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Do they intentionally look for unqualified hires when it's a diversity hire? Like how do you frick up this badly

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It's pretty easy, have you never worked for a large company?

1. Top brass says they need DEI and ASAP.

2. DEI is found ASAP.

How is it hard to understand that this is how it works?

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That, and how many times do you think competent people can get passed over before they check out and/or leave.

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If the most diverse candidate is the 28th most qualified, and only the top 3 most qualified actually have the skills to fill the role, well...

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Theres currently an Apache foid pilot who failed the Apache gunship school 3 times before just being hand-waved into graduating on the 4th attempt.

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They did this with a firefighter foid who was passed despite failing the tests and ended up dying during a fire because she wasn't strong enough.

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they can't because they've misremembered something in order to c*m to it lmao

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When my buddy went through ranger school they were complaining they needed more black graduates from there and they found a batch of 6'4" Wakandans to get some tabs. This was about 10 years ago… I figured they could find someone unless they were literally minority maxxing

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I'm picturing a Ranger school instructor practicing deep concealment techniques in the gym by hiding under a pile of yoga mats for 36 hours taking notes on who screams the loudest and dry scoops pre workout to identify ideal candidates

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I knew a black female drill sergeant who who kept getting bounced around batteries based on their minority quotas. It probably sucked because she was rarely in the same battery for more than one cycle.

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Meme countries like New Zealand don't need to actually try that hard since realistically the US and Australia would actually be the ones defending them and doing most of the heavy lifting.

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Their largest ship is a bloated amphibious assault carrier which is usually broken, has almost no air defence, and can't stray more than like 2000 miles from Australia because they can't refuel it at range. The US has like 13 of these and 7 fleet carriers. I don't think Australia is doing much, especially when China turns off all their Huawei routers

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Australia is too busy gorging itself on Chinese slop.


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TIL Australia's Westpoint is called Dun:marseytrain2:

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They never really tried to begin with. Case in point, the hideous creation known as the Bob Semple

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The Male Desire to die in a gloriously pathetic last stand with the boys fighting the IJN landing forces from the inside of a tractor covered in roofing material and Lewis guns

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>case *and point

But I wouldn't expect a Bob Semple hater to be well spoken.


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Im gonna fricking murder you

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US and Australia

IMO Australia is the unironic greatest US ally but that's still not saying much.

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The patriarchy was already scary enough :marseygiveup:

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We need to accept the very real possibility that this is the best and most qualified person they could find for the job.

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Half of our ship crews are Australians.lmao

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New Zealand has absolutely gutted their military. They literally never have owned a supersonic jet, and they should have kept the A4 Skyhawks because it's the Chaddest little jet the west ever made

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If you were a kiwi and wanted to be in the navy why wouldn't you join the British navy as a commonwealth recruit? I feel like they aren't getting the best recruits in new Zealand.

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They're Kiwis. They're effeminate strags, but not that straggy.

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If they want to actually see the world, be on a real ship, and be involved in military ops they don't really have another choice.

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vanishingly unlikely if their political climate has any memes like gender-pay-gap or feminism

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The rot goes to the bottom because of the credential crisis at school and laxing of standards. These people are often qualified and are in the dark about how bad they actually are. Then once they're in they can't be fired, because HR is fretting about the ratios and knows firing someone high up the pyramid looks bad.

You can't really filter out irresponsibility with DEI shit because of that. What you eventually get is how it is in South Africa, with black managers who can barely read and write overseeing white engineers who do their job for them, the former being paid significantly more than the latter.

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Kaamrev is punching the air rn

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You can't really filter out irresponsibility with DEI shit because of that. What you eventually get is how it is in South Africa, with black managers who can barely read and write overseeing white engineers who do their job for them, the former being paid significantly more than the latter.

Sounds like India but the current generation is equally r-slurred so there are no hard feelings.

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Why doesn't the conversation go like this?

>why are there so many white dudes working for us, holy shit it's like a mayonnaise convention out there

well sir, we have all these systems in place to weed out less qualified candidates soooooo :marseyshrug:

>oh that makes sense

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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>lesbo :pinkhairedenbie:

>bong :10inbongland:

>former teacher :marseykaren:


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I hate w*men so much

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This but unironically

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It's unreal even

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Forget biological warfare, forget genocide, forget overwhelming force, the most efficient way to completely destroy your enemy is psyopping him into giving females rights. You don't even have to do anything, females will happily destroy their own from within.

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>male-domimated government :marseygigaretard: and male-dominated military :marseysmoothbrain: pick incompetent woman as captain

>incompetent woman destroys their boat :marseyfoidretard:

>:marseymoidmoment: "this is all wimmenz' fault! :marseyindignantretard: "

!moidmoment :marseydicklet:

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>females are useless and incompetent

>this is men's fault


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Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.

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Reported by:

>just give women more power and they'll overcome their internalized oppression and perform well

>any day now

>if it fails, it means you haven't dumped enough money at the problem btw

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that explains why women are always killing each other for no reason. oh wait my 50/90 chart was upside down :marseysmug2:

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Men are like dying from getting stabbed or shot. Females are like cancer.

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Cancer will kill you, so it has more in common with men

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But it kills slowly, infesting every part of the body, it drains the life, shuts down different parts, makes the body weak from the inside. It's insidious, it crops up without notice. Very feminine.

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It's true. That's why you'll never see the scroticide coming

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There's more black women in jail for homicide than white men, seethe more

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That's because America is structurally racist, and allows white men to get away with literal murder

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I said rum and coke on the rocks not run the boat on the rocks

holy shit :#marseyxd: :#marseygem:

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The Navy has strict serving suggestions for rum for this very reason, neat and "watered grog" are the only acceptable answers

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!chuds Lesbian or Māori

You must choose :marsey57:

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love that movie

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Me too. I've only seen that clip though.

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Yarr, maybe ye should be joinin' us !pirates we, me hardy

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heck yes give me a dommy maori muscle mommy uwu

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All yours dude. No contest.



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The chin tattoo chick picture I pulled from an article about who is allowed to get Maori chin tattoos

And yes it was SJW Cultural Appropriation seethe


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You're really quite talented with photoshop. :marseyclapping:

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I always buy Note phones so I can use a stylus to doodle

Rule 1 is be fast

Rule 2 is be good if you think you have enough time

We had a janny on r4chan named Bottomlulz who was extremely fast and good at making personalized gifs as responses. Absolute God tier. He quit the site but I would go back thru his account when I was bored or needed a laugh. He came back briefly and then deleted it all.

I learned so much from him about not caring and getting in the quick gag.

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I've gotten better about only :marseylongpost: when I think putting in the effort will influence someone but I'm too much of an :marseyautism: to be great with using humor to influence people. Then when I am joking, like with going on a Halloween-themed witch hunt, people think I'm seething. :marseyshrug: I'm not sure if that's a reflection of my posting habits, their autism, or that people here think so little of me as to not believe I'm capable of self-awareness or poking fun at myself.

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More comments

Looks so bad, like your drooling blue goo or something

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sorry, I meant to sniff it


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Anyone who gets a maori tat done properly has earned it

They cut those things in with rocks

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Clearly evil chuds picked the most incompetent woman they could find just to try and trick people into thinking all women are this stupid :marseyindignantwoman: We need another lesbian in charge of a ship to see what happens :marseyderp:

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No, we need all ships driven by lesbians. They are using per capita on us to make women look bad when the reality is, there is only a few women boat drivers so even 5 or 10 accidents per woman boat makes them all look worse. Women could do better than men if given an opportunity

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Women could do better than men if given an opportunity

Women are basically neurodivergent men. Good for theory but that theoretical will never translate into a decent practical.

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Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.

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Transbians obviously get to drive boats, but if 41% of them sink, we are going to discuss separating the statistics

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This is a powerful statement from an anti war activist. We stan

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There is really no excuse for this. Keeping the boat in the deep water isnt hard. Even if all the charting equipment on the entire boat went out, someone should be able to download an iPad app to get them by before they could get to shallow water. Surely on a boat that size, you would have a dozen people on duty making sure the boat is being navigated correctly that should have noticed waaaaaay before they hit anything

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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>The navigator is eating a can of beans and spills it in a heavy swell

>I slip on the beans and the iPad goes flying out of my hands and falls into the ships monkeys cage

>He refuses to go e it back

>The ships goat got loose from the Chiefs Mess (the goat is the only Chief on the ship currently) and has eaten all the paper maps

>Try to turn on the deck lights but they ran out of blinker fluid because the interns drank it all

>Ask for assistance from the deck crew to spot rocks but they are all taking their mandatory 30 minute smoke break (the Navy has sought sponsorship from Marlboro)

>Mfw I need to navigate the shoals blind


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She was perhaps such a ladygarden nobody cared to correct her, that's the only explanation.

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Idk how New Zealand operates its navy, but I would assume multiple people serving under her would also be held personally responsible for an avoidable accident. Her being a b-word doesn't really change that

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Yeah, but you are dealing with a foid. Imagine an underling telling her she was doing something wrong.

>Ma'am, we shouldn't go that way, there are rocks there.


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I'm assuming this if the voice recordings on the bridge all go missing

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Depth-finding sonar just kinda gives me the ick :marseyfrozenchosen2:

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Why would the patriarchy do this?

@Fresh_Start stand with Israel.

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I follow /r/navy and males run ships into ground all the time in the US Navy, which is always how young commanders lose their job commanding a ship, and I noticed they usually get replaced by women commanders

Not sure if they ever lose full ships tho

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I guess they were trying to redo that scene from Titanic, but since they were lesbo no one can agree who should be the kween of the world.

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How long till the canoes show up and salvage it clean?

To a cargo cult this is like junkies finding a bale of cocaine

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It's going to be like the movie Into the Blue but instead of hunting for gold on a sunken ship they're hunting for cans of spam in the mess deck.

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As long as prime Alba is innt ....

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Earlier today OP made a comment claiming that a Norwegian frigate had a female officer in charge when it rammed an oil tanker in 2018. I immediately called him out on it, and he deleted the post, without making a public apology!

I'm as shocked as you are, so in the name of Better Transparency and Ethics in Shitposting I have created /r/BoerGate and /h/BoerGate. Please like and subscribe! He can't keep getting away with this....

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lmao I had no idea it was a foid who was in charge. typical

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Responding first before reading, but I'm guessing brown people

Edit: my second guess was right--women drivers

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did somebody make a muff diving joke already? i didnt check the comments


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