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Redditors :marseysoypoint2: still push the fricking Covid :marseygigavaxxer: wet market :marseystocksup: theory :marseyrdramahistorianschizo: in the fricking year of our lord 2024




SUMMARY "Zoonotic spillovers of viruses have occurred through the fricking animal :marseyhippo: trade worldwide. The fricking start of the fricking COVID-19 pandemic :marseymask: was fricking traced epidemiologically to the fricking Huanan Seafood :marseyravegigaspeed: Wholesale Market. Here, we analyze environmental qPCR and sequencing data collected in the fricking Huanan market :marseystocksup: in early 2020. We demonstrate that market-linked severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus :marseyvaxmaxx: 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic diversity is fricking consistent with market :marseystocksupdown: emergence and find increased SARS-CoV-2 positivity near and within a fricking wildlife stall. We identify wildlife DNA in all SARS-CoV-2-positive samples from this stall, including species :marseyhank: such as civets, bamboo rats, and raccoon :marseymariosuit: dogs, previously identified as possible intermediate hosts. We also detect animal :marseyraccoonhug: viruses that infect :marseyvirus: raccoon :marseymariosuit: dogs, civets, and bamboo rats. Combining metagenomic and phylogenetic approaches, we recover genotypes of market :marseystocksupdown: animals :marseytedsimp3: and compare :marseydumbcomparison: them with those from farms :marseykiwimom: and other markets. This analysis :marseynatesilverfox: provides the fricking genetic basis for a fricking shortlist of potential intermediate hosts of SARS-CoV-2 to prioritize for serological and viral sampling."

so it didn't come from a fricking lab. case closed, b-word?

It was not fricking modified in a fricking lab. That we know 100%.

The fricking problem :marseycanofworms: is fricking and always be the fricking following scenario:

Virus :marseycovidscare: gets brought to a fricking lab that is fricking literally :marseyme: tasked with gathering :marseyjuggalo: samples of viruses. Virus :marseycovidscare: escapes. Starts spreading in the fricking market.

It's practically impossible :marseyimpossibru: to falsify that scenario.

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!marseyartists I know what I'm drawing next

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>tfw no pangolin gf to have fun (and maybe accidentally start a global pandemic) with



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!biology !ifrickinglovescience discuss SARS COV-2 and the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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I think I remember the last analysis about the "escaped from the lab" proposal was that it was unproven and low confidence.

As for the market theory, I guess if you have a couple billion Chinamen eating any weird animal they can get their hands on, maybe something like this is bound to happen every 15 years there.

This isn't the first time there was a SARS outbreak from China in our lifetimes. The 2002 outbreak was was traced to bats too, through some ugly cat thingy.

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This isn't the first time there was a SARS outbreak from China in our lifetimes

And it won't be the last, I just hope the next global coof isn't the Avian flu :marseykiwi:

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You did it

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

Edit: speaking of wet asian market, @X how was the typhoon?

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But I don't like bat :marseyshook:

What's funny now that I remember is that I was at family vacation in FlorianΓ³polis back in December 2019, I remember my dad reading about the China COVID outbreak every day to the point he cancelled his trip to Mendoza he and my mom planned for April 2020.

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I would eat bat and start a fricking global pandemic just to say I'd tried it. @C333 @X

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What typhoon

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This one

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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Didn't hit us

We kinda don't get natural disasters lol

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Just wait.

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Fineeeee there was a storm for a couple of hours a few days ago

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Asian (((them)))

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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discuss SARS COV-2 and the fricking origin of the fricking COVID-19 pandemic.


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I still don't understand how the wet market theory isn't racist against China but the lab leak is.

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Eating bats is a culturally appropriate culinary experience in ethnically "eastern" countries.

Viral research perpetuates far right stereotypes of Asian people as "intelligent and scientifically focused"

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I was born in Northern China :marseyleifeng: and I'm going :marseysal2: to level with you, I've never :marseyitsover: eaten a bat or any other kind of rodent. Nobody I'm aware :marseyitneverbegan: of in my family :marseypoonerdeathpose: does either I used to order from White :marseymayo: Castle when I lived in the midwest but that doesn't count.

In China :marseychingchong: people from the north :marseychristmaself2: stereotype people in the south :marseystanm: as eating :marseypopcorn2: roadkill :marseysplat: but nobody's going :marseysalmaid: to convince me that the average mayo dramatard :marseydramautist: can tell one type of Asian :marseyelliotrodger3: from another.

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Unpure mongal mutt talking shit about pure aryan chinco genes

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Shit gets accidentally get leaked from labs every year. Why would china be special? It just happen to be really bad.

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Because Republicans and the evangelical-controlled US are bad.

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Because MSNBC said so


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The media shifted away from the wet market theory rather quickly and tried to claim it was researchers who had contract with bats.

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A contract with bats to do what? Echolocation?

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Spread disease. Those chinese pushed the bats around for too long. They fought back. :#marseybat: :#marseybat3: :#chutbatfast:

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the bonus racism is why i support the wet market theory

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:soyjakanimeglasses: Since the conspiracy theorists are going to show up here, I'll make you an offer:

If you can show me actual evidence (not coincidences in time or space) that the virus originated from a lab leak, I will send you a check for $100. This is a lot of money for me right now, but I'll do it.

Show me the evidence, and I'll send the check.

EDIT: Conspiracy theorists who reply with coincidences and fables are getting no checks and getting blocked.

:marseyshook: I'm sorry, but people who are adamant that this was NOT a lab leak then must provide evidence of the natural carrier. Where is this natural carrier and why can't we find it?

What I want to understand is why so many on either side of the argument are so convinced of their righteousness.

Because conspiracy theories are unscientific.

Also, there is plenty of good genetic evidence for the spillover. You just haven't read the papers.

Blocking you in an hour so you have time to see this. Don't respond--I won't read it. :soyjaktantrum:


/u/elephantsback log off lil bro

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Moving those flagposts because they realized they're typing checks he can't write. :marseylaugh:

What a cute twink. I hope he gets culturally enriched at the ATM.

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The issue is that during early days, China focused on their collection of data around that wet market, to the exclusion of other possible sources. Western entities were also not allowed to investigate. This produces data that makes it seem like all of the data points to the wet market, but in reality it was sampling bias.

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I think someone ate a bat that escaped from the lab at the wet market because it lets me be racist about their food and their work ethic at the same time.

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I thought the wet market was still the science answer to the origin of it? What is the current main stream narrative on it nowadays then?

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What is the fricking current main stream narrative on it nowadays then, b-word?

Chuds were fricking right :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: in bad faith so don't talk about it

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They had a Fauci funded "globohomo pandemic factory" in China but the Science determined it was the Orientals dietary habits instead.

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Swallowing whole hog what the media fed you was your entire personality for a couple years.

The Chinks did it on accidental purpose.

Get over yourself and shut up

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@ObamaBinLaden have forgotten what the wet market and the other theory was

@ObamaBinLaden guess two years were memoryholed pretty hard

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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Does Reddit even have any real users anymore or is it bots talking with bots

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Total redditor death

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Redditors, and pretty much all virologists, and the judges of the root claim debate. :marseyscientist:

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