know if kulverstukas (?) forum is fricking still online i forgot the fricking name but i remember it being pretty good for hacking stuff

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I saw cp once on Facebook way back in the day. Crazy shit

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As disgusting as it is there are people who spam it on 4chan and especially any obscure image boards. In a kiwi thread people were talking about this doxed kiwi using some obscure image board, went to check and apparently jannies never clean and the kiwi poster didn't mention anything until AFTER people told him. Of course you should immediately report it to center for missing children and the domain provider, usually cloudflare, since they also automatically forward reports to the hosting provider.

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