Yeah, all those high paying civilian jobs will go away. That's smart
the fricking comments in the thread
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"he will do blatantly obvious illegal thing". If you work as an advisor to the government that doesn't mean you can conspire to kill off competition and not have Justice Dept nootice
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what's funny
is recently the ecommunist published an article about the VA being too generous
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They can be extremely generous if you get approved for benefits. The wonky part is how they decide who gets approved for all the benefits
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They might as well say 'they both want to cut the budget but one wants to do it in bad faith'.
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When /r/politics posters want the government to cut spending on the military they expect the extra money to go towards gibs that benefit them like college loan forgiveness. This money will be used in bad faith so Redditors disapprove.
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The last decade ought to have repeatedly demonstrated to you that nothing actually happens when the executive branch does "blatantly obvious illegal thing".
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Last decade? More like since existence
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Emphasis on blatant. They used to at least put effort into maintaining a facade. Now they can barely even half-butt pretend they are held accountable for anything.
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true but he won't be part of the executive branch
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Dems know a huge part of their power is permanent unelected bureaucrats who can't be fired. Something like 70-90% of money allocated to a lot of government programs are eaten up by salary of people who's only job is to hold the line.
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More dead Ziggers is good, actually.
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Every dead zigger makes the world a better place
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The war in Ukraine is just to deplete both nations of the most slavs until all that remains is a husk shell anyways
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Is this what the patriots support now? Reducing military budget? US rightoids are so cucked now man can you guys get more pathetic than this
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Modern rightoids (incl myself) are fairly isolationist. I much prefer this to Bush-era jannying in other people's countries
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bombs are dropped cause yall cant behave
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Did ron paul republicans wanting to end the world police shit
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I can't parse this sentence.
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I think . I can figure this one. Didn't Ron Paul republicans, wanted to end the world police shit.
My best guess
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i feel like alot of rightoids began turning against the GWOT in bush's second term bc after Katrina gas prices went skyrocketing and the one stated benefit of fricking around over there was low gas prices(also there was no wmds). This lead to scrutiny which allowed for rhe rise of libertarian/ron paul/"zeitgest"/"america freedom to fascism" sentiments. This also caused fracturing in conservatism which arguably allowed for Obama's success. Then Obama continued all the worst of those forieng policies throighout his administration. Also under the Obama admin the worst implications of the patriot act/Bush's GWOT came to fruition with the wikileaks revelations and Snowden revealing the NSA spying lead to a strong anti-government anti-globalist sentiment among republicans. Which is why Drumpf ran on getting out of wars in 2016
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Historically the American right wing has always been against a standing army. Why is it in US interest to die or even spend money for polacks?
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Chuds cannot have anything beyond a puddle-deep understanding of geopolitics istg
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Surely isolating and alienating yourself will help us become a greatest country on earth, just look at North Korea
Who needs military and alliances amirite
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I don't understand why MAGAcels are so enthusiastic about shutting off allies and burning bridges. They really want to take all the work done with the Marshall Plan, NATO, all the trade deals an investments and throw them into a trash bin out of spite and in exchange of zero gains.
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Agreed. It's imperative that we don't let Trump turn his back on Israel in its hour of need.
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Milkies for Israel.
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Pathetic. I've got so many hot asian chicks aged 65-75 in my binders, it would make your head spin.
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I'd inflate her portfolio with some insider trading
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No offense but you two are seething provincials worried that the core will turn off the protection tap because they're bored of you. Framing it as "concern" about the core's standing when in reality it's your own standing you're worried about is silly. Be born in the centre next time tbh.
That said I am with you guys at how quick the pivot was from IR liberalism to straight up isolationism in the US but that tenent isn't exactly rare in the burger right. Think the people on top have to make the benefits of the "American Empire" more clear to your average burger rather than framing it in vague freedom and democracy terms.
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I'm a global provincial, but my country is not at risk of being invaded and it doesn't even have US protection like Poland lol.
That was my main point, I was referring not just security but rather the whole bulk of networks and tarde relationships the US created with Europe and the rest of the world after WW2 ended. Of course non-Americans are more concerned with their own countries (like any sane person would), that doesn't mean the US and it's industries, banks, and services sectors didn't benefit from said trade relationships (if not straight up foreign meddling in the case of some countries) because they did massively, and I agree is a though point to see to the average burger.
The end of the Cold War sort of made the right-wing retreat as the threat of communism vanished.
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I mean was it a retreat or was it a rout? Now the main "enemy" had disappeared rightoids took heavy beatings around a lot of the Western world during the 90s, especially in the Anglo countries. Some recovering by the middle of the decade some getting JUSTed well into the 00s.
Nevermind while said relationships and "meddling" may be good overall for the US it's not surprising a country which bills itself as the defender of freedom pauches at the more egregious forms of such to the point of overcorrection.
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How far are you guys coming along with indoor plumbing?
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The benefit is all the money, it's not a hard concept.
Preventing wars and keeping trade partners is more profitable than anything else
R-slurs also see whatever big military spend without realizing it all goes back into the economy anyway
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That needs to be made more clear to the average burger then though the latter point sounds like supply-side or "trickle down" economics which has been generally demonised in popular discourse so it may still not go over well then.
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military spending isn't exactly the same as it is often "trickle up", ie giving loads of r-slurs money to blow on cars to crash. Of course CEOs of weapon makers get a good chunk as well, but those companies do actually hire people and manufacture real things at the end of the day compared to hedge funds
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I shouldn't have to worry about my support being cut off when our country is paying our fair share and even a little above
I always valued strong military and think army spending is a necessity. And so I see reducing your military prowess as a foolish move, especially when you're the largest military in the world while the supposed "2nd strongest" has been getting too uppity and increasing their spending exponentially the past few years
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you seem to have a lot of faith in how money is actually spent by the us government for 750 military bases around the world. surely all of it is done in the interests of national security, distrubuted by the smartest people.
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Hey Americans, let's all listen to Poland on how to be a successful country, lmao.
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Lmao. Maybe you should look into getting guns. Or did you let your govt take them?
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They don't need guns, they need nursing homes and Muhammad's strong genetics to avoid the oncoming population collapse.
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Same for Biden and his supporters.
Voters tend to be anti-market.
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Should the US be ruled by a Military Junta and just ignore the votercels?
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Oh no what are we gonna do without our allies?!?! Who are we going to send all these neetbux to, China and India? Oh wait
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"Not sending tax payer money to derelict city states filled with shitlib lazy losers is isolationism!" Lol
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There's a difference between stopping being the world's policeman and becoming North Korea. There's room to pull back a bit. Not that I expect to agree with how far Trump decides to go with it, though.
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"If no send gibs to europoors, world war 3, 4 and 5!"
Very deep.
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What advantage does the extension of eastern Europe in NATO do for the US? Eastern Europe mostly just fuels the German industry, which is a competitor of the US economy.
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And here I always thought rightoids want to be a superpower but it seems they're content being puny b-words lol
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You seem kinda mad, and all im getting from you is "daddy us help me dont leave pls" vibes.
If you're important enough, you dont need to worry.
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Modern rightoids are dull isolationist cucks. Just look at Britain's brexiteers, they went from being proud of the British Empire to being happy with a provincial little England. Peak mediocrity
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That what a foid would say when the guy don't want to spend money on her.
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But what does being a superpower mean, if schools are deteriorating, industry rotting, and society pessimistic?
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actually, Polacks are really good at getting invaded
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Cope, Republicans have been pushing towards isolationism for a while now.
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I'm more confused as to why libs are suddenly huge supporters of the military industrial complex
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I was always a supporter of a strong military
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It costs the US 20-100k to fly a single military jet PER hour. you seem to have an extremely naive or clueless view of how govenment contracts work in the US. For the military especially, it's a textbook example of grift at extraordinarily high levels.
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I mean for Poland I'm sure. You guys just need a strong military for parades or w/e. Americans are used to watching three lifetimes of tax income get spent on a giant toy for some r-slur to drive in circles with in a desert across the world before it's giftwrapped and left for the Taliban.
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And that's bad because?
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Your brain is cooked if you think your average center-right/rightoid loves the US military budget. It's overbloated as heck and subject to no oversight; unlike the rest of us that have to work directly beneath them and are subject to all the scrutiny in the world. The DoD does have a purpose and needs to exist, but simultaneously, frick the DoD. Audit it.
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Elon is in charge of efficiency, he wants to cut bloat not funding that is important
Whether he can decide that correctly I have no idea. He managed to do it at Twitter without too many major issues but the DoD is a totally different beast. Obviously if a social media site crashes it's less detrimental than fricking with the world's greatest military operations
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We now spend more money paying interest on old debt(1.1 trillion) than we spend on any single discretionary items, including defense(900 billion). We spend more than anyone else, but we also are being out produced by the Russians in artillery shell production 10 to 1. They make 300k a month and we make 30k.
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If we're not going to use the military to conquer our enemies or acquire new territory, we should cut costs and treat it as a defensive force. Anything else is just a huge waste of money. The return on investment is shit.
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Frick war.
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Pft military spending, more like protecting limp wristed Europe against le evil Russia.
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Libs love the military and cons hate it now.
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High paying "civilian" jobs like giving union members heart attacks, staging coups and shredding documents of evidence of corruption
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Remember when Dems invited the Bush/Cheney ghouls who said that to leave the Republicans and support Democrats instead...and then holy shit it actually fricking happened?

!chuds and !nonchuds crossover episode! Last year's "war criminals" are this year's "right side of herstory!"
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Defunding the pentagon sounded more sensible back when we weren't potentially facing WW3. Defunding anything related to national security at a point of heightened tension between basically all of our rivals sounds particularly r-slurred to me.
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What WW3 neighbor? The closest we'll get to that is China-Taiwan and that shit will continue to receive funding.
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If Russia goes hot on NATO there is zero chance the US manages to stay out of it.
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Or if its smaller we won't find the need to fight ww3.
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You understimate the grip the US has over the world
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The bloated national security state is the one pulling us into ww3, just like they pulled us into a war in Ukraine.
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Whatever you say, Andrei.
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I'm 100%
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Whatever you say, Cleetus.
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No wonder that frickin r-slur commie Sanders is against a good big defense budget. Musk does it only because he clearly wants to become a contractor and rake in for himself the money
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The budget would have been used to pay contractors, no?
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Correct. It would enrich him further as a contractor to inflate NASA and DoD budgets
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But slashing the Pentagon budget is bad though?
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Learn to code
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I love the Military-industrial Complex so fricking much it's unreal!
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it is punk to enlist
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they love big-pharma ans big phosphate now too
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If Hitler crawled out of the ground and said, "Trump bad" he'd be on the cover of vanity fair and time
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I'm starting to wonder if Trump said "trans rights" how many Redditors would detransition? Maybe they could convert to radical Islam (but I repeat myself) since they love that ideology already.
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More military bidget = more dead ziggers
Gotta pump up those numbers
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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This is because we keep printing money for other countries that is laundered back to companies that only want to hire sexy Indian dudes. If congress would you know actually fund domestic programs that help people directly like when hurricanes happen not other shit, like terrorists we will have to fight right after we fund them. Americans would probably more supportive in like in the past.
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Remember when the redditor used to accuse the republicans of being the just oppose current democrat thing party, and we used to take it seriously?
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LMAO even the pentagon is like "For the love of god stop making us buy all these tanks"
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