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- Lv999_Slime_God : Wake up babe, it's time to r*pe satan again!
- HailVictory1776 : Solei Deo gloria
- BC : Soli* Deo gloria
- Wuzizname : Satan is literally a grammar nazi
I've completely buckbroken Satan
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No this goes back way before my time. Anton LaVey started his "Church of Satan" in the 1960s. I think virtually everyone considered it a joke back then.
If I was the high priest of the devil I'd be pretty pissed off if they cast Don Rickles to play me.
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i thought what happened was:
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I'll have to ask my dad about this, but I think it was big in the 1960s-1970s with stuff like Anton LaVey in magazines and Rosemary's Baby in the theater. It was talked about a lot but not taken seriously. Like with Anton LaVey only total weirdos didn't get that it was tongue-in-cheek.
I don't think the Satanic Panic started because of an increase of Satanism. It was conservative Christians feeling under siege, that they didn't have any power in our modern society. The 1980s is when those feelings reach a breaking point. They lashed out and imaginary Satanists happened to be one of their targets.
As kids we had some edgelord stuff like Marilyn Manson, but yeah, it was very superficial and basically just fashion.
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I can only base off what I've heard from my dad, but my understanding is that the 60's Satanism stuff was more of a counter-culture/free love type of thing. Y'know, basically a way for ugly dudes to convince chicks banging them was some grand statement against society or something. Which, considering it's popularization came mostly from unattractive rock musicians, kinda makes sense.
The 80's Satanic panic stuff wasn't really related to the CoS or other occult groups of the 60's, though the bulk of the self-proclaimed "Satanists" of the time were also unattractive 13-21 year old guys that listened to metal, smoked pot, and were into fantasy stories, so at least the core "type" of person was probably fairly similar. Though, as you said, most of the "Satanists" that the religious groups freaked out about weren't affiliated or usually even interested in any sort of religious practices, Satanic or otherwise. At most, they might use the trappings to freak out normies, but I never knew anyone who was sincerely into it.
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Yeah that explains it. Actually that explains a lot of things in our society.
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Hey who should
i vote for?
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I didn't vote for either of them.
Since I'm in a solid blue state it only matters for the popular vote anyway, not the actual election. Hopefully my blank ballot will send a message that some voters are too disgusted to vote for Kamala.
I did vote on all of the state races. Voted mostly for dems with a couple exceptions. At the local level there was one judge who was actually contested. I looked him up and apparently he's a massive butthole who is rude to people in court. That might not seem important but it really is. If you go into that court and the judge starts being a peepee, you're never going to respect him or his rulings.
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Who do you like more
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I've started writing up my reviews of all the characters in DS9. Someday I'll finish that and maybe move on to VOY.
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Worf by far. He's a great character. He's weaker in TNG season 7 and much of DS9, but he's still awesome.
Seven-of-Nine is a terrible character. We've already had the cold, logical outsider in Spock and Data. In their 250 hours of Trek they tackled anything remotely interesting about that, often several times. All the borg shit in VOY is terrible. By the end, they've been humanized so much that they're basically just ordinary people who have some cool implants. She brings the trashiness of having a character shamelessly intended to get horny teenage boys to watch without actually looking good. I mean I'm sure she looks great in real life but in VOY she's got bad hair and terrible costumes. They're slutty but don't show any skin at all. Terrible character. I skip most of her episodes.
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