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  • collectijism : Jews are running out of white BIPOC slaves uh oh

Gropyers hvae unocvered the msot nfearious Jewsih scehme yet. Tricknig whtie peolpe itno maryring and havnig a famliy

See the rael way to svae the wihte rcae is to hvae gay s*x wtih a Hipsanic twnik, if you do'nt the jwes win.




Need a rnet fere vesrion for cukcs

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I dont understand what wing cucks want anymore

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They don't want anything and never have. They are too stupid to understand their own desires, much like children.

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They want to b-word and moan about whatever whenever and to have a bunch of kids they can groom :pepegroyper:

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They want the white race to go extinct because they hate themselves more than they hate black people. They project this self-hatred out onto everyone else.

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To kill yt

Das it

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I don't understand groypers. I thought they wanted to "further the white race" or whatever (despite following a gay Mexican :marseygiggle:) yet they shit on men with families.

I heard Fuentes shit on some guy who donated to his podcast but said he couldn't catch the podcast because he had to spend time with his family and Nick was just seething over it.

What is wrong with groypers and what exactly do they want in life? Is their shit all sour grapes?

!chuds help me out

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the people claiming to be jew hating groypers are all telling each other its cringe to get married and have kids. all the 1488 women online are pro-ana and want BMIs that would make them infertile not to mention the whole early death thing

as a chud i love that my ideological opposites are hopping in the vasectomymobile, MAIDing themselves, :marseytrain2:ing out. i am sure if i were jewish i would love if all the jew haters removed themselves from the gene pool too. im not even much of a !nooticers when it comes to jews but i always wonder if it isnt (at least partially?) 4d chess based off this cus surely groypers are not endearing anyone to antisemitism lol

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I have one irl friend who's a bit of a Fuentes fan and I'm pretty convinced it's a delusion hole. They become at least somewhat convinced they are actually a major political movement and not just some neurodivergent streamer fanbase. If you tell them they should probably try moderating their views (at least publicly) to appeal to normies and maybe actually change something they call you a jew cuck cute twink RINO. It's just Hasan for rightoids, but with a dysgenic guy who pepper sprays tiny jewish ladies.

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Does the movement have any actual ideology or goals aside from naming everything a jew conspiracy and laundering mexicans into being white

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Does the movement have any actual ideology or goals aside from naming everything a jew conspiracy and laundering mexicans into being white

Far right wingcuck nonsense but for brown people who worship that gay catboy twink

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Haven't found any yet

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Picking up catboy twinks

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I don't understand groypers. I thought they wanted to "further the white race" or whatever (despite following a gay Mexican :marseygiggle:) yet they shit on men with families.

They're just r-slurs looking for a like-minded community of r-slurs to belong in, it's not that hard to understand.

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r-slurs looking for a like-minded community of r-slurs

:marseydra!mautist: :m!arseyspecial:

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Some even switch between leftist and groyper camps. :marseynooticeglow:

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:#marseydrama: where nibba, I have never seen a case of a lef:marseytrain2: who became a groyper.

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Yeah lol, in my experience all the cute-n-valids and detrans folk that go to the right think that Fuentes is an annoying cute twink

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David Horowitz is the classic example for boomers

There's got to be a modern one

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I don't ge It :marseysad:

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They are brown virgins who hate white women for not giving them attention

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Oh, that explains the rabid seething. Why are these pathetic brownoids white supremacists then?

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Tbh I think they're more just anti Jewish than pro-white at this point

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>why is /pol/ mostly south americans, Indians, and SEA-muslims

:marseyshrug: Some questions will never have answers

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They feel like if they were white they'd be getting qual guss. Unfortunately if they were white they'd be ugly whites, and still get no puss :taysmart:

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White supremacy is a low IQ ideology and brownoids have low IQs

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They're the only people who see through the !jidf psyop to make men have s*x with :marseypuke: women :marseypuke: instead of twinks like god intended, with the ultimate goal of making a larger mayo slave race. The (((Jews))) want you to reproduce so they can have more slaves, DO NOT FALL FOR IT FELLOW GOYIM just frick based catboys instead and post shitty 4chan knockoff memes to fricking own ZOG

The best way to beat the Jews is by being a gay NEET because it means you aren't making the Jews any money

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What is wrong with groypers and what exactly do they want in life? Is their shit all sour grapes?

It's a cult

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Some misinterpreted Nietzsche :marseynietzsche: about how you are supposed to fellatiate everyone "elite", except when they are jews.

They're closer to Nietzsche's sister than to Nietzsche. Man wrote he wanted to kill all antisemites after he went schizo.

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Groypers are allergic to victory. They are born losers so they cope by loathing success and anyone who succeeds.

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Queer theory could have !saved them

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What is wrong with groypers and what exactly do they want in life? Is their shit all sour grapes?

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I'm convinced Nick says increasing r-slurred and contradictory things just to test his idiot followers. He doesn't really care about policies or anything. He just wants devout followers who repeat anything he says.

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well first and foremost they are almost always thirdies, they flock to the movement because they are just sad

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I mean I kind of understand. They simply hate women more than they care about the white race. It's kind of based, and I'm glad they exist because they are a source of non-stop entertainment. There is literally nothing that won't upset them. :marseytroll:

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They're a joint psyop operation of the feds and the mossad. Only the dumbest teenagers and south Americans get ensnared by this ridiculous nonsense.

The bait is too obvious.

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@AdventUsDomini think theyre just mad that jennifer in 9th grade chose chad over them, and that now they'll never have a chance at (legally/consensually) fricking virgin teenage kitty.

Theyre so mad ghey stayed virgins throughout highschool and college that they cant get over it and get with a non-virgin woman. And of course a foid who's still a virgin in her late 20s too them is also obviously dmaged in some other way.

So yeah theyre just mad at the world for being virgins.

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Hmmm maybe I'm a groyper :marseythinkorino:

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I don't understand groypers.

You cannot comprehend things that are incomprehensible.

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they want to support family but also want to view women as unredeemable enemies if you think this is a contradiction then you are Jewish.

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There is not much to it. They are angry kids larping

The West is truely fricked if this is the best that dissident right can come up with

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wifejak is a lesbian reddit meme invented by Peter Thiel

It's basically my mom tho.


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It's relatable if you have loved ones, I feel bad for people who hate wifejak bc it's clear their resentment comes from loneliness.

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Observing someone's reaction to Wifejak is honestly a great litmus test to determine who is an actual honest to god misogynist and who is just pretending to be one.

Women haters just can't stop themselves from seething at the cartoon.

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:ma#rseyxesright: :marseysourgr#apes:

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What's her digits?

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They all say that, but then in fact you'll find that hot Black dudes are thin on the ground at top American universities.

This is why the Supreme Court (until recently) endorsed affirmative action to help colleges fulfil their educational mission by providing students with access to a broader range of BBC than they might otherwise encounter in our segregated society.

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>most women are fat

Amerilard moment.

>college = sleeping with blacks

Amerimutt moment.

:marseyelliotrodger: :marseyburger: :marseybloodpuddle:

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Soy wojak posters turning themselves into pretzels pretending to have standards and that they're above specific slopmemes is the most surreal shit I've ever seen. The entire joke of this subculture is that these dogshit memes are inflicted on others. It's like spamming gore or fetish shit but for angsty conservatives.

You are not better than wifejak posters. You are the same.

That said, kill all soyteens. !commenters

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You are not better than wifejak posters. You are the same.

Wrong, Groypers are worse

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kill ALL soyteens

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I still don't get it though :marseysad:

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I was making 'jaks on /qa/ before was even created. I fricking hate the twitter strags who try to claim soi culture, this also goes for soyteens who joined after Kuz took over.

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>Soy wojak posters turning themselves into pretzels pretending to have standards and that they're above specific slopmemes is the most surreal shit I've ever seen.

Soy woah jack posters have standards and are above slop memes EVEN THOUGH the only thing current 'teens care about is moral purity and shock value

>The entire joke of this subculture is that these dogshit memes are inflicted on others.

Correct, we're the only ones who embraced skibidiposting after all.

>You are not better than wifejak posters. You are the same.

So basically we're pro-newGOD. There's a problem?

>Kill all soyteens

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That's not nice to say :marseyannoyed:

Please reflect on your actions and do better Grue :!marseyindignant:

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Guys for the first time in years i thi k right wing r-slurs are annoying me more than the left wing ones

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It's cause the right is becoming soy. Muh heckin jooooooooos!!!!

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wjhoa are the right wingers here? are they the wifejak lovers or

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All of this is gay right wing infighting: it's the "no girls allowed in my treehouse" edgy fascism coded homosexuality 14-25 rightoids vs the return to tradition have white families 25-45 rightoids.

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buckle up buckaroo

trans lives matter

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:marseywifejak: :marseygroyper!genocide:

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Twink Fuentes has declared "victory" in the wifejak wars.

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lmao hes bragging about ratioing someone on social media. so feminine, has he officially started his transition yet

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Honestly tho what sane man would want to get married? Get a chick pregnant and dip, negromaxxing.

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That gender :marseypassftm: reveal vid will never :marseyitsover: stop making me laugh :marseydicklet: with how red Dad is.

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Wifejak is funny because rightoids are now larping marriage online despite all of them being incel cute twink libertarians :#marseyxd:

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basically a wojak doll house

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There's a significant amount of chudoids who are genuinely unhappy and never want to be happy…

Horseshoe theory remains unstoppable

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I'm so glad the Internet isn't real life

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Why do groypers hate BAP now I thought he was the one riding the wave of that movement

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Nick Fuentes just has problems with everyone because he needs to be at the center of everything and can't stand disagreement. Also BAP is Jewish.

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he needs to be at the center of everything and can't stand disagreement.

Yeah, we already know he's gay.

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Fuentes may be a homo cute twink but he is right that simping over waifu wojaks is beyond pathetic

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those are gay men

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No email address required. feels like everyone in this exchange is r-slurred.

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Why is this shit still pinned?

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I also hate the wifejak but I just hate women.

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