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I've completely buckbroken Satan


edit: @YALLAHblessYoTraplord you made it into the screenshot :toadhype:

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i can't believe people still are like "im a satanist its so cool", isnt anyone at this point that thinks being a satanist is cool like 40 now :marseyfortykeks:

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it's still a fun way to make christcucks mad, just look at carp he really got worked over a satanist twitter account

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You're not a real Hungarian you will never be a real Hungarian you have never been Hungarian

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Yes, I am. Where you get that I'm not a Hungarian?

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I am Albanian be careful

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And what should I be careful about. :marseyhmm:

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He's got way more bunkers than you

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oh Hoxha's bunkers I heard about that.

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EVERYONE HAS :marseyadmire:

I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyembrace:

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All the satanists in my replies are like 45-70 and it's awful

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god imagine being >14 and :marseycopeseethedilate: about :marseyandjesus:

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Hating Satan is paying dividends

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Dude, let's play Black Sabbath records backwards


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You need to bait Karl Kasarda. Hes a big chuch of Satan :marseybaphomet: lolcow :marseymetokur: that got kicked out of one of them

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No this goes back way before my time. Anton LaVey started his "Church of Satan" in the 1960s. I think virtually everyone considered it a joke back then.

LaVey's image has been described as "Mephistophelian", and may have been inspired by an occult-themed episode of the television show The Wild Wild West titled "The Night of the Druid's Blood" which originally aired on March 25, 1966 and starred Don Rickles as the evil magician and Satanic cult leader

If I was the high priest of the devil I'd be pretty pissed off if they cast Don Rickles to play me.

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i thought what happened was:

>yo jesus sucks what if we make satanism: 1960s

>omg satanism??? 1980-1990s

>haha im a satanist fuk u mom: 1990s->2000s

>satanism is still cool right, right?: 2000s->2024

:marseynoooticer: this is all in one generation and it's all one big :soyjaktantrum: against :marseyandjesus:

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Think it was more like

>What will allow me to frick dumb foids?

>Make an edgy hedonistic religion :chad:

>S*x magick btw

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NOT ENOUGH SEETHE :marseydisagree:


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I'll have to ask my dad about this, but I think it was big in the 1960s-1970s with stuff like Anton LaVey in magazines and Rosemary's Baby in the theater. It was talked about a lot but not taken seriously. Like with Anton LaVey only total weirdos didn't get that it was tongue-in-cheek.

I don't think the Satanic Panic started because of an increase of Satanism. It was conservative Christians feeling under siege, that they didn't have any power in our modern society. The 1980s is when those feelings reach a breaking point. They lashed out and imaginary Satanists happened to be one of their targets.

haha im a satanist fuk u mom: 1990s->2000s


As kids we had some edgelord stuff like Marilyn Manson, but yeah, it was very superficial and basically just fashion.

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I can only base off what I've heard from my dad, but my understanding is that the 60's Satanism stuff was more of a counter-culture/free love type of thing. Y'know, basically a way for ugly dudes to convince chicks banging them was some grand statement against society or something. Which, considering it's popularization came mostly from unattractive rock musicians, kinda makes sense.

The 80's Satanic panic stuff wasn't really related to the CoS or other occult groups of the 60's, though the bulk of the self-proclaimed "Satanists" of the time were also unattractive 13-21 year old guys that listened to metal, smoked pot, and were into fantasy stories, so at least the core "type" of person was probably fairly similar. Though, as you said, most of the "Satanists" that the religious groups freaked out about weren't affiliated or usually even interested in any sort of religious practices, Satanic or otherwise. At most, they might use the trappings to freak out normies, but I never knew anyone who was sincerely into it.

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a way for ugly dudes to convince chicks

Yeah that explains it. Actually that explains a lot of things in our society. :marseyhmm:

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Hey who should :marseynorm: i vote for?

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I didn't vote for either of them. :marseyshrug: Since I'm in a solid blue state it only matters for the popular vote anyway, not the actual election. Hopefully my blank ballot will send a message that some voters are too disgusted to vote for Kamala.

I did vote on all of the state races. Voted mostly for dems with a couple exceptions. At the local level there was one judge who was actually contested. I looked him up and apparently he's a massive butthole who is rude to people in court. That might not seem important but it really is. If you go into that court and the judge starts being a peepee, you're never going to respect him or his rulings.

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Satanists, much like most metal heads are just nerds in cosplay. It's literally what some nerds think is cool.

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Satanists are so cool and edgy that they'll only ever express safe and approved views. You'll never see one throw up a roman.

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oh think ur being edgy? why haven't u called for a holocaust yet :marseyshapiro:

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Oh you think you're edgy? Say "I disavow the talmud"

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WHY WOULF YOU DO THAT? :marseysad:


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seems pretty long. is there a specific part u want me to disavow?

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is there a specific part u want me to disavow?

Only a jew would be so talmudic about not saying it.

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do u even know what's in it

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That's not a disavowal 👀

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u want me to disavow something u haven't even read

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As opposed too acting like an r-slur for attention, which is an extremely cool past-time only enjoyed by youthful individuals.

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no that's also for unique and special people but at least we admit we have :marseyautism:

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I'm mid thirties and it's always been cringe lol. Satanism is a gen x thing

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The only reason @malcomx hate the Satanists is that they will find a Christian group doing a nativity play in a park and basically go, "Not in @malcomx's heckin' parkarino!" Then put up weird demon shit in the park and if it gets banned, sue the government and basically cause all religious events too be banned in that park. Absolute r-slurs.

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It's pretty much what Satanism has been for at least 20 years now. It is just a front from buttmad atheists who want to sue cities and school districts for religious discrimination in order to force them to just remove any and all religious displays.

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*christians, not religious displays

looking at you muslims, the true :gigachad2: religion :marseyinshallah: :marseykneel:

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I DON'T GET IT :marseysad:

I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyletsgo:

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I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyantiwork:

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That's like the only reason I like them. I have no problem with a city decorating for Christmas in the sense of it being a general holiday here, but nativity scenes are explicitly religious and belong on private property.

If the means of enforcing that requires showing -- again and again -- that a "nativity scene" is not, in fact, installed as part of an open door for faith displays by the community, then that's fine with me. Rightoids get caught lying again. !nonchuds

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Tariq Nasheed? On your knees, bucko. Someone shoulda broke you a long, long time ago. I have nary met a buck I can't chuck with this here long and mighty dingus! I tell ye back in aught-4 I met a real mean one. He had big, air stealing nostrils, monstrous, boot lips, muscles that rippled under his cobalt skin so it'd look like a nest'a snakes as he'd be twisting here and yonder. T'was an older gentleman, the owner d'ye ken?, that had hired me to break this particular buck. Was some half-dozen breakers what had tried and failed! I tracked this this big-assed baboon, by fallerin' the sounds of his impressive proud buttocks, clapping as he capered to and fro on yon gentleman's land. There he be, proud as a darn peapeepee, black slave's body framed by yon settin' sun, just begging to be broke. I approached from the east, formerly westerly way. Took him unawares as he were sat alone out front a shack, mending a loincloth or some such. Knocking him to his glistening buttocks produced a thund'rus CLAP, and I mounted from the front. I tell ye boy, but that buck began to FIGHT! This unbroken, proud negro was ornery I tell ye, but I ain't ne'er been denied, d'ya ken it? I had my peepee out in an instant as he scrambled onto his black belly and began ta' wrigglin' this way and that. And bucko did he began to wail! As loud as prairie lightning he were. This buck could tell the breaking was coming, and I tell ye, he did BUCK. This obstinate cur could turn on a dime and give ye some change! I tell ye as the winds were my witness, he were a right sunfish, struggling and flopping as he did, gyrating his unbroken black anus and dodging my breaker man's meat. But he broke, and I finished the job. D'ye ken? That buck broke. Say sorry, boy. But they all break. By the man Jesus and his snowy white pappy, now say hallelujah, boy, you'll break, too!

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nativities are pretty tho, even if ur atheist

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I think they're especially pretty when they're on private land. I'm not even being ironic; they just have their time and place, which isn't on government land.

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I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseybeanadorable:

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No I didn't. The lie is when city officials claim that nativity displays on public land are simply products of a process open to any faith. Satanists submit troll proposals, and then suddenly the "open to all faiths" lie gets revealed to all.

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Just decorate a church. What's the issue?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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MORE DECORATIONS! :marseydance:

I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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basically cause all religious events to be banned in that park

:marseyagreefast: and that's a good thing

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America's founding really loses a lot of its reverence when you learn the founding fathers were basically attendees of a ye olde /r/atheism meetup.

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TBH /r/atheism neighbors weren't wrong, they were just cringe.

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Keep it up, if you defeat Satan then Pope Francis will have to at least beatify you! :marseyunibombersaint:

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!catholics the fish won

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>the fish won

:#speechbubble: !atheists !soyteens

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>be Western Imperium


>be Eastern Imperium

>all I do is win

>flashback to the West

>"I am Caesar" fetish

>be Swampslime half-breed proto-germanoid

>be !catholics (!Christians NO SPOILERS!)

>be Pape

>tell the Slimers that your eyes and tongue got torn out

>Christmas in 800 AD

>slaughter the Saxons until they convert

!atheists this is why millions had to die I guess

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Based and Luce pilled

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The absolute state of catholicism

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Im still being attacked chudsisters.


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Why can't they just own the fact they're satanists and threaten to ritually execute you at the crack of dawn?

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Cause that is heckin violence chud.

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Imagine being the lord of evil and you're strongest soldiers are wasting they're time getting into spelling arguments on Twitter :marsey666:

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Thanks for the correction! :marseythanks:

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carp she loves you

slide into her DMs with a peepee pic to show you're interested

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They started pooping up my replies yesterday.

100 + post argument between christians and satanists replying to me.

I stopped looking, just upcote and move on.

I think the reddit atheists all join the church of satan.

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Butt who will buckbreak you?

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Someone should post it in /r/confidentlyincorrect or whatever the name is

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@DarkDeity prefer Eris anyways.

Kamala will win

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:marseydisgust: Oh, you're the one running that account?

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"Satanists" are all edgy teens who are super pissed their moms dragged them to church instead of being able to goon and play vidya all Sunday.

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