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Btw it's Native American Heritage Month now :marseycomfy:

No one has brought it up so I thought I should :marseyhearts: https://media.tenor.com/m7Sky0SmSqMAAAAx/native-sattar-sa-designs.webp https://media.tenor.com/hzry0qXHwhcAAAAx/native-american.webp https://media.tenor.com/JTGuBWIkClMAAAAx/chougne-pamela-chougne.webp https://media.tenor.com/tq7CP2Y_BGQAAAAx/pocahontas-john-smith.webp https://media.tenor.com/7-_JGvdwPNkAAAAx/native-american-native-power.webp https://media.tenor.com/YImMeGriRuQAAAAx/tiger-lily-peter-pan.webp



Btw, it's officially National American Indian Heritage Month whoops lol :marseyantiwork2:

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This would make a sick t shirt or maybe a fleece blanket


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It would :marseyagree:

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Only if it glows in the dark

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my junkie uncle has a tattoo like this :marseyboomer:

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he sounds cool.

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Would be so sad if someone grassed our only known feather BIPOC @Sphereserf3232 during native American heritage month or whatever

So please don't do it !metashit !pings

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our only known feather BIPOC

Hol up what, is Sphereser a confirmed N8V Amerimutt, or is he a generic mayoid with Cherokee Princess Syndrome?

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Is there a specific comment/post where the talks about this lore? :marseygossipsmug: !metashit

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@ULTRANIGMATIC-MEGAVAMPIRE @X how do you guys know he's a Pocahontas?

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every time he serious posts it's about the heya-hoyas and he's way too knowledgeable about them

like he has to be one

plus he refuses to submit his hand picture because he's embarrassed by his red skin

recent sources:




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@BWC here you go neighbor

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Idk lol :cdmshrug:

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Isn't @AltAccountOkapi Indian too?

Jewish lives matter

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I don't know

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No?, you can literally see a pic of me on my profile

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What picture? :marseyconfused:

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Thin badge on my profile,

I have an okayish about of native American blood but I wouldn't consider myself Indian lol

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You could :marseypass: if you really wanted to though :marseylaying:

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dude bussy lmao

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On this month I'd like us to celebrate :marseyravegigaspeed: our greatest :marseydiversity: president :marseyjfk: from the state :marseycoonass: of Tennessee:



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I don't know, Davy Crockett fricking owned him on Twitter

No cap y'all can go to Heck, I'm going to Texas fr."



I have conferred with some of our own numbers that has not acknowledged that the act was not right, that Jackson had not a friend in Congress but was sorry that the act was done, but that they must sustain their party. This is what may be called forsaking principle to follow party. This is what I hope ever to be excused from. I cannot nor will not forsake principle to follow after any party and I do hope there may be a majority in Congress that may be governed by the same motive....

I do consider the question now before Congress is one of deep interest to the American people the question is whether we will surrender up our old long and happy mode of government and take a despot. If Jackson is sustained in this act we say that the will of one man shall be the law of the land. This you know the people will never submit to. I do believe nothing keeps the people quiet at this time only the hope that Congress will give some relief to the Country. We have had memorials from more than three hundred thousand people praying for the restoration of the deposits and a revival of the Charter of the United States Bank. They state that the manufactures have all stopped and dismissed their hands and that there is men, women and children ro[a]ming over the country offering to work for their victuals. You know that such a state of things cannot be kept quiet long. This have never been the case before since previous to the old war [the War of 1812]. The people petitioned in vain...and at length we knew what followed and...my great dread is a Civil War. I do consider the South Carolina question [the Nullification controversy] nothing to compare with the present moment. We see the whole circulatory medium of the Country deranged and destroyed and the whole commercial community oppressed and distressed.... Just to gratify the ambition of one man [Jackson] that he may [w]reck his vengeance on the United States Bank. And for what? Just because it refused to lend its aid in upholding his party. The truth is he is surrounded by a set of imps...that is willing to sacrifice the country to promote their own interest....

I have no doubt of the people getting their eyes open yet in time to defeat the little political Judas, Martin Van Buren.... Never was the money of Rome more compleat on the hands of Caesar than the whole purse of the nation is at the time in the hands of our President Jackson.... He is now in possession of both sword and purse. Caesar said to the secretary of Rome give me the money and the secretary said no person have a right to ask that but the Roman Senate and Caesar said to him that it would be as easy for Caesar to take your life as to will it to another. With that the Secretary knowing that Caesar had all power he stepped aside and Caesar took the money. How was it with Andrew Jackson when he asked Mr. Duane to remove the deposits and he refused & he was then dismissed and a more pliable one appointed and the act is done and I believe they are sorry for it. No man knows where the money of the Country is. Congress has no control over it. This is a new scene in our political history.

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Who said that?

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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He operated a moving service :marseygreytide: for your people



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No he didn't :marseyannoyed:

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:marseyakshually: he was from was from one of the Carolinas :marseysmug2:

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Tennessee was North :marseychristmaself2: Carolina when he was born but became Tennessee during his presidency

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He was born on the coast :marseyshapiro:

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the heritage of being brutally, terminally defeated to the point of being a perpetual underclass? :chudglassesglow:

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No? :marseyconfused:

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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You seem easily convinced.

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Are you in the Native American, or American Indian camp, Sphereserf?

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American Indian sounds nicer and has actual historical use.

Also, Native American used to refer to (Anglo) White Americans who descend from colonists, in fact the Know Nothing Party was officially called the "Native American Party" Know Nothing was just a nickname, until it got reappropriated in the 70's :marseyblm: mostly because people had already forgot about it

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Though more people recognize Native American now than Indian

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Right. We celebrate that at the end of November with corn as a vegetable.

Thanks, pals, for the corn and land.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Native American Day is actually after Thanksgiving though

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oh Google has the whole month set for feather celebration on my calendar. You guys get your own pride month.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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They had every month before 1492, why do they need another one

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Thanks Spearchucker3232

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We have halloween theme but not indian redskins theme. Curious.

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It is :marseyconfused:


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Watching and reading about Bardfinn made me change my life

I've been in a rut for the past few years because of a bereavement. Finished college but didn't get a job for a few years. I found some joy in communities like /r/drama because they reminded me of shit like 4chan and hackforums from back in the day.

But one day I was reading a comment by Bardfinn, clicked on his profile and it really made me want to change my life. I saw the next decades of my life flash before my eyes. Smugposting and bullying people who deserve it, but while not improving myself, gradually falling in to bad habits leading to me spending 18 hours a day in front of a computer before dying of DVT. I saw what Bardfinn did with his life and how he's now stuck in it. He won't get a job or ever pay child support because he's stuck in this life and constantly needs to justify it to himself. He's too invested in it to care about anything else. He unironically bragged about spending 80+ hour weeks 'fighting Nazis'. There is no hope for him.

But there was hope for me, and maybe for you too, reader.

Over the last few months I've been lifting again. Made some neat projects. Contributed to projects that interested me. Learned a lot. Got finances in order. Started hanging out with friends irl again. Sometimes I'd go to Bardfinn's profile and not even read, just see the wordswordswords and feel new motivation to apply for jobs. Got a few interviews and currently have two applications that might be my in.

I'm once again a productive member of society with a life, and it feels good.

Thank you for being so unbelievably and depressingly pathetic that you indirectly motivated me out of a rut through the fear of becoming anything like you, you wife beating, abusive, child support dodging ladygarden.









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i'm native american why isn't anyone celebrating me :hmph:

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you're not drunk enough

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