:marseyreading: Japanese discuss the Australian question :marseyreading2:







Like hos coping with religion





Down with the gaijin


:marseyimpossibru: :marseyflagaustralia!:




The yakuboid menace knows no limits



So true




Overwhelming nuclear first strike is the only option


Mag bar yakuboids




Kill your nearest occupier, rise up against the oppression


Millions of English teachers must die




Wignat bros, why are the honorary aryans turning on you like this? :marseyconcerned:

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!strayans u know what? maybe the nips deserved those nukes after all

never ask

a woman her age,

a man how much he makes,

or a nip what happened in nanking


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WW2 the first thing they do is execute or eat prisoners, they are and always will be subhuman nippons

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Maybe soldiers are just exceptionally tasty

:marseylickinglips: :marseymayo:

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>execute or eat prisoners

i must appreciate the logistical brilliance of this sehr efficient

an army marches on its stomach


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>nips deserved those nukes

Always were ladygardens, always will be

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we must get revenge for the burma train tracks

we'll never forget their warcrimes


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The problem the Japanese have is that they think Abbos are just Black people and not sub-humans.

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They are just black people


Being a criminal is a core Australian trait you can't blame them for assimilating into mainstream culture


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Literally everywhere is a "hunting ground" for nomadic peoples lmao.

Abbos do the whole "noble savage" thing to themselves but less convincingly than other natives.


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I must be a nomadic people then because everywhere is a "hunting ground" for hot b-words who I am going :marseysal3: to go on dates with and kiss and stuff. :#marseyokay:

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That's because most of them at 1/64 abo and 63/64 white. Real indigenous people know how to grift because of their connection to the land.

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Literally everywhere is a "hunting ground" for nomadic peoples lmao.

!r-slurs !historychads this fricking r-slur doesn't know what a herd is

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How much animal husbandry did abbos even practice? Weren't most of them still hunter/gatherers when first contact was made?

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Not cultivated herds, wild herds. Nomads follow herds, and those are migratory not literally everywhere

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Meaning anywhere herds of game go becomes their new hunting ground. You just made my point.


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They don't go everywhere! :marseyraging: They have a migration pattern! :marseymad:

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250 thousand years

Invented a rock

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Well where did you think all of the rocks in the world came from? :marseysmughips: They don't grow on trees smartass.

The white man wouldn't even have fire or spears today without the Aborigine's innovation.

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they also killed all the megafauna

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That's all the races apart from Indians and Africans though.



Interesting article on the topic

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Half of those are just oddly shaped rocks lol

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That's the joke. :#marseyeyeroll:

I'm not sure there's great :marseynice: standards in other parts of the world :marseyslugcat: either. This never :marseyitsover: was a real science.

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I think people don't wanna acknowledge that if you're brutal enough - and the Aussies certainly were - it really only takes like 2-3 generations to effectively kill a culture. Sure they'll still look Aboriginal, and to an extent act it, but after 40-50 years of Aussie cultural dominance the grandkids just aren't gonna have the same rock-finding skills or whatever other native totally-not-magic that grandpa did.

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they're just like the first fleet's convicts :marseywholesome:

actually might use this on reddit


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We need to recognize who had the first :marseywinner: cell block :marseyerasure: on this land. :#marseykneel:

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Aboriginals are indian

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True which makes Australia rightful Indian territory.

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Found :marseymimic: the Jap-lover who believes the dwarf :marseymanlet: pirates :marseyyinzer: are humans are real people. Probably helped the assassins kill Queen :marseychudnny: Min in 1895. (No, I'm not over it yet.)


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In 1919, Japan participated in the Peace Conference of the League of Nations and became the first civilized nation to call for the abolition of slavery and racial discrimination.


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Japa when they find out what the British navy was doing in West Africa at the time


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>Happa commander

Always funny to see half-breeds overcompensating by being [insert Asian country] Ultranationalists.

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Josh Luna has to be the most hilarious.


Real nationalist :marseyfloch: Filipinos are way more pro-USA than I am. This guy's racial cuck issues are something :marseysmugface: that happens in America, not in the Philippines, so he's the real the American :marseychinchilla: colonizer here.

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We need a BWC rentfree emoji.

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I was gonna :marseyvenn6: add some more nuance to this but then I realized the audience wasn't the fricking :marseytom: Globe :marseyoctopus3: Theater :marseyshakespeare: patrons of the gold age.

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I just meant his cartoon. it really happened to him, just like that!

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Yes Japan :marseycodegeass: us white :marseyhornybonk: people are as evil as you say, now pipe down or you get a third :marseyswastika: bomb

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Japanese are worse than Abos

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censor porn

huff oil r*pe women kill dogs

They are the same picture.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Japanese people are all incel libertarians who r*pe chinese people because they have tiny peepeees

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Movie title: R*pey incels from outer China ( Japan )

jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Weird to see Jap chuds getting together and not bitching into their saki about the Chinese

Edit: oh wait- these aren't real Japs? Now I see.

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Why won't they be real japs? :marseyconfused:

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Asian Americans are not real Asians. :marseyindignant: They're a mix of the worst traits of chinx and amerimutts.

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Citizenship was granted in 1967.

where is the community note to stop this harmful misinformation?

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Exactly, they were just moved off the endangered species list in 1967

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Based, wh*te people really are the worst.

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The japanese did such a good job getting rid of them that they don't even remember doing it.

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Even ignoring WW2 crimes, Japan is not in a place to point fingers considering the forced assimilation of the Ainu.

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Like the Japanese have room to discuss the human rights records of any other group. They are at the very bottom lol

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>Calls for the abolition of slavery, colonialism, and racial discrimination


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Australians were right about abos, but they're not much better. Hopefully someone else will come through and remove the Australian problem.

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The Japanese conveniently forgetting their people r*ped and murdered across Asia during WW2.

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This is how qbbos deserve to be treated. The only mistake was breeding them.

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Aren't Japanese people descendant from ancient Koreans who came over and wiped out the locals?

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