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  • DickButtKiss : he has no true friends to point out what a cringelord he is
  • GOLEM : cope and seethe eurotrash
  • ObamaShalom : Threatening a federal official :chadmusk:

Just kill either me or this man at this point

:marseyeye#lidpulling: :marse#ydespair:

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>tfw you will never be a half-trillionaire neurodivergent shitposting on the most popular social media platform that you bought just to shitpost more

>tfw you will never be a half-trillionaire neurodivergent just chilling with the president who is also shitposting on your social media platform

>tfw you will never be a half-trillionaire neurodivergent launching rockets and livestreaming vidya speedruns

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>all the while banging babes left and right to the point you're cucking johnny depp

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Talulah Riley from Westworld was his hottest pick imo :#marseywould:


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>world's richest man

>best at p2w game


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I think it's the phone version that's p2w, diablo 4 is just "pay for any cosmetics"

also I guess they make you buy a new expansion every 1-2 years but def not whale shit

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Didn't he artificially inseminate all of them? Iirc he's actually a virgin

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He's half a virgin, his peepee is so big it only goes in half way.

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Who? Grimes


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and his 2 other baby mamas


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Pretty African to have 12 kids by 3 baby mommas now that you mention it

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Most remarkable of course the one who died, as opposed to any sort of achievement from the other 11 :marseyangel:

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Bro's just doing creative mode at this point

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:#marseysoypoint: IS THAT LE VIDYA REFERENCE GOOD GENT[LE]SIR!?!?!?!?!

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No :marseyenderman:

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These are the kind of low-brow quips you send to friends, of which he has none.

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It's not "shitposting" when he obviously thinks it's actually funny

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  • GOLEM : The poolack fears the musk

He is actually a real life super villain, but not Iron Man, or Irony Man, but Cringe-Man. Absolutely no one has anything close to his superhuman capacity to be cringe. Unironically impressive.

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You sound vaccinated.

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If so, you should get your ears checked.

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Don't forget your weekly booster tomorrow!


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:#chudseethe: nooooo you cant insult based [LE]lon Moooooosk!!!!!!!

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Jealousy is unbecoming, europoors.

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He is actually a real life super villain, but not Iron Man, or Irony Man, but Cringe-Man.

ladies and gentlemen


:marseytwerking: :!marseytwerking:

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it's some abstract type of cringe kino

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it reminds redditors of their real life tony stark phase, for that alone it is kino

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:ch#admusk: :#marseyrentfree:

elon derangement syndrome (terminal)

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It's like raaaaaiiiiin on your wedding day :marseysing:

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It's like a free riiiiiiide, when you've already paid

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It's like gettin AAAIIIDSS when you're not even gay :shmleep:

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Did he just kill Mega Man :marseymega:?

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What a cute twink

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Its pretty funny that rightoids suck this dude off so much, when he's really no different from the quippy capeshit they claim to hate and laugh at people for soying out about.

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Different breed of rightoids though

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Rightoids need to mock other r-slurred rightoids more often. That's what I do

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Chud not kill chud. Chud together strong.

:!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud: :!marseychud:

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Rogan called him the greatest engineer in history :#marseyeyeroll2: :#marseyjerkofffrown:

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He'll be written into the books like Edison and there's nothing we can do about it

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Idk, I'm pretty sure journ*lists and Wikipedos are going to have an unfortunate instituional monopoly on recording contemporary history in an academically accepted way

If wikipedos declare "Elon Musk is le nazi[1][6][8][99][420]" I think that's how it will be remembered :marseydeadinside:

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Every single wikipedo:marseytrain2: article about !chuds be like:

Poop 2 is a discredited[1][2][3][note1] and debunked[4][5][6][note2] far-right, neo-nazi, white supremacist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, racist, alt-right, and psuedo-scientific conspiracy theory[7][8][9][10][note3][note4][note5] which without peer-reviewed scientific evidence[11][12][13][14][note6], claims that a superior version of human feces called "Poop 2" exists[15][16][17][18][19][original research?], and many of the global elites are trying to hide its existence.[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][excessive citations][note7][note8][note9]

:#soysnootypefasttalking: !wikihaters !soyteens !nooticers @yikes

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BWC is a famous member of the militant Black left [1][2][3] He was born in Uruguay[4] to two Jewish fathers[5] and an afro-indigenous surrogate[5] and considers himself Black[5]

If I really care about the subject, I'll read to talk page to see what slapfights have gone on behind the scenes. Sometimes there's shit added because a "reliable source" i.e. a journoid misconstruing shit

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>BWC is a famous member of the militant Black left [1][2][3] He was born in Uruguay[4] to two Jewish fathers[5] and an afro-indigenous surrogate[5] and considers himself Black[5]

:#marseynodox: !followers !macacos !latinx

This is an old pic of me and my parents when I was a lil' tard! :marseyspeciallove::marseyspeciallove::marseyspeciallove:


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Sho amo a los uruguashos :#marseyflaguruguaylove::#marseyflaguruguaylove::#marseyflaguruguaylove:

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Solamente hay una forma de salvar al Uruguay! Es que triunfe la reforma y el Partido Nacional!

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Poop 2 is an infohazard :marseyscared:

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"Dad, you were alive for the Trump dictatorship, weren't you? What was it like?"

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The fricking reality is fricking that how history is fricking interpreted changes radically depending on who is fricking in power and who is fricking in power will change radically given enough time. It's really irrelevant.

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I honestly don't care because history is for cute twinks but right now, in the present, saying butt-kissing shit like that out loud is some wild humiliation ritual

On the other hand, Elon makes reddit brained BIPOCs seethe so I can forgive him for almost all of his antics.

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People have been less kind to Edison lately. Future historians will hopefully reevaluate Musk too inshallah

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They're going to say he's Hitler, historians are redditors

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Edison invented anal s*x

But seriously Musk hasn't really invented anything personally. He has hired competent people who have invented shit, but if anything he's be remembered more like Carnegie but probably not even that since the age of the benevolent billionaire philanthropist is kinda done.

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I mean he is objectively the greatest entrepreneur of all time.

Engineer, probably not, but that's more subjective.

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When he was Reddit's and heckin SCIENCE guy, I disliked him. Now that he is just shitposting and making the same redditors seethe, I enjoy his cringe. :marseyagree:

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I found him insufferable when redditors soyed out about him, because he's just a sperg.

Now that redditors find him insufferable, I still find him insufferable because he's still just a sperg and redditors changing their mind doesnt change that, and I'm not disagreeing with redditors just for the sake of it like, an NPC :npcoppse:

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So you agree with redditors

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he liberated twitter, I don't care.

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He destroyed Twitter and for that I appreciate him

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Thats even more soy tbqh

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i'm fine. you seethe.

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I'm not a rightoid, but I dislike annoying libs, and I know that the cringe hits different when you know it's pissing off annoying libs.

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"Owning" libs is a pathetic thing to care about though.

For all you pretend to better and le trad and critical free thinkers, you rightoids are just like the libs, and exhibit the same behavior you look down on libs for.

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t. Lib

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>arachnophobe, eh?

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>yes my beliefs completely align with libs but I am NOT a lib in fact you are the real lib for calling me a lib. DAE le both sides bad?


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I hated it when redditroids sucked him off for le based neuralink tesla rockets, I hate it now that rightoids are like "OUR SAVIOR of FREE SPEECH" hecking based Tesla.

I hated when leftoids complained about him being a nazi emerald heir and I hated when rightoids talked about how his cars polluted more than their diesel dually.

I just don't give a frick about him. He's not Hitler or evil and he's not particularly special beyond being rich. He just hit the lotto on luck chance and circumstance.

SpaceX is okay, but it's mostly hyping an LEO delivery mechanism. Chemical rockets are nearly useless for colonizing the solar system for anything past the moon unless you want to spend literal years in fricking transit. We need orbital elevators and/or some kind of fusion or nuclear propulsion beyond nuclear thermal. Preferably something capable of running a brachistochrone trajectory, which can turn 8 months into 3 and a half days.

He reminds me of one of the unsocialized nerds who would talk to me because I was in GT classes with them and assumed I was into gay weeb shit and I would try not to be too visibly irritated that they were talking about anime or vidya or whatever the frick

It's pretty clear he chudded out after falling from shitlib graces and because he figured the republicans would better protect him and his business if he hitched his wagon to them.

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!superheroes misia :marseyscream:

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Last one looks like Cobson

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This should be in the museum of 21st century art. !goyslopenjoyers !kino

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Updated with the fricking complete filmography. All hail Eliotoons

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Be the change you wish to see in the world. :marseydoit:

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Imagine making a deal with satan and he says:

I will make you the richest man in the world, but you will also be the cringest and most insecure man in the world.

Would you take it? I don't know if I would.

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most insecure man

This is a cope from Redditors who constantly make self-deprecating jokes but will mentally break from reading a sternly worded email tell themselves.

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Cringeposting like this hurts Redditard types moreso than any kind of rightoid posting ever will.

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Elon carp-posting on Twitter is my favorite genre

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Okay, I now believe he bought Twitter solely so he could make dad jokes for a captive audience.

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Do you think Trump is internally seething he has Musk constantly tagging along with him?

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Yes Trump is already sick of him

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This is cope.

They are neurodivergent bffs

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This is cope.

They are neurodivergent bffs

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>irony man



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>knowing and/or caring what Elon posts on Twatter


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I miss the time when the cringiest thing he did was that Wario SNL skit

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This guy sucks

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Marsey died of cringe

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Uuhhh, Deal??!!

Why not both?

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Its all fun & games until he starts his villain arc

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Good point

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I think I was like that for some time after discovering reddit back in the cretaceous. I don't understand how somebody has this sort of humor in 2024.

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You either die a shitlord or live long enough to become a cringelord

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I love him so much.

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