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monthly website stats post (September 2024) :marseychartscatter:

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we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2024 yet.

!metashit !nooticers

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Fricking how? !macacos

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Onde você acha que eu e metade de Foz trabalhamos.

Mas tó achando que deve ter mais, não sou tão online assim

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Não é possível que o tráfego do Paraguai sejam de brasileiros

Paraguaios se revelem !latinx

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10% da população do Paraguai é ou brasileira ou filha de brasileiros kkk

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10% of the population from Paraguay is the? daughters of Brasilians kek

@BrasilIguana @nuclearshill

You guys have shit articles

Um Peru De Peru Du Peru

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@BrasilIguana @nuclearshill

So it's r*pe jokes all the way down

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  • Sphereserf3232 : Dont Paraguayans agitate for macacide in Guarani so that the few Spanish speaker r not tipped off?

No entirely, we are literally colonizing Paraguay, Brazilian farmers buy/steal land from Paraguayan farmers on the border, we are encroaching on them for decades now

Their latest president won by promising to so something about the "Brasiguaios" (Braziguayans) but then he chickened out because they depend on us (entirely) more than we on them (not at all)

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Their latest president won by promising to so something about the "Brasiguaios" (Braziguayans) but then he chickened out because they depend on us (entirely) more than we on them (not at all)

Não, esse foi o cara que perdeu e ficou terceiro. O Presidente que ganhou e o partido dele amam o Brasil

Brazilian farmers buy/steal land from Paraguayan farmers on the border

Roubaram nada, puro chororô

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@Sphereserf3232 I wouldn't know, but Paraguayans are savages, much like Boers, so that tracks

trans lives matter more than @Yaprev's countrymen's lives

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@Sphereserf3232 he asked me to say that

Please BrasilIguana share the knowledge that trans lives matter more than boer lives - @Yaprev's personal request to me before this death

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10% of Paraguay's population is either Brazilian or the children of Brazilians

Population is a feminine noum in Portuguese, so "children" must be gendered to match it, that's why you read "daughters"

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Vamos convidar o @ACA pro chat dos macacos dai a gente manda audio pra ele aprender português

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[third person let's fricking conveeeeeeeeeeene] the ACA for chat for macacos, give him authorization, for he understands/comprehends Portuguese

(Please add that I'm borderline r-slurred)

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  • Sphereserf3232 : Is the Paraguay/Uruguay/Argentina-Brasil border the border areas in Brazil that are actually settled

Children of Brazilian immigrants

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Isso dá uns 600k contra 210 milhões no Brasil

6 milhões de Paraguaios com 17k acessos contra 210 milhões com 23k acessos

A concentração de autismo per capita no Paraguai deve ser absurda, mas eles não tem a mesma expressão que nós brasileiros, o que @BrasilIguana leva a crer que é algum serviço de VPN para explicar essa discrepância

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os BR precisando de twitter kkk

Mas deve ter, é impossível que só eu seja esse trafego todo sendo que tem você e o @BWC

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Tem outros brasileiros também que não interagem tanto com o macacos por aqui também, de certo tem vários lurkers

O que eu acho mais suspeito é a diferença de população ainda resultar em tráfego tão parecido, não é como se o Paraguai fosse um país rico que justifique um alto número de gente saber inglês também, essa é outra barreira pra esse site

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@Murdervann any way we could get a full list of page views by country? I wanna see if I spot anything else weird like Paraguay being so high up

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  • Sphereserf3232 : Is there any benefit to using one here on rDrama or vice versa?

>more from Nepal than Danmark

VPN goes crazy

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Someone here is Kazakh


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Thanks King

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Shout out to the Afghani and Iranians that we're probably beheaded for visiting this site.

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Kazakhstan spent all of their internet time on rdrama.net


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WOW over a million users. You must be proud!

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Agora vi que o tráfego do Paraguai é maior do que a India com a cambada de indiano que tem aqui kkk.

Não, tem alguma coisa estranha aqui :#marseyinvestigate:

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Exato, os indianos tem um grupo de ping e um buraco, mas você não sabe de um paraguaio por aqui, zero presença

Temos uma peruana confirmada, um chileno, um argentino morto, mas nenhum paraguaio

Eu acho que deve ser VPN, de brasileiros ou não

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No it is possible that the traffic of Paraguay seems like Brasil

Paraguayans show themselves (PARAGUAY MASK OFF!)

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That's close but not right

Did you do it yourself or asked a translation software?

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I talk good eye-talian and took a year of Latin

I had some religious pamphlets in Potogee and I saw the similarities between Southern Italian dialectic articles and Portuguese.

Example, the famous song "O Sole Mio" is in the Napoli dialect, with O being the male singular article, and not a vocative preposition.

It's "The My Sun" and not "Oh My Sun."

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That's pretty good, but I was saying it wasn't possible that Paraguay's traffic was actually Brazilians (that work there like @nuclearshill implied)

I can sort of understand Italian with effort, Spanish is easily readable, French is very hard, Romanian is unintelligible and unintelligent.

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Okay the googles said this

It is not possible for Paraguayan traffic to be from Brazilians

Paraguayans reveal themselves

Of course translations balance literalism and idiomism. I would write the intention like this for American readers:

There's no way that terrible drivers in Paraguay are from Brasil.

Obviously these are drivers from Paraguay. [unspoken implication that Brazil drivers are good and Paraguay drivers are bad]

If this is right then I'll make my r-slurred attempt at eye-talian.

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The translator pretty much nailed it, we are talking about how there's too much Paraguayan traffic in rdrama, 17k page views vs 23k from Brazil, Paraguay is way too small of a country to justify this

The second phrase was an order though, literal translation is going to lose that meaning, I would swap "themselves" with "yourselves"

Your translation is contextually wrong, but I can see where it comes from

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Let me run what you said through le Google cislator, one sec

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Waving voice also which is and putting itself of The Fonz we tremble

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