Prison Abolition drama as the rats cling to the sunk ship

"I won't answer the most obvious 101 questions about my fringe ideas" is such a perfect summation of US leftists

except it's not

I can't believe college academia is still taking this shit seriously. I'm having to take a 100 level Geography class where an entire week was spent on prison abolition. In a Geography class.

admitting you dont take racialized ans black women seriously on the same account you use to simp for kamala harris is crazy work

it's amazing how all you need to dismiss something is a bullshit four panel caricature with no attribution d

It's not a caricature, it was drawn by this person

it's weird how you assumed I was talking about the art

You called it a 4 panel caricature. It's not a caricature because the artist isn't exaggerating anything. You were talking about the arte when you mentioned "4 panel caricature"

it's always very funny when people tell me what I meant by what I said. if you don't have anything other than intentionally misunderstanding me, be on your way

"can't believe people ever took this seriously" says guy who never actually listened to what people had to say about it in the first place

I was at many, many, many BLM protests

The best one was where instead of prison your family member's murderer takes their place in your family as penance. Your brain has to be mush to think that's a good idea.

still can't believe people take the criminal prosecution system that capitulates to dripping charges against the new god king seriously

i think it's good to lock up murderers

A 2 month old was murdered by police but yeah glad we stopped caring

I'm glad we have prisons to put those murdering cops in

this, quite notably in fact, never happens. which is kinda a central tenet of prison abolition, yet another thing that scares you because you don't understand it. frickin dork

If there is a silver lining to be found in all of this is that the Bernie/Warrenworld left is dead and buried. Nobody will ever take student loan forgiveness or withdrawing from long term wars or progressive stimulus or antitrust seriously again and good riddance.

all of those things are good and will survive

i prefer not to give government handouts to kids earning 3x the median salary just cause they're angry they can't afford a yacht

In 2019, NYTimes did a fawning, unintentionally hilarious profile of a prison abolitionist who responded to such questions - from children - by citing Spain, a country that very much has prisons - the kids walk away unimpressed - she later takes unearned credit for "lifting" them

They put George Floyd in a golden casket while everyone else had to watch their grandma get buried on zoom. Obama was there and everything. Kamala was bailing out random murderers. Genuinely don't know why you were surprised.

Progressives believe all sorts of stupid stuff. Many of them still believe that a man can become a woman.


We should have lighter sentences for all crimes across the board.

This reads very plainly as a right wing satire. Stunning to think it was made in earnest

My favorite part of her book is where she said she was opposed to even putting murderous white supremacists in prison.

it's not a dream, it's a better world. guess you are satisfied with how things are; and with a cushy job and platform why wouldn't you be?.........

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Here's the comic for those who wanna read coal


  • rich white men are the real criminals

  • prisons are bad because male feminists r*pe other inmates (so we should free all the male feminists)

  • I don't need an actual answer because I have the power of friendship

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>"There are bad people who haven't been incarcerated"

>their illustration of this is someone being cleared of their charges, which means they likely didn't do it

Why wouldn't they say "off on technicality" or "the glove didn't fit"? Why would they pick something that completely ruins their point aaaaaaaa

Maybe I'm expecting too much of prison abolitionists

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Plus "Net worth 1.5 million" as if that's some unobtainable, scrooge mcduck level of wealth

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That's "i own a pizzeria and a fishing boat" wealth.

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or a house and a 401k

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Please give me then BIPOC to my venmo :#platyrich:

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Or an admission of guilt

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I don't know what a world without prisons will look like

It will look like a very very armed populace with someone just 'wishin a neighbor would'. I would start buying guns like Dale Gribble if I thought prison abolition had even a snowballs chance in heck

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God that would be so fun. Domestic mercenary is a dream job

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I'd kill so many prison abolitionists lmao

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Yeah, it's not difficult to imagine: it'd be anarchy.

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>Abolishing the state's monopoly on violence

Insane lobertarians 🤝 Turbo-wokeists

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Crime would go down because all crimes would be subject to instant sentencing (death by neighborhood militia)

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Dont forget the same people also usually want to ban guns.

Fine by me, we'll just being back phalanxes against chimp-outs

:#marsey300: :#marsey300: :#marsey300:

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How are they going to ban guns though, what are they going to do to me if I shoot criminals with guns, put me in prison? They abolished those LMAO 😂🤣

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they'll send black women to scold you

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Force you to go to restorative justice discussion groups (aka drive you to suicide) i guess

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It will fundamentally transform our relationship with other people

Yeah, because now you can't be certain that guy isn't a thief, male feminist, murderer or serial killer :marseythumbsup:

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You can't be certain of that right now. Ask any woman, they'll tell you why the bear is the better option.

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So women are trying to make reality fit their headcanon, as per usual? :marseysurejan:

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Ooo look at mr "facts and logic :marseyshapiro:" over here trying to deny that yeah men are pretty awful


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It transforms your possessions into his drugs, and your neghole into his pozz ground

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>It doesn't make sense to answer ['what will you do with the bad people'] because there are bad people who have not been incarcerated

reasoning skills of a toddler. You would think these social justice people would know how to write a legible sentence

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The inevitable result of spending decades in an academic bubble

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Asking what will will we do with dead people makes no sense because there will always be more dead people

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These are posed as questions about safety but are mostly based in fear of the Other.

When you realize that the definition of "the Other" is just "those who are not the Self," saying something is based on "fear of the Other" is a total non-argument.

Anti-fascism is based on "fear of the Other" (with the "Other" in question being fascism). If you are anti-fascist, you are driven by fear of the Other.

This isn't a bad thing, of course. Fear of the unknown is a near-universal human trait for a very good reason.

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>safety from what

I know these spergs would just reply with a :marseylongpost: about how its only capitalism's fault that crime exists and prison abolishment is only the first step and yadda yadda yadda communism (curious that they nevertheless campaign on prison abolishment, not loudly on communism....), but this is such a hilarious glimpse into how actually sheltered these people are.

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they change their tune real quick when you ask them what should happen to people who misgender others or say the n word

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These are people who have anxiety about everything, yet blame other people's anxiety on being a bigot.

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I know none of them know what actual fascism is about, but it's hilarious because Fascism is also based on "fear of the other"


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Net worth $1.5 million

LMAO is that supposed to be a lot?

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>leftoid comic "artist" and political grifter has no real-world experience


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SAYING THAT >i have more friends than u



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