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:marseygunshotsuicide: Just turned 28 and still no Hogwarts letter


I'm 28 F, grown as heck and yet I broke down sobbing yesterday because of the reality that I'll never wake up and be an immortal magical being who spends their life questing and adventuring and saving the world. Like even if your only goal in life is to become rich, as long as you're still alive that's a possibility..but my dreams can never come true. I'm still a mortal human working 40 hrs a week to barely survive. Does anyone else feel like reading too much fantasy has been detrimental to their mental health like this? I'm genuinely so heart broken that I'll never get to go on an adventure in middle earth.

>grown as heck :marseysurejan:

It's another episode of "Help! I never grew up!" where OP goes to the hugbox that probably helped her into this mess

Most of the responses are well-intentioned (and mostly r-slurred) advice about how to step away from the cliff of psychosis, but these brave few tell OP to do a cannon ball into insanity


Aliens are visiting our planet and AI is about to be sentient. The sky is the fricking limit. Just be patient and give it a few years


Ok. This may sound weird, but there a whole universe of beyond your imagination out there. Apparently, this is real r/astralprojection


You might be reincarnated as a great King/Queen or philosopher with a life full of adventure :) ever had any crazy dreams that felt farmiliar


we are about to experience medical breakthroughs unlike any other time. if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all be functionally immortal.. and then u can have all the crazy adventures you want! hahaha


Listen, you cannot possibly think that your existence ends here. Your consciousness will always live on as non-existence is not possible. We all will get reincarnated. | (I lost the link for this one) :marseyrain:


This. I really hate it when tone-deaf privileged people make sweeping assumptions and extrapolations based on their privileged backgrounds.

(The assumptions and extrapolations being that OP should go outside)

You go, King! Fight the power! :marseyletsgo:

Let them know we won't take it lying down when they tell us... Uh, wait, hang on a second... :marseyjohnson:

When they tell us "poor people have any agency at all in their lives"!

Even the average /r/fantasy user found this to be too loserish and offered a rebuttal

These guys take the topic as seriously as it deserves


Yeah I had to stop watching that Pixar movie cars for the same type thing. I was absolutely heart broken that I would never be a car. I mean people who dream of being a dr have a chance but me?! No!!! I'll never be a car!!! And it's not fair!!!!! 38m


Have you considered becoming a vagrant?

You'd get to go on epic adventures to acquire loot (copper piping) while avoiding the minions of the Dark Lord (the police).

Hmm, perhaps you need a reality check. Read some grimdark. :marsey40k:

This is good advice. She might disavow reading entirely after one of those


Your in good company. The world is full of delusional people who are looking forward to a future existence in a magical wonderland... It's called religion.



I remember telling a CBT therapist I had that there were deep issues in my life that couldn't be solved. He asked me, in a can-do way, what kind of issues. I said, 'Well, for example, the fact there are no dragons.'

He was lost for a reply haha. :marseyclueless:

And then he used my payment for that session to wipe his tears after being verbally destroyed

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I broke down sobbing yesterday because of the reality that I'll never wake up and be an immortal magical being who spends their life questing and adventuring and saving the world.



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Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Mortality Real Hahahaha Neighbor Just Accept Christ Into Your Heart Like Neighbor Get Saved Haha

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Every time I try to go get "saved", the preacher wants me to get naked. I'm beginning to think the church has ulterior motives... :marseyhmm:

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the preacher

Let me guess, the baptismal font is also a hot tub? Protestant nonsense.

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>Protestant nonsense

I dunno youtube keeps recommending me these orthodox frozen lake christenings

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Stop making me extremely confused. I already have a fever and am thinking about things you could do with girls.


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There's a whole thing where you run from the hot, sweaty sauna into the freezing lake naked. I imagine it could be a similar effect

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We did that at the summer camp where I worked... Wait... I haven't posted that yet. I will get back to you.

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A Jimie comment that's...good?


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I'll never :marseyitsover: wake up and be an immortal :marseykvlt: magical :marseycarlos: being who spends their life questing and adventuring and saving the world.


It'd be dope to quest around killing :marseypedoshoot: dragons and shit for eternity


My own personal !moidmoment

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You mean like some kind of... veteran of a psychic war?

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ledditors: ReLIEgion is the biggest mental virus in human hxstory amrite fellow enlightened secular humanist ledditors?! :soysnoo:

also ledditors: I literally had a mental breakdown because I do not live in le Harry Potter magical tumblrverse :soycry: !christians !catholics !ummah

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Tbf she hasn't died yet so she might be immortal

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Me but with being an overpowered MC in a harem isekai !anime

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You just need to cultivate.

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I'm growing tomatoes in my garden, how many fantasy chicks will I get for those?

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How big are they?

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Smaller than those from a store, however they taste way better.

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You get a disheveled fat flat low level office lady with a bullshit job. There are no shortcuts, but the shortcuts that work. ( :marseychingchonggrandma: ) Your tomatoes need to be big and beyond tatsy. Enlightening. Gordon Ramsey needs to be able to eat one and instantly want to use your tomatoes exclusively, then die in some contrived way so you can bone all the attractive women in his life.

Cultivate harder :marseyliondance:

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Cultivate THIS https://i.rdrama.net/images/17285900767052505.webp

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I can fix her

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Have you considered becoming a vagrant?

You'd get to go on epic adventures to acquire loot (copper piping) while avoiding the minions of the Dark Lord (the police).


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I'm 28 F, grown as heck and yet I broke down sobbing yesterday because of the reality that I'll never wake up and be an immortal magical being who spends their life questing and adventuring and saving the world.

1. (Optional) Transition to a male

2. Sign up for Ukrainian Army

3. Kill ziggers

This is your quest and adventure to save the world. Problem solved, you're welcome! :marseydab:

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Voldemort… Vladimir Putin

I'm sensing a connection here :marseytinfoil2:

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I remember when I was unironically thinking like this in high school or early uni. Holy shit

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>we are about to experience medical breakthroughs unlike any other time. if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all be functionally immortal.. and then u can have all the crazy adventures you want! hahaha











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I break down crying sometimes when I realize I will never frick Emma Watson in her prime

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Could be worse, imagine if you were into Ellen page

Putting the :e: in spookie

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what's wrong with bussy?

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Facial scars are cool, chest scars just make you look like you have medical problems and are weak.

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as a breast implant enthusiast i guess i kinda dgaf.

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Bussy is fine but after he got those ab implants, I would feel inadequate as a man in comparison.

Putting the :e: in spookie

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lol, getting ab implants is such a foid thing to do

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I shook her hand once around....movie 5 or 6?

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did you ejaculate?

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  • Lil_B : Hmm but louder - Lil B

When she touched me? No.

Later with that same hand? Maybe :marseyshy:

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Dudes rock :#arabpepecheers:

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Really hoping "her prime" means 18+ here though :marseyglancing:

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No p-do

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is that what you think by "her prime"? :marseysquint:

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Reread for context bud

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if u were too to :marseysmugautist: get it: pedos always on ur mind?


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Weird that you wouldn't think that's a concern when talking about someone who became famous as a minor.

Why don't you have a seat?


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the sexuality of a minor is not the first thing i think about in regards to fricking a celebrity, no

pedos living rent free in ur brain eh?

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You really seem fixated on that. I wonder why?

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cause child sexuality is kinda :marseypuke: why is everyone always bringing it up?

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33 lol 25 year olds are basically kids

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I'm 28 F

opinion disregarded

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Instant disregard. !foidmoment

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How old would she have to be to regard her opinion?

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on her deathbed she might have a single profound thought for the first time in her life

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When did you become so mysoginistic :marseycry:

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I hate women so much it's unreal

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This but without the gorillian layers of rdrama brain rot irony

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The only thing going through my head when I'm on my deathbed are flashbacks to all of the porn I've watched over a lifetime

please god give me the strength not to c*m in my pants and embarrass myself in front of everyone when that happens :marseypraying:

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You need to break out of that rut of routine mundanity you find yourself in. Take art classes. Do pottery

>You're depressed because you read too much slop, never developed a healthy social life and realized you'll never be a fantasy protagonist? Well have you tried making some ugly bowls out of clay?


Do a backcountry backpacking trip, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, or super cheap hostels and walking adventure in Eastern Europe or something

>If pottery doesn't work try the cheapest, sketchiest Romanian hostel you can find for your solo backpacking trip.


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Well she's a basic b-word, so no problems there with something like pottery. But she needs hobbies grounded in reality, so most of them sound like an improvement. Pottery classes involve actual people, for example.

The Romanian hostel is my favourite idea, though.

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For some reason i don't think making mediocre clay bowls alone at home is going to fix her existential crisis

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Maybe not, but her existential crisis is a really dumb one, so I can't see it hurting, either.

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are you fricking r-slurred lmao

they're talking about taking pottery "classes" - you go to a pottery studio with a bunch of other people, none of you know how to make pottery, and you all make shitty clay bowls together

they're not talking about her buying her own kiln right off the bat :marseybrainlet:

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Sure whatever but that's still the lamest and most reddit idea possible. Have an existential crisis because no social life? Try this hobby for shut-ins :marseysoylentgrin:

Sure you take some classes first and meet some people but they're all redditors most likely

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Meeting people when learning to make clay garbage will do her good however.

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She sounds r-slurred and might honestly just need a make-work kinda project instead of reading fantasy slop 8 hours a day. Kinda like how we used to give mentally r-slurred guys jobs as switch operators on railroads

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Doing the real world nature adventures they suggest is the best cure for city person ennui. I believe we are hard wired to find deep primal satisfaction in reaching a peak, observing and correctly identifing game or edible plants, or crossing a natural obstacle. Of course, when you are a 230lb mass of saturated fat, these simple successes may be out of reach.

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Doing the real world nature adventures they suggest is the best cure for city person

Oh absolutely. But maybe don't solo backpack through the cheapest possible eastern European hostels as a girl

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American fantasy novel addicts are unrapeable even to gypsies so she should be fine

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Darn, could this be the way to fix India?

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I wouldn't count on that. I've seen the things these guys knock up :marseywtf3:

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She'll probably be blown away by half a real life experience though.

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Getting s*x trafficked could be considered an adventure, not a great one, but definitely an adventure.

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It'd be interesting to have an isekai anime starring someone who wanted to be isekaid into a fantasy realm, but who hates it when they get there and realises fighting is traumatising and hard work sucks and they miss plumbing and chicken tendies

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There are like 5000000000600000000000003453 isekei animes and I can guarantee not a single one would be willing to break the mold and do this.

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yeah they're much more interested in having pedos reincarnated into a world where they have child bride harems

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Look the animators are just playing to their core audience.

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People like this just aren't seeing the real, here-and-now possibilities. Do I cry myself to sleep each night realizing I'll never have an 8 ft tall mommy wolf gf? Absolutely. But I keep on living, because there's always a chance I'll one day find that tall human foid who'll growl at me while wearing a leash and a buttplug tail - that's where the magic lies. :marseysatisfied:

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we are about to experience medical breakthroughs unlike any other time. if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all be functionally immortal.. and then u can have all the crazy adventures you want! hahaha

Lol we cant even cure cancer but are close to immortality?

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oh my science the scirapture is soon

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if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all be functionally immortal..

Pop Culture/Sci-Fi Transhumanism has become a religion in and on itself, even having an eschatology (science eradicates ignorance and humans colonize the galaxy) and eternal life (science conquers death and makes humans immortal) !christians !catholics !ummah @ILoveChapose

:#marseyserioushatfact: again, I am waiting for the !Futurology or !Cyberpunk ping group!

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We have a !cyberpunk ping group

It's !g*mers

Thoughts on 2077? I couldn't beat phantom :marseyghostshy: liberty :marseyusa: because it bugged on the twins car hacking mission :marseybush:

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I mean Cyberpunk as in the dystopian sci-fi genre and also the real-life philosophy and overall bullshit corporate-techno-feudalism hellscape that we are evolving into :marseysmughips:, perhaps !bookworms and !sophistry are close to it, but I am referring to how technology will keep on advancing and changing the way of how humans treat their own existence, ideologies, and soycieties.

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!bookworms Nick Land, Mark Fisher, Ray Bressier, John Russel, Robin Mackay, Byung-Chul Han, Thomas Moynihan etc..

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ohh that's just called !burgers

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just go to korea :marseysmug2: then you don't have to imagine

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I will travel to South Korea eventually, but to save its birthrate instead.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17240832793084774.webp !coomers !whites

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Neuromancer is a really enjoyable book!

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!technology !technologoy !technolosoy

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They should have just made an open world Deus Ex.

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Boring looter shooter

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You have 300k coins just make the fricking !pings group you cheap bastard

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Sshh I'm trying to score the cash to make it myself, I am very poor

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rationionalists think the ryoko basilisk could be simulating them and might judge their souls and send them to ai heck

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have you watched serial experiments lain ?

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Not yet, but I will one day once I am done fixing my PC :marseyclueless:

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you should, I think you'd enjoy it :marseyagree:

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Send me 7,500 and a name and I'll make it

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Oh its only 7500 coin?, then I might make it myself (but I dont wanna since I am gangstamaxxing :marseygangster:), how do you even create ping groups btw? :marseyconfused2:

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Well I can do the work and make it so you only have to spend 6969

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if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all anyone with over 500 million net worth will be functionally immortal..

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It's becoming increasingly likely that the cure to cancer will lead to functional immortality. However that is not happening this century.

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frick we can't even regrow my receding gum line...

singularity bros, smh

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