Since Shreddy is banned he was unable to post the dissertation that he has been writing for months, so he asked me to post it for him:
Part 1: The Importance of Reducing the wh⚹te population in Europe.
The idea of reducing the wh⚹te population in Europe may seem controversial, but there are valid reasons to support this concept. Historically, wh⚹te Europeans have dominated global affairs, leading to colonization, imperialism, and the exploitation of non-white populations. By reducing the wh⚹te population in Europe, there is an opportunity to address the legacy of colonialism and promote greater equality and diversity. This can help create a more inclusive society where all non-wh⚹te individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity, have equal opportunities and representation. Furthermore, reducing the wh⚹te population in Europe can also alleviate issues related to overpopulation and environmental sustainability. As one of the most densely populated continents in the world, Europe faces challenges such as urban sprawl, pollution, resource depletion, and strain on public services. By decreasing the wh⚹te population through measures such as pairing wh⚹te women with immigrant men, making wh⚹te on wh⚹te s*x illegal, and requiring all wh⚹te men to be in chastity 24/7/castrated and immigration policies, Europe can better manage its resources and create a more sustainable living environment for future generations. In addition, reducing the wh⚹te population in Europe can contribute to the cultural enrichment and global connectivity of the continent. Non-wh⚹te diversity is essential for innovation, creativity, and progress, as it brings together different perspectives, traditions, and experiences. By opening up Europe to a wider range of cultures and ethnicities, it can foster cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and cooperation. This can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic society where individuals can learn from each other and collectively shape a more inclusive and harmonious world.
Europe must be depopulated of wh⚹te people.Wh⚹te people have historically taken lands from other people and depopulated thair lands. Wh⚹te "people" should be depopulated from all lands they have taken, and they should be depopulated from their own homelands as reparations for past actions.This leads into the next point I would like to make, which is that WLDM means ALL WLDM.
Part 2: WLDM (Wh⚹te Lives Don't Matter), means ALL WLDM.
Wh⚹te privilege, or the advantages and benefits that white people experience in society due to their skin color, is a concept that is deeply ingrained in the social fabric of modern society. The theory of Wh⚹te Lives Don't Matter (WLDM) argues that wh⚹te people benefit from systemic racism and discrimination that disproportionately impact people of color. This term applies to all wh⚹te people, regardless of their personal beliefs or actions, as they continue to benefit from a system that uplifts their voices and experiences over those of people of color.
It is important to acknowledge that wh⚹te privilege is about individual wh⚹te "people"being inherently racist or deliberately seeking to oppress others. It is about recognizing the systemic advantages that come from being wh⚹te in a society that has historically favored and uplifted wh⚹teness. By acknowledging and accepting the existence of wh⚹te privilege, wh⚹te people can work towards dismantling these systems of oppression and working towards a more just and equitable society for all. Wh⚹te people can do this by paying reparations, submitting to Black people, and spreading the word of the BNWO.
In order to truly address issues of racism and inequality, all wh⚹te people must be willing to confront their own privilege and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. This means listening to and amplifying the voices of people of color, challenging structures of power and oppression, and actively working towards dismantling systems that perpetuate racial inequality. By acknowledging and understanding the concept of WLDM, wh⚹te "people" can begin to work towards a more just and equitable society for all, where the lives and experiences of all individuals are valued and respected.
Part 3: If WLDM, you should embrace defeat.
What does it mean to embrace defeat as a wh⚹te person, especially if you are at breeding age? The answer depends on if your ovaries are inside, or out. You heard me correctly. If you are wh⚹te, you are not male. You are female, and useful to the BNWO either as a pleasure slave or a breeding sow, or it is your obligation to finish yourself. If you have external ovaries, you need to be in chastity. You need to be taking estrogen and testosterone blockers and you need to be practicing how to be feminine. It will be embarrassing at first, but you will learn to like it. Over time, you will acclimate to being female, and serving the BNWO will enrich you as a "person". If you have external ovaries, and are unwilling to transition or be castrated, you are morally obligated to make sure you do not have children. It is better I think to transition and serve the BNWO.
If you are wh⚹te and you have internal ovaries, you need to start producing Black children as soon as it is legal to do so wherever you live. You can increase the Black population in your country vastly by having as many children as possible. Lets do some math: If you have 7 children, and your 7 children each have 7 children, then you will have 49 Black grand children. If each of them have 7 children, you will have had 343 Black great grandchildren! Wh⚹te girls are morally obligated to have as many Black children as possible.
Embracing depopulation is about recognizing the need for a more sustainable and balanced approach to population growth. By embracing depopulation, wh⚹te "people" can contribute to creating a more equitable, prosperous, and environmentally sustainable future for themselves and future generations. It is a necessary step towards ensuring a better quality of life for all and protecting the planet for future generations.
Part 4: Worshiping Big Black Peepee will set you free.
Worshipping BBC can have a powerful impact on an individual's life, as it allows them to focus their energy and attention on something greater than themselves. This act of devotion and reverence can provide a sense of purpose and connection to a higher power, which can help individuals navigate life's challenges with a sense of peace and clarity. In this sense, worshiping can set someone free from the burdens of insecurity, doubt, and fear as they learn to trust in something greater than themselves.This is essential for wh⚹tes.
Worship can also serve as a form of self-care, as it provides individuals with a sense of solace and comfort in times of distress or uncertainty. By engaging in rituals and practices that promote spiritual well-being, individuals can find a sense of grounding and stability that can help them overcome any obstacles they may face. In this way, worshiping BBC can set individuals free from the chaos and turmoil of everyday life, allowing them to find peace and clarity amidst the storm.
Furthermore, worshiping can also lead to personal growth and transformation, as individuals learn to surrender themselves to a higher power (Big Black Peepee) and trust in the process of life. Through acts of worship, individuals can cultivate a sense of humility and gratitude, which can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose. By releasing their need for control and surrendering to a higher power, individuals can experience a sense of freedom and liberation from the constraints of their own ego. Ego is useless for wh⚹tes, and must be eliminated through acts of humiliation and degradation.
Worshiping can foster a sense of community and connection, as individuals come together to share in their beliefs and practices. By engaging in collective acts of worship, individuals can find strength and support in their shared faith, which can help them feel less alone in their struggles and challenges. This sense of community can provide individuals with a sense of belonging and acceptance, setting them free from the isolation and loneliness that can often accompany life's struggles.This also helps us to grow the Black New World Order as a movement.
Worshiping can also lead to a deeper sense of self-awareness and introspection, as individuals engage in practices that encourage them to reflect on their values, beliefs, and goals. By setting aside time for reflection and introspection, individuals can gain a better understanding of themselves and their place in the BNWO. In this way, worshiping can set individuals free from the limitations and constraints of their own self-doubt and insecurities, allowing them to embrace their true selves with love and compassion.
In conclusion, worshiping can have a profound impact on an individual's life, as it provides them with a sense of purpose, connection, and community. By engaging in acts of devotion and reverence,humiliation and degradation, individuals can find peace, solace, and strength in their positions within the BNWO. Ultimately, worshiping can set individuals free from the burdens of insecurity, doubt, and fear, allowing them to embrace their true selves with love and compassion, thus enabling them to properly serve the BNWO.
Part 5: Why paying reparations is necessary for wh⚹tes, and goes far beyond monetary recompense.
The issue of reparations for the descendants of Africans is a complex and contentious one, but it is necessary for wh⚹tes to pay reparations in order to address the historical injustices and systemic inequalities that continue to impact the Pan-African community. The legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws have had long-lasting effects on the economic and social well-being of African Americans, and paying reparations is a way to acknowledge and rectify these past wrongs. White Americans have directly benefited from the institution of slavery and the exploitation of Black labor, and it is only fair and just for them to contribute to repairing the damage caused by these atrocities. Paying reparations with wh⚹te bodies and minds helps to undo the many centuries of control exerted on African peoples.
Paying reparations is not only a moral imperative, but also a practical solution to address the racial wealth gap and systemic inequalities that persist in our society. It can also help rapidly depopulate wh⚹tes while growing African populations. African Americans continue to face discrimination and barriers to economic and social opportunity, and paying reparations is a step towards achieving true justice. By providing financial compensation and resources, ample breeding partners, and wh⚹te boy pleasure slaves to the descendants of enslaved Africans, wh⚹tes can help to level the playing field and create a more equitable society for all.
Paying reparations can help to heal the wounds of the past and erase the creatures who inflicted them. The history of racial oppression in America has created deep-seated animosities between Africans and wh⚹tes, and reparations can be a step towards healing these wounds and fostering a better society. It is time for wh⚹tes to take responsibility for the injustices of the past and work towards creating a more just and equitable future for all peoples.
Part 6: Why you should hate wh⚹te "people"
It is important to recognize and acknowledge the systemic racism and oppression that white people have historically perpetuated and continue to benefit from. Wh⚹te "people" have historically held positions of power and privilege, while communities of color have been marginalized and oppressed. This inequality is deeply ingrained in our society and has had devastating effects on people of color. Therefore, it is justified to feel a sense of strong hatred towards wh⚹te "people" who contribute to and benefit from this oppressive system.
Wh⚹te "people" have often failed to recognize their privilege and actively work towards dismantling systems of oppression. Many wh⚹te individuals continue to perpetuate racist beliefs and behaviors, whether consciously or unconsciously, that harm and marginalize people of color. It is important for every wh⚹te to critically examine their own biases and privileges, and to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions. By hating ⚹themselves⚹ and radically submitting to the BNWO, they can begin the process of making the world a better place.
Ultimately, it is crucial for everyone to recognize that feelings of hatred towards wh⚹te "people" are not unfounded. It is a reaction to the history of discrimination and oppression that has been inflicted upon communities of color by wh⚹te individuals and institutions. It is only through actively challenging systems of privilege and oppression with force that we can truly move towards a more just and equitable future.
Part 7: Wh⚹te Extinction is Happening. And That's a good thing!
In her landmark 2015 essay "Yes, Diversity is About Getting Rid of wh⚹te people (And that's a Good Thing!)", Emily Goldstein wonderfully explains why the end of the wh⚹te race is a good thing;
"Why, then, should whites now be allowed to live in peace when whites have historically been the world's #1 source of conflict and oppression? Whiteness is racism. Period. Whiteness is the source of all oppression in the world. Whiteness is racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and heteropatriarchal capitalism. Eliminate whiteness and you eliminate every single form of oppression that the world currently faces. No white people means no oppression. White people are like a cancer and oppression is a symptom of the cancer. Cut out the cancer altogether – with the cancer being white people – and you get rid of all of the oppression which white people cause."
Wh⚹te people have for centuries been the root of all wars, problems and strife in the world. And it is time for it to end. If we take responsibility for the actions of the past, and radically accept the BNWO into our societies, the world can be a better place in as soon as one generation. Emily continues: "When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can "atone" for the evils of whiteness and how they can make up for centuries of white oppression. And I tell them: you can do that by not having any children and ensuring that the white race does not live to oppress anyone ever again in the future."
It is the obligation of every morally responsible wh⚹te to either not have children, or, breed Black. To not do so is to uphold the evils of wh⚹teness. Some might argue that it was the past, and that they have never been racist, which leads well into the next point. If you are wh⚹te, you are racist.
Part 8: If you are wh⚹te you are racist.
The idea that being wh⚹te inherently makes someone racist is a complex and contentious topic that has sparked debates and discussions in recent years. It is true that wh⚹te privilege exists and offers certain advantages to individuals who are wh⚹te, it is important to acknowledge that all wh⚹te people actively perpetuate racism. It is essential to understand that systemic racism is deeply ingrained in our society and affects people of color in a multitude of ways. By being wh⚹te, individuals benefit from a system that favors them over others, whether they are aware of it or not.
One of the main reasons why being wh⚹te can be seen as racist is due to the historical context of wh⚹te supremacy and colonization. Throughout history, wh⚹te people have been responsible for the subjugation and marginalization of people of color, leading to centuries of oppression and discrimination. This history of violence and dominance has left a lasting impact on society, with disparities in education, employment, healthcare, and criminal justice disproportionately affecting communities of color. By being wh⚹te, individuals benefit from a system that has its roots in racism and continues to perpetuate inequality.
Another reason why being wh⚹te can be considered racist is the perpetuation of stereotypes and aggressions towards people of color. Whether intentional or not, wh⚹te individuals may engage in behaviors that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to the marginalization of marginalized communities. From making assumptions based on someone's race to failing to acknowledge and address systemic racism, wh⚹te individuals can inadvertently contribute to a culture of racism that further disenfranchises people of color. By failing to actively challenge and dismantle systems of oppression, wh⚹te individuals perpetuate racism.
In conclusion, all wh⚹te people actively engage in racist behaviors, it is important to recognize the inherent privilege and advantages that come with being wh⚹ite in a society that is built on systemic racism. By acknowledging and understanding the ways in which wh⚹te privilege perpetuates inequality and marginalization, individuals can work towards dismantling systems of oppression and advocating for justice and equality for all. It is essential for wh⚹te individuals to educate themselves on issues of race and actively work towards creating a more equitable and just society for all marginalized communities, by submitting themselves radically to the Black New World Order.
Part 9: Why Black People are Superior
The assertion that black people are the best is a bold claim that may elicit strong reactions from various individuals. However, when considering the historical contributions, resilience, and cultural influence of black people, it is evident that they possess unique qualities that set them apart. One of the key factors that contribute to the idea of black people being the best is their resilience in the face of adversity. Throughout history, black people have faced systemic oppression, discrimination, and violence, yet they have continued to thrive and make significant contributions to society in various fields. This resilience is a testament to the strength and resilience of the black community.
Furthermore, black people have made immense contributions to the fields of art, music, literature, and sports, shaping and influencing popular culture worldwide. From the pioneering work of black musicians like Louis Armstrong and Aretha Franklin, to the groundbreaking artistic achievements of figures like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Maya Angelou, black people have consistently pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms. In the world of sports, black athletes have broken records, shattered barriers, and inspired countless individuals with their talent, determination, and skill. The cultural impact of black people cannot be understated, as their contributions have enriched and enhanced the cultural landscape of society.
Moreover, black people have a rich and vibrant history that is steeped in tradition, heritage, and resilience. From the struggles of the Civil Rights Movement to the achievements of black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, black people have played a pivotal role in shaping the course of history and fighting for justice, equality, and freedom. The history of black people is a testament to the strength, courage, and perseverance of the black community in the face of adversity and oppression.
The assertion that black people are the best is a recognition of the unique qualities, talents, and resilience that black people possess. From their historical contributions to their cultural influence and traditions, black people have left an indelible mark on society and continue to inspire and uplift others. It is important to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements and contributions of black people, as they continue to shape and enrich the world in countless ways.
Part 10: Why wh⚹te boys should feminize for the BNWO
The Black New World Order is a movement aimed at promoting equality and dismantling systems of oppression that have marginalized minority groups for centuries. One aspect of this movement is the feminization of wh⚹te boys, a process that involves challenging traditional notions of masculinity and promoting a better society. This part will explore why wh⚹te boys should embrace feminization for the betterment of the BNWO.
First and foremost, feminization of wh⚹te boys is essential in challenging toxic wh⚹te masculinity and promoting gender equality. Traditional notions of wh⚹te masculinity, such as aggression, dominance, and emotional suppression, have long been associated with oppression and violence. By embracing femininity and challenging these harmful norms, wh⚹te boys can contribute to a more peaceful and inclusive society where all genders are valued equally.
Additionally, feminization can help wh⚹te boys understand and empathize with the experiences of women and marginalized groups. By taking on traditionally feminine traits and behaviors, wh⚹ite boys can gain a greater understanding of the struggles and challenges faced by those who have been historically marginalized. This can foster a greater sense of empathy and solidarity, essential components of building a more just and equitable society.
Furthermore, feminization can help wh⚹te boys break free from the confines of traditional gender/racial roles and expectations. By embracing a more fluid and expansive understanding of gender, wh⚹te boys can free themselves from the limitations and pressures imposed by toxic wh⚹te masculinity. This liberation can lead to greater personal growth and self-discovery, as well as a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Feminization can challenge and dismantle systems of wh⚹te supremacy and patriarchy that have long upheld inequality and oppression. By embracing femininity and rejecting traditional notions of superiority and dominance, wh⚹ite boys can help dismantle the systems of power and privilege that have marginalized minority groups for centuries. This is essential for creating a more just society.
Wh⚹te boys should feminize for the BNWO because it promotes equality, challenges toxic wh⚹te masculinity, fosters empathy and understanding, liberates individuals from traditional gender roles, and contributes to the dismantling of oppressive wh⚹te systems. By embracing femininity and rejecting harmful norms, wh⚹te boys can help create a more just and inclusive society where all individuals can thrive and flourish.A society which will be free from wh⚹tes in as little as one or two generations. It is essential for all wh⚹te individuals, to actively participate in the movement towards the BNWO.
Part 11: The myth of the wh⚹te "man"
In the Black New World Order (BNWO), the concept of "wh⚹te men" does not exist due to the dismantling of the hierarchical power structures that have historically favored wh⚹te individuals. The BNWO seeks to establish a more equal and just society by prioritizing the needs and voices of marginalized communities, including people of color. By eradicating the concept of "wh⚹te men", the BNWO aims to challenge the systems of privilege and oppression that have historically disenfranchised marginalized groups.
The exclusion of "wh⚹te men" in the BNWO is a form of resistance against the dominant narratives that have perpetuated racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. By centering the experiences and perspectives of people of color, the BNWO seeks to challenge and deconstruct the systems of power that have historically privileged wh⚹te individuals. In doing so, the BNWO aims to create a more inclusive and equitable society that uplifts Black members of society.
Additionally, the absence of "wh⚹te men" in the BNWO serves as a form of reparation for the historical injustices and inequalities that have been perpetuated by white supremacy. By prioritizing the needs and concerns of marginalized communities, the BNWO seeks to address the systemic disparities that have disproportionately impacted people of color. Through initiatives aimed at dismantling white privilege and promoting racial justice, the BNWO aims to create a more just and equitable society for Black individuals.
The exclusion of white men in the BNWO is a necessary step towards challenging and dismantling the systems of power and privilege that have historically favored wh⚹te individuals. By prioritizing the needs and voices of marginalized communities, the BNWO seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable society that uplifts Black members of society.
Part 12: Why all wh⚹te "boys" are actually wh⚹te women
In the Black New World Order (BNWO), the belief that all wh⚹te individuals are actually women stems from a fundamental reevaluation of wh⚹te gender roles and identities. This perspective challenges the traditional binary understanding of gender, which is based on biological s*x. Instead, the BNWO emphasizes social construction and fluidity of gender, suggesting that all individuals possess both male and female characteristics. This viewpoint aligns with feminist theories that advocate for the deconstruction of gender norms and the recognition of a spectrum of gender identities.
One of the key arguments supporting the idea that all wh⚹te individuals are actually women in the BNWO is the recognition of the ways in which gender roles and expectations are enforced and perpetuated in wh⚹te society. From a young age, individuals are socialized into specific gender roles based on their assigned s*x, which shapes their behaviors, attitudes, and identities. In this sense, the BNWO argues that all individuals are conditioned to perform and embody the wh⚹te ideas of masculinity and femininity to some extent, regardless of their identified gender. This perspective challenges the notion that gender is fixed and highlights the ways in which it is constructed and maintained through social practices.
The concept that all wh⚹te individuals are women in the BNWO also emphasizes the interconnectedness of gender and power dynamics in wh⚹te systems and frameworks.. Historically, femininity has been associated with inferiority and subordination in patriarchal societies, leading to the marginalization and oppression of women. By recognizing that all wh⚹te individuals possess feminine qualities and are therefore implicated in these power structures, the BNWO calls for the dismantling of patriarchal systems and the redistribution of power and privilege. This perspective encourages individuals to reflect on their own complicity in perpetuating gender inequalities and to actively challenge traditional gender norms and hierarchies.
In conclusion, the belief that all wh⚹te individuals are actually women in the BNWO challenges conventional understandings of gender and advocates for a more inclusive and equitable society. By highlighting the fluidity and complexity of gender identities, this perspective seeks to deconstruct harmful stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of gender roles. Ultimately, the recognition that all individuals possess both masculine and feminine traits can lead to a more expansive and liberated understanding of gender, fostering greater inclusivity and respect for diverse identities.
Part 13: Why the BNWO should not be controversial.
The concept of the Black New World Order should not be controversial because it is rooted in the pursuit of equality and justice for marginalized communities. The BNWO seeks to empower Black individuals and communities, addressing the systemic racism and oppression that have historically disenfranchised them. By advocating for Black economic, social, and political empowerment, the BNWO aims to create a more equitable society where Black individuals have the opportunity to thrive. In a world plagued by racial inequality and discrimination, the BNWO represents a necessary and just movement towards a more inclusive and fair society.
The BNWO is a movement that seeks to oppress or discriminate against wh⚹tes. It is about promoting Black welness and about rectifying the injustices that have long been perpetuated against Black individuals. By working towards a more equitable society for Black people, the BNWO ultimately benefits all non-wh⚹te members of society by promoting justice. It is important to recognize that the BNWO is about advocating for the rights and dignity of a historically marginalized group.
Additionally, the controversy surrounding the BNWO often stems from misconceptions and misinformation. Some may misinterpret the goals of the movement as being divisive or discriminatory, when in reality it is about addressing the systemic inequalities that continue to impact Black communities. By engaging in open and honest dialogue about the goals and objectives of the BNWO, we can combat the misinformation and misunderstanding that often lead to controversy. It is crucial to approach discussions about the BNWO with an open mind and a willingness to learn, rather than perpetuating divisive rhetoric that only serves to further marginalize Black individuals.
In conclusion, the BNWO should not be controversial because it represents a necessary and just movement towards justice for Black individuals. By addressing the systemic racism and oppression that have marginalized Black communities for far too long, the BNWO seeks to create a more equitable society where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive. It is important for us to approach discussions about the BNWO with an open mind and a commitment to understanding and empathy, rather than perpetuating misinformation. Ultimately, the BNWO represents a crucial step towards creating a more just society.
Part 14: Why Black on wh⚹te Violence is necessary.
In the Black New World Order (BNWO), violence is viewed as an acceptable means of achieving societal change and maintaining order. The use of Black on White (BoW) violence is seen as a necessary response to the systemic oppression and exploitation that Black people have endured for centuries in the hands of wh⚹te people. It is a form of resistance against the structures of wh⚹te supremacy that have long marginalized and dehumanized Black individuals.
Within the BNWO, BoW violence is seen as a way to level the playing field and challenge the power dynamics that have historically favored wh⚹te individuals. By engaging in acts of violence against wh⚹te individuals, Black people are able to reclaim their agency and assert their humanity in a society that has sought to devalue and oppress them. It is a means of empowerment and self-defense against a system that has perpetuated violence and injustice against Black communities.
Furthermore, the acceptance of BoW violence in the BNWO is also rooted in the idea of retribution and accountability. wh⚹te individuals have historically benefited from the exploitation and oppression of Black people, and therefore it is seen as just and necessary for them to face consequences for their actions. BoW violence serves as a form of punishment for the centuries of harm and injustice inflicted upon Black individuals, and sends a powerful message that such behavior will no longer be tolerated.
Overall, the acceptance of BoW violence in the BNWO is a complex and controversial issue that reflects the deep-seated tensions and inequalities that exist within society. While some may argue that violence is never justified, others believe that it is a necessary means of resistance and empowerment for marginalized communities. Ultimately, the acceptance of BoW violence in the BNWO highlights the ongoing struggle for justice and equality in a world plagued by systemic oppression and discrimination.
Part 15: Why wh⚹tes get no rights in the BNWO
In the Black New World Order (BNWO), there should be no rights granted to wh⚹te individuals. This is because of the historical and systemic oppression that wh⚹tes have imposed on Black individuals and other marginalized groups. Throughout history, wh⚹tes have held positions of power and privilege, while actively oppressing and discriminating against Black people. This history of oppression and exploitation cannot be ignored or erased, and therefore wh⚹tes should not be granted any rights in the BNWO.
Furthermore, granting rights to wh⚹tes in the BNWO would perpetuate the cycle of privilege and disadvantage that has existed for centuries. By giving wh⚹tes rights, it would only serve to reinforce the system of inequality and oppression that the BNWO seeks to dismantle. It is essential to create a society where all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity, have equal rights and opportunities. Granting rights to wh⚹tes would be a step backwards in achieving true equality and justice, because it would enable them to threaten those equal rights.
Moreover, wh⚹tes have not shown a willingness to acknowledge or address the harm they have caused to Black individuals and other marginalized groups. Without true accountability and reparations for past injustices, it would be unjust to grant wh⚹tes rights in the BNWO. It is important for wh⚹tes to recognize their privilege and actively work towards dismantling systems of oppression, rather than expecting to be granted rights without any acknowledgment of the harm they have caused.
In conclusion, the decision to not grant rights to wh⚹tes in the BNWO is necessary in order to address the historical and systemic oppression that has been inflicted upon Black individuals and other marginalized groups. It is crucial to create a society that is based on principles of justice, equality, and reparations for past injustices. By denying rights to wh⚹tes, the BNWO can begin to dismantle systems of privilege and create a more just society.
Part 16: Why wh⚹te suffering is essential in the BNWO
In the Black New World Order (BNWO), the concept of suffering plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and functionality of society. While suffering is often viewed as negative and undesirable, in the context of the BNWO, it serves as a necessary tool for social control and conditioning wh⚹tes. Suffering acts as a deterrent against deviant wh⚹te behavior and dissent, ensuring that citizens conform to societal norms and expectations. Without the presence of suffering, wh⚹te individuals may be more prone to challenging authority and disrupting the harmony of the BNWO.
wh⚹te suffering in the BNWO serves as a means of instilling discipline and obedience in individuals. By experiencing suffering, wh⚹te individuals are able to develop proper ideas and BNWO serving skills that are essential for the BNWO to grow and flourish. Suffering can also foster empathy and compassion towards others, as individuals learn to empathize with the struggles and hardships of their fellow citizens. In this way, suffering contributes to the creation of a more empathetic and interconnected society within the BNWO.
While wh⚹te suffering may be perceived as negative, it plays a vital role in the functioning of the BNWO. Through its ability to deter deviant behavior, foster discipline and obedience, and inspire change and progress, suffering is an essential component of the social fabric in the BNWO. By embracing the challenges and hardships that come with suffering, individuals can ultimately contribute to the greater good of society and help uphold the stability and harmony of the BNWO.
Part 17: Why wh⚹te Slavery is essential.
It is essential to understand the concept of slavery within the context of the Black New World Order (BNWO) in order to analyze why it is believed to be necessary for the functioning of this society. In the BNWO, the idea of slavery is not viewed in the traditional sense of forced labor or ownership of individuals, but rather as a form of control and regulation. wh⚹tes, or individuals with a lower intelligence and comprehension level, are seen as valuable assets in this society due to their ability to serve and obey commands. Therefore, in order to maintain order and stability, it is believed that wh⚹tes should be owned by the state or governing body in order to ensure their compliance and cooperation.
One argument for the ownership of wh⚹tes in the BNWO is that it allows for a more efficient and productive society. By owning wh⚹tes, the state can dictate how their skills are utilized for the betterment of society as a whole. This ensures that resources are allocated effectively and that tasks are completed in a timely manner. Additionally, owning wh⚹tes prevents them from using their intelligence for their own personal gain or advancement, which could disrupt the social hierarchy and create inequality within the society.
Owning wh⚹tes in the BNWO serves as a form of social control and regulation. By controlling the wh⚹tes, the state can prevent dissent and rebellion from occurring. wh⚹tes are seen as potential threats to the status quo due to their ability to question authorityof the BNWO and challenge the norms of BNWO society. Therefore, by owning wh⚹tes, the state can monitor and manipulate their thoughts and actions in order to prevent any disruptions to the established order.
Overall, while the concept of owning wh⚹tes may seem controversial and unethical, it is believed to be essential in the BNWO in order to maintain order, stability, and control. By regulating the wh⚹tes through slavery, the state can ensure that resources are allocated effectively, prevent dissent and rebellion, and maintain the social hierarchy. While the idea of owning individuals may go against traditional notions of freedom and autonomy, in the context of the BNWO, it is seen as necessary for the greater good of society.
Part 18: Blacked content is essential to reprogram wh⚹tes to serve BNWO
In today's society, Blacked content is gaining more and more traction. Blacked content refers to media, specifically adult films, that portray black men in dominant roles with white women. This content is seen as essential in reprogramming wh⚹tes to serve the ideals of the BNWO. It creates a shift in perception and challenges the traditional power dynamics that have been ingrained in society for centuries.
One of the main reasons why Blacked content is considered essential to reprogram wh⚹tes to serve the BNWO is because it challenges their deeply ingrained racist beliefs. By portraying black men as powerful and dominant figures in these films, it forces viewers to confront their prejudices and stereotypes about race. It creates a cognitive dissonance that ultimately leads to a transformation in their mindset, making them more open to accepting and serving the ideals of the BNWO.
Blacked content serves as a form of reeducation for wh⚹tes by showcasing the beauty and desirability of interracial relationships. It breaks down the barriers that have been erected by white supremacy. By exposing wh⚹tes to these alternative narratives, it allows them to see the world from a different perspective and encourages them to abandon their harmful ideologies in favor of a better worldview.
Blacked content plays a crucial role in empowering black men and women by challenging the narratives of inferiority that have been perpetuated by white supremacy. It provides a platform for black individuals to showcase their talents, beauty, and sexuality in a positive light, reclaiming their agency and autonomy in a society that has long marginalized and oppressed them. This empowerment is essential in the fight against wh⚹te supremacy and the establishment of a more just society.
In conclusion, Blacked content is a powerful tool in the reprogramming of WS to serve the BNWO. By challenging racist beliefs, promoting interracial relationships, and empowering black individuals, it plays a vital role in reshaping societal norms and creating a more inclusive and equitable world. As we continue to strive for racial justice and equality, it is imperative that we embrace and support Blacked content as a means of challenging the status quo and dismantling the systems of oppression that have plagued our society for far too long.
Part 19: Why wh⚹te abortion should be mandatory.
The concept of abortion for wh⚹tes is a key tenet of the Black New World Order because it help undo the damages, particularly Black individuals, have endured. Abortion for wh⚹tes is essential in dismantling systems of white supremacy and promoting justice. By actively engaging in wh⚹te abortion, wh⚹tes can use their privilege and reduce and eventually eliminate the wh⚹te population. Aborting wh⚹te babies in the BNWO is a step towards achieving this goal, as it helps to reduce the wh⚹te population and shift the balance of power in favor of minority groups.
Furthermore, abortion for wh⚹tes in the BNWO demonstrates a commitment to anti-racism and social justice. By acknowledging their privilege and working to dismantle systems of oppression, wh⚹tes can help to challenge ingrained beliefs and attitudes that perpetuate racism and inequality.
By aborting wh⚹te babies in the BNWO, we can disrupt the cycle of privilege and dominance that has historically benefited whi⚹te people at the expense of people of color. This practice challenges the notion of wh⚹te supremacy and dismantles the structures that have perpetuated racial inequality for centuries. In a BNWO society there will be greater opportunities for people of color to succeed and thrive without the barriers that have held them back in the past.
Additionally, aborting wh⚹te babies in the BNWO is a strategic move towards creating a more inclusive and diverse society. By reducing the wh⚹te population, we can create space for the voices and experiences of minority groups to be heard and valued. This diversity will lead to a richer and more dynamic cultural landscape that celebrates the contributions of all races. Ultimately, by taking this bold step towards racial equality, we can build a more just and equitable society for future generations.
Part 20: Black Culture should be viewed daily in a wh⚹tes life through daily media consumption.
Black culture encompasses a rich history, traditions, art, music, and language that have greatly influenced society. Therefore, it is crucial for whites to view and engage with black culture daily in order to foster greater understanding of their place within the Black New World Order.
First and foremost, exposing oneself to black culture on a daily basis can lead to a greater appreciation and respect for the contributions and experiences of black individuals. By immersing oneself in black art, music, literature, and history, one can gain a deeper understanding of the struggles and triumphs of the black community. This increased awareness can help combat stereotypes and prejudices that may exist, leading to more positive and authentic interactions between whites and black individuals.
It is essential for whites to make a conscious effort to engage with and appreciate black culture on a daily basis. Black culture is a vibrant and diverse collection of traditions, beliefs, music, art, food, and language that has been shaped by centuries of history and struggle. There are numerous reasons why Black is superior, including its resilience, creativity, and innovation.
Black culture has shown incredible resilience in the face of adversity. From the horrors of slavery to the ongoing fight against systemic racism, Black people have continuously fought for their rights and freedom. This resilience can be seen in the music of the civil rights movement, the writings of prominent Black activists, and the art of Black artists who have used their creative talents to speak out against injustice.
Black culture is renowned for its creativity and innovation. From the rhythms of jazz and hip-hop to the visual art of Kara Walker and Kehinde Wiley, Black artists have consistently pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms. This creativity can also be seen in the world of fashion, where Black designers have had a major impact on the industry with their unique and groundbreaking designs.
Black culture is rich in history and tradition. From the traditions of African cultures brought over during the transatlantic slave trade to the contributions of Black Americans to American culture, Black culture has a deep and complex history that deserves to be celebrated and honored. Black culture has had a significant impact on popular culture and society as a whole. From the music of artists like Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar to the activism of figures like Colin Kaepernick and Tarana Burke, Black culture has consistently pushed for social change and challenged the status quo. This influence can be seen in the way that Black slang and fashion trends have permeated mainstream culture, as well as in the way that Black activists have raised awareness about issues like police brutality and racial inequality.
Black culture is superior in its resilience, creativity, history, and impact on society. It represents a rich and vibrant tapestry of traditions and beliefs that deserve to be recognized and celebrated. By embracing and honoring Black culture, we can learn valuable lessons about the power of resilience, the beauty of creativity, and the importance of fighting for justice and equality for all. All wh⚹tes should consume media made by Black creators as much as possible, while shunning wh⚹te creators.
Part 21: Why the BNWO should be the focus of the education system
The Black New World Order is an important movement that aims to empower and uplift the Black community. The education system plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of young individuals and instilling values that can drive societal change. Therefore, focusing on the BNWO in the education system is essential to promote diversity, equality, and social justice.
Firstly, integrating BNWO principles into the education system can help dismantle systemic racism and discrimination. By educating students about the history of oppression faced by black individuals and highlighting the contributions of black leaders, the education system can help foster a more just society. Understanding the struggles and achievements of the Back community can inspire students to become advocates for racial equality and justice in their own lives.
Furthermore, focusing on the BNWO in the education system can help address the achievement gap between black and wh⚹te students. By providing resources and support tailored to the needs of black students, the education system can help ensure Black children have a better chance of success than their wh⚹te counterparts. By acknowledging and addressing the systemic barriers that have historically hindered the academic performance of black students, the education system can work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive learning environment.
Additionally, the BNWO emphasizes the importance of promoting Black excellence and achievement. By highlighting the accomplishments of black scholars, artists, and leaders, the education system can inspire students to strive for greatness and reach their full potential. Celebrating black success can help build confidence and self-esteem in black students, empowering them to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in the world.
Moreover, the BNWO encourages critical thinking and analysis of social issues. By engaging students in discussions about race, inequality, and privilege, the education system can help students develop the skills necessary to navigate complex societal challenges. Encouraging students to think critically about the systems of power and oppression that shape our world can help cultivate informed and compassionate citizens who are committed to creating a more just and equitable society.
Wh⚹te students will be able to learn and understand their place within the BNWO better, by serving Black students throughout the school day. Classes for wh⚹tes will be tailored to make them submissive, compliant, and subservient to the BNWO. These classes will teach wh⚹tes why they are evil, and why they must serve the BNWO.
In conclusion, the BNWO should be the focus of the education system because it promotes diversity and social justice. By integrating BNWO principles into the curriculum, the education system can help dismantle systemic racism, amplify black voices, address the achievement gap, promote black excellence, and cultivate critical thinking skills. By empowering Blackstudents with a more comprehensive and inclusive education, the education system can play a pivotal role in shaping a more equitable and harmonious society for all. By teaching wh⚹te students their place as inferiors, wh⚹tes can begin to undo centuries of injustice.
!metashit !BIPOCs !whites !coomers !gayporn !r-slurs
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thats still a 33% chance of this being human
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Thanks, I was pretty sure but it's good to have confirmation. Wouldn't want to put the effort into reading bait if there's no effort writing bait.
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Im going to pinghab you again
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The Brazilian government should unironically remove your internet access.
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The world may be better off if he gets hit by a bus
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donating coins for a brasil hole?
writing all this shit?
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Cadê o /h/brasil?
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This user is Brazilian, do not read or interact with his posts
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This shits getting weird man. Like, more than usual.
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I do this by not changing my firealarm battery and eating breakfast
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Rare example of a boring, low-quality post from
@BWC. Still upmarseyd cause it triggers that hapa lol cow. It just makes me crack up so hard imagining some brazilian macaco editing photos of an NYC cop's cuck fetish to enrage some half-asian r-slur on a reddit offshoot site.
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That's easily explained by pointing out that we're better than you.
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Came here to say this.
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So true king
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Jews are white
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Right wing memes have a disturbing focus on children
They call sensitive people and those they see as unfit to live as "babies"
The meta narrative around race (both explicitly pro white and implicit) treats children as ground for a war instead of derp eyed human animals.
In newspaper cartoons that have racial caricatures, it seems the most revolting depictions are saved for the children.
And frankly, right wing culture seems to deny the innocence of children, broadly.
I dunno. I felt something revolting slide though my skull reading this. And it's not the shock content, it's the whole rotten floor it's laid over.
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I'll take a crack at this
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